mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 09:00:08 +00:00
Removed Hbr code from farViewer.
The code in farViewer that was used to draw the Hbr representation of meshes is now gone. This code was mostly used as a way to compare against the Vtr implementation. However, we don't want this to serve as an example for others as the Hbr code is not meant to be instructive otherwise.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ _add_glfw_executable(farViewer
@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ GLFWmonitor* g_primary=0;
#include <far/stencilTablesFactory.h>
#include <common/vtr_utils.h>
#include <common/hbr_utils.h>
#include "hbr_refine.h"
#include "../common/stopwatch.h"
#include "../common/simple_math.h"
@ -84,8 +81,7 @@ enum HudCheckBox { kHUD_CB_DISPLAY_CAGE_EDGES,
enum DrawMode { kDRAW_NONE = 0,
enum DrawMode { kDRAW_VERTICES,
@ -101,12 +97,7 @@ int g_fullscreen = 0,
int g_displayPatchColor = 1,
g_drawCageEdges = 1,
g_drawCageVertices = 0,
g_HbrDrawMode = kDRAW_WIREFRAME,
g_HbrDrawVertIDs = false,
g_HbrDrawEdgeSharpness = false,
g_HbrDrawFaceIDs = false,
g_HbrDrawPtexIDs = false,
g_FarDrawMode = kDRAW_NONE,
g_FarDrawMode = kDRAW_FACES,
g_FarDrawVertIDs = false,
g_FarDrawEdgeIDs = false,
g_FarDrawFaceIDs = false,
@ -163,7 +154,6 @@ struct Transform {
} g_transformData;
static GLMesh g_base_glmesh,
@ -172,200 +162,44 @@ static GLMesh g_base_glmesh,
typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner FTopologyRefiner;
typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<Shape> FTopologyRefinerFactory;
// generate display IDs for Hbr faces
static void
createFaceNumbers(std::vector<Hface const *> faces, bool doPtex=false) {
static char buf[16];
for (int i=0; i<(int)faces.size(); ++i) {
Hface const * f = faces[i];
Vertex center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
float weight = 1.0f / nv;
for (int j=0; j<nv; ++j) {
center.AddWithWeight(f->GetVertex(j)->GetData(), weight);
if (doPtex) {
snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", f->GetPtexIndex());
} else {
snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", f->GetID());
g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, 2);
// generate display IDs for Hbr edges
static void
createEdgeNumbers(std::vector<Hface const *> faces) {
// Vertex class implementation
struct Vertex {
typedef std::map<Hhalfedge const *, int> EdgeMap;
EdgeMap edgeMap;
Vertex() { /* _pos[0]=_pos[1]=_pos[2]=0.0f; */ }
typedef std::vector<Hhalfedge const *> EdgeVec;
EdgeVec edgeVec;
Vertex( int /*i*/ ) { }
{ // map half-edges into unique edge id's
Vertex( float x, float y, float z ) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
for (int i=0; i<(int)faces.size(); ++i) {
Hface const * f = faces[i];
for (int j=0; j<f->GetNumVertices(); ++j) {
Hhalfedge const * e = f->GetEdge(j);
if (e->IsBoundary() or (e->GetRightFace()->GetID()>f->GetID())) {
int id = (int)edgeMap.size();
edgeMap[e] = id;
for (EdgeMap::const_iterator it=edgeMap.begin(); it!=edgeMap.end(); ++it) {
edgeVec[it->second] = it->first;
Vertex( const Vertex & src ) { _pos[0]=src._pos[0]; _pos[1]=src._pos[1]; _pos[2]=src._pos[2]; }
~Vertex( ) { }
void AddWithWeight(Vertex const & src, float weight) {
static char buf[16];
for (int i=0; i<(int)edgeVec.size(); ++i) {
Hhalfedge const * e = edgeVec[i];
float sharpness = e->GetSharpness();
if (sharpness>0.0f) {
Vertex center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
center.AddWithWeight(e->GetOrgVertex()->GetData(), 0.5f);
center.AddWithWeight(e->GetDestVertex()->GetData(), 0.5f);
snprintf(buf, 16, "%g", sharpness);
g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, std::min(8,(int)sharpness+4));
// generate display IDs for Hbr verts
static void
