
357 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/topologyRefinerFactory.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#if _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// Methods for the Factory base class -- general enough to warrant including in
// the base class rather than the subclass template (and so replicated for each
// usage)
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::validateComponentTopologySizing(TopologyRefiner& refiner) {
Vtr::Level& baseLevel = refiner.getBaseLevel();
int vCount = baseLevel.getNumVertices();
int eCount = baseLevel.getNumEdges();
int fCount = baseLevel.getNumFaces();
assert((vCount > 0) && (fCount > 0));
// This still needs a little work -- currently we are assuming all counts and offsets
// have been assigned, but eventually only the counts will be assigined (in arbitrary
// order) and we will need to accumulate the offsets to get the total sizes. That
// will require new methods on Vtr::Level -- we do not want direct member access here.
int fVertCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fCount; ++i) {
fVertCount += baseLevel.getNumFaceVertices(i);
assert(baseLevel.getNumFaceVerticesTotal() > 0);
if (eCount > 0) {
baseLevel.resizeEdgeFaces( baseLevel.getNumEdgeFaces(eCount-1) + baseLevel.getOffsetOfEdgeFaces(eCount-1));
baseLevel.resizeVertexFaces(baseLevel.getNumVertexFaces(vCount-1) + baseLevel.getOffsetOfVertexFaces(vCount-1));
baseLevel.resizeVertexEdges(baseLevel.getNumVertexEdges(vCount-1) + baseLevel.getOffsetOfVertexEdges(vCount-1));
assert(baseLevel.getNumFaceEdgesTotal() > 0);
assert(baseLevel.getNumEdgeVerticesTotal() > 0);
assert(baseLevel.getNumEdgeFacesTotal() > 0);
assert(baseLevel.getNumVertexFacesTotal() > 0);
assert(baseLevel.getNumVertexEdgesTotal() > 0);
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::validateVertexComponentTopologyAssignment(TopologyRefiner& refiner, char * msg) {
Vtr::Level& baseLevel = refiner.getBaseLevel();
// In future we may want the ability to complete aspects of the topology that are incovenient
// for clients to specify, e.g. the local indices associated with some relations, orienting
// the vertex relations, etc. For the near term we'll be assuming only face-vertices have
// been specified and the absence of edges will trigger the construction of everything else:
bool completeMissingTopology = (baseLevel.getNumEdges() == 0);
if (completeMissingTopology) {
// Need to invoke some Vtr::Level method to "fill in" the missing topology...
bool applyValidation = false;
if (applyValidation) {
if (not baseLevel.validateTopology()) {
snprintf(msg, 1024, "Invalid topology detected in TopologyRefinerFactory (%s)\n",
completeMissingTopology ? "partially specified and completed" : "fully specified");
return false;
return true;
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::validateFaceVaryingComponentTopologyAssignment(TopologyRefiner& refiner) {
for (int channel=0; channel<refiner.GetNumFVarChannels(); ++channel) {
// This method combines the initialization of component tags with the sharpening of edges and
// vertices according to the given boundary interpolation rule in the Options. Since both
// involve traversing the edge and vertex lists and noting the presence of boundaries -- best
// to do both at once...
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::applyComponentTagsAndBoundarySharpness(TopologyRefiner& refiner) {
Vtr::Level& baseLevel = refiner.getBaseLevel();
assert((int)baseLevel._edgeTags.size() == baseLevel.getNumEdges());
assert((int)baseLevel._vertTags.size() == baseLevel.getNumVertices());
assert((int)baseLevel._faceTags.size() == baseLevel.getNumFaces());
Sdc::Options options = refiner.GetSchemeOptions();
Sdc::Crease creasing(options);
bool sharpenCornerVerts = (options.GetVVarBoundaryInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER);
bool sharpenNonManFeatures = (options.GetNonManifoldInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::NON_MANIFOLD_SHARP);
// Process the Edge tags first, as Vertex tags (notably the Rule) are dependent on
// properties of their incident edges.
for (Vtr::Index eIndex = 0; eIndex < baseLevel.getNumEdges(); ++eIndex) {
Vtr::Level::ETag& eTag = baseLevel._edgeTags[eIndex];
float& eSharpness = baseLevel._edgeSharpness[eIndex];
eTag._boundary = (baseLevel._edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[eIndex*2 + 0] < 2);
if (eTag._boundary || (eTag._nonManifold && sharpenNonManFeatures)) {
eSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;
eTag._infSharp = Sdc::Crease::IsInfinite(eSharpness);
eTag._semiSharp = Sdc::Crease::IsSharp(eSharpness) && !eTag._infSharp;
// Process the Vertex tags now -- for some tags (semi-sharp and its rule) we need
// to inspect all incident edges:
int schemeRegularBoundaryValence = 2;
int schemeRegularInteriorValence = 4;
if (refiner.GetSchemeType() == Sdc::TYPE_LOOP) {
schemeRegularBoundaryValence = 3;
schemeRegularInteriorValence = 6;
for (Vtr::Index vIndex = 0; vIndex < baseLevel.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
Vtr::Level::VTag& vTag = baseLevel._vertTags[vIndex];
float& vSharpness = baseLevel._vertSharpness[vIndex];
Vtr::IndexArray const vEdges = baseLevel.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
Vtr::IndexArray const vFaces = baseLevel.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
// Take inventory of properties of incident edges that affect this vertex:
int infSharpEdgeCount = 0;
int semiSharpEdgeCount = 0;
int nonManifoldEdgeCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Level::ETag const& eTag = baseLevel._edgeTags[vEdges[i]];
infSharpEdgeCount += eTag._infSharp;
semiSharpEdgeCount += eTag._semiSharp;
nonManifoldEdgeCount += eTag._nonManifold;
int sharpEdgeCount = infSharpEdgeCount + semiSharpEdgeCount;
// Sharpen the vertex before using it in conjunction with incident edge
// properties to determine the semi-sharp tag and rule:
bool isCorner = (vFaces.size() == 1) && (vEdges.size() == 2);
if (isCorner && sharpenCornerVerts) {
vSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;
} else if (vTag._nonManifold && sharpenNonManFeatures) {
// Don't sharpen the vertex if a non-manifold crease:
if (nonManifoldEdgeCount != 2) {
vSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;
vTag._infSharp = Sdc::Crease::IsInfinite(vSharpness);
vTag._semiSharp = Sdc::Crease::IsSemiSharp(vSharpness) || (semiSharpEdgeCount > 0);
vTag._rule = (Vtr::Level::VTag::VTagSize)creasing.DetermineVertexVertexRule(vSharpness, sharpEdgeCount);
// Assign topological tags -- note that the "xordinary" (or conversely a "regular")
// tag is still being considered, but regardless, it depends on the Sdc::Scheme...
vTag._boundary = (vFaces.size() < vEdges.size());
if (isCorner) {
vTag._xordinary = !sharpenCornerVerts;
} else if (vTag._boundary) {
vTag._xordinary = (vFaces.size() != schemeRegularBoundaryValence);
} else {
vTag._xordinary = (vFaces.size() != schemeRegularInteriorValence);
vTag._incomplete = 0;
// Anything more to be done with Face tags? (eventually when processing edits perhaps)
// for (Vtr::Index fIndex = 0; fIndex < baseLevel.getNumFaces(); ++fIndex) {
// }
// Specialization for raw topology data
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc) {
for (int face=0; face<desc.numFaces; ++face) {
refiner.setNumBaseFaceVertices(face, desc.vertsPerFace[face]);
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc) {
for (int face=0, idx=0; face<desc.numFaces; ++face) {
IndexArray dstFaceVerts = refiner.setBaseFaceVertices(face);
for (int vert=0; vert<dstFaceVerts.size(); ++vert) {
dstFaceVerts[vert] = desc.vertIndices[idx++];
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc) {
if (desc.numFVarChannels>0) {
for (int channel=0; channel<desc.numFVarChannels; ++channel) {
int channelSize = desc.fvarChannels[channel].numValues;
int const* channelIndices = desc.fvarChannels[channel].valueIndices;
#if defined(DEBUG) or defined(_DEBUG)
int channelIndex = refiner.createFVarChannel(channelSize);
assert(channelIndex == channel);
for (int face=0, idx=0; face<desc.numFaces; ++face) {
IndexArray dstFaceValues = refiner.getBaseFVarFaceValues(face, channel);
for (int vert=0; vert<dstFaceValues.size(); ++vert) {
dstFaceValues[vert] = channelIndices[idx++];
template <>
TopologyRefiner & refiner, TopologyDescriptor const & desc) {
if ((desc.numCreases>0) and desc.creaseVertexIndexPairs and desc.creaseWeights) {
int const * vertIndexPairs = desc.creaseVertexIndexPairs;
for (int edge=0; edge<desc.numCreases; ++edge, vertIndexPairs+=2) {
Index idx = refiner.FindEdge(0, vertIndexPairs[0], vertIndexPairs[1]);
if (idx!=Vtr::INDEX_INVALID) {
refiner.baseEdgeSharpness(idx) = desc.creaseWeights[edge];
} else {
char msg[1024];
snprintf(msg, 1024, "Edge %d specified to be sharp does not exist (%d, %d)",
edge, vertIndexPairs[0], vertIndexPairs[1]);
reportInvalidTopology(msg, desc);
if ((desc.numCorners>0) and desc.cornerVertexIndices and desc.cornerWeights) {
for (int vert=0; vert<desc.numCorners; ++vert) {
int idx = desc.cornerVertexIndices[vert];
if (idx > 0 and idx < refiner.GetNumVertices(0)) {
refiner.baseVertexSharpness(idx) = desc.cornerWeights[vert];
} else {
char msg[1024];
snprintf(msg, 1024, "Vertex %d specified to be sharp does not exist", idx);
reportInvalidTopology(msg, desc);
if (desc.numHoles>0) {
for (int i=0; i<desc.numHoles; ++i) {
refiner.setBaseFaceHole(desc.holeIndices[i], true);
template <>
char const * msg, TopologyDescriptor const& mesh) {
reportInvalidTopology(msg, mesh);
TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::TopologyDescriptor::TopologyDescriptor() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(TopologyDescriptor));
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv