# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. # # http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248926 # Builds the library with Xbox extensions using CMake. schedules: - cron: "0 4 * * *" displayName: 'Nightly build' branches: include: - main trigger: branches: include: - main paths: exclude: - '*.md' - LICENSE - '.github/*' - '.nuget/*' - build/*.cmd - build/*.json - build/*.props - build/*.ps1 - build/*.targets pr: branches: include: - main paths: exclude: - '*.md' - LICENSE - '.github/*' - '.nuget/*' - build/*.cmd - build/*.json - build/*.props - build/*.ps1 - build/*.targets drafts: false resources: repositories: - repository: self type: git ref: refs/heads/main name: $(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r) variables: Codeql.Enabled: false VS_GENERATOR: 'Visual Studio 16 2019' WIN10_SDK: '10.0.19041.0' EXTRACTED_FOLDER: $(ExtractedFolder) GDK_EDITION: $(GDKEditionNumber) URL_FEED: $(ADOFeedURL) GameDKLatest: '$(ExtractedFolder)\Microsoft.gdk.xbox.$(GDKEditionNumber)\native\$(GDKEditionNumber)\' skipNugetSecurityAnalysis: true # We explicitly call this task so we don't need it to be auto-injected pool: vmImage: windows-2019 jobs: - job: CMAKE_BUILD displayName: CMake using VS Generator steps: - checkout: self clean: true fetchTags: false - task: NuGetToolInstaller@1 displayName: 'Use NuGet' - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: 'Create nuget.config with single source' inputs: targetType: inline script: | $xml = @' '@ $xml | Set-Content -Path "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\NuGet.config" - task: NuGetCommand@2 # We have to use a nuget.config to provide the feed for the 'nuget install' option. displayName: 'NuGet set package source to ADO feed' inputs: command: custom arguments: sources add -Name xboxgdk -Source $(URL_FEED) -ConfigFile $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\NuGet.config - task: nuget-security-analysis@0 displayName: 'Secure Supply Chain Analysis' - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1 displayName: 'NuGet Auth' - task: NuGetCommand@2 displayName: NuGet install PGDK inputs: command: custom arguments: install -prerelease Microsoft.GDK.PC.$(GDK_EDITION) -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory $(EXTRACTED_FOLDER) - task: NuGetCommand@2 displayName: NuGet install GDKX inputs: command: custom arguments: install -prerelease Microsoft.GDK.Xbox.$(GDK_EDITION) -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory $(EXTRACTED_FOLDER) - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Config x64 (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: '-G "$(VS_GENERATOR)" -A x64 -B out -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=$(WIN10_SDK) -DBUILD_XBOX_EXTS_SCARLETT=ON -DBUILD_SAMPLE=OFF' - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Build x64 Debug (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out -v --config Debug - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Build x64 Release (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out -v --config RelWithDebInfo - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Config x64 (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: '-G "$(VS_GENERATOR)" -A x64 -T clangcl -B out2 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=$(WIN10_SDK) -DBUILD_XBOX_EXTS_SCARLETT=ON -DBUILD_SAMPLE=OFF' - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Build x64 Debug (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out2 -v --config Debug - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Build x64 Release (Xbox Series X|S)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out2 -v --config RelWithDebInfo - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Config x64 (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: '-G "$(VS_GENERATOR)" -A x64 -B out3 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=$(WIN10_SDK) -DBUILD_XBOX_EXTS_XBOXONE=ON -DBUILD_SAMPLE=OFF' - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Build x64 Debug (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out3 -v --config Debug - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (MSVC): Build x64 Release (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out3 -v --config RelWithDebInfo - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Config x64 (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: '-G "$(VS_GENERATOR)" -A x64 -T clangcl -B out4 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=$(WIN10_SDK) -DBUILD_XBOX_EXTS_XBOXONE=ON -DBUILD_SAMPLE=OFF' - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Build x64 Debug (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out4 -v --config Debug - task: CMake@1 displayName: 'CMake (ClangCl): Build x64 Release (Xbox One)' inputs: cwd: '' cmakeArgs: --build out4 -v --config RelWithDebInfo