createVertNumbers(std::vector<Hface const *> faces) {
assert(not faces.empty());
static char buf[16];
std::vector<Hvertex const *> verts(faces.size()*4, 0);
for (int i=0; i<(int)faces.size(); ++i) {
Hface const * f = faces[i];
int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
for (int j=0; j<nv; ++j) {
Hvertex const * v = f->GetVertex(j);
verts[v->GetID()] = v;
void AddWithWeight(Vertex const & src, float weight, float /* ds */, float /* dt */) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)verts.size(); ++i) {
void AddVaryingWithWeight(Vertex const & , float) { }
if (verts[i]) {
snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", verts[i]->GetID());
g_font->Print3D(verts[i]->GetData().GetPos(), buf, 1);
void Clear( void * =0 ) { _pos[0]=_pos[1]=_pos[2]=0.0f; }
static void
createHbrGLMesh(Shape * shape, int maxlevel) {
void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
Stopwatch s;
float const * GetPos() const { return _pos; }
// create Hbr mesh using functions from hbr_utils
Hmesh * hmesh = createMesh<Vertex>(shape->scheme, /*fvarwidth*/ 0);
createVerticesWithPositions<Vertex>(shape, hmesh);
createTopology<Vertex>(shape, hmesh, shape->scheme);
std::vector<Hface const *> coarseFaces, // list of Hbr coarse faces
refinedFaces; // list of Hbr faces refined at maxlevel
int nfaces = hmesh->GetNumFaces();
{ // create control cage GL mesh
for (int i=0; i<nfaces; ++i) {
coarseFaces[i] = hmesh->GetFace(i);
GLMesh::Options coarseOptions;
g_base_glmesh.Initialize(coarseOptions, coarseFaces);
{ // create maxlevel refined GL mesh
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables const * patchTables = 0;
if (g_Adaptive) {
int maxvalence = RefineAdaptive(*hmesh, maxlevel, refinedFaces);
patchTables = CreatePatchTables(*hmesh, maxvalence);
delete patchTables;
} else {
RefineUniform(*hmesh, maxlevel, refinedFaces);
//printf("Hbr time: %f ms\n", float(s.GetElapsed())*1000.0f);
if (g_HbrDrawVertIDs) {
// Hbr is a half-edge rep, so edges do not have unique IDs that
// can be displayed
if (g_HbrDrawEdgeSharpness) {
if (g_HbrDrawFaceIDs) {
createFaceNumbers(refinedFaces, /*ptex*/ false);
if (g_HbrDrawPtexIDs) {
createFaceNumbers(refinedFaces, /*ptex*/ true);
GLMesh::Options refinedOptions;
g_hbr_glmesh.Initialize(refinedOptions, refinedFaces);
g_hbr_glmesh.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f,0.75f,0.9f, 1.0f);
delete hmesh;
float _pos[3];
// generate display IDs for Far verts
@ -939,8 +773,6 @@ createMeshes(ShapeDesc const & desc, int maxlevel) {
Shape * shape = Shape::parseObj(desc.data.c_str(), desc.scheme);
createHbrGLMesh(shape, maxlevel);
createFarGLMesh(shape, maxlevel);
delete shape;
@ -1046,33 +878,16 @@ display() {
g_base_glmesh.Draw(GLMesh::COMP_EDGE, g_transformUB, g_lightingUB);
// Hbr mesh
if (g_HbrDrawMode!=kDRAW_NONE) {
GLMesh::Component comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT;
switch (g_HbrDrawMode) {
case kDRAW_VERTICES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT; break;
case kDRAW_WIREFRAME : comp=GLMesh::COMP_EDGE; break;
case kDRAW_FACES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_FACE; break;
g_hbr_glmesh.Draw(comp, g_transformUB, g_lightingUB);
// Far mesh
if (g_FarDrawMode!=kDRAW_NONE) {
GLMesh::Component comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT;
switch (g_FarDrawMode) {
case kDRAW_VERTICES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT; break;
case kDRAW_WIREFRAME : comp=GLMesh::COMP_EDGE; break;
case kDRAW_FACES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_FACE; break;
g_far_glmesh.Draw(comp, g_transformUB, g_lightingUB);
GLMesh::Component comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT;
switch (g_FarDrawMode) {
case kDRAW_VERTICES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_VERT; break;
