- VVarBoundaryInterpolation is now VtxBoundaryInterpolation
- enum prefix change from VVAR to VTX
- generel cleanup / doxyfication
- update of beta / release notes
- redefined and documented Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation
- included "corners only" mode not possible with Hbr
- updated usage within Vtr::FVarLevel
- "propagate corners" added as new enumeration to Sdc::Options
- topology tags within FVar channel initialized and propagated
- face-varying Interpolate() method updated to deal with creases
Sync'ing the 'dev' branch with the 'feature_3.0dev' branch at commit 68c6d11fc36761ae1a5e6cdc3457be16f2e9704a
The branch 'feature_3.0dev' is now locked and preserved for historical purposes.