- Adding FarStencilTables and FarStencilTablesFactory classes
- Adding Osd EvalStencil context & controllers for CPU, OMP and TBB backends
- Adding the code example glStencilViewer
- Adding reST documentation
- Changing version to 2.2.0_dev
- Fix HbrMesh::Unrefine function
- Fix "CanEval" function in OsdVertexBufferDescriptor
Note 0: there is no stencil support for hierarchical edits
Note 1: there is no support for face-varying data stencils yet
Note 2: the current stencil factory is lazy but the caching system is not re-entrant
- new RST pages for our excample code
- fix doxygen documentation link from the nav tab
- fix cmake build rules (still not quite working as intended)
- adding API RST documentation all around
- adding docutils cmake module
- adding rst2html conversion build step to our documentation folder
- adding tipue search system
- adding a python script to insert HTML navigation template and index HTML documentation contents
- adding RST documentation content, images and temporary CSS styling
- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cloop/tog2012.pdf).
- New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code.
- DirectX 11 support
- and much more...