- CPU, CPUGL backends both updated
- CL backend still needs work
- Loop subdivision tests disabled because they don't work
- Hedit tests disbaled because they don't work
- extend Far::PatchTables data structures & interfaces to store requisite
information for channels of face-varying bi-cubic patches
- implement gather function in Far::PatchTablesFactory to populate face-varying
channels with adaptive patches
- extend accessor interface in Vtr::Level
- propagate code fall-out throughout OpenSubdiv code base, examples & tutorials
- extend vtrViewer code to visualize tessellated bi-cubic face-varying patches
- add simple parsing function to the Shape class
- only a small portion of the MTL format is supported (no textures)
- the feature is disabled by default
- this work is incomplete : we still need to add piping to the GPU
- renamed Sdc::Type to SchemeType and TypeTraits to SchemeTypeTraits
- renamed TYPE_ prefix to SCHEME_
- updated all usage within core library
- updated all usage in examples, tutorials, etc.
- fixed naming consistency of protected methods used by Factory
- removed other unused and/or redundant protected methods
- update Far Factories to reflect changes to Refiner methods
- updated usage in tutorials and regression
- move level of refinement / isolation into the Options structs
- fix splash damage in rest of the code
note 1: this is less than ideal, because most compilers accept the previous
call to these functions with an incorrect parameter list (ie. passing
the level instead of the struct issues no warnings and compiles...)
caveat emptor...
note 2: the level parameter names may not be final for adaptive modes
as we will likely want independent controls over crease vs.
extraordinary vertex isolation.
- change topology refiner to check for edge sharpnesses when selecting faces for isolation
- add face-aggregator for edge tags to Vtr::Level
- fix logic in Far::PatchTablesFactory to correctly tag single-crease patches along infinitely sharp edges
note : this fix is a bit of a cludge - barfowl confirms that the vertex crease tags (VTags) are intended to
carry neighborhood information, which they currently do not. we will revisit this shortly and fix the tags,
which will allow us to simplify the traversal logic when isolating topology features.
Const' declared instances of Vtr::Array do not protect the pointer held
privately by the class properly. In order to force the compiler to
protect this pointer, we removed all non-const accessors from Vtr::Array
(now renamed Vtr::ConstArray) and moved them to a child class (Vtr::Array),
which requires const_cast<> operators internally to allow access.
The change & renaming is then propagated to all internal dependencies.
- VVarBoundaryInterpolation is now VtxBoundaryInterpolation
- enum prefix change from VVAR to VTX
- generel cleanup / doxyfication
- update of beta / release notes
- add error reporting callback to Vtr::Level::validateTopology
- switch printfs to callback
- add error code enums to Vtr::Level
- route Far::TopologyRefinerFactory::reportInvalidTopology through Vtr::Level callback
- Vtr::Level::validateTopology needs to check creaase tag indices
- topology validation should be client-code driver in TopologyRefinerFactory (turned off in the code at the moment)
- make sure we don't get conflicting enums (CODE_ERROR)
- fix template specialization for Far::TopologyRefinerFactory in regression/common/vtr_utils
- fix remaining error reporting code around osd
- adaptive mode: remove faces tagged as holes from the selection of faces to isolate
- uniform mode: faces tagged as holes are still included in the refinement process,
however they are removed from patch tables
- future improvements: add a 'selective refinement' code path separate from 'uniform refinement'
to handle this case without un-necessary subdivision work.
Sync'ing the 'dev' branch with the 'feature_3.0dev' branch at commit 68c6d11fc36761ae1a5e6cdc3457be16f2e9704a
The branch 'feature_3.0dev' is now locked and preserved for historical purposes.
* replace void* of all kernel applications with CONTEXT template parameter.
It eliminates many static_casts from void* for both far and osd classes.
* move the big switch-cases of far default kernel launches out of Refine so
that osd controllers can arbitrary mix default kernels and custom kernels.
* change FarKernelBatch::kernelType from enum to int, clients can add
custom kernel types.
* remove a back-pointer to farmesh from subdivision table.
* untemplate all subdivision table classes and template their compute methods
instead. Those methods take a typed vertex storage.
* remove an unused argument FarMesh from the constructor of subdivision
table factories.
The previous fix pointed far indexing tables to the origin vertex
of duped singular verts.
This fix goes one step further and actually shifts all vertex indexing
to start at the end of the coarse mesh vertices, using the space for
data that was previously occupied by duplicated singular verts.
The consequence is that client code no longer needs to duplicate vertex
data in vertex buffers (huzzah !).
- fix FarSubdivisionTablesFactory to shift factory vertex table offsets using Hbr's
singular verts map
- fix schema table factories (Catmark, Loop...) to correctly use these offsets
- remove vertex data duplication code from osdPolySmooth example
- remove some (unrelated) cruft from glViewer example
- shape_utils unfortunately still needs to dubplicate the singular verts to
allow the coarse edge drawing in our example viewers to work correctly
(although it could be fixed to avoid data duplication too...)
- Add a vector of index pairs to HbrMesh to track the index of a split
vertex and its origin vertex
- Correct the Far remap tables in FarSubdivisionTablesFactory to point split
vertices to their origin instead of themselves
- Fix regression/common/shape_utils.h to use the new HbrMesh::GetSplitVertices()
- Fix the osdPolySmooth example to use the new HbrMesh::GetSplitVertices()
- Add a paragraph to the documentation
The Chaikin crease interpolation mode seems to be broken:
- Catmark / Loop / Bilinear are passing the wrong halfedge vertex to the
SubdivideCreaseWeight function which results in sub-edge crease weights
being swapped
- the loop that iterates over adjacent edges needs to check against both
the original edge and its opposite, otherwise it may be incorrectly
accumulated into summation of these adjacent edges (with a 0.25 weight)
The proposed fix:
- Swaps the Dest/Org vertex passed to the SubdivideCreaseWeight (and
we probably want Julian to confirm that this the correct fix)
- Checks against both the original edge and its opposite in the iteration
over adjacent edges
- Replaces the std::vector based query with an HbrHalfedgeOperator for
better performance (hopefully)
The similar fix to OpenSubdiv been reviewed by Tony DeRose.
Also in the fix:
- fix "obj" tag parsing of the smooth triangle tag that was incorrectly
associated with the crease method (and reporting the wrong errors)
- add regression shapes for both Loop & Catmark schemes to hbr_regression
- add same shapes to the glViewer
- improve hbr_regression output to be more readable
- add command-line argument parsing to hbr_regression
- add functionality to dump an obj file when regression fails for comparison
- add 2 shape examples with Chaikin rule tag
- add shapes to the glViewer
- add a stub in the documentation
Note: the Chaikin rule currently applied by Hbr appears to be somewhat off...
New text:
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