// // Copyright 2013 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #ifndef GL_MESH_H #define GL_MESH_H #include #include #include #include "../common/glUtils.h" #include // Wrapper class for drawing Hbr & Far meshes & components class GLMesh { public: enum Component { COMP_FACE=0, COMP_EDGE, COMP_VERT, COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS }; enum VertColorMode { VERTCOLOR_SOLID=0, VERTCOLOR_BY_LEVEL, VERTCOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS, VERTCOLOR_BY_PARENT_TYPE }; enum EdgeColorMode { EDGECOLOR_SOLID=0, EDGECOLOR_BY_LEVEL, EDGECOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS, EDGECOLOR_BY_PATCHTYPE }; enum FaceColorMode { FACECOLOR_SOLID=0, FACECOLOR_BY_PATCHTYPE }; struct Options { Options() : vertColorMode(0), edgeColorMode(0), faceColorMode(0) {} unsigned int vertColorMode:3, edgeColorMode:3, faceColorMode:3; }; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Raw topology initialization void Initialize(Options options, int nverts, int nfaces, int * vertsperface, int * faceverts, float const * vertexData); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Hbr initialization template void Initialize(Options options, std::vector const *> const & faces) { assert(not faces.empty()); OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh const * hmesh = faces[0]->GetMesh(); int nfaces = (int)faces.size(), nverts = hmesh->GetNumVertices(), nedgeverts = 0; { // EAOs ------------------------------------------ _eao[COMP_VERT].reserve(nfaces*4); _eao[COMP_FACE].reserve(nfaces*4); for (int i=0; i const * f = faces[i]; int nv = f->GetNumVertices(); for (int j=0; jGetVertex(j)->GetID(); _eao[COMP_VERT].push_back(vid); _eao[COMP_FACE].push_back(vid); } } std::sort(_eao[COMP_VERT].begin(), _eao[COMP_VERT].end()); std::unique(_eao[COMP_VERT].begin(), _eao[COMP_VERT].end()); // XXXX this might be slow... nedgeverts = (int)_eao[COMP_FACE].size()*2; _eao[COMP_EDGE].resize(nedgeverts); for (int i=0; i const * v = hmesh->GetVertex(i); float * vertdata = &_vbo[COMP_VERT][v->GetID()*6], * facedata = &_vbo[COMP_FACE][v->GetID()*3]; // copy position memcpy(vertdata, v->GetData().GetPos(), sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(facedata, v->GetData().GetPos(), sizeof(float)*3); // set color if (options.vertColorMode==VERTCOLOR_BY_LEVEL) { int depth=0; if (v->IsConnected()) { depth = v->GetIncidentEdge()->GetFace()->GetDepth(); } setColorByLevel(depth, vertdata+3); } else if (options.vertColorMode==VERTCOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS) { setColorBySharpness(v->GetSharpness(), vertdata+3); } else { setSolidColor(vertdata+3); } } _vbo[COMP_EDGE].resize(nedgeverts*6); for (int i=0, ofs=0; i const * f = faces[i]; int nv = f->GetNumVertices(); for (int j=0; j const * e = f->GetEdge(j); OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex const * v0 = e->GetOrgVertex(), * v1 = e->GetDestVertex(); float * v0data = &_vbo[COMP_EDGE][ofs], * v1data = &_vbo[COMP_EDGE][ofs+6]; // copy position memcpy(v0data, v0->GetData().GetPos(), sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(v1data, v1->GetData().GetPos(), sizeof(float)*3); // set color if (options.vertColorMode==EDGECOLOR_BY_LEVEL) { int depth = f->GetDepth(); setColorByLevel(depth, v0data+3); setColorByLevel(depth, v1data+3); } else if (options.vertColorMode==EDGECOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS) { setColorBySharpness(e->GetSharpness(), v0data+3); setColorBySharpness(e->GetSharpness(), v1data+3); } else { setSolidColor(v0data+3); setSolidColor(v1data+3); } ofs += 12; } } } _numComps[COMP_FACE] = (int)_eao[COMP_FACE].size(); _numComps[COMP_EDGE] = (int)_eao[COMP_EDGE].size(); _numComps[COMP_VERT] = (int)_eao[COMP_VERT].size(); _faceColors.resize(nfaces*4, 1.0f); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Far initialization typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner TopologyRefiner; typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables PatchTables; void Initialize(Options options, TopologyRefiner const & refiner, PatchTables const * patchTables, float const * vertexData); void InitializeFVar(Options options, TopologyRefiner const & refiner, PatchTables const * patchTables, int channel, int tessFactor, float const * fvarData); void InitializeDeviceBuffers(); // ----------------------------------------------------- GLMesh(); ~GLMesh(); void Draw(Component comp, GLuint transformUB, GLuint lightingUB); void SetDiffuseColor(float r, float g, float b, float a); void SetFaceColor(int face, float r, float g, float b, float a); private: void setSolidColor(float * color); static void setColorByLevel(int level, float * color); static void setColorBySharpness(float sharpness, float * color); void initializeVertexComponentBuffer(float const * vertexData, int nverts); void initializeBuffers(Options options, TopologyRefiner const & refiner, float const * vertexData); void initializeBuffers(Options options, TopologyRefiner const & refiner, PatchTables const & patchTables, float const * vertexData); void clearBuffers(); int _numComps[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS]; GLuint _VAO[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS], _VBO[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS], _EAO[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS], _TBOfaceColors; std::vector _vbo[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS]; std::vector _eao[COMP_NUM_COMPONENTS]; std::vector _faceColors; float _ambientColor[4], _diffuseColor[4]; }; #endif // GL_MESH_H