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synced 2025-01-05 06:21:07 +00:00
Added new sections to the Bfr Overview page:
- new section for SurfaceFactory caching and thread-safety - new section for deriving subclasses of SurfaceFactory
This commit is contained in:
@ -678,16 +678,201 @@ tessellation to be reused.
More on Bfr::SurfaceFactory
The primary function of Bfr::SurfaceFactory is to identify and construct
a representation of the limit surface for a given face of a mesh. It achieves
this by inspecting the topology around the given face and constructing a
suitable representation encapsulated in a Surface.
Work in progress -- topics to include:
The regions around a face can be divided into two categories based on their
topology: those that are "regular" and those that are not, i.e. those that
are "irregular". Recalling the illustration from `Irregular versus Irregular
Features <subdivision_surfaces.html#regular-versus-irregular-features>`__:
* Bfr::RefinerSurfaceFactory as an example
* Bfr::SurfaceFactoryCache and its thread-safety
* thread-safe declaration and usage of SurfaceFactory
* using an external SurfaceFactoryCache with multiple meshes
| .. image:: images/val6_regular.jpg | .. image:: images/val6_irregular.jpg |
| :align: center | :align: center |
| :width: 100% | :width: 100% |
| :target: images/val6_regular.jpg | :target: images/val6_irregular.jpg |
| Patches of regular Surfaces | Potential patches of irregular Surfaces |
* serial
* parallel
The representation of the limit surface for regular regions is trivial --
it is a single parametric patch whose basis is determined by the subdivision
scheme (e.g. uniform bicubic B-spline for Catmull-Clark). In contrast, the
representation of the limit surface for an irregular region cannot be
accurately represented so simply. It can be far more complex depending on the
features present (extra-ordinary vertices, creasing of edges, etc.). It may
be as simple as a different kind of parametric patch whose points are
derived from those of the mesh, or it may often be a set of patches in a
hierarchy resulting from local subdivision. (*Bfr* intentionally hides the
details of these representations to allow future improvement.)
The cost of determining and assembling the representations of irregular
Surfaces is therefore often significant. Some of the performance benefits of
the SurfaceFactory are achieved by having it cache the complexities of the
irregular surfaces that it encounters.
In many common use cases, awareness and management of this caching is not
necessary (as illustrated by the tutorials). But the thread-safe construction
of Surfaces is one area where some awareness is required. Other use cases
that share the cache between meshes are also worth exploring as they can
further reduce potentially significant costs.
The SurfaceFactoryCache is the class used by SurfaceFactory to cache the
topological information that it can reuse for other similarly irregular
faces of the mesh. Though it is a publicly accessible class, the
SurfaceFactoryCache has little to no public interface other than construction
(made available to support more advanced cases covered later) and in most
cases it can be completely ignored.
Typically an instance of SurfaceFactory has an internal SurfaceFactoryCache
member which is used by that factory for its lifetime. Since that cache member
is mutable -- potentially updated when an irregular Surface is created -- it
does need to be thread-safe if the SurfaceFactory is to be used in a threaded
To accommodate this need, SurfaceFactoryCache is defined as a base class with
an accompanying class template to allow the trivial declaration of thread-safe
.. code:: c++
template <typename MUTEX_TYPE,
class SurfaceFactoryCacheThreaded : public SurfaceFactoryCache {
For example, a local type for a thread-safe cache using std::shared_mutex
from C++17 could be simply declared as follows:
.. code:: c++
#include <shared_mutex>
typedef Bfr::SurfaceFactoryCacheThreaded<
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> >
Such thread-safe cache types are essential when distributing the work of a
single SurfaceFactory across multiple threads. They can be encapsulated in
the definitions of subclasses of SurfaceFactory or used to define external
cache instances for use with any subclass of SurfaceFactory.
Defining a Thread-Safe SurfaceFactory
The thread-safety of a SurfaceFactory is purely dependent on the
thread-safety of the SurfaceFactoryCache that it uses. With caching
disabled, any SurfaceFactory is thread-safe but will be far less
efficient in dealing with irregular Surfaces.
