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create patch tables arrays for when instantiating the FarPatchArrayVector.
default of -1 selects the highest level of subdivision that the factory is able to generate
note : this functionality will eventually have to be exposed to client code from the
FarMeshFactory API
some un-connected face-vertices. FarSubdivisionTablesFactory has been hardened
so as to not trip over these, but apparently Gregory patch valence tables
generation is tripping over one of those in FarPatchTablesFactory.
- replace ptex indexing with the FarPtexCoord structure as a way to pass per-patch
ptex data to the shaders.
We are replacing a vector<int> arranged as :
int[0] : ptex face index
int[1] : (u,v) as 16 bits encoding the log2 coordinate of the top left corner
Instead we are now using a struct arranged as :
int[0] : ptex face index
int[1] : is a bit-field containing u,v, rotation, depth and non-quad
The u,v coordinates have been reduced to 10 bits instead of 16, which still
gives us a lot of margin.
- Replace OsdVertexBufferDescriptor with something more adequate for general
primvar representation (this name will probably eventually change...)
- Improve OsdPatchDescriptor
- add a "loop" boolean (true if the patch is of loop type)
- add a GetPatchSize() accessor
- OsdPatchArray :
- remove some redundant elements (still more to do there)
- Fix all shader / examples / regressions & stuff to make this all work.
2 client APIs are changed.
- VertexBuffer::UpdateData() takes start vertex offset
- ComputeController::Refine() takes FarKernelBatchVector
Also, ComputeContext no longer holds farmesh.
Client can free farmesh after OsdComputeContext is created.
(but still need FarKernelBatchVector to apply subdivision kernels)
while retaining a necessary 1-ring on the inside of a hole edge
- add IsInsideHole() function to HbrHalfEdge
- add HasChild() function to HbrVertex and HbrHalfedge
- add a regression shape with adjacent holes and creases (tests dart, crease & boundaries)
Note : this does not address hierarchical edits inside holes or hole tags in hierarchical edits
- make sure HBR passes down the hole tag to children when subdividing faces
- minor API modification : allow to unset the hole flag on a face
- modify uniform / adaptive FarMeshFactory to be aware of the flag
- make the FarSubdivisionTableFactory assert when finding unconnected HBR vertices (as it should)
* Uniform subdivision :
The refinement scheme only creates faces & vertices necessary
to maintain the one-ring around the edges of a hole, so this solution
is quite efficient.
* Adaptive subdivision :
At the moment we are still performing full topological analysis on holes and
only skipping patches associated to holes. This is sub-optimal in 2 ways :
1. the topological analysis can potentially be cranking on a lot of unnecessary
2. even though we may not be drawing the patches, the compute stage is still
applying kernels on all the control vertices of these patches.
We will have to revisit feature adaptive subdivision & holes, so keep the issue active.
- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](
- New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code.
- DirectX 11 support
- and much more...