Delete scheme specialized subdivision tables. The base class FarSubdivisionTables
already has all tables, so we just need scheme enum to identify which scheme
the subdivision tables belong to.
This brings a lot of code cleanups around far factory classes.
* replace void* of all kernel applications with CONTEXT template parameter.
It eliminates many static_casts from void* for both far and osd classes.
* move the big switch-cases of far default kernel launches out of Refine so
that osd controllers can arbitrary mix default kernels and custom kernels.
* change FarKernelBatch::kernelType from enum to int, clients can add
custom kernel types.
* remove a back-pointer to farmesh from subdivision table.
* untemplate all subdivision table classes and template their compute methods
instead. Those methods take a typed vertex storage.
* remove an unused argument FarMesh from the constructor of subdivision
table factories.
The previous fix pointed far indexing tables to the origin vertex
of duped singular verts.
This fix goes one step further and actually shifts all vertex indexing
to start at the end of the coarse mesh vertices, using the space for
data that was previously occupied by duplicated singular verts.
The consequence is that client code no longer needs to duplicate vertex
data in vertex buffers (huzzah !).
- fix FarSubdivisionTablesFactory to shift factory vertex table offsets using Hbr's
singular verts map
- fix schema table factories (Catmark, Loop...) to correctly use these offsets
- remove vertex data duplication code from osdPolySmooth example
- remove some (unrelated) cruft from glViewer example
- shape_utils unfortunately still needs to dubplicate the singular verts to
allow the coarse edge drawing in our example viewers to work correctly
(although it could be fixed to avoid data duplication too...)
New text:
Copyright 2013 Pixar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
- FarKernelBatch becomes a class w/ accessors
- split the FarKernelBatchFactory to its own header file
- add doxy doc
- propagate fallout to the rest of the code base
a new function is added to avoid confusion.
-GetNumVertices() returns number of vertices
-GetNumVerticesTotal() returns total number of vertices includins number of lower levels.
#closes 156
2 client APIs are changed.
- VertexBuffer::UpdateData() takes start vertex offset
- ComputeController::Refine() takes FarKernelBatchVector
Also, ComputeContext no longer holds farmesh.
Client can free farmesh after OsdComputeContext is created.
(but still need FarKernelBatchVector to apply subdivision kernels)
- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](
- New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code.
- DirectX 11 support
- and much more...
- All data representation classes are now single-templated for a vertex class 'U'
- All constructors / instancing code has been moved into "Factory" functions that are dual-templated
for two vertex classes <class T, class U=T>. This allows hbr specialization with a placeholder
vertex flass 'T' for faster analysis without paying interpolation costs, while far can still specialize
a fully implemented vertex class 'U' with full subdivision functionality.
- Some preliminary clean-up work on FarVertexEditTables with the addition of a FarVertexEdit class
as a replacement for the former HbrVertedEdit which was introducing back dependencies on hbr. The
implementation is very lightweight. Some slight renaming / cleanup of the code, with some more to
be done.
- there are no more dependencies on hbr (not even #include) from far's data structure !
Notes :
- the FarDispatcher mechanism has become somewhat awkward and should be re-evaluated when refactoring osd.
- the "Factory" pattern survives this round of refactoring until we can find something better.