mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 22:21:07 +00:00
The Maya plugin can interpolate a UV channel and a vertex color channel.
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(short boundaryMethod, bool propagateCorner) {
cerr << "ERROR: " << message << "[" << status << "]" << endl; \
#define CHANNELUV 0
// ====================================
// Constructors/Destructors
@ -266,7 +269,6 @@ getCreaseVertices( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn, Descriptor & outDesc) {
// Collect UVs and ColorSet info to represent them as face-varying in OpenSubdiv
static MStatus
MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
MStringArray & uvSetNames,
MStringArray & colorSetNames,
@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ getMayaFvarFieldParams(
colorSetReps[i] = inMeshFn.getColorRepresentation(colorSetNames[i], &returnStatus);
MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot get colorSet representation");
if (colorSetReps[i] == MFnMesh::kAlpha) {
if (colorSetReps[i] == MFnMesh::kAlpha) {
colorSetChannels[i] = 1;
} else if (colorSetReps[i] == MFnMesh::kRGB) {
colorSetChannels[i] = 3;
@ -306,10 +308,14 @@ getMayaFvarFieldParams(
//! Caller is expected to delete the returned value
static OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner *
gatherTopology( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
gatherTopology( MFnMesh & inMeshFn,
MItMeshPolygon & inMeshItPolygon,
OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type,
OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options,
bool & hasUVs, bool & hasColors,
std::vector<MFloatArray> & uvSet_uCoords,
std::vector<MFloatArray> & uvSet_vCoords,
std::vector<MColorArray> & colorSet_colors,
float * maxCreaseSharpness=0 ) {
MStatus returnStatus;
@ -320,33 +326,32 @@ gatherTopology( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
returnStatus = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames, colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);
returnStatus = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);
MWARNERR(returnStatus, "Failed to retrieve Maya face-varying parameters");
// Create face-varying data with independent float channels of dimension 1
// Note: This FVarData needs to be kept around for the duration of the HBR mesh
int totalFvarWidth = 2*uvSetNames.length() + totalColorSetChannels;
// temp storage for UVs and ColorSets for a face
// Storage for UVs and ColorSets for face-vertex
MIntArray fvArray; // face vertex array
std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_uCoords(uvSetNames.length());
std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_vCoords(uvSetNames.length());
std::vector<MColorArray> colorSet_colors(colorSetNames.length());
uvSet_uCoords.clear(); uvSet_uCoords.resize(uvSetNames.length());
uvSet_vCoords.clear(); uvSet_vCoords.resize(uvSetNames.length());
// Put the data in the format needed for OSD
Descriptor desc;
int numFaceVertices = inMeshFn.numFaceVertices();
desc.numVertices = inMeshFn.numVertices();
desc.numFaces = inMeshItPolygon.count();
int * vertsPerFace = new int[desc.numFaces],
* vertIndices = new int[inMeshFn.numFaceVertices()];
* vertIndices = new int[numFaceVertices];
desc.numVertsPerFace = vertsPerFace;
desc.vertIndicesPerFace = vertIndices;
// Create Topology
for( inMeshItPolygon.reset(); !inMeshItPolygon.isDone(); inMeshItPolygon.next() ) {
for (inMeshItPolygon.reset(); !inMeshItPolygon.isDone(); inMeshItPolygon.next()) {
int nverts = fvArray.length();
@ -356,30 +361,81 @@ gatherTopology( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
for (int i=0; i<nverts; ++i) {
*vertIndices++ = fvArray[i];
// Add FaceVaryingData (UVSets, ...)
if (totalFvarWidth > 0) {
// Retrieve all UV and ColorSet topology
for (unsigned int i=0; i < uvSetNames.length(); ++i) {
inMeshItPolygon.getUVs(uvSet_uCoords[i], uvSet_vCoords[i], &uvSetNames[i] );
for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); ++i) {
inMeshItPolygon.getColors(colorSet_colors[i], &colorSetNames[i]);
// Add Face-Varying data to the descriptor
Descriptor::FVarChannel * channels = NULL;
hasUVs = uvSet_uCoords.size() > 0 && uvSet_vCoords.size() > 0;
hasColors = colorSet_colors.size() > 0;
// Note : Only supports 1 channel of UVs and 1 channel of color
if (hasUVs || hasColors) {
// Create 2 face-varying channel descriptor that will hold UVs and color
desc.numFVarChannels = 2;
channels = new Descriptor::FVarChannel[desc.numFVarChannels];
desc.fvarChannels = channels;
int * uvIndices = new int[numFaceVertices];
int * pUVIndex = uvIndices;
channels[CHANNELUV].valueIndices = uvIndices;
channels[CHANNELUV].numValues = 0;
int * colorIndices = new int[numFaceVertices];
int * pColorIndex = colorIndices;
channels[CHANNELCOLOR].valueIndices = colorIndices;
channels[CHANNELCOLOR].numValues = 0;
// Obtain UV information
if (hasUVs) {
inMeshFn.getUVs(uvSet_uCoords[0], uvSet_vCoords[0], &uvSetNames[0]);
assert( uvSet_uCoords[0].length() == uvSet_vCoords[0].length() );
int uvId = 0;
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < inMeshFn.numPolygons(); ++faceIndex)
int numVertices = inMeshFn.polygonVertexCount(faceIndex);
for (int v = 0; v < numVertices; v++)
inMeshFn.getPolygonUVid(faceIndex, v, uvId, &uvSetNames[0]);
*pUVIndex ++ = uvId;
// Handle uvSets
for (unsigned int fvid=0; fvid < fvArray.length(); ++fvid) {
// Handle colorSets
for( unsigned int colorSetIt=0; colorSetIt < colorSetNames.length(); ++colorSetIt ) {
channels[CHANNELUV].numValues = uvSet_uCoords[0].length();
// Obtain color information
if (hasColors) {
inMeshFn.getColors(colorSet_colors[0], &colorSetNames[0]);
int colorId = 0;
bool addDefaultColor = true;
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < inMeshFn.numPolygons(); ++faceIndex)
int numVertices = inMeshFn.polygonVertexCount(faceIndex);
for ( int v = 0 ; v < numVertices; v++ )
inMeshFn.getColorIndex(faceIndex, v, colorId, &colorSetNames[0]);
if (colorId == -1)
if (addDefaultColor)
addDefaultColor = false;
colorSet_colors[0].append(MColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
colorId = colorSet_colors[0].length() - 1;
*pColorIndex ++ = colorId;
channels[CHANNELCOLOR].numValues = colorSet_colors[0].length();
// Apply Creases
float maxEdgeCrease = getCreaseEdges( inMeshFn, desc );
float maxVertexCrease = getCreaseVertices( inMeshFn, desc );
OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
@ -388,12 +444,18 @@ gatherTopology( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
delete [] desc.numVertsPerFace;
delete [] desc.vertIndicesPerFace;
delete [] desc.creaseVertexIndexPairs;
delete [] desc.creaseWeights;
delete [] desc.cornerVertexIndices;
delete [] desc.cornerWeights;
if (hasUVs || hasColors) {
for(int i = 0 ; i < desc.numFVarChannels ; i ++) {
delete [] channels[i].valueIndices;
delete [] channels;
if (maxCreaseSharpness) {
*maxCreaseSharpness = std::max(maxEdgeCrease, maxVertexCrease);
@ -433,8 +495,8 @@ createSmoothMesh_objectGroups( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
// get elements from inMesh objectGroupComponent
MIntArray compElems;
MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn(inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent(compId), &status );
MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn(
inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent(compId), &status );
MCHECKERR(status, "cannot get MFnSingleIndexedComponent for inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent().");
@ -487,9 +549,7 @@ createSmoothMesh_objectGroups( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
return MS::kSuccess;
// Vertex container implementation.
