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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Vertex stencil descriptor
/// Allows access and manipulation of a single stencil in a StencilTables.
class Stencil {
/// \brief Default constructor
Stencil() {}
/// \brief Constructor
/// @param size Table pointer to the size of the stencil
/// @param indices Table pointer to the vertex indices of the stencil
/// @param weights Table pointer to the vertex weights of the stencil
Stencil(unsigned char * size,
Index * indices,
float * weights)
: _size(size),
_weights(weights) {
/// \brief Copy constructor
Stencil(Stencil const & other) {
_size = other._size;
_indices = other._indices;
_weights = other._weights;
/// \brief Returns the size of the stencil
int GetSize() const {
return *_size;
/// \brief Returns the size of the stencil as a pointer
unsigned char * GetSizePtr() const {
return _size;
/// \brief Returns the control vertices indices
Index const * GetVertexIndices() const {
return _indices;
/// \brief Returns the interpolation weights
float const * GetWeights() const {
return _weights;
/// \brief Advance to the next stencil in the table
void Next() {
int stride = *_size;
_indices += stride;
_weights += stride;
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
friend class EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory;
friend class EndCapRegularPatchFactory;
unsigned char * _size;
Index * _indices;
float * _weights;
/// \brief Table of subdivision stencils.
/// Stencils are the most direct methods of evaluation of locations on the limit
/// of a surface. Every point of a limit surface can be computed by linearly
/// blending a collection of coarse control vertices.
/// A stencil assigns a series of control vertex indices with a blending weight
/// that corresponds to a unique parametric location of the limit surface. When
/// the control vertices move in space, the limit location can be very efficiently
/// recomputed simply by applying the blending weights to the series of coarse
/// control vertices.
class StencilTables {
/// \brief Returns the number of stencils in the table
int GetNumStencils() const {
return (int)_sizes.size();
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices indexed in the table
int GetNumControlVertices() const {
return _numControlVertices;
/// \brief Returns a Stencil at index i in the tables
Stencil GetStencil(Index i) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices of each stencil in the table
std::vector<unsigned char> const & GetSizes() const {
return _sizes;
/// \brief Returns the offset to a given stencil (factory may leave empty)
std::vector<Index> const & GetOffsets() const {
return _offsets;
/// \brief Returns the indices of the control vertices
std::vector<Index> const & GetControlIndices() const {
return _indices;
/// \brief Returns the stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetWeights() const {
return _weights;
/// \brief Returns the stencil at index i in the tables
Stencil operator[] (Index index) const;
/// \brief Updates point values based on the control values
/// \note The destination buffers are assumed to have allocated at least
/// \c GetNumStencils() elements.
/// @param controlValues Buffer with primvar data for the control vertices
/// @param values Destination buffer for the interpolated primvar
/// data
/// @param start (skip to )index of first value to update
/// @param end Index of last value to update
template <class T>
void UpdateValues(T const *controlValues, T *values, Index start=-1, Index end=-1) const {
update(controlValues, values, _weights, start, end);
/// \brief Clears the stencils from the table
void Clear() {
2015-02-05 06:33:32 +00:00
// Update values by applying cached stencil weights to new control values
template <class T> void update( T const *controlValues, T *values,
std::vector<float> const & valueWeights, Index start, Index end) const;
// Populate the offsets table from the stencil sizes in _sizes (factory helper)
void generateOffsets();
// Resize the table arrays (factory helper)
void resize(int nstencils, int nelems);
StencilTables() : _numControlVertices(0) {}
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory;
friend class EndCapRegularPatchFactory;
int _numControlVertices; // number of control vertices
std::vector<unsigned char> _sizes; // number of coeffiecient for each stencil
std::vector<Index> _offsets, // offset to the start of each stencil
_indices; // indices of contributing coarse vertices
std::vector<float> _weights; // stencil weight coefficients
/// \brief Limit point stencil descriptor
class LimitStencil : public Stencil {
/// \brief Constructor
/// @param size Table pointer to the size of the stencil
/// @param indices Table pointer to the vertex indices of the stencil
/// @param weights Table pointer to the vertex weights of the stencil
/// @param duWeights Table pointer to the 'u' derivative weights
/// @param dvWeights Table pointer to the 'v' derivative weights
LimitStencil( unsigned char * size,
Index * indices,
float * weights,
float * duWeights,
float * dvWeights )
: Stencil(size, indices, weights),
_dvWeights(dvWeights) {
/// \brief
float const * GetDuWeights() const {
return _duWeights;
/// \brief
float const * GetDvWeights() const {
return _dvWeights;
/// \brief Advance to the next stencil in the table
void Next() {
int stride = *_size;
_indices += stride;
_weights += stride;
_duWeights += stride;
_dvWeights += stride;
friend class StencilTablesFactory;
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
float * _duWeights, // pointer to stencil u derivative limit weights
* _dvWeights; // pointer to stencil v derivative limit weights
/// \brief Table of limit subdivision stencils.
