- add a framebuffer to gl_hud with programmable image shader
- add optional SSAO image shader to the new framebuffer
- add screenshot to png functionality
- implement in glViewer
note: ptexViewer and some others still need refactoring to use the new hud capabilities
Moved transient states (current vertex buffer etc) to controller.
ComputeContext becomes constant so that it's well suited for coarse-grain
parallelism on cpu.
Client-facing API has changed slightly - limitEval example has been adjusted
- fix default selection for pulldown widgets
- move widgets around to prevent overlap in examples
- add a little triangle indicator to the pulldown widget
- switch color from white to yellow for selected pulldown item
- switch shading radio buttons to pulldowns
- re-ordered elements on screen in most viewers
note: the ptex viewer has not been updated to the new look yet
* replace void* of all kernel applications with CONTEXT template parameter.
It eliminates many static_casts from void* for both far and osd classes.
* move the big switch-cases of far default kernel launches out of Refine so
that osd controllers can arbitrary mix default kernels and custom kernels.
* change FarKernelBatch::kernelType from enum to int, clients can add
custom kernel types.
* remove a back-pointer to farmesh from subdivision table.
* untemplate all subdivision table classes and template their compute methods
instead. Those methods take a typed vertex storage.
* remove an unused argument FarMesh from the constructor of subdivision
table factories.
This follows existing patterns (more or less), but
there are certainly opportunities to move more of this
sort of logic into macros defined at the top level.
The example code now uses the new glfw*FramebufferSize methods
to determine the size of the windows's framebuffer for rendering
and glfw*WindowSize method for user interaction
- set OBJECT targets for osd cpu & gpu libs, and use the obj target for
static and dynamic linking
- add a new examples_common_obj OBJECT target
- replace direct source dependencies to obj target in all examples CMakeLists
This change makes it possible to not re-compile the same source files
multiple times when they are used in multiple targets. Thanks to jcowles
for uncovering the CMake functionality.
Note: it seems that multi-process build is working again (gmake -j <x>)
New text:
Copyright 2013 Pixar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
- fix FindGLFW.cmake to match the new locations
- fix all viewer & examples to build with 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.2
Note : ptxViewer and paintTest do not work with 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 (yet)
- Replaced EvalData and EvalVertexData classes with a simpler DataStream class that only
accesses a single data stream, binds and unbinds it
- DataStream has both an input and an output version which avoids much of the const-ness
const-related ambiguity of the previous design pattern
- Vertex, varying and face-varying data now all have a dedicate struct (VertexData, VaryingData, FaceVaryingData)
as a way of gathering the various data-streams required to perform sampling
- renamd some "Buffers" into "Tables" for better naming consistency with Far
- remove PatchMap from FarPatchTables
- add a new FarPatchMap quad-tree class (constructed from FarPatchTables)
- refactor the EvalLimitController to use the quad-tree search instead of a
serial loop access
that do not have that type of data
- fix some regression shapes that had "empty" uv values
(including some minor topo surgery that luckily appears to not break
regression baselines)
set all the point colors (if face-varying data is missing on the test shape for instance)
and we don't want random values creeping from unset memory allocations.
- minor refactoring of the LimitEvalContext to accomodate all the data buffers
- pushing some minor sub-patch functionality back to FarPatchParams
- extend example code with randomly generated varying vertex colors
and adding the requisite accessors
Note : all our example code goes through the same boiler-plate texture
binding code - we might want to move it as a member function of the DrawContext.
be used as intended to specify an installation directory, which can be located anywhere on the
file system.
Also improved the doxygen target and made the doxy build "quiet".