- added Far::PatchTableFactory::Options::generateLegacySharpCornerPatches
- legacy behavior of sharp patches at smooth corners preserved by default
- added corresponding option bit to Osd::MeshBits
- updated examples/glViewer with option
Te issue here is that some of the functions were not considered templated
anymore because all their template arguments were specified, which made it
so compiler was creating implementation for them in every file from where
the header was included. This causes errors during linking related on the
same symbol implemented in several places.
Marking those functions as inlined solves the problem and should not cause
any bad side effects because they're small enough and likely being inlined
by an optimizer anyway.
To encapsulate endcap functions from public API, add methods to
tell the number of patch points needed (GetNumLocalPoints()) and
to compute those patch points as a result of change of basis from
the refined vertices (ComputeLocalPointValues()).
ComputeLocalPointValues takes contiguous source data of all levels
including level0 control vertices.
Add EvalStencils and EvalPatches API for most of CPU and GPU evaluators.
with this change, Eval API in the osd layer consists of following parts:
- Evaluators (Cpu, Omp, Tbb, Cuda, CL, GLXFB, GLCompute, D3D11Compute)
implements EvalStencils and EvalPatches(*). Both supports derivatives
(not fully implemented though)
- Interop vertex buffer classes (optional, same as before)
Note that these classes are not necessary to use Evaluators.
All evaluators have EvalStencils/Patches which take device-specific
buffer objects. For example, GLXFBEvaluator can take GLuint directly
for both stencil tables and input primvars. Although using these
interop classes makes it easy to integrate osd into relatively
simple applications.
- device-dependent StencilTable and PatchTable (optional)
These are also optional, but can be used simply a substitute of
Far::StencilTable and Far::PatchTable for osd evaluators.
- PatchArray, PatchCoord, PatchParam
They are tiny structs used for GPU based patch evaluation.
(*) TODO and known issues:
- CLEvaluator and D3D11Evaluator's EvalPatches() have not been implemented.
- GPU Gregory patch evaluation has not been implemented in EvalPatches().
- CudaEvaluator::EvalPatches() is very unstable.
- All patch evaluation kernels have not been well optimized.
- Currently GLXFB kernel doesn't support derivative evaluation.
There's a technical difficulty for the multi-stream output.
In osd layer, we use GLPatchTable (D3D11PatchTable) as a
device-specific representation of FarPatchTables instead of
DrawContext. GLPatchTable may be used not only for drawing
but also for GPU eval APIs (not yet supported though.
We may add CudaPatchTable etc as needed).
The legacy gregory patch drawing buffers are carved out to
the separate class, named GLLegacyGregoryPatchTable.
Also face-varying data are split into client side for now, until
we add new and more robust face-varying drawing structure
(scheduled at 3.1 release)
Tentatively replicate PatchArray structure in GLPatchTables. It will
be revised in the upcoming change.
Shifting hard-coded SRV locations of legacy gregory buffers in HLSL shaders.
While this may be worth revisiting, we should first quantify the benefits and
identify the compilers that support it. Ultimately, we may never use pragma
once in favor of strictly using standard C++.
Since unified shading work already removed subPatch info from
Osd::PatchDescriptor, the difference between Far::PatchDescriptor and
Osd::PatchDescriptor is just maxValence and numElements. They are used
for legacy gregory patch drawing.
Both maxValence and numElements are actually constant within a topology
(drawContext). This change move maxValence to DrawContext and let client
manage numElements, then we can eliminate Osd::PatchDescriptor and simply
use Far::PatchDescritor instead.
This is still an intermediate step toward further DrawRegistry refactoring.
For the time being, adding EffectDesc struct to include maxValence and
numValence to be maintained by the clients. They will be cleaned up later.
The side benefit of this change is we no longer need to recompile regular b-spline
shaders for the different max-valences.
- Remove MeshPtexData bit from Osd::MeshBits. It's not used any more
- Rename ptexIndexBuffer in D3D11DrawContext to paramParamBuffer
- Remove Is/SetPtexEnabled from D3D11DrawRegistry
In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into
compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent
and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil
table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is
no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU
kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers
even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones.
This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and
controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators.
While we can still use consistent API across various device backends,
unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator
is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate
FarStencilTables to ComputeContext.
Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels
to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple
GPU environment.
In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into
a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added
into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup
change for the complete implementation.
-some naming convention changes:
GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator
GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator
-move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit.
We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like
to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer.
-implments EvalPatches() in the right way
-derivative evaluation API is still interim.
-VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location
-synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global).
-OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
Removed OpenCL/D3D11 specialization and add DEVICE_CONTEXT as a template
parameter. For the kernels which don't need a context object (e.g.