When a subclass of SurfaceFactory is defined (discussed in more detail
later), one of its responsibilities is to identify and manage an instance of
SurfaceFactoryCache for its internal use. Defining such a subclass is a
simple matter of declaring a thread-safe SurfaceFactoryCache type (as noted
above) along with a local member of that type to be used by each instance.
Given the widespread use of the Far::TopologyRefiner in OpenSubdiv, and
the lack of a connected mesh representation in many contexts, a subclass of
SurfaceFactory is made available to use a TopologyRefiner as a mesh, i.e.
the Bfr::RefinerSurfaceFactory subclass.
Since many OpenSubdiv users may make use of the RefinerSurfaceFactory
subclass, and they may have different preferences of threading model,
the RefinerSurfaceFactory subclass is similarly defined as a class
template to enable threading flexibility. In this case, the template
is parameterized by the desired type of SurfaceFactoryCache, which
embodies the threading specifications as noted above, i.e.:
.. code:: c++
template <class CACHE_TYPE = SurfaceFactoryCache>
class RefinerSurfaceFactory : public ... {
The default template is the base SurfaceFactoryCache which is not thread-safe,
but a simple declaration of a thread-safe cache type is sufficient to declare
a similarly thread-safe RefinerSurfaceFactory type:
.. code:: c++
#include <opensubdiv/bfr/surfaceFactoryCache.h>
// Declare thread-safe cache type (see std::shared_mutex example above):
typedef Bfr::SurfaceFactoryCacheThreaded< ... > ThreadSafeCache;
// Declare thread-safe factory type:
typedef Bfr::RefinerSurfaceFactory<ThreadSafeCache> ThreadSafeFactory;
The resulting factory type safely allows the construction of Surfaces
(and their subsequent evaluation and tessellation) to be distributed over
multiple threads.
Internal versus External SurfaceFactoryCache
Typical usage of the SurfaceFactoryCache by the SurfaceFactory is to have
the factory create an internal cache member to be used for the lifetime of
the factory associated with a mesh. But the data stored in the cache is not
in any way dependent on the factory or mesh used to create it. So a cache
can potentially be shared by multiple factories.
While such sharing is possible -- and the *Bfr* interfaces intentionally
permit it -- any exploration should proceed with caution. Greater public
knowledge and control of the cache is ultimately necessary to manage its
potentially unbounded memory increase, and support in the public interface
is currently limited.
A cache stored as a member varialbe and managed exclusively by the factory
is said to be "internal" while one managed exclusively by its client is
said to be "external". In both cases, the factory deals with retrieving
data from or adding data to the cache -- only management of the cache's
ownership differs, and that ownership is never transferred.
A subset of the methods of SurfaceFactory::Options provide the means of
specifying the use of an internal or external cache, or no caching at all:
.. code:: c++
// Assign an external cache to override the internal
Options & SetExternalCache(SurfaceFactoryCache * cache);
// Enable or disable caching (default is true):
Options & EnableCaching(bool on);
As noted here, specifying an external cache will override use of a
factory's internal cache. Disabling caching takes precedence over both,
but is generally not practical and exists mainly to aide debugging.
The common use of the internal cache is to create a SurfaceFactory and
distribute processing of the Surfaces of its faces over multiple threads,
or to construct Surfaces for the mesh for any other purpose while the
mesh remains in scope. There is no need to deal explicitly with the
SurfaceFactoryCache in these cases.
Use cases for an external cache are more varied and explicit, including:
* creating a single external cache to process a sequence of meshes
on a single thread (cache thread-safety not required)
* creating a separate external cache on each thread to process a set
of meshes distributed over multiple threads (cache thread-safety
not required)
* creating a single external cache for multiple meshes distributed
over multiple threads (cache thread-safety required, and beware of
unbounded memory growth here)
Future extensions to the public interface of SurfaceFactoryCache may be
made to support common use cases as their common needs are made clearer.
@ -696,15 +881,226 @@ Work in progress -- topics to include:
Customizing a Bfr::SurfaceFactory
Work in progress -- topics to include:
One of the goals of *Bfr* is to provide a lightweight interface for the
evaluation of Surfaces from any connected mesh representation. In order to
do so, the factory needs to gather topological information from that mesh
representation. That information is provide to the factory through
inheritance: a subclass of SurfaceFactory is defined that fulfills all
requirements of the factory.
