* added the numVertexElements argument to Osd*DrawContext::Create, which is used to initialize the patch arrays when calling OsdDrawContext::ConvertPatchArrays
* removed the unused level argument from Osd*DrawContext::_initialize
* maintenance work on CL/D3D11 bindings to get them to compile
Delete scheme specialized subdivision tables. The base class FarSubdivisionTables
already has all tables, so we just need scheme enum to identify which scheme
the subdivision tables belong to.
This brings a lot of code cleanups around far factory classes.
* replace void* of all kernel applications with CONTEXT template parameter.
It eliminates many static_casts from void* for both far and osd classes.
* move the big switch-cases of far default kernel launches out of Refine so
that osd controllers can arbitrary mix default kernels and custom kernels.
* change FarKernelBatch::kernelType from enum to int, clients can add
custom kernel types.
* remove a back-pointer to farmesh from subdivision table.
* untemplate all subdivision table classes and template their compute methods
instead. Those methods take a typed vertex storage.
* remove an unused argument FarMesh from the constructor of subdivision
table factories.
Prevent boundaryEdgeNeighbors[2] from being overrun when an interior
vertex has more than 2 boundary neighbor vertices. The fix is applied
to the GLSL / HLSL and CPU implementations.
Note: this appears to fix long-standing problems with Gregory patches,
but i am not entirely convinced that this fixes the general case.
- Add a _numVertices member to cpuSmoothNormalContext (for memory reset function)
- Fix memory reset function in cpuSmoothNormalContext (was performing redundant memsets)
- Add a resetMemory boolean to cpuSmoothNormalContext to make reset step optional (default is off)
- added a _stringify function to top CMakeLists
- switched all stringification tasks to use the macro
- all suffixes are now .gen.h instead of .inc (to help cmake track dependencies)
Further leverage cmake object libraries to share object files for CPU
and GPU OSD libraries, avoiding duplicate complation for dynamic/static
build passes.
CMake restricts object library inputs to header and source files, so the
.inc files were renamed to .gen.h (which seems like a better name
anyway) to make CMake happy.
Also updated the .gitignore file to ignore .gen.h files.
- set OBJECT targets for osd cpu & gpu libs, and use the obj target for
static and dynamic linking
- add a new examples_common_obj OBJECT target
- replace direct source dependencies to obj target in all examples CMakeLists
This change makes it possible to not re-compile the same source files
multiple times when they are used in multiple targets. Thanks to jcowles
for uncovering the CMake functionality.
Note: it seems that multi-process build is working again (gmake -j <x>)
An object library allows other build targets to use the object files
from this library.
The change introduces osd_static_cpu_obj which is consumed by
This will be useful for emscripten integration where we cant use the
compiled library, rather it will use the object files, targeting
Important notice: all client shader code must have following functions and compose them to osd intrinsic shaders (vertex/tessEval/tessControl)
mat4 OsdModelViewMatrix()
mat4 OsdProjectionMatrix()
mat4 OsdModelViewProjectionMatrix()
float OsdTessLevel()
int OsdGreogryQuadOffsetBase()
int OsdPrimitiveIdBase()
We probably should write a utility class for basic binding of them, to make client code simpler.
Moving Takahito's implementation into the core API:
- added <gl/d3d11>PtexCommon.<glsl/hlsl> shader code
- added control to enable Ptex common trunk in <gl/d3d11>DrawRegistryBase classes
- fixed GL & D3D11 ptexViewer examples to use the new API
New text:
Copyright 2013 Pixar
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