case kDRAW_WIREFRAME : comp=GLMesh::COMP_EDGE; break;
case kDRAW_FACES : comp=GLMesh::COMP_FACE; break;
g_far_glmesh.Draw(comp, g_transformUB, g_lightingUB);
if (g_Adaptive and g_FarDrawGregogyBasis) {
gregoryWire.Draw(GLMesh::COMP_VERT, g_transformUB, g_lightingUB);
@ -1297,11 +1112,6 @@ callbackCheckBox(bool checked, int button) {
static void
callbackHbrDrawMode(int m) {
g_HbrDrawMode = m;
static void
callbackFarDrawMode(int m) {
@ -1313,20 +1123,16 @@ static void
callbackDrawIDs(bool checked, int button) {
switch (button) {
case 0: g_HbrDrawVertIDs = checked; break;
case 1: g_HbrDrawFaceIDs = checked; break;
case 2: g_HbrDrawPtexIDs = checked; break;
case 3: g_HbrDrawEdgeSharpness = checked; break;
case 4: g_FarDrawVertIDs = checked; break;
case 5: g_FarDrawEdgeIDs = checked; break;
case 6: g_FarDrawFaceIDs = checked; break;
case 7: g_FarDrawPtexIDs = checked; break;
case 8: g_FarDrawEdgeSharpness = checked; break;
case 9: g_FarDrawGregogyBasis = checked; break;
case 0: g_FarDrawVertIDs = checked; break;
case 1: g_FarDrawEdgeIDs = checked; break;
case 2: g_FarDrawFaceIDs = checked; break;
case 3: g_FarDrawPtexIDs = checked; break;
case 4: g_FarDrawEdgeSharpness = checked; break;
case 5: g_FarDrawGregogyBasis = checked; break;
case 10: g_FarDrawFVarVerts = checked; break;
case 11: g_FarDrawFVarPatches = checked; break;
case 6: g_FarDrawFVarVerts = checked; break;
case 7: g_FarDrawFVarPatches = checked; break;
default: break;
@ -1393,29 +1199,18 @@ initHUD() {
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Cage Verts (r)", g_drawCageVertices != 0,
10, 30, callbackCheckBox, kHUD_CB_DISPLAY_CAGE_VERTS, 'r');
int pulldown = g_hud.AddPullDown("Hbr Draw Mode (h)", 10, 75, 250, callbackHbrDrawMode, 'h');
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "None", 0, g_HbrDrawMode==kDRAW_NONE);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Vertices", 1, g_HbrDrawMode==kDRAW_VERTICES);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Wireframe", 2, g_HbrDrawMode==kDRAW_WIREFRAME);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Faces", 3, g_HbrDrawMode==kDRAW_FACES);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Vert IDs", g_HbrDrawVertIDs!=0, 10, 95, callbackDrawIDs, 0);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Face IDs", g_HbrDrawFaceIDs!=0, 10, 115, callbackDrawIDs, 1);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Ptex IDs", g_HbrDrawPtexIDs!=0, 10, 135, callbackDrawIDs, 2);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Edge Sharp", g_HbrDrawEdgeSharpness!=0, 10, 155, callbackDrawIDs, 3);
int pulldown = g_hud.AddPullDown("Far Draw Mode (f)", 10, 195, 250, callbackFarDrawMode, 'f');
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Vertices", 0, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_VERTICES);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Wireframe", 1, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_WIREFRAME);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Faces", 2, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_FACES);
pulldown = g_hud.AddPullDown("Far Draw Mode (f)", 10, 195, 250, callbackFarDrawMode, 'f');
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "None", 0, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_NONE);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Vertices", 1, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_VERTICES);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Wireframe", 2, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_WIREFRAME);
