// // Copyright 2013 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // // // Common utilities for map file attributes // global proc AEopenSubdivShader_fileBrowser( string $nodeAttr ) { string $attr = `match "[^.]+$" $nodeAttr`; string $uiAttr = `interToUI $attr`; string $imgFilters = "PNG (*.png);;TIFF (*.tif);;JPEG (*.jpg);;All files (*.*)"; string $result[] = `fileDialog2 -caption ("Choose "+$uiAttr) -fileMode 1 -fileFilter $imgFilters -selectFileFilter "All files" `; string $filename = ""; if (size($result) > 0) { $filename = $result[0]; setAttr $nodeAttr -type "string" $filename; } } proc buildMapRow( string $nodeAttr ) { string $attr = `match "[^.]+$" $nodeAttr`; string $fileField = ($attr+"_fileField"); string $browserBtn = ($attr+"_browserBtn"); setUITemplate -pst attributeEditorTemplate; rowLayout -nc 3 -h 25; text -label `interToUI $attr`; textField $fileField; symbolButton -image "navButtonBrowse.png" $browserBtn; setParent ..; setUITemplate -ppt; } // // Custom controls for adding file browser to map attributes // // // diffuseMap // global proc AEopenSubdivShader_diffuseMapNew( string $nodeAttr ) { // build row with text field and file browser button buildMapRow( $nodeAttr ); AEopenSubdivShader_diffuseMapReplace $nodeAttr; } global proc AEopenSubdivShader_diffuseMapReplace (string $nodeAttr) { string $attr = `match "[^.]+$" $nodeAttr`; string $fileField = ($attr+"_fileField"); string $browserBtn = ($attr+"_browserBtn"); connectControl -fileName $fileField $nodeAttr; button -e -c ("AEopenSubdivShader_fileBrowser \"" + $nodeAttr + "\"" ) $browserBtn; } global proc AEopenSubdivShaderTemplate(string $nodeName) { // swatch rendering not implemented yet // AEswatchDisplay $nodeName; editorTemplate -beginScrollLayout; editorTemplate -beginLayout "Subdivision" -collapse false; editorTemplate -addControl "adaptive"; editorTemplate -addControl "scheme"; editorTemplate -addControl "kernel"; editorTemplate -addControl "level"; editorTemplate -addControl "tessFactor"; editorTemplate -addControl "interpolateBoundary"; editorTemplate -addControl "interpolateUVBoundary"; editorTemplate -endLayout; editorTemplate -beginLayout "Appearance" -collapse false; editorTemplate -addControl "wireframe"; editorTemplate -addSeparator; editorTemplate -addControl "diffuse"; editorTemplate -addControl "ambient"; editorTemplate -addControl "specular"; editorTemplate -addControl "shininess"; editorTemplate -endLayout; editorTemplate -beginLayout "Texture" -collapse false; editorTemplate -callCustom "AEopenSubdivShader_diffuseMapNew" "AEopenSubdivShader_diffuseMapReplace" "diffuseMap"; editorTemplate -addControl "uvSet"; editorTemplate -endLayout; editorTemplate -beginLayout "Shader" -collapse true; editorTemplate -addControl "shaderSource"; editorTemplate -endLayout; // include/call base class/node attributes AEdependNodeTemplate $nodeName; editorTemplate -addExtraControls; editorTemplate -endScrollLayout; editorTemplate -suppress "outColor"; editorTemplate -suppress "outTransparency"; editorTemplate -suppress "outMatteOpacity"; editorTemplate -suppress "outGlowColor"; editorTemplate -suppress "enableHwShading"; editorTemplate -suppress "varyingParameters"; editorTemplate -suppress "uniformParameters"; }