CPU, OpenGL, cuda) just ignore the context, and for the kernels which
use a context (e.g. OpenCL, DirectX) takes a context or a user-defined
class as which encapsulates device contexts. Note that OpenCL requires
two objects, cl_context and cl_command_queue. The user-defined
class must provide GetContext() and GetCommandQueue() for strongly typed
binding to osd VertexBuffers and ComputeContexts.
Osd::Mesh and MeshInterface have been used as a handy harness to host
multiple GPU kernels and graphics APIs. However it has CL/DirectX
specializations and duplicates large amount of plubming code. With this
change, glMesh.h and d3d11Mesh.h become just typedefs and all logic is
put into mesh.h without specializations.
Also cleaned up unused header files and code formatting.
- rename "Regular end cap" to "BSplineBasis end cap"
- revert templating and add EndCapType into PatchTablesFactory::Options.
- make EndCapFactories internal in PatchTablesFactory.
- move end cap stencils into PatchTables, keep them relative to the max level.
- add a utility StencilTablesFactory::AppendEndCapStencilTables to splice and factorize endcap stencil tables.
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory
so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client
can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style
gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation).
Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index
to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top
of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
This is the first step to tease off Osd compute controller/contexts
from Far API.
Currently FarStencilTable only creates a kernelbatch for the entire range,
so we can use [0, numStencils) for all cases instead of KernelBatch.
This might not be true if we apply non-factorized level-wise stencils,
then we'll add another modular utility to serve those cases.
PatchTablesFactory fills 20 indices topology into patchtable, and use it for eval and draw.
note: currently screen-space adaptive tessellation of gregory basis patches is
broken and cracks appear around them.
- move level of refinement / isolation into the Options structs
- fix splash damage in rest of the code
note 1: this is less than ideal, because most compilers accept the previous
call to these functions with an incorrect parameter list (ie. passing
the level instead of the struct issues no warnings and compiles...)
caveat emptor...
note 2: the level parameter names may not be final for adaptive modes
as we will likely want independent controls over crease vs.
extraordinary vertex isolation.
- change error codes from situational to general (fatal / coding / run-time...)
- pull error functions from Osd into Far
- add a templated topology validation reporting system to Far::TopologyRefinerFactory
- fix fallout on rest of code-base
- re-implement the pool allocator
- use templates to remove code redundancy between regular & limit stencils
- leverage [] operator overloading to simplify stencil factorization
- add the ability to treat subdivision levels independently (see below)
- refactor Far::TopologyRefiner::Interpolate<>() methods to pass buffers by reference
(allows overloading of [] operator)
- rename some of the stencil factory options
- propagate changes to Osd / examples / tutorials...
Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces", Niessner et al, Eurographics 2012.
This change includes;
-topology identification for single-crease patch during adaptive refinement.
-patch array population (similar to boundary)
-sharpness buffer generation
-glsl shader
Eval stuffs will be coming.
Sync'ing the 'dev' branch with the 'feature_3.0dev' branch at commit 68c6d11fc36761ae1a5e6cdc3457be16f2e9704a
The branch 'feature_3.0dev' is now locked and preserved for historical purposes.
* added `OsdMeshInterface::GetFarMesh` and `OsdMesh::GetFarMesh` to match `OsdGLMesh` and `OsdD3D11Mesh`
* added `interleaved` argument to `OsdMesh::Refine` to match `OsdMeshInterface::Refine`
All kernels take offset/length/stride to apply subdivision partially in each vertex elements.
Also the offset can be used for client-based VBO aggregation, without modifying index buffers.
This is useful for topology sharing, in conjunction with glDrawElementsBaseVertex etc.
However, gregory patch shader fetches vertex buffer via texture buffer, which index should also
be offsetted too. Although gl_BaseVertexARB extension should be able to do that job, it's a
relatively new extension. So we use OsdBaseVertex() call to mitigate the compatibility
issue as clients can provide it in their way at least for the time being.
* maintainance work on the D3D11 specialization of OsdMesh to bring it in line with the other template specializations
* updated the facePartition example to derive PartitionedMesh from OsdMesh in order to allow other vertex buffer and compute controller configurations
* added the numVertexElements argument to Osd*DrawContext::Create, which is used to initialize the patch arrays when calling OsdDrawContext::ConvertPatchArrays
* removed the unused level argument from Osd*DrawContext::_initialize
* maintenance work on CL/D3D11 bindings to get them to compile
New text:
Copyright 2013 Pixar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
2 client APIs are changed.
- VertexBuffer::UpdateData() takes start vertex offset
- ComputeController::Refine() takes FarKernelBatchVector
Also, ComputeContext no longer holds farmesh.
Client can free farmesh after OsdComputeContext is created.
(but still need FarKernelBatchVector to apply subdivision kernels)
Now a ComputeController is passed as an
argument to OsdMesh::Create(). This is
a better match to the underlying object
model and can be much more efficient for
compute controllers that have expensive
resources, e.g. compiled shader kernels.