* SurfaceFactory and Bfr::SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter
* fulfilling the SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter interface
It must be made clear that a subclass can only be created from a *connected*
mesh representation, i.e. a representation that includes connectivity or
adjacency relationships between its components (vertices, faces and edges).
* retrieving simple properties of a face
* retrieving indices at all face-vertices
* retrieving indices for the neighborhood around a face-vertex
* accelerated retrieval for regular face neighborhoods
Classes for simple containers of mesh topology used for external formats
(e.g. USD, Alembic, etc.) are generally not *connected*. Many applications
construct a connected mesh representation for internal use when loading such
mesh data -- using a variety of techniques including half-edges, winged-edges
or table-based relationships. There are many choices here that offer a variety
of trade-offs depending on usage (e.g. fixed vs dynamic topology) and so no
"best" solution. Once constructed and available within an application, *Bfr*
strives to take advantage of that representation.
* customizing a subclass of SurfaceFactory
As a minimum requirement for supporting a subclass of SurfaceFactory, a
connected mesh representation must be able to efficiently identify the
incident faces of any given vertex. As noted earlier, when no such
representation is available, users can construct a Far::TopologyRefiner for
their connected mesh and use Bfr::RefinerSurfaceFactory.
There are three requirements of a subclass of SurfaceFactory:
* fulfill the interface required to adapt the connected mesh to the factory
* provide an internal cache for the factory of the preferred type
* extend the existing SurfaceFactory interface for the connected mesh type
The first of these is the most significant and is the focus here. The second
was mentioned previously with the SurfaceFactoryCache and is trivial. The last
should also be trivial and is generally optional (at minimum the subclass will
need a constructor to create an instance of the factory from a given mesh, but
anything more is not strictly essential).
It is important to note that anyone attempting to write such a subclass must
have an intimate understanding of the topological capabilities and limitations
of the mesh representation involved. The SurfaceFactory is topologically
robust in that it will support meshes with a wide range of degenerate or
non-manifold features, but in order to process topology efficiently, a
subclass needs to indicate when and where those degeneracies may occur.
A simplified implementation of the Bfr::RefinerSurfaceFactory is provided in
the tutorials for illustration purposes.
The Bfr::SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter Interface
The SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter class defines the interface used to satisfy the
topological requirements of the SurfaceFactory. An implementation for a
particular mesh class provides the base factory with everything needed to
identify the limit surface of a given face from its surrounding topology.
The SurfaceFactory actually inherits the SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter interface
but does not implement it -- deferring that to its subclasses -- since
separate subclasses of SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter serve no other purpose.
The limit surface for a face is fully defined by the complete set of incident
vertices, faces and edges surrounding the face. But it is difficult to
accurately and efficiently assemble and represent all of that required
information in a single class or query for all possible cases. So the mesh
adapter interface provides a suite of methods to allow the factory to gather
only what it needs for the Surface required -- which may differ considerably
according to whether the Surface is for vertex or face-varying data, linear or
non-linear, etc.
The virtual methods required can be organized into small groups devoted to
particular aspects of construction. A description of the methods and purposes
for each group follows, with more details and exact signatures available in
the accompanying Doxygen for the SurfaceFactoryMeshAdapter class.
**Basic Properties of a Face**
A small set of simple methods indicate whether the SurfaceFactory needs to
create a Surface for a face, and if so, how:
.. code:: c++
virtual bool isFaceHole(Index faceIndex) const = 0;
virtual int getFaceSize(Index faceIndex) const = 0;
These are trivial and self-explanatory.
**Identifying Indices for an Entire Face**
If the Surface requested turns out to be linearly interpolated (e.g. for
varying or linear face-varying data) indices for the control point data
are all assigned to the face and can be trivially identified:
.. code:: c++
virtual int getFaceVertexIndices(Index faceIndex,
Index vertexIndices[]) const = 0;
virtual int getFaceFVarValueIndices(Index faceIndex,
FVarID faceVaryingID,
Index faceVaryingIndices[]) const = 0;
Since multiple sets of face-varying data with different topology may be
assigned to the mesh, an identifier needs to be specified both in the
public interface when requesting a Surface and here when the factory
assembles it. How a face-varying identifier is interpreted is completely
determined by the subclass through the implementation of the methods
that require it.
