2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include <far/topologyRefiner.h>
Osd API refactor: EvalStencils and EvalPatches
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
2015-05-26 04:51:55 +00:00
#include <far/patchMap.h>
#include <osd/types.h>
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
#include <iostream>
// In order to emphasize the dynamic nature of the EvalLimit API, where the
// locations can be arbitrarily updated before each evaluation, the glEvalLimit
// example treats each sample as a 'ST particle'.
// ST Particles are a simplified parametric-space particle dynamics simulation: each
// particle is assigned a location on the subdivision surface limit that is
// composed of a unique ptex face index, with a local (s,t) parametric pair.
2015-08-12 22:41:18 +00:00
// The system also generates an array of parametric velocities (ds, dt) for each
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
// particle. An Update() function then applies the velocities to the locations and
// moves the points along the parametric space.
// Face boundaries are managed using a ptex adjacency table obtained from the
// Far::TopologyRefiner. Every time a particle moves outside of the [0.0f, 1.0f]
// parametric range, a 'warp' function moves it to the neighboring face, or
// bounces it, if the edge happens to be a boundary.
// Note: currently the adjacency code does not handle 'diagonal' crossings, nor
2015-08-12 22:41:18 +00:00
// crossings between quad and non-quad faces.
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
class STParticles {
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
/// \brief Coordinates set on a limit surface
struct Position {
Position() { }
/// \brief Constructor
/// @param f Ptex face id
/// @param x parametric location on face
/// @param y parametric location on face
Position(int f, float x, float y) : ptexIndex(f), s(x), t(y) { }
int ptexIndex; ///< ptex face index
float s, t; ///< parametric location on face
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
// Topology adjacency (borrowed from Ptexture.h)
struct FaceInfo {
enum { flag_subface = 8 };
FaceInfo() : adjedges(0), flags(0) {
adjfaces[0] = adjfaces[1] = adjfaces[2] = adjfaces[3] = -1;
FaceInfo(int adjfaces_[4], int adjedges_[4], bool isSubface=false) :
flags(isSubface ? flag_subface : 0) {
setadjfaces(adjfaces_[0], adjfaces_[1], adjfaces_[2], adjfaces_[3]);
setadjedges(adjedges_[0], adjedges_[1], adjedges_[2], adjedges_[3]);
void setadjfaces(int f0, int f1, int f2, int f3) {
adjfaces[0] = f0;
adjfaces[1] = f1;
adjfaces[2] = f2;
adjfaces[3] = f3;
void setadjedges(int e0, int e1, int e2, int e3) {
adjedges = (e0&3) | ((e1&3)<<2) | ((e2&3)<<4) | ((e3&3)<<6);
int adjface(int eid) const { return adjfaces[eid]; }
int adjedge(int eid) const { return int((adjedges >> (2*eid)) & 3); }
bool isSubface() const { return (flags & flag_subface) != 0; }
unsigned int adjedges :8,
flags :8;
int adjfaces[4];
Osd API refactor: EvalStencils and EvalPatches
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
2015-05-26 04:51:55 +00:00
typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner Refiner;
typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTable PatchTable;
STParticles(Refiner const & refiner, PatchTable const *patchTable,
int nparticles, bool centered=false);
void Update(float deltaTime);
int GetNumParticles() const {
return (int)_positions.size();
void SetSpeed(float speed) {
_speed = std::max(-1.0f, std::min(1.0f, speed));
float GetSpeed() const {
return _speed;
std::vector<Position> & GetPositions() {
return _positions;
std::vector<float> & GetVelocities() {
return _velocities;
2015-07-21 00:13:51 +00:00
std::vector<OpenSubdiv::Osd::PatchCoord> GetPatchCoords() const {
Osd API refactor: EvalStencils and EvalPatches
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
2015-05-26 04:51:55 +00:00
return _patchCoords;
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, STParticles const & f);
// Particle "Dynamics"
std::vector<Position> _positions;
std::vector<float> _velocities;
std::vector<OpenSubdiv::Osd::PatchCoord> _patchCoords;
float _speed; // velocity multiplier
2019-01-26 03:31:26 +00:00
int _regFaceSize;
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, FaceInfo const & f);
Osd API refactor: EvalStencils and EvalPatches
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
2015-05-26 04:51:55 +00:00
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
std::vector<FaceInfo> _adjacency;
Osd API refactor: EvalStencils and EvalPatches
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
2015-05-26 04:51:55 +00:00
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchMap const *_patchMap;
2014-10-01 01:53:47 +00:00
#endif // ST_PARTICLES_H