struct Vertex {
Vertex() { }
@ -515,10 +575,66 @@ struct Vertex {
float position[3];
// Face-varying container implementation for UVs
struct FVarVertexUV {
FVarVertexUV() {
FVarVertexUV(FVarVertexUV const & src) {
u = src.u;
v = src.v;
void Clear() {
void AddWithWeight(FVarVertexUV const & src, float weight) {
u += weight * src.u;
v += weight * src.v;
// Basic 'uv' layout channel
float u,v;
// Face-varying container implementation for Color
struct FVarVertexColor {
FVarVertexColor() {
FVarVertexColor(FVarVertexColor const & src) {
r = src.r;
g = src.g;
b = src.b;
a = src.a;
void Clear() {
void AddWithWeight(FVarVertexColor const & src, float weight) {
r += weight * src.r;
g += weight * src.g;
b += weight * src.b;
a += weight * src.a;
// Basic 'rgba' layout channel
float r,g,b,a;
static MStatus
convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer, MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
MObject newMeshDataObj) {
std::vector<Vertex> const & refinedVerts,
bool hasUVs, std::vector<FVarVertexUV> const & refinedUVs,
bool hasColors, std::vector<FVarVertexColor> const & refinedColors,
MFnMesh & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj) {
MStatus status;
@ -530,16 +646,16 @@ convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
= refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);
int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces();
// Init Maya Data
// -- Face Counts
// Face Counts
MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces);
for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
faceCounts[face] = 4;
// -- Face Connects
// Face Connects
MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4);
for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
@ -548,10 +664,9 @@ convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
// -- Points
// Points
MFloatPointArray points(refLastLevel.GetNumVertices());
Vertex const * v = &vertexBuffer.at(0);
Vertex const * v = &refinedVerts.at(0);
for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
int nverts = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();
if (level==maxlevel) {
@ -569,27 +684,109 @@ convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status);
MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh");
int fvarTotalWidth = 0;
// Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
MStringArray uvSetNames;
MStringArray colorSetNames;
std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);
if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) {
// Add new UVs back to the mesh if needed
if (hasUVs) {
// Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
MStringArray uvSetNames;
MStringArray colorSetNames;
std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);
MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length());
int count = 0;
for (int f = 0; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELUV);
for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
fvarConnects[count] = faceIndices[index];
#if defined(DEBUG) or defined(_DEBUG)
int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length();
int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels;
assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth);
MFloatArray uCoord(refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV));
MFloatArray vCoord(refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV));
FVarVertexUV const * uv = &refinedUVs.at(0);
// XXXX fvar stuff here
for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
int nuvs = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
if (level==maxlevel) {
for (int uvIt=0; uvIt<nuvs; ++uvIt, ++uv) {
uCoord[uvIt] = uv->u;
vCoord[uvIt] = uv->v;
} else {
uv += nuvs;
// Currently, the plugin only supports one UV set
int uvSetIndex = 0;
if (uvSetIndex > 0) {
status = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] );
MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create UVSet");
static MString defaultUVName("map1");
MString const * uvname = uvSetIndex==0 ?
&defaultUVName : &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex];
status = newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord, vCoord, uvname);
MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot set UVs for set : "+*uvname);
status = newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, uvname);
MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot assign UVs");
// Add new colors back to the mesh if needed
if (hasColors) {
int count = 0;
MIntArray fvarConnects2(faceConnects.length());
for (int f = 0 ; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELCOLOR);
for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
fvarConnects2[count] = faceIndices[index];
MColorArray colorArray(refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR));
FVarVertexColor const * c = &refinedColors.at(0);
for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
int ncolors = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);
if (level==maxlevel) {
for (int colorIt=0; colorIt<ncolors; ++colorIt, ++c) {
colorArray.set(colorIt, c->r, c->g, c->b, c->a);
} else {
c += ncolors;
// Currently, the plugin only supports one color sets
int colorSetIndex = 0;
// Assign color buffer and map the ids for each face-vertex
status = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh(
MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create ColorSet");
bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped(
colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &status);
MCHECKERR(status, "Can not get Color Clamped ");
status = newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped(
colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped);
MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Color Clamped : " + isColorClamped);
status = newMeshFn.setColors(
colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex],
MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Colors");
status = newMeshFn.assignColors(
fvarConnects2, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]);
MCHECKERR(status, "Can not assign Colors");
return MS::kSuccess;
@ -633,9 +830,7 @@ MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {
// Convert attr values to OSD enums
OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK;
// Create Far topology
// == Create Far topology ==========================
OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options;
options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners));
@ -644,27 +839,100 @@ MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {
options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ?
OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK);
// Storage for face-varying values (UV sets, vertex colors...)
std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_uCoords;
std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_vCoords;
std::vector<MColorArray> colorSet_colors;
bool hasUVs = false, hasColors = false;
float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f;
OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
gatherTopology(inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &maxCreaseSharpness);
OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner = gatherTopology(
inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, hasUVs, hasColors,
uvSet_uCoords, uvSet_vCoords, colorSet_colors, &maxCreaseSharpness);
// Refine & Interpolate
// == Refine & Interpolate ==========================
Vertex const * controlVerts =
// Prepare vertex information
Vertex const * initialVerts =
reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status));
std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts(
refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices());
Vertex const * srcVerts = controlVerts;
Vertex const * srcVerts = &initialVerts[0];
Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0];
// Verify the refiner has the correct number of values
// needed to interpolate the different channels
int numInitialUVs = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
int numInitialColors = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);
if (hasUVs && numInitialUVs <= 0) {
hasUVs = false;
MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the UV channel will not be interpolated.");
if (hasColors && numInitialColors <= 0) {
hasColors = false;
MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the color channel will not be interpolated.");
// Prepare UV information if needed
std::vector<FVarVertexUV> initialUVs, refinedUVs;
FVarVertexUV const * srcUV = NULL;
FVarVertexUV * dstUV = NULL;
if(hasUVs) {
for (int i=0; i<numInitialUVs; ++i) {
initialUVs[i].u = uvSet_uCoords[0][i];
initialUVs[i].v = uvSet_vCoords[0][i];
srcUV = &initialUVs[0];
dstUV = &refinedUVs[0];
// Prepare color information if needed
std::vector<FVarVertexColor> initialColors, refinedColors;
FVarVertexColor const * srcColor = NULL;
FVarVertexColor * dstColor = NULL;
if(hasColors) {
for (int i=0; i<numInitialColors; ++i) {
initialColors[i].r = colorSet_colors[0][i].r;
initialColors[i].g = colorSet_colors[0][i].g;
initialColors[i].b = colorSet_colors[0][i].b;
initialColors[i].a = colorSet_colors[0][i].a;
srcColor = &initialColors[0];
dstColor = &refinedColors[0];
// Interpolate the vertices and the different channels
OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner primvarRefiner(*refiner);
for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) {
OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner(*refiner).Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts);
// Interpolate vertices
primvarRefiner.Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts);
srcVerts = dstVerts;
dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();
// Interpolate the uv set
if(hasUVs) {
primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcUV, dstUV, CHANNELUV);
srcUV = dstUV;
dstUV += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
// Interpolate any color set
if(hasColors) {
primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcColor, dstColor, CHANNELCOLOR);
srcColor = dstColor;
dstColor += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);
// == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh =============
@ -675,7 +943,8 @@ MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {
MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");
// Create out mesh
status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj);
status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, hasUVs,
refinedUVs, hasColors, refinedColors, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj);
MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh");
// Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc)
@ -691,6 +960,7 @@ MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {
// == Cleanup OSD ============================================
// REVISIT: Re-add these deletes
delete refiner;
@ -940,8 +1210,8 @@ MayaPolySmooth::initialize() {
// Plugin
// ==========================================
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj ) {
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, "MayaPolySmooth", "1.0", "Any");
@ -968,8 +1238,8 @@ MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj) {
MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
@ -977,4 +1247,4 @@ MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "deregisterNode");
return returnStatus;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user