# DirectXMath https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXMath Release available for download on [GitHub](https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXMath/releases) ## Release History ### February 2024 (3.19) * Fix to address MinGW issue with ``__cpuid`` in cpuid.h vs. intrin.h * Additional updates for clang/LLVM and GNUC * Minor comment updates ### December 2023 (3.18b) * Hot-fix to address ``-Wunsafe-buffer-usage`` warnings from clang v16 * Hot-fix to address MinGW issue with ``__cpuid`` in cpuid.h vs. intrin.h * CMake project updates including pkg-config file generation ### December 2022 (3.18) * C++20 spaceship operators for XMFLOAT2, XMFLOAT3, etc. when building with ``/std:c++20 /Zc:_cplusplus`` * Improved conformance for ARM64 when using `/Zc:arm64-aliased-neon-types-` * Minor code review * CMake project updated to require 3.20 or later * Added Azure Dev Ops Pipeline YAML files ### May 2022 (3.17b) * Hot-fix to address ``-Wreserved-identifier`` warnings with clang v13 * C++20 spaceship operators for XMFLOAT2, XMFLOAT3, etc. when building with ``/std:c++20 /Zc:_cplusplus`` * Minor CMake project update ### January 2022 (3.17) * Added ColorsLinear namespace to DirectXColors.h with linear versions of .NET colors * Optimized the ``XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw(FromVector)`` functions * Fixed overread problem for 16bpp GPU types Load functions: * ``XMUNIBBLE4``, ``XMU555``, ``XMU565``, ``XMBYTEN2``, ``XMBYTE2``, ``XMUBYTEN2``, ``XMUBYTE2`` * ``XM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE`` updated for ARM/ARM64 targets to 128 bytes * A few comments added to improve IntelliSense experience * Conformance improvements for GNU compiler * Minor code cleanup ### January 2021 (3.16b) * Hot-fixes to resolve build breaks for clang/LLVM and GCC on ARM64 * ``XM_ALIGNED_DATA`` and ``XM_ALIGNED_STRUCT`` macros updated to use C++17 ``alignas`` when available ### December 2020 (3.16) * Added ``XMVectorLog10`` / ``XMVectorExp10`` * Added ``XMColorRGBToYUV_UHD`` / ``XMColorYUVToRGB_UHD`` for Rec. 2020 YUV * Added optional ``rhcoords`` parameter for BoundingFrustum ``CreateFromMatrix`` * Added use of Intel® Short Vector Matrix Library (SVML) supported by VS 2019 * Opt-in with ``_XM_SVML_INTRINSICS_``; opt-out with ``_XM_DISABLE_INTEL_SVML_`` * Fixed denorm handling for ``XMConvertFloatToHalf`` * Fixed flush (too small for denorm) handling for ``XMStoreFloat3PK`` * Fixed clamping bug in ``XMStoreByteN4`` * Cleaned up ARM-NEON intrinsics type issues for improved portability on GNUC * Fixed ``GXMVECTOR`` for x86 ``__vectorcall`` * Code review ### April 2020 (3.15) * Added ``XMMatrixVectorTensorProduct`` for creating a matrix from two vectors * Use of m256 registers and FMA3 with ``/arch:AVX2`` for stream and some matrix functions * Optimized load/stores for SSE2 float2 & float3 functions * Optimized some instruction choices for better AMD CPU support * Improved conformance for clang/LLVM, GCC, and MinGW compilers * Code review (``constexpr`` / ``noexcept`` usage) * Retired VS 2015 support ### August 2019 (3.14) * Added float control around IsNan functions to resolve issue with VS 2019 with ``/fp:fast`` * XMVerifyCPUSupport updated for clang/LLVM cpuid implementation on x86/x64 * Added support for clang/LLVM built-in platform defines as well as the MSVC ones * Cleaned up ARM-NEON intrinsics type issues for improved portability * Removed unneeded malloc.h include in DirectXMath.h * Whitespace cleanup ### July 2018 (3.13) * ``XMFLOAT3X4``, ``XMFLOAT3X4A``, and associated Load/Store functions * Move/copy constructors and assignment operators for C++ types * Minor fix for XMVectorClamp behavior with NaN * Fixed compilation warnings with VS 2017 (15.7 update), Intel C++ 18.0 compiler, and clang 6 * Retired VS 2013 support * Minor code cleanup ### February 2018 (3.12) * ARM64 use of fused multiply-accumulate intriniscs * Conformance fix for XMConvertFloatToHalf * Minor code cleanup ### June 2017 (3.11) * AVX optimization of XMMatrixMultiply and XMMatrixMultiplyTranspose * AVX2 optimization for XMVectorSplatX * FMA3 optimization of XMVectorMultiplyAdd and XMVectorNegativeMultiplySubtract (implied by /arch:AVX2) * Conformance fixes to support compilation with Clang 3.7 ### January 2017 (3.10) * Added XMVectorSum for horizontal adds * ARMv8 intrinsics use for ARM64 platform (division, rounding, half-precision conversion) * Added SSE3 codepaths using opt-in ``_XM_SSE3_INTRINSICS_`` * XMVectorRound fix for no-intrinsics to match round to nearest (even) * XMStoreFloat3SE fix when max channel isn't a perfect power of 2 * constexpr conformance fix and workaround for compiler bug in VS 2015 RTM * Remove support for VS 2012 compilers * Remove ``__vector4i`` deprecated type ### June 2016 (3.09) * Includes support for additional optimizations when built with /arch:AVX or /arch:AVX2 * Added use of constexpr for type constructors, XMConvertToRadians, and XMConvertToDegrees * Marked ``__vector4i``, ``XMXDEC4``, ``XMDECN4``, ``XMDEC4``, and associated Load & Store functions as deprecated. + These are vestiges of Xbox 360 support and will be removed in a future release * Renamed parameter in XMMatrixPerspectiveFov* to reduce user confusion when relying on IntelliSense * XMU565, XMUNIBBLE4 constructors take uint8_t instead of int8_t ### May 2016 * DirectXMath 3.08 released under the MIT license ### November 2015 (3.08) * Added use of ``_mm_sfence`` for Stream methods * Fixed bug with non-uniform scaling transforms for BoundingOrientedBox * Added asserts for Near/FarZ in XMMatrix* methods * Added use of ``=default`` for PODs with VS 2013/2015 * Additional SSE and ARM-NEON optimizations for PackedVector functions ### April 2015 (3.07) * Fix customer reported bugs in BoundingBox methods * Fix customer reported bug in XMStoreFloat3SE * Fix customer reported bug in XMVectorATan2, XMVectorATan2Est * Fix customer reported bug in XMVectorRound ### October 2013 (3.06) * Fixed load/store of XMFLOAT3SE to properly match the ``DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP`` * Added ``XMLoadUDecN4_XR`` and ``XMStoreUDecN4_XR`` to match ``DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM`` * Added ``XMColorRGBToSRGB`` and ``XMColorSRGBToRGB`` to convert linear RGB <-> sRGB ### July 2013 (3.05) * Use x86/x64 ``__vectorcall`` calling-convention when available (``XM_CALLCONV``, ``HXMVECTOR``, ``FXMMATRIX`` introduced) * Fixed bug with XMVectorFloor and XMVectorCeiling when given whole odd numbers (i.e. 105.0) * Improved XMVectorRound algorithm * ARM-NEON optimizations for XMVectorExp2, XMVectorLog2, XMVectorExpE, and XMVectorLogE * ARM-NEON code paths use multiply-by-scalar intrinsics when supported * Additional optimizations for ARM-NEON Stream functions * Fixed potential warning C4723 using ``operator/`` or ``operator/=`` ### March 2013 (3.04) * ``XMVectorExp2``, ``XMVectorLog2``, ``XMVectorExpE``, and ``XMVectorLogE`` functions added to provide base-e support in addition to the existing base-2 support * ``XMVectorExp`` and ``XMVectorLog`` are now aliases for XMVectorExp2 and XMVectorLog2 * Additional optimizations for Stream functions * XMVector3Cross now ensures w component is zero on ARM * XMConvertHalfToFloat and XMConvertFloatToHalf now use IEEE 754 standard float16 behavior for INF/QNAN * Updated