g_hud.AddPullDownButton(pulldown, "Faces", 3, g_FarDrawMode==kDRAW_FACES);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Vert IDs", g_FarDrawVertIDs!=0, 10, 215, callbackDrawIDs, 4);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Edge IDs", g_FarDrawEdgeIDs!=0, 10, 235, callbackDrawIDs, 5);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Face IDs", g_FarDrawFaceIDs!=0, 10, 255, callbackDrawIDs, 6);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Ptex IDs", g_FarDrawPtexIDs!=0, 10, 275, callbackDrawIDs, 7);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Edge Sharp", g_FarDrawEdgeSharpness!=0, 10, 295, callbackDrawIDs, 8);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Gregory Basis", g_FarDrawGregogyBasis!=0, 10, 315, callbackDrawIDs, 9);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Vert IDs", g_FarDrawVertIDs!=0, 10, 215, callbackDrawIDs, 0);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Edge IDs", g_FarDrawEdgeIDs!=0, 10, 235, callbackDrawIDs, 1);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Face IDs", g_FarDrawFaceIDs!=0, 10, 255, callbackDrawIDs, 2);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Ptex IDs", g_FarDrawPtexIDs!=0, 10, 275, callbackDrawIDs, 3);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Edge Sharp", g_FarDrawEdgeSharpness!=0, 10, 295, callbackDrawIDs, 4);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Gregory Basis", g_FarDrawGregogyBasis!=0, 10, 315, callbackDrawIDs, 5);
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Use Stencils (s)", g_useStencils!=0, 10, 350, callbackUseStencils, 0, 's');
g_hud.AddCheckBox("Adaptive (`)", g_Adaptive!=0, 10, 370, callbackAdaptive, 0, '`');
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#ifndef HBR_REFINE_H
#define HBR_REFINE_H
#include <far/patchTables.h>
#include <common/hbr_utils.h>
// Vertex class implementation
struct Vertex {
Vertex() { /* _pos[0]=_pos[1]=_pos[2]=0.0f; */ }
Vertex( int /*i*/ ) { }
Vertex( float x, float y, float z ) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
Vertex( const Vertex & src ) { _pos[0]=src._pos[0]; _pos[1]=src._pos[1]; _pos[2]=src._pos[2]; }
~Vertex( ) { }
void AddWithWeight(Vertex const & src, float weight) {
void AddWithWeight(Vertex const & src, float weight, float /* ds */, float /* dt */) {
void AddVaryingWithWeight(Vertex const & , float) { }
void Clear( void * =0 ) { _pos[0]=_pos[1]=_pos[2]=0.0f; }
void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { _pos[0]=x; _pos[1]=y; _pos[2]=z; }
void ApplyVertexEdit(const OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<Vertex> & edit) {
const float *src = edit.GetEdit();
switch(edit.GetOperation()) {
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<Vertex>::Set:
_pos[0] = src[0];
_pos[1] = src[1];
_pos[2] = src[2];
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<Vertex>::Add:
_pos[0] += src[0];
_pos[1] += src[1];
_pos[2] += src[2];
case OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<Vertex>::Subtract:
_pos[0] -= src[0];
_pos[1] -= src[1];
_pos[2] -= src[2];
void ApplyMovingVertexEdit(const OpenSubdiv::HbrMovingVertexEdit<Vertex> &) { }
float const * GetPos() const { return _pos; }
float _pos[3];
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<Vertex> Hmesh;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<Vertex> Hface;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<Vertex> Hvertex;
typedef OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge<Vertex> Hhalfedge;
// refine the Hbr mesh uniformly
void RefineUniform(Hmesh & mesh, int maxlevel, std::vector<Hface const *> & refinedFaces);
// refine the Hbr mesh adaptively
int RefineAdaptive(Hmesh & mesh, int maxlevel, std::vector<Hface const *> & refinedFaces);
OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables const * CreatePatchTables(Hmesh & mesh, int maxvalence);
#endif // HBR_REFINE_H
Reference in New Issue
Block a user