// // Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #include "../sdc/type.h" #include "../sdc/crease.h" #include "../vtr/array.h" #include "../vtr/level.h" #include "../vtr/refinement.h" #include "../vtr/fvarLevel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Level: // This is intended to be a fairly simple container of topology, sharpness and // other information that is useful to retain for subdivision. It is intended to // be constructed by other friend classes, i.e. factories and class specialized to // contruct topology based on various splitting schemes. So its interface consists // of simple methods for inspection, and low-level protected methods for populating // it rather than high-level modifiers. // namespace OpenSubdiv { namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION { namespace Vtr { // // Simple (for now) constructor and destructor: // Level::Level() : _faceCount(0), _edgeCount(0), _vertCount(0), _depth(0), _maxEdgeFaces(0), _maxValence(0) { } Level::~Level() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_fvarChannels.size(); ++i) { delete _fvarChannels[i]; } } // // Debugging method to validate topology, i.e. verify appropriate symmetry // between the relations, etc. // // Additions that need to be made in the near term: // * verifying user-applied tags relating to topology: // - non-manifold in particular (ordering above can be part of this) // - face holes don't require anything // - verifying orientation of components, particularly vert-edges and faces: // - both need to be ordered correctly (when manifold) // - both need to be in sync for an interior vertex // ? is a rotation allowed for the interior case? // - I don't see why not... // ? verifying sharpness: // - values < Smooth or > Infinite // - sharpening of boundary edges (is this necessary, since we do it?) // - it does ensure our work was not corrupted by client assignments // // Possibilities: // - single validate() method, which will call all of: // - validateTopology() // - validateSharpness() // - validateTagging() // - consider using a mask/struct to choose what to validate, i.e.: // - bool validate(ValidateOptions const& options) const; // bool Level::validateTopology() const { // // Verify internal topological consistency (eventually a Level method?): // - each face-vert has corresponding vert-face (and child) // - each face-edge has corresponding edge-face // - each edge-vert has corresponding vert-edge (and child) // The above three are enough for most cases, but it is still possible // the latter relation in each above has no correspondent in the former, // so apply the symmetric tests: // - each edge-face has corresponding face-edge // - each vert-face has corresponding face-vert // - each vert-edge has corresponding edge-vert // We are still left with the possibility of duplicate references in // places we don't want them. Currently a component can exist multiple // times in a component of higher dimension. // - each vert-face pair is unique // - each vert-edge pair is unique // bool returnOnFirstError = true; bool isValid = true; // Verify each face-vert has corresponding vert-face and child: if ((getNumFaceVerticesTotal() == 0) || (getNumVertexFacesTotal() == 0)) { if (getNumFaceVerticesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing face-verts\n"); if (getNumVertexFacesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing vert-faces\n"); return false; } for (int fIndex = 0; fIndex < getNumFaces(); ++fIndex) { IndexArray const fVerts = getFaceVertices(fIndex); int fVertCount = fVerts.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fVertCount; ++i) { Index vIndex = fVerts[i]; IndexArray const vFaces = getVertexFaces(vIndex); LocalIndexArray const vInFace = getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex); bool vertFaceOfFaceExists = false; for (int j = 0; j < vFaces.size(); ++j) { if ((vFaces[j] == fIndex) && (vInFace[j] == i)) { vertFaceOfFaceExists = true; break; } } if (!vertFaceOfFaceExists) { printf("Error in fIndex = %d: correlation of vert %d failed\n", fIndex, i); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } } } // Verify each face-edge has corresponding edge-face: if ((getNumEdgeFacesTotal() == 0) || (getNumFaceEdgesTotal() == 0)) { if (getNumEdgeFacesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing edge-faces\n"); if (getNumFaceEdgesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing face-edges\n"); return false; } for (int fIndex = 0; fIndex < getNumFaces(); ++fIndex) { IndexArray const fEdges = getFaceEdges(fIndex); int fEdgeCount = fEdges.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fEdgeCount; ++i) { int eIndex = fEdges[i]; IndexArray const eFaces = getEdgeFaces(eIndex); int eFaceCount = eFaces.size(); bool edgeFaceOfFaceExists = false; for (int j = 0; j < eFaceCount; ++j) { if (eFaces[j] == fIndex) { edgeFaceOfFaceExists = true; break; } } if (!edgeFaceOfFaceExists) { printf("Error in fIndex = %d: correlation of edge %d failed\n", fIndex, i); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } } } // Verify each edge-vert has corresponding vert-edge and child: if ((getNumEdgeVerticesTotal() == 0) || (getNumVertexEdgesTotal() == 0)) { if (getNumEdgeVerticesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing edge-verts\n"); if (getNumVertexEdgesTotal() == 0) printf("Error: missing vert-edges\n"); return false; } for (int eIndex = 0; eIndex < getNumEdges(); ++eIndex) { IndexArray const eVerts = getEdgeVertices(eIndex); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Index vIndex = eVerts[i]; IndexArray const vEdges = getVertexEdges(vIndex); LocalIndexArray const vInEdge = getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(vIndex); bool vertEdgeOfEdgeExists = false; for (int j = 0; j < vEdges.size(); ++j) { if ((vEdges[j] == eIndex) && (vInEdge[j] == i)) { vertEdgeOfEdgeExists = true; break; } } if (!vertEdgeOfEdgeExists) { printf("Error in eIndex = %d: correlation of vert %d failed\n", eIndex, i); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } } } // Verify that vert-faces and vert-edges are properly ordered and in sync: // - currently this requires the relations exactly match those that we construct from // the ordering method, i.e. we do not allow rotations for interior vertices. Index * indexBuffer = (Index*) alloca(2 * _maxValence * sizeof(Index)); for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) { if (_vertTags[vIndex]._incomplete || _vertTags[vIndex]._nonManifold) continue; IndexArray const vFaces = getVertexFaces(vIndex); IndexArray const vEdges = getVertexEdges(vIndex); Index * vFacesOrdered = indexBuffer; Index * vEdgesOrdered = indexBuffer + vFaces.size(); if (!orderVertexFacesAndEdges(vIndex, vFacesOrdered, vEdgesOrdered)) { printf("Error in vIndex = %d: cannot orient incident faces and edges\n", vIndex); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) { if (vFaces[i] != vFacesOrdered[i]) { printf("Error in vIndex = %d: orientation failure at incident face %d\n", vIndex, i); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) { if (vEdges[i] != vEdgesOrdered[i]) { printf("Error in vIndex = %d: orientation failure at incident edge %d\n", vIndex, i); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; break; } } } // Verify non-manifold tags are appropriately assigned to edges and vertices: // - note we have to validate orientation of vertex neighbors to do this rigorously for (int eIndex = 0; eIndex < getNumEdges(); ++eIndex) { Level::ETag const& eTag = _edgeTags[eIndex]; if (eTag._nonManifold) continue; IndexArray const eVerts = getEdgeVertices(eIndex); if (eVerts[0] == eVerts[1]) { printf("Error in eIndex = %d: degenerate edge not tagged marked non-manifold\n", eIndex); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } IndexArray const eFaces = getEdgeFaces(eIndex); if ((eFaces.size() < 1) || (eFaces.size() > 2)) { printf("Error in eIndex = %d: edge with %d faces not tagged non-manifold\n", eIndex, eFaces.size()); if (returnOnFirstError) return false; isValid = false; } } return isValid; } // // Anonymous helper functions for debugging output -- yes, using printf(), this is not // intended to serve anyone other than myself for now and I favor its formatting control // namespace { template void printIndexArray(Array const& array) { printf("%d [%d", array.size(), array[0]); for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); ++i) { printf(" %d", array[i]); } printf("]\n"); } const char* ruleString(Sdc::Crease::Rule rule) { switch (rule) { case Sdc::Crease::RULE_UNKNOWN: return ""; case Sdc::Crease::RULE_SMOOTH: return "Smooth"; case Sdc::Crease::RULE_DART: return "Dart"; case Sdc::Crease::RULE_CREASE: return "Crease"; case Sdc::Crease::RULE_CORNER: return "Corner"; default: assert(0); } return 0; } } void Level::print(const Refinement* pRefinement) const { bool printFaceVerts = true; bool printFaceEdges = true; bool printFaceChildVerts = false; bool printFaceTags = true; bool printEdgeVerts = true; bool printEdgeFaces = true; bool printEdgeChildVerts = true; bool printEdgeSharpness = true; bool printEdgeTags = true; bool printVertFaces = true; bool printVertEdges = true; bool printVertChildVerts = false; bool printVertSharpness = true; bool printVertTags = true; printf("Level (0x%p):\n", this); printf(" Depth = %d\n", _depth); printf(" Primary component counts:\n"); printf(" faces = %d\n", _faceCount); printf(" edges = %d\n", _edgeCount); printf(" verts = %d\n", _vertCount); printf(" Topology relation sizes:\n"); printf(" Face relations:\n"); printf(" face-vert counts/offset = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_faceVertCountsAndOffsets.size()); printf(" face-vert indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_faceVertIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printFaceVerts && i < getNumFaces(); ++i) { printf(" face %4d verts: ", i); printIndexArray(getFaceVertices(i)); } printf(" face-edge indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_faceEdgeIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printFaceEdges && i < getNumFaces(); ++i) { printf(" face %4d edges: ", i); printIndexArray(getFaceEdges(i)); } printf(" face tags = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_faceTags.size()); for (int i = 0; printFaceTags && i < (int)_faceTags.size(); ++i) { FTag const& fTag = _faceTags[i]; printf(" face %4d:", i); printf(" hole = %d", (int)fTag._hole); printf("\n"); } if (pRefinement) { printf(" face child-verts = %lu\n", (unsigned long)pRefinement->_faceChildVertIndex.size()); for (int i = 0; printFaceChildVerts && i < (int)pRefinement->_faceChildVertIndex.size(); ++i) { printf(" face %4d child vert: %d\n", i, pRefinement->_faceChildVertIndex[i]); } } printf(" Edge relations:\n"); printf(" edge-vert indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_edgeVertIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printEdgeVerts && i < getNumEdges(); ++i) { printf(" edge %4d verts: ", i); printIndexArray(getEdgeVertices(i)); } printf(" edge-face counts/offset = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets.size()); printf(" edge-face indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_edgeFaceIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printEdgeFaces && i < getNumEdges(); ++i) { printf(" edge %4d faces: ", i); printIndexArray(getEdgeFaces(i)); } if (pRefinement) { printf(" edge child-verts = %lu\n", (unsigned long)pRefinement->_edgeChildVertIndex.size()); for (int i = 0; printEdgeChildVerts && i < (int)pRefinement->_edgeChildVertIndex.size(); ++i) { printf(" edge %4d child vert: %d\n", i, pRefinement->_edgeChildVertIndex[i]); } } printf(" edge sharpness = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_edgeSharpness.size()); for (int i = 0; printEdgeSharpness && i < (int)_edgeSharpness.size(); ++i) { printf(" edge %4d sharpness: %f\n", i, _edgeSharpness[i]); } printf(" edge tags = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_edgeTags.size()); for (int i = 0; printEdgeTags && i < (int)_edgeTags.size(); ++i) { ETag const& eTag = _edgeTags[i]; printf(" edge %4d:", i); printf(" boundary = %d", (int)eTag._boundary); printf(", semiSharp = %d", (int)eTag._semiSharp); printf(", infSharp = %d", (int)eTag._infSharp); printf("\n"); } printf(" Vert relations:\n"); printf(" vert-face counts/offset = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets.size()); printf(" vert-face indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertFaceIndices.size()); printf(" vert-face children = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertFaceLocalIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printVertFaces && i < getNumVertices(); ++i) { printf(" vert %4d faces: ", i); printIndexArray(getVertexFaces(i)); printf(" face-verts: "); printIndexArray(getVertexFaceLocalIndices(i)); } printf(" vert-edge counts/offset = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets.size()); printf(" vert-edge indices = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertEdgeIndices.size()); printf(" vert-edge children = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertEdgeLocalIndices.size()); for (int i = 0; printVertEdges && i < getNumVertices(); ++i) { printf(" vert %4d edges: ", i); printIndexArray(getVertexEdges(i)); printf(" edge-verts: "); printIndexArray(getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(i)); } if (pRefinement) { printf(" vert child-verts = %lu\n", (unsigned long)pRefinement->_vertChildVertIndex.size()); for (int i = 0; printVertChildVerts && i < (int)pRefinement->_vertChildVertIndex.size(); ++i) { printf(" vert %4d child vert: %d\n", i, pRefinement->_vertChildVertIndex[i]); } } printf(" vert sharpness = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertSharpness.size()); for (int i = 0; printVertSharpness && i < (int)_vertSharpness.size(); ++i) { printf(" vert %4d sharpness: %f\n", i, _vertSharpness[i]); } printf(" vert tags = %lu\n", (unsigned long)_vertTags.size()); for (int i = 0; printVertTags && i < (int)_vertTags.size(); ++i) { VTag const& vTag = _vertTags[i]; printf(" vert %4d:", i); printf(" rule = %s", ruleString((Sdc::Crease::Rule)vTag._rule)); printf(", boundary = %d", (int)vTag._boundary); printf(", xordinary = %d", (int)vTag._xordinary); printf(", semiSharp = %d", (int)vTag._semiSharp); printf(", infSharp = %d", (int)vTag._infSharp); printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout); } namespace { template void combineTags(TAG_TYPE& dstTag, TAG_TYPE const& srcTag) { INT_TYPE const* srcInt = reinterpret_cast(&srcTag); INT_TYPE * dstInt = reinterpret_cast (&dstTag); *dstInt |= *srcInt; } } Level::VTag Level::getFaceCompositeVTag(IndexArray const& faceVerts) const { VTag compTag = _vertTags[faceVerts[0]]; for (int i = 1; i < faceVerts.size(); ++i) { VTag const& vertTag = _vertTags[faceVerts[i]]; if (sizeof(VTag) == sizeof(unsigned short)) { combineTags(compTag, vertTag); } else { assert("VTag size is uint_32 -- need to adjust composite tag code..." == 0); } } return compTag; } // // High-level topology gathering functions -- used mainly in patch construction. These // may eventually be moved elsewhere, possibly to classes specialized for quad- and tri- // patch identification and construction, but for now somewhere more accessible than the // patch tables factory is preferable. // // Note a couple of nuisances... // - these are currently specialized methods for quad-meshes // - debatable whether we should include the four face-verts in the face functions // - we refer to the result as a "patch" when we do // - otherwise a "ring" of vertices is more appropriate // - some OSD containers for the results want unsigned int and others int // namespace { template inline INT_TYPE fastMod4(INT_TYPE value) { return (value & 0x3); } } // // Gathering the one-ring of vertices from quads surrounding a manifold vertex: // - the neighborhood of the vertex is assumed to be quad-regular // // Ordering of resulting vertices: // The surrounding one-ring follows the ordering of the incident faces. For each // incident quad, the two vertices in CCW order within that quad are added. If the // vertex is on a boundary, a third vertex on the boundary edge will be contributed from // the last face. // int Level::gatherManifoldVertexRingFromIncidentQuads(Index vIndex, int vOffset, int ringVerts[]) const { Level const& level = *this; IndexArray vEdges = level.getVertexEdges(vIndex); IndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(vIndex); LocalIndexArray vInFaces = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex); bool isBoundary = (vEdges.size() > vFaces.size()); int ringIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) { // // For every incident quad, we want the two vertices clockwise in each face, i.e. // the vertex at the end of the leading edge and the vertex opposite this one: // IndexArray fVerts = level.getFaceVertices(vFaces[i]); int vInThisFace = vInFaces[i]; ringVerts[ringIndex++] = vOffset + fVerts[fastMod4(vInThisFace + 1)]; ringVerts[ringIndex++] = vOffset + fVerts[fastMod4(vInThisFace + 2)]; if (isBoundary && (i == (vFaces.size() - 1))) { ringVerts[ringIndex++] = vOffset + fVerts[fastMod4(vInThisFace + 3)]; } } return ringIndex; } // // Gathering the 16 vertices of a quad-regular boundary patch: // - the neighborhood of the face is assumed to be quad-regular // // Ordering of resulting vertices: // It was debatable whether to include the vertices of the