class LimitStencilTables : public StencilTables {
/// \brief Returns the 'u' derivative stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetDuWeights() const {
return _duWeights;
/// \brief Returns the 'v' derivative stencil interpolation weights
std::vector<float> const & GetDvWeights() const {
return _dvWeights;
/// \brief Updates derivative values based on the control values
/// \note The destination buffers ('uderivs' & 'vderivs') are assumed to
/// have allocated at least \c GetNumStencils() elements.
/// @param controlValues Buffer with primvar data for the control vertices
/// @param uderivs Destination buffer for the interpolated 'u'
/// derivative primvar data
/// @param vderivs Destination buffer for the interpolated 'v'
/// derivative primvar data
/// @param start (skip to )index of first value to update
/// @param end Index of last value to update
template <class T>
void UpdateDerivs(T const *controlValues, T *uderivs, T *vderivs,
int start=-1, int end=-1) const {
update(controlValues, uderivs, _duWeights, start, end);
update(controlValues, vderivs, _dvWeights, start, end);
/// \brief Clears the stencils from the table
void Clear() {
friend class LimitStencilTablesFactory;
// Resize the table arrays (factory helper)
void resize(int nstencils, int nelems);
std::vector<float> _duWeights, // u derivative limit stencil weights
_dvWeights; // v derivative limit stencil weights
// Update values by appling cached stencil weights to new control values
template <class T> void
StencilTables::update(T const *controlValues, T *values,
std::vector<float> const &valueWeights, Index start, Index end) const {
unsigned char const * sizes = &;
Index const * indices = &;
float const * weights = &;
if (start>0) {
sizes += start;
indices += _offsets[start];
weights += _offsets[start];
values += start;
if (end<start or end<0) {
end = GetNumStencils();
int nstencils = end - std::max(0, start);
for (int i=0; i<nstencils; ++i, ++sizes) {
// Zero out the result accumulators
// For each element in the array, add the coefs contribution
for (int j=0; j<*sizes; ++j, ++indices, ++weights) {
values[i].AddWithWeight( controlValues[*indices], *weights );
inline void
StencilTables::generateOffsets() {
Index offset=0;
int noffsets = (int)_sizes.size();
for (int i=0; i<(int)_sizes.size(); ++i ) {
inline void
StencilTables::resize(int nstencils, int nelems) {
// Returns a Stencil at index i in the table
inline Stencil
StencilTables::GetStencil(Index i) const {
assert((not _offsets.empty()) and i<(int)_offsets.size());
Index ofs = _offsets[i];
return Stencil( const_cast<unsigned char *>(&_sizes[i]),
const_cast<Index *>(&_indices[ofs]),
const_cast<float *>(&_weights[ofs]) );
inline Stencil
StencilTables::operator[] (Index index) const {
return GetStencil(index);
inline void
LimitStencilTables::resize(int nstencils, int nelems) {
StencilTables::resize(nstencils, nelems);
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv