// // Copyright 2013 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #ifndef VTR_UTILS_H #define VTR_UTILS_H #include #include #include "../../regression/common/shape_utils.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Type GetSdcType(Shape const & shape) { OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Type type=OpenSubdiv::Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK; switch (shape.scheme) { case kBilinear: type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::TYPE_BILINEAR; break; case kCatmark : type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::TYPE_CATMARK; break; case kLoop : type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::TYPE_LOOP; break; } return type; } inline OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options GetSdcOptions(Shape const & shape) { typedef OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options Options; Options result; result.SetVVarBoundaryInterpolation(Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_ONLY); result.SetCreasingMethod(Options::CREASE_UNIFORM); result.SetTriangleSubdivision(Options::TRI_SUB_NORMAL); result.SetNonManifoldInterpolation(Options::NON_MANIFOLD_SHARP); for (int i=0; i<(int)shape.tags.size(); ++i) { Shape::tag * t = shape.tags[i]; if (t->name=="interpolateboundary") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) { printf("expecting 1 integer for \"interpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i); continue; } switch( t->intargs[0] ) { case 0 : result.SetVVarBoundaryInterpolation(Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_NONE); break; case 1 : result.SetVVarBoundaryInterpolation(Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER); break; case 2 : result.SetVVarBoundaryInterpolation(Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_ONLY); break; default: printf("unknown interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break; } } else if (t->name=="facevaryinginterpolateboundary") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) { printf("expecting 1 integer for \"facevaryinginterpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i); continue; } switch( t->intargs[0] ) { case 0 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_NONE); break; case 1 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_CORNERS_ONLY); break; case 2 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_CORNERS_PLUS1); break; case 3 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_CORNERS_PLUS2); break; case 4 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_BOUNDARIES); break; case 5 : result.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(Options::FVAR_LINEAR_ALL); break; default: printf("unknown interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break; } } else if (t->name=="facevaryingpropagatecorners") { if ((int)t->intargs.size()==1) { // XXXX no propagate corners in Options assert(0); } else printf( "expecting single int argument for \"facevaryingpropagatecorners\"\n" ); } else if (t->name=="smoothtriangles") { if (shape.scheme!=kCatmark) { printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag can only be applied to Catmark meshes\n"); continue; } } else if (t->name=="creasemethod") { if ((int)t->stringargs.size()==0) { printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag expects a string argument\n"); continue; } if( t->stringargs[0]=="normal" ) result.SetCreasingMethod(Options::CREASE_UNIFORM); else if( t->stringargs[0]=="chaikin" ) result.SetCreasingMethod(Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN); else printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag only accepts \"normal\" or \"chaikin\" as value (%s)\n", t->stringargs[0].c_str()); } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace OpenSubdiv { namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION { namespace Far { template <> inline void TopologyRefinerFactory::resizeComponentTopology( Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner, Shape const & shape) { int nfaces = shape.GetNumFaces(), nverts = shape.GetNumVertices(); refiner.setNumBaseFaces(nfaces); for (int i=0; i inline void TopologyRefinerFactory::assignComponentTopology( Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner, Shape const & shape) { { // Face relations: int nfaces = refiner.getNumBaseFaces(); for (int i=0, ofs=0; i < nfaces; ++i) { Far::IndexArray dstFaceVerts = refiner.setBaseFaceVertices(i); //IndexArray dstFaceEdges = refiner.setBaseFaceEdges(i); for (int j=0; j inline void TopologyRefinerFactory::assignFaceVaryingTopology( Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner, Shape const & shape) { // UV layyout (we only parse 1 channel) if (not shape.faceuvs.empty()) { int nfaces = refiner.getNumBaseFaces(), channel = refiner.createFVarChannel( (int)shape.faceuvs.size() ); for (int i=0, ofs=0; i < nfaces; ++i) { Far::IndexArray dstFaceUVs = refiner.getBaseFVarFaceValues(i, channel); for (int j=0; j inline void TopologyRefinerFactory::assignComponentTags( Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner, Shape const & shape) { for (int i=0; i<(int)shape.tags.size(); ++i) { Shape::tag * t = shape.tags[i]; if (t->name=="crease") { for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size()-1; j += 2) { OpenSubdiv::Vtr::Index edge = refiner.FindEdge(/*level*/0, t->intargs[j], t->intargs[j+1]); if (edge==OpenSubdiv::Vtr::INDEX_INVALID) { printf("cannot find edge for crease tag (%d,%d)\n", t->intargs[j], t->intargs[j+1] ); } else { int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size(); refiner.baseEdgeSharpness(edge) = std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])); } } } else if (t->name=="corner") { for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size(); ++j) { int vertex = t->intargs[j]; if (vertex<0 or vertex>=refiner.GetNumVertices(/*level*/0)) { printf("cannot find vertex for corner tag (%d)\n", vertex ); } else { int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size(); refiner.baseVertexSharpness(vertex) = std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])); } } } } } } // namespace Far } // namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION } // namespace OpenSubdiv //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InterpolateFVarData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner, Shape const & shape, std::vector & fvarData); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif /* VTR_UTILS_H */