**Specifying the Neighborhood Around a Vertex**
When the Surface requested is not linear, the entire neighborhood around
the face must be determined. This is achieved by specifying the
neighborhoods around each of the vertices of the face, which the factory
then assembles.
For the neighborhood of each face-vertex, the factory obtains a complete
specification in a simple VertexDescriptor class. An instance of
VertexDescriptor is provided and populated with the following method:
.. code:: c++
virtual int populateFaceVertexDescriptor(
Index faceIndex, int faceVertex,
VertexDescriptor * vertexDescriptor) const = 0;
Within this method, the given VertexDescriptor instance is initialized
using a small suite of VertexDescriptor methods that specify the following
information about the vertex and its neighborhood:
* whether the neighborhood is manifold (ordered counter-clockwise)
* whether the vertex is on a boundary
* the sizes of all or each incident face
* the sharpness of the vertex
* the sharpness of edges of incident faces
These methods are specified between Initialize() and Finalize() methods, so
an interior vertex of valence 4 with three incident quads and one incident
triangle might be specified as follows:
.. code:: c++
int vertexValence = 4;
vertexDescriptor.SetIncidentFaceSize(0, 4);
vertexDescriptor.SetIncidentFaceSize(1, 4);
vertexDescriptor.SetIncidentFaceSize(2, 3);
vertexDescriptor.SetIncidentFaceSize(3, 4);
Specifying the vertex neighborhood as manifold is critical to allowing the
factory to inspect the neighborhood efficiently. A manifold vertex has its
incident faces and edges ordered in a counter-clockwise orientation and is
free of degeneracies. If it is not clear that a vertex is manifold, it
should not be set as such or the factory's inspection of associated data
will not be correct.
**Identifying Indices Around a Vertex**
When the Surface requested is not linear, the indices of control point data
for the entire neighborhood of the face are ultimately required, and that
entire set is similarly determined by identifying the indices for each of
the neighborhoods of the face-vertices:
.. code:: c++
virtual int getFaceVertexIncidentFaceVertexIndices(
Index faceIndex, int faceVertex,
Index vertexIndices[]) const = 0;
virtual int getFaceVertexIncidentFaceFVarValueIndices(
Index faceIndex, int faceVertex,
FVarID faceVaryingID,
Index faceVaryingIndices[]) const = 0;
As was the case with the methods retrieving indices for the entire face, one
exists for identifying indices vertex data while another exists to identify
indices for a specified set of face-varying data.
Customizing the Subclass Interface
Once the topological requirements of a subclass have been satisfied for its
mesh representation, minor customizations of the inherited interface of
SurfaceFactory may be useful.
Consider a class called Mesh and its associated subclass of SurfaceFactory
called MeshSurfaceFactory.
At minimum, a constructor of MeshSurfaceFactory is necessary to construct
an instance for a particular instance of mesh. This is typically achieved
as follows:
.. code:: c++
MeshSurfaceFactory(Mesh const & mesh,
Options const & options);
In addition to the Mesh instance, such a constructor passes a set of
Options (i.e. SurfaceFactory::Options) to the base SurfaceFactory. Any
additional arguments are possible here, e.g. perhaps only a single
face-varying UV set is supported, and that might be specified by
identifying it on construction.
Given that mesh representations often have their own associated classes that
internally contain the actual data, it may be useful to provide a few other
conveniences to simplify working with a Mesh. For example, if mesh data is
stored in a class called MeshPrimvar, a method to construct a Surface from
a given MeshPrimvar may be useful, e.g.:
.. code:: c++
bool InitPrimvarSurface(int faceIndex,
MeshPrimvar const & meshPrimvar,
Surface<float> * surface);
which would then determine the nature of the MeshPrimvar data (interpolated
as vertex, varying or face-varying) and act accordingly. It may also be
worth simplifying the template complexity here if only one precision is
ever required.
Reference in New Issue
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