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synced 2024-11-24 12:30:17 +00:00
Added more content to the docs for porting and compatibility
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,8 +34,181 @@ code to use OpenSubdiv 3.0.
**NOTE:** If your questions are not answered here, please contact us on the
OpenSubdiv forum and we will be happy to help!
Far and Hbr Layer Translation
Hbr Layer Translation
With HbrMesh having been the source of a number of functional and performance
issues, client mesh topology is now translated into an instance of the new
TopologyRefiner class in the Far level.
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OpenSubdiv 2.x OpenSubdiv 3.0
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HbrMesh<VTX_TYPE> Far::TopologyRefiner
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The Far::TopologyRefiner is now the core representation of topology from which
all other major classes in Far and Osd are constructed. It was designed to
support efficient refinement (uniform or sparse) of a base mesh of arbitrary
topology (no manifold restrictions). Once constructed it can be directly
refined to meet some need, or passed to other contexts that will refine it to
meet their needs.
In contrast to directly assembling an HbrMesh, the TopologyRefiner, like other
classes in Far, requires a Factory class for its construction. One of the
early goals of these factories was to allow a client to convert their existing
boundary representation -- with its full topological traversal abilities --
directly into the TopologyRefiners representation. While this is now possible,
this also represents the most complex construction process and is only
recommended for usage where this conversion process is critical.
There are three ways to construct a TopologyRefiner -- ranging from the very
simple but less optimal to the more complex just noted. The first involves
use of a predefined factory class provided in Far, while the others require
writing custom factories, i.e. Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>. These are
typically stateless factories with a static Create() method that will be used
to instantiate a new TopologyRefiner. All three are illustrated in either
tutorials or examples as noted in the subsections that follow.
Its worth a reminder here that Far::TopologyRefiner contains only topological
information (which does include sharpness, since that is considered relating
to subdivision topology) and not the positions or other data associated with
a mesh. While HbrMesh<T> required some definition of a vertex type <T> and
dimensions of face-varying data, TopologyRefiner is more clearly separated
from the data. So the construction of the TopologyRefiner does not involve
data specification at all.
Subdivision Schemes and Options
Before detailing the topology conversion, since the creation of a new
TopologyRefiner requires specification of a subdivision scheme and a set of
options that are applicable to all schemes. With HbrMesh, the scheme was
specified by declaring a static instance of a specific subclass of a
subdivision object, while the options were specified with a number of
methods on the different classes.
Such general information about the schemes has now been encapsulated in the
Sdc layer for use throughout OpenSubdiv. The subdivision scheme is now a
simple enumerated type (Sdc::SchemeType) and the entire set of options that
can be applied to a scheme is encapsulated in a single simple struct of
flags and enumerated types (Sdc::Options).
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OpenSubdiv 2.x OpenSubdiv 3.0
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HbrMesh<T>::SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod() Sdc::Options::SetVtxBoundaryInterpolation()
HbrMesh<T>::SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod() Sdc::Options::SetFVarLinearInterpolation()
HbrSubdivision<T>::SetCreaseSubdivisionMethod() Sdc::Options::SetCreasingMethod()
=============================================== ===========================================
Regardless of the three construction choices outlined below, the specification
of both the scheme and all options related to it is the same.
Specifying Face Varying Topology
(Just a place holder for now -- more to come...)
Factories to Build Far::TopologyRefiners
Here we outline the three approaches for converting mesh topology into the
required Far::TopologyRefiner. Additional documentation is provided with
the Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH> class template used by all, and each
has a concrete example provided in one of the tutorials or in the Far code
itself. Please contact the OpenSubdiv forum if questions are not answered
here or in the other documentation and examples cited.
1) Use the Far::TopologyDescriptor
Far::TopologyDescriptor is a simple struct that can be initialized to refer
to raw mesh topology information -- primarily a face-vertex list -- and then
passed to a provided factory class to create a TopologyRefiner from each.
The minimum information required is typical of what many mesh construction
tools require: the number of vertices and faces, the number of vertices per
face, and the complete set of face-vertices for all faces.
Almost all of the Far tutorials (i.e. tutorials/far/tutorial_*) illustrate
use of the TopologyDescriptor and its factory for creating TopologyRefiners,
i.e. TopologyRefinerFactory<TopologyDescriptor>.
For situations when users have raw mesh data and have not yet constructed a
boundary representation of their own, it is hoped that this will suffice.
Options have even been provided to indicate that raw topology information
has been defined in a left-hand winding order and the factory will handle
the conversion to right-hand (counter-clockwise) winding on-the-fly to avoid
unnecessary data duplication.
2) Custom Factory for Face Vertices
If the nature of the TopologyDescriptor's data expectations is not helpful,
and so conversion to large temporary arrays would be necessary to properly
make use of it, it may be worth writing a custom factory.
There are two ways to write such a factory: provide only the face-vertex
information for topology and let the factory infer all edges and other
relationships, or provide the complete edge list and all other topological
relationships directly. The latter is considerably more involved and
described in a following section.
The definition of TopologyRefinerFactory<TopologyDescriptor> provides a clear
and complete example of constructing a TopologyRefiner with minimal topology
information, i.e. the face-vertex list. The class template
TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH> documents the needs here and the
TopologyDescriptor instantiation and specialization should illustrate that.
3) Custom Factory for Direct Conversion
This is not recommended as an introduction to 3.0. It is recommended that
one of the previous two methods initially be used to convert your mesh
topology into a TopologyRefiner and get other aspects of 3.0 working first.
If the conversion performance is critical, or significant enough to warrant
improvement, then its worth writing a factory for full topological conversion.
Documentation for Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH> outlines the requirements
and a Far tutorial (tutorials/far/tutorial_1) provides an example of a factory
for directly converting HbrMeshes to TopologyRefiners.
This approach requires dealing directly with edges, unlike the other two. In
order to convert edges into a TopologyRefiner's representation, the edges need
to be expressed as a collection of some size N -- each of which is referred to
directly by indices [0,N-1]. This can be awkward for representations such as
half-edge or quad-edge that do not treat the instance of an edge uniquely.
Particular care is also necessary when representing non-manifold features. The
previous two approaches will construct non-manifold features as required from
the face-vertex list -- dealing with degenerate edges and other non-manifold
features as encountered. When directly translating full topology it is
necessary to tag non-manifold features, and also to ensure that certain
edge relationships are satisfied in their presence. More details are
available with the assembly methods of the factory class template.
The factory does provide run-time validation on the topology constructed that
can be used for debugging purposes.
Far Layer Translation
(More to be said here -- a place holder for now...)
While TopologyRefiner was introduced into Far as the new intermediate
topology representation, several other changes were made to classes in Far
to provide more modular building blocks for use by the Osd layer or directly.
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OpenSubdiv 2.x OpenSubdiv 3.0
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FarMesh<U> N/A, no longer needed
FarSubdivisionTables Far::StencilTable
FarPatchTables Far::PatchTable
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Osd Layer Translation
Reference in New Issue
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