// // Copyright 2013 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #ifndef OSDUTIL_MESH_BATCH_H #define OSDUTIL_MESH_BATCH_H #include "../version.h" #include "../far/multiMeshFactory.h" #include "../far/patchTables.h" #include "../osd/vertexDescriptor.h" #include namespace OpenSubdiv { namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION { template class FarMesh; class OsdVertex; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OsdUtilMeshBatchEntry // // // struct OsdUtilMeshBatchEntry { OsdDrawContext::PatchArrayVector patchArrays; int vertexOffset; // relative offset to first coarse vertex in vbo int ptexFaceOffset; // relative offset to first ptex face ID }; typedef std::vector OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OsdUtilMeshBatchBase // // base batching class which holds kernel batches and patch arrays. // template class OsdUtilMeshBatchBase { public: typedef DRAW_CONTEXT DrawContext; virtual ~OsdUtilMeshBatchBase(); virtual typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() = 0; virtual typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() = 0; virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() const = 0; // entry accessors int GetVertexOffset(int meshIndex) const { return _entries[meshIndex].vertexOffset; } int GetPtexFaceOffset(int meshIndex) const { return _entries[meshIndex].ptexFaceOffset; } OsdDrawContext::PatchArrayVector const & GetPatchArrays(int meshIndex) const { return _entries[meshIndex].patchArrays; } // update APIs virtual void UpdateCoarseVertices(int meshIndex, const float *data, int numVertices) = 0; virtual void UpdateCoarseVaryings(int meshIndex, const float *data, int numVertices) = 0; virtual void FinalizeUpdate() = 0; int GetBatchIndex() const { return _batchIndex; } int GetNumVertices() const { return _numVertices; } int GetNumPtexFaces() const { return _numPtexFaces; } protected: OsdUtilMeshBatchBase() {} bool initialize(OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const & entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int batchIndex); void setKernelBatches(FarKernelBatchVector const &batches); void setMeshDirty(int meshIndex); void resetMeshDirty(); void populateDirtyKernelBatches(FarKernelBatchVector &result); private: // compute batch FarKernelBatchVector _allKernelBatches; // drawing batch entries OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector _entries; // update flags std::vector _dirtyFlags; // same size as _entries int _numVertices; int _numPtexFaces; int _batchIndex; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OsdUtilMeshBatch // // derived batching class which contains vertexbuffer, computecontext, drawcontext // template class OsdUtilMeshBatch : public OsdUtilMeshBatchBase { public: typedef VERTEX_BUFFER VertexBuffer; typedef typename COMPUTE_CONTROLLER::ComputeContext ComputeContext; typedef DRAW_CONTEXT DrawContext; typedef COMPUTE_CONTROLLER ComputeController; typedef OsdUtilMeshBatchBase Base; // constructor from far mesh vector // XXX: not happy with retaining compute controller.. static OsdUtilMeshBatch *Create(ComputeController *computeController, std::vector const * > const &meshVector, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData=false); // constructor (for client defined arbitrary patches) static OsdUtilMeshBatch *Create(FarPatchTables const *patchTables, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData=false); virtual ~OsdUtilMeshBatch(); virtual typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() { if (not _vertexBuffer) return 0; return _vertexBuffer->BindVBO(); } virtual typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() { if (not _varyingBuffer) return 0; return _varyingBuffer->BindVBO(); } virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() const { return _drawContext; } // update APIs virtual void UpdateCoarseVertices(int meshIndex, const float *data, int numVertices) { if (not _vertexBuffer) return; Base::setMeshDirty(meshIndex); _vertexBuffer->UpdateData(data, Base::GetVertexOffset(meshIndex), numVertices); } virtual void UpdateCoarseVaryings(int meshIndex, const float *data, int numVertices) { if (not _varyingBuffer) return; Base::setMeshDirty(meshIndex); _varyingBuffer->UpdateData(data, Base::GetVertexOffset(meshIndex), numVertices); } virtual void FinalizeUpdate() { // create kernel batch for dirty handles if (not _computeController) return; FarKernelBatchVector batches; Base::populateDirtyKernelBatches(batches); Base::resetMeshDirty(); _computeController->Refine(_computeContext, batches, _vertexBuffer, _varyingBuffer); } VertexBuffer *GetVertexBuffer() const { return _vertexBuffer; } VertexBuffer *GetVaryingBuffer() const { return _varyingBuffer; } private: OsdUtilMeshBatch(); bool initialize(ComputeController *computeController, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, FarMesh const *farMultiMesh, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData); bool initialize(FarPatchTables const *patchTables, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData); ComputeController *_computeController; ComputeContext *_computeContext; VertexBuffer *_vertexBuffer, *_varyingBuffer; DrawContext *_drawContext; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::initialize(OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const & entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int batchIndex) { _entries = entries; _numVertices = numVertices; _numPtexFaces = numPtexFaces; _batchIndex = batchIndex; // update patcharrays in entries for (int i = 0; i < (int)_entries.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)_entries[i].patchArrays.size(); ++j) { OsdDrawContext::PatchDescriptor desc = _entries[i].patchArrays[j].GetDescriptor(); desc.SetNumElements(numVertexElements); _entries[i].patchArrays[j].SetDescriptor(desc); } } // init dirty flags _dirtyFlags.resize(entries.size()); resetMeshDirty(); return true; } template OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::~OsdUtilMeshBatchBase() { } template void OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::setMeshDirty(int meshIndex) { assert(meshIndex < (int)_dirtyFlags.size()); _dirtyFlags[meshIndex] = true; } template void OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::resetMeshDirty() { std::fill(_dirtyFlags.begin(), _dirtyFlags.end(), false); } template void OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::setKernelBatches(FarKernelBatchVector const &batches) { _allKernelBatches = batches; } template void OsdUtilMeshBatchBase::populateDirtyKernelBatches(FarKernelBatchVector &result) { result.clear(); for (FarKernelBatchVector::const_iterator it = _allKernelBatches.begin(); it != _allKernelBatches.end(); ++it) { if (_dirtyFlags[it->GetMeshIndex()]) { result.push_back(*it); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FarMesh * createMultiMesh(std::vector const * > const & meshVector, std::vector & multiFarPatchArray) { // create multimesh FarMultiMeshFactory multiMeshFactory; FarMesh *farMultiMesh = multiMeshFactory.Create(meshVector); // return patch arrays multiFarPatchArray = multiMeshFactory.GetMultiPatchArrays(); return farMultiMesh; } inline void createEntries(OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector &result, std::vector const & multiFarPatchArray, int maxValence, std::vector const * > const & meshVector) { // create osd patch array per mesh (note: numVertexElements will be updated later) int numEntries = (int)multiFarPatchArray.size(); result.resize(numEntries); for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { OsdDrawContext::ConvertPatchArrays(multiFarPatchArray[i], result[i].patchArrays, maxValence, 0); } // set entries int vertexOffset = 0, ptexFaceOffset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < meshVector.size(); ++i) { int numVertices = meshVector[i]->GetNumVertices(); int numPtexFaces = meshVector[i]->GetNumPtexFaces(); result[i].vertexOffset = vertexOffset; result[i].ptexFaceOffset = ptexFaceOffset; vertexOffset += numVertices; ptexFaceOffset += numPtexFaces; } } template OsdUtilMeshBatch::OsdUtilMeshBatch() : _computeController(NULL), _computeContext(NULL), _vertexBuffer(NULL), _varyingBuffer(NULL), _drawContext(NULL) { } template bool OsdUtilMeshBatch::initialize(ComputeController *computeController, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, FarMesh const *farMultiMesh, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData) { Base::initialize(entries, farMultiMesh->GetNumVertices(), farMultiMesh->GetNumPtexFaces(), numVertexElements, batchIndex); _computeController = computeController; // copy batches Base::setKernelBatches(farMultiMesh->GetKernelBatches()); // create compute contexts _computeContext = ComputeContext::Create(farMultiMesh); if (not _computeContext) return false; FarPatchTables const * patchTables = farMultiMesh->GetPatchTables(); if (numVertexElements) { _vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements, Base::GetNumVertices()); if (not _vertexBuffer) return false; } if (numVaryingElements) { _varyingBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements, Base::GetNumVertices()); if (not _varyingBuffer) return false; } _drawContext = DrawContext::Create(patchTables, requireFVarData); if (not _drawContext) return false; if (_vertexBuffer) _drawContext->UpdateVertexTexture(_vertexBuffer); return true; } // Constructor from patch table template bool OsdUtilMeshBatch::initialize(FarPatchTables const *patchTables, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData) { Base::initialize(entries, numVertices, numPtexFaces, numVertexElements, batchIndex); if (numVertexElements) { _vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements, numVertices); if (not _vertexBuffer) return false; } if (numVaryingElements) { _varyingBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements, numVertices); if (not _varyingBuffer) return false; } _drawContext = DrawContext::Create(patchTables, requireFVarData); if (not _drawContext) return false; if (_vertexBuffer) _drawContext->UpdateVertexTexture(_vertexBuffer); return true; } template OsdUtilMeshBatch::~OsdUtilMeshBatch() { delete _computeContext; delete _drawContext; delete _vertexBuffer; delete _varyingBuffer; } template OsdUtilMeshBatch * OsdUtilMeshBatch::Create(ComputeController *computeController, const std::vector const * > &meshVector, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData) { std::vector multiFarPatchArray; FarMesh *farMultiMesh = createMultiMesh(meshVector, multiFarPatchArray); FarPatchTables const * patchTables = farMultiMesh->GetPatchTables(); // create entries OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector entries; createEntries(entries, multiFarPatchArray, patchTables->GetMaxValence(), meshVector); OsdUtilMeshBatch *batch = new OsdUtilMeshBatch(); if (not batch->initialize(computeController, entries, farMultiMesh, numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, batchIndex, requireFVarData)) { delete batch; batch = NULL; } delete farMultiMesh; return batch; } template OsdUtilMeshBatch * OsdUtilMeshBatch::Create(FarPatchTables const *patchTables, OsdUtilMeshBatchEntryVector const &entries, int numVertices, int numPtexFaces, int numVertexElements, int numVaryingElements, int batchIndex, bool requireFVarData) { OsdUtilMeshBatch *batch = new OsdUtilMeshBatch(); if (not batch->initialize(patchTables, entries, numVertices, numPtexFaces, numVertexElements, numVaryingElements, batchIndex, requireFVarData)) { delete batch; batch = NULL; } return batch; } } // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION; } // end namespace OpenSubdiv #endif /* OSDUTIL_MESH_BATCH_H */