matrix version Transform for BoundingOrientedBox and BoundingFrustum to handle scaling ### March 2012 (3.03) * *breaking change* Removed union members from XMMATRIX type to make it a fully 'opaque' type * Marked single-parameter C++ constructors for XMFLOAT2, XMFLOAT2A, XMFLOAT3, XMFLOAT3A, XMFLOAT4, and XMFLOAT4A explicit ### February 2012 (3.02) * ARM-NEON intrinsics (selected by default for the ARM platform) * Reworked XMVectorPermute, change of ``XM_PERMUTE_`` defines, removal of XMVectorPermuteControl * Addition of ``XM_SWIZZLE_`` defines * Optimizations for transcendental functions * Template forms for permute, swizzle, shift-left, rotate-left, rotation-right, and insert * Removal of deprecated types and functions + ``XM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE`` define, XMVectorExpEst, XMVectorLogEst, XMVectorPowEst, XMVectorSinHEs, XMVectorCosHEst, XMVectorTanHEst, XMVector2InBoundsR, XMVector3InBoundsR, XMVector4InBoundsR * Removed ``XM_STRICT_VECTOR4``; XMVECTOR in NO-INTRINSICS always defined without .x, .y, .z, .w, .v, or .u * Additional bounding types * SAL fixes and improvements ### September 2011 (3.00) * Renamed and reorganized the headers * Introduced C++ namespaces * Removed the Xbox 360-specific GPU types + HENDN3, XMHEND3, XMUHENDN3, XMUHEND3, XMDHENN3, XMDHEN3, XMUDHENN3, XMUDHEN3, XMXICON4, XMXICO4, XMICON4, XMICO4, XMUICON4, XMUICO4 ### July 2012 (XNAMath 2.05) * Template forms have been added for `XMVectorPermute`, `XMVectorSwizzle`, `XMVectorShiftLeft`, `XMVectorRotateLeft`, `XMVectorRotateRight`, and `XMVectorInsert` * The `XM_STRICT_XMMATRIX` compilation define has been added for opaque `XMMATRIX`. * Stream stride and count arguments have been changed to `size_t` * The ``pDeterminant`` parameter of `XMMatrixInverse` is now optional * Additional operator= overloads for `XMBYTEN4`, `XMBYTE4`, `XMUBYTEN4`, and `XMUBYTE4` types are now available ### February 2011 (XNAMath 2.04) * Addition of new data types and associated load-store functions: + `XMBYTEN2, XMBYTE2, XMUBYTEN2, XMUBYTE2` + `XMLoadByteN2, XMLoadByte2, XMLoadUByteN2, XMLoadUByte2` + `XMStoreByteN2, XMStoreByte2, XMStoreUByteN2, XMStoreUByte2` + `XMINT2, XMUINT2, XMINT3, XMUINT3, XMINT4, XMUINT4` + `XMLoadSInt2, XMLoadUInt2, XMLoadSInt3, XMLoadUInt3, XMLoadSInt4, XMLoadUInt4` + `XMStoreSInt2, XMStoreUInt2, XMStoreSInt3, XMStoreUInt3, XMStoreSInt4, XMStoreUInt4` * Marked most single-parameter C++ constructors with `explicit` keyword * Corrected range issues with SSE implementations of `XMVectorFloor` and `XMVectorCeiling` ### June 2010 (XNAMath 2.03) * Addition of ``XMVectorDivide`` to optimize SSE2 vector division operations * Unified handling of floating-point specials between the Windows SSE2 and no-intrinsics implementations * Use of Visual Studio style SAL annotations * Modifications to the C++ declarations for `XMFLOAT2A/3A/4A/4X3A/4X4A` to better support these types in C++ templates ### February 2010 (XNAMath 2.02) * Fixes to `XMStoreColor`, `XMQuaternionRotationMatrix`, `XMVectorATan2`, and `XMVectorATan2Est` ### August 2009 (XNAMath 2.01) * Adds ``XM_STRICT_VECTOR4``. This opt-in directive disallows the usage of XboxMath-like member accessors such as .x, .y, and .z. This makes it easier to write portable XNA Math code. * Added conversion support for the following Windows graphics formats: + 16-bit color formats (565, 555X, 5551) + 4-bits per channel color formats (4444) + Unique Direct3D 10/11 formats (``DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP`` and ``DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT``) ### March 2009 (XNAMath 2.00) * Initial release (based on the Xbox 360 Xbox math library)