// // Copyright 2013 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #ifndef HBR_UTILS_H #define HBR_UTILS_H #ifndef HBR_ADAPTIVE #define HBR_ADAPTIVE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../regression/common/shape_utils.h" #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void applyTags( OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh, Shape const * sh ) { for (int i=0; i<(int)sh->tags.size(); ++i) { Shape::tag * t = sh->tags[i]; if (t->name=="crease") { for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size()-1; j += 2) { OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex * v = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j] ), * w = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j+1] ); OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge * e = 0; if( v && w ) { if((e = v->GetEdge(w)) == 0) e = w->GetEdge(v); if(e) { int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size(); e->SetSharpness( std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])) ); } else printf("cannot find edge for crease tag (%d,%d)\n", t->intargs[j], t->intargs[j+1] ); } } } else if (t->name=="corner") { for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size(); ++j) { OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex * v = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j] ); if(v) { int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size(); v->SetSharpness( std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])) ); } else printf("cannot find vertex for corner tag (%d)\n", t->intargs[j] ); } } else if (t->name=="hole") { for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size(); ++j) { OpenSubdiv::HbrFace * f = mesh->GetFace( t->intargs[j] ); if(f) { f->SetHole(); } else printf("cannot find face for hole tag (%d)\n", t->intargs[j] ); } } else if (t->name=="interpolateboundary") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) { printf("expecting 1 integer for \"interpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i); continue; } switch( t->intargs[0] ) { case 0 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone); break; case 1 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); break; case 2 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); break; default: printf("unknown interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break; } } else if (t->name=="facevaryinginterpolateboundary") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) { printf("expecting 1 integer for \"facevaryinginterpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i); continue; } switch( t->intargs[0] ) { case 0 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone); break; case 1 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); break; case 2 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); break; case 3 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp); break; default: printf("unknown facevarying interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break; } } else if (t->name=="facevaryingpropagatecorners") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()==1) mesh->SetFVarPropagateCorners( t->intargs[0] != 0 ); else printf( "expecting single int argument for \"facevaryingpropagatecorners\"\n" ); } else if (t->name=="smoothtriangles") { OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision * scheme = dynamic_cast *>( mesh->GetSubdivision() ); if (not scheme) { printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag can only be applied to Catmark meshes\n"); continue; } if ((int)t->intargs.size()==0) { printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag expects an int argument\n"); continue; } if( t->intargs[0]==1 ) scheme->SetTriangleSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision::k_Old); else if( t->intargs[0]==2 ) scheme->SetTriangleSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision::k_New); else printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag only accepts 1 or 2 as value (%d)\n", t->intargs[0]); } else if (t->name=="creasemethod") { OpenSubdiv::HbrSubdivision * scheme = mesh->GetSubdivision(); assert(scheme); if ((int)t->stringargs.size()==0) { printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag expects a string argument\n"); continue; } if( t->stringargs[0]=="normal" ) scheme->SetCreaseSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrSubdivision::k_CreaseNormal); else if( t->stringargs[0]=="chaikin" ) scheme->SetCreaseSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrSubdivision::k_CreaseChaikin); else printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag only accepts \"normal\" or \"chaikin\" as value (%s)\n", t->stringargs[0].c_str()); } else if (t->name=="vertexedit" or t->name=="edgeedit") { int nops = 0; int floatstride = 0; int maxfloatwidth = 0; std::vector::Operation > ops; std::vector opnames; std::vector varnames; std::vector::Operation > opmodifiers; std::vector floatwidths; std::vector isP; std::vector vvindex; for (int j=0; j<(int)t->stringargs.size(); j+=3) { const std::string & opname = t->stringargs[j+2]; const std::string & opmodifiername = t->stringargs[j]; const std::string & varname = t->stringargs[j+1]; typename OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit::Operation opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit::Set; if (opmodifiername == "set") { opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit::Set; } else if (opmodifiername == "add") { opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit::Add; } else if (opmodifiername == "subtract") { opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit::Subtract; } else { printf("invalid modifier %s\n", opmodifiername.c_str()); continue; } if ((t->name=="vertexedit" && opname=="value") || opname=="sharpness") { nops++; // only varname="P" is supported here for now. if (varname != "P") continue; vvindex.push_back(0); isP.push_back(true); opnames.push_back(opname); opmodifiers.push_back(opmodifier); varnames.push_back(varname); if (opname=="sharpness") { floatwidths.push_back(1); floatstride += 1; } else { // assuming width of P == 3. should be replaced with 'P 0 3' like declaration int numElements = 3; maxfloatwidth = std::max(maxfloatwidth, numElements); floatwidths.push_back(numElements); floatstride += numElements; } } else { printf("%s tag specifies invalid operation '%s %s' on Subdivmesh\n", t->name.c_str(), opmodifiername.c_str(), opname.c_str()); } } float *xformed = (float*)alloca(maxfloatwidth * sizeof(float)); int floatoffset = 0; for(int j=0; jintargs.size();) { int pathlength = t->intargs[k]; int faceid = t->intargs[k+1]; int vertexid = t->intargs[k+pathlength]; int nsubfaces = pathlength - 2; int *subfaces = &t->intargs[k+2]; OpenSubdiv::HbrFace * f = mesh->GetFace(faceid); if (!f) { printf("Invalid face %d specified for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", faceid, t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } // Found the face. Do some preliminary error checking to make sure the path is // correct. First value in path depends on the number of vertices of the face // which we have in hand if (nsubfaces && (subfaces[0] < 0 || subfaces[0] >= f->GetNumVertices()) ) { printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } // All subsequent values must be less than 4 (FIXME or 3 in the loop case?) for (int l=1; l 3) { printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } } if (vertexid < 0 || vertexid > 3) { printf("Invalid path component (vertexid) %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", vertexid, t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } // Transform all the float values associated with the tag if needed if(opnames[j] != "sharpness") { for(int l=0; lfloatargs[l + floatidx]; } // Edits of facevarying data are a different hierarchical edit type altogether OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces, vertexid, vvindex[j], floatwidths[j], isP[j], opmodifiers[j], xformed); mesh->AddHierarchicalEdit(edit); } else { if (t->name == "vertexedit") { OpenSubdiv::HbrCornerEdit * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrCornerEdit(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces, vertexid, opmodifiers[j], t->floatargs[floatidx]); mesh->AddHierarchicalEdit(edit); } else { OpenSubdiv::HbrCreaseEdit * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrCreaseEdit(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces, vertexid, opmodifiers[j], t->floatargs[floatidx]); mesh->AddHierarchicalEdit(edit); } } // Advance to next path k += pathlength + 1; // Advance to start of float data floatidx += floatstride; } // End of integer processing loop // Next subop floatoffset += floatwidths[j]; } // End of subop processing loop } else if (t->name=="faceedit") { int nint = (int)t->intargs.size(); for (int k=0; kintargs[k]; if (k+pathlength>=nint) { printf("Invalid path length for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh", t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } int faceid = t->intargs[k+1]; int nsubfaces = pathlength - 1; int *subfaces = &t->intargs[k+2]; OpenSubdiv::HbrFace * f = mesh->GetFace(faceid); if (!f) { printf("Invalid face %d specified for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", faceid, t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } // Found the face. Do some preliminary error checking to make sure the path is // correct. First value in path depends on the number of vertices of the face // which we have in hand if (nsubfaces && (subfaces[0] < 0 || subfaces[0] >= f->GetNumVertices()) ) { printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } // All subsequent values must be less than 4 (FIXME or 3 in the loop case?) for (int l=1; l 3) { printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str()); goto nexttag; } } // Now loop over string ops int nstring = (int)t->stringargs.size(); for (int l = 0; l < nstring; ) { if ( t->stringargs[l] == "hole" ) { // Construct the edit OpenSubdiv::HbrHoleEdit * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrHoleEdit(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces); mesh->AddHierarchicalEdit(edit); ++l; } else if ( t->stringargs[l] == "attributes" ) { // see NgpSubdivMesh.cpp:4341 printf("\"attributes\" face tag not supported yet.\n"); goto nexttag; } else if ( t->stringargs[l] == "set" || t->stringargs[l] == "add" ) { // see NgpSubdivMesh.cpp:4341 printf("\"set\" and \"add\" face tag not supported yet.\n"); goto nexttag; } else { printf("Faceedit tag specifies invalid operation '%s' on Subdivmesh.\n", t->stringargs[l].c_str()); goto nexttag; } } // Advance to next path k += pathlength + 1; } // end face path loop } else { printf("Unknown tag : \"%s\" - skipping\n", t->name.c_str()); } nexttag: ; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template std::string hbrToObj( OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh ) { std::stringstream sh; sh<<"# This file uses centimeters as units for non-parametric coordinates.\n\n"; int nv = mesh->GetNumVertices(); for (int i=0; iGetVertex(i)->GetData().GetPos(); sh << "v " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] <<"\n"; } int nf = mesh->GetNumFaces(); for (int i=0; i * f = mesh->GetFace(i); for (int j=0; jGetNumVertices(); ++j) { int vert = f->GetVertex(j)->GetID()+1; sh << vert << "/" << vert << "/" << vert << " "; } sh << "\n"; } sh << "\n"; return sh.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * createMesh( Scheme scheme=kCatmark, int fvarwidth=0) { OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh = 0; static OpenSubdiv::HbrBilinearSubdivision _bilinear; static OpenSubdiv::HbrLoopSubdivision _loop; static OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision _catmark; static int indices[2] = { 0, 1 }, widths[2] = { 1, 1 }; int const fvarcount = fvarwidth > 0 ? 2 : 0, * fvarindices = fvarwidth > 0 ? indices : NULL, * fvarwidths = fvarwidth > 0 ? widths : NULL; switch (scheme) { case kBilinear : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh( &_bilinear, fvarcount, fvarindices, fvarwidths, fvarwidth ); break; case kLoop : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh( &_loop, fvarcount, fvarindices, fvarwidths, fvarwidth ); break; case kCatmark : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh( &_catmark, fvarcount, fvarindices, fvarwidths, fvarwidth ); break; } return mesh; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void createVerticesWithPositions(Shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh) { T v; for(int i=0;iGetNumVertices(); i++ ) { v.SetPosition( sh->verts[i*3], sh->verts[i*3+1], sh->verts[i*3+2] ); mesh->NewVertex( i, v ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void createVertices(Shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh) { T v; for(int i=0;iGetNumVertices(); i++ ) mesh->NewVertex( i, v ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void copyVertexPositions( Shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh, std::vector & verts ) { int nverts = mesh->GetNumVertices(); verts.resize( nverts * 3 ); std::copy(sh->verts.begin(), sh->verts.end(), verts.begin()); // Sometimes Hbr dupes some vertices during Mesh::Finish() and our example // code uses those vertices to draw coarse control cages and such std::vector > const splits = mesh->GetSplitVertices(); for (int i=0; i<(int)splits.size(); ++i) { memcpy(&verts[splits[i].first*3], &sh->verts[splits[i].second*3], 3*sizeof(float)); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void createTopology( Shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh, Scheme scheme) { const int * fv=&(sh->faceverts[0]); for(int f=0, ptxidx=0;fGetNumFaces(); f++ ) { int nv = sh->nvertsPerFace[f]; if ((scheme==kLoop) and (nv!=3)) { printf("Trying to create a Loop subd with non-triangle face\n"); exit(1); } bool valid = true; for(int j=0;j * origin = mesh->GetVertex( fv[j] ); OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex * destination = mesh->GetVertex( fv[(j+1)%nv] ); OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge * opposite = destination->GetEdge(origin); if(origin==NULL || destination==NULL) { printf(" An edge was specified that connected a nonexistent vertex\n"); valid=false; break; } if(origin == destination) { printf(" An edge was specified that connected a vertex to itself\n"); valid=false; break; } if(opposite && opposite->GetOpposite() ) { printf(" A non-manifold edge incident to more than 2 faces was found\n"); valid=false; break; } if(origin->GetEdge(destination)) { printf(" An edge connecting two vertices was specified more than once." " It's likely that an incident face was flipped\n"); valid=false; break; } } if (valid) { OpenSubdiv::HbrFace * face = mesh->NewFace(nv, (int *)fv, 0); face->SetPtexIndex(ptxidx); if ( (scheme==kCatmark or scheme==kBilinear) and nv != 4 ) { ptxidx+=nv; } else { ptxidx++; } } fv+=nv; } mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); mesh->GetSubdivision()->SetCreaseSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrSubdivision::k_CreaseNormal); if (OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision * hscheme = dynamic_cast *>(mesh->GetSubdivision())) { hscheme->SetTriangleSubdivisionMethod( OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision::k_Normal); } applyTags( mesh, sh ); mesh->Finish(); // check for disconnected vertices if (mesh->GetNumDisconnectedVertices()) { printf("The specified subdivmesh contains disconnected surface components.\n"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void createFaceVaryingUV( Shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh) { if (not sh->HasUV()) return; for (int i=0, idx=0; iGetNumFaces(); ++i ) { OpenSubdiv::HbrFace * f = mesh->GetFace(i); int nv = sh->nvertsPerFace[i]; OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge * e = f->GetFirstEdge(); for (int j=0; jGetNext()) { OpenSubdiv::HbrFVarData & fvt = e->GetOrgVertex()->GetFVarData(f); float const * fvdata = &sh->uvs[ sh->faceuvs[idx++]*2 ]; if (not fvt.IsInitialized()) { fvt.SetAllData(2, fvdata); } else if (not fvt.CompareAll(2, fvdata)) { OpenSubdiv::HbrFVarData & nfvt = e->GetOrgVertex()->NewFVarData(f); nfvt.SetAllData(2, fvdata); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * simpleHbr(char const * Shapestr, Scheme scheme, std::vector * verts=0, bool fvar=false) { Shape * sh = Shape::parseObj( Shapestr, scheme ); int fvarwidth = fvar and sh->HasUV() ? 2 : 0; OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh = createMesh(scheme, fvarwidth); createVerticesWithPositions(sh, mesh); createTopology(sh, mesh, scheme); if (fvar) createFaceVaryingUV(sh, mesh); if (verts) copyVertexPositions(sh,mesh,*verts); delete sh; return mesh; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * simpleHbr(char const * Shapestr, Scheme scheme, std::vector & verts, bool fvar=false) { Shape * sh = Shape::parseObj( Shapestr, scheme ); int fvarwidth = fvar and sh->HasUV() ? 2 : 0; OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh * mesh = createMesh(scheme, fvarwidth); createVertices(sh, mesh); createTopology(sh, mesh, scheme); if (fvar) createFaceVaryingUV(sh, mesh); copyVertexPositions(sh,mesh,verts); delete sh; return mesh; } #endif /* HBR_UTILS_H */