original face for a complete // "patch" or just the surrounding ring -- clearly we ended up with a function for the entire // patch, but that may change. // The latter ring of vertices around the face (potentially returned on its own) was // oriented with respect to the face. The ring of 12 vertices is gathered as 4 groups of 3 // vertices -- one for each corner vertex, and each group forming the quad opposite each // corner vertex when combined with that corner vertex. The four vertices of the face begin // the patch. // // | | | | // ---5-----4-----15----14--- // | | | | // | | | | // ---6-----0-----3-----13--- // | |x x| | // | |x x| | // ---7-----1-----2-----12--- // | | | | // | | | | // ---8-----9-----10----11--- // | | | | // int Level::gatherQuadRegularInteriorPatchVertices( Index thisFace, Index ringVerts[], int rotation) const { Level const& level = *this; // // For each of the four corner vertices, there is a face diagonally opposite // the given/central face, within which are three vertices of the ring: // IndexArray thisFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(thisFace); if (rotation) { ringVerts[0] = thisFaceVerts[fastMod4(rotation)]; ringVerts[1] = thisFaceVerts[fastMod4(rotation + 1)]; ringVerts[2] = thisFaceVerts[fastMod4(rotation + 2)]; ringVerts[3] = thisFaceVerts[fastMod4(rotation + 3)]; } else { ringVerts[0] = thisFaceVerts[0]; ringVerts[1] = thisFaceVerts[1]; ringVerts[2] = thisFaceVerts[2]; ringVerts[3] = thisFaceVerts[3]; } int ringIndex = 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Index v = ringVerts[i]; IndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(v); LocalIndexArray vInFaces = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v); int thisFaceInVFaces = vFaces.FindIndexIn4Tuple(thisFace); int intFaceInVFaces = fastMod4(thisFaceInVFaces + 2); Index intFace = vFaces[intFaceInVFaces]; int vInIntFace = vInFaces[intFaceInVFaces]; IndexArray intFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(intFace); ringVerts[ringIndex++] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(vInIntFace + 1)]; ringVerts[ringIndex++] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(vInIntFace + 2)]; ringVerts[ringIndex++] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(vInIntFace + 3)]; } assert(ringIndex == 16); return 16; } // // Gathering the 12 vertices of a quad-regular boundary patch: // - the neighborhood of the face is assumed to be quad-regular // - the single edge of the face that lies on the boundary is specified // - only one edge of the face is a boundary edge // // Ordering of resulting vertices: // It was debatable whether to include the vertices of the original face for a complete // "patch" or just the surrounding ring -- clearly we ended up with a function for the entire // patch, but that may change. // The latter ring of vertices around the face (potentially returned on its own) was // oriented beginning from the leading CCW boundary edge and ending at the trailing edge. // The four vertices of the face begin the patch and are oriented similarly to this outer // ring -- forming an inner ring that begins and ends in the same manner. // // ---4-----0-----3-----11--- // | |x x| | // | |x x| | // ---5-----1-----2-----10--- // | | | | // | | | | // ---6-----7-----8-----9---- // | | | | // int Level::gatherQuadRegularBoundaryPatchVertices( Index face, Index ringVerts[], int boundaryEdgeInFace) const { Level const& level = *this; int interiorEdgeInFace = fastMod4(boundaryEdgeInFace + 2); // // V0 and V1 are the two interior vertices (opposite the boundary edge) around // which we will gather most of the ring: // int intV0InFace = interiorEdgeInFace; int intV1InFace = fastMod4(interiorEdgeInFace + 1); IndexArray faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face); Index v0 = faceVerts[intV0InFace]; Index v1 = faceVerts[intV1InFace]; IndexArray v0Faces = level.getVertexFaces(v0); IndexArray v1Faces = level.getVertexFaces(v1); LocalIndexArray v0InFaces = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v0); LocalIndexArray v1InFaces = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v1); int boundaryFaceInV0Faces = -1; int boundaryFaceInV1Faces = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (face == v0Faces[i]) boundaryFaceInV0Faces = i; if (face == v1Faces[i]) boundaryFaceInV1Faces = i; } assert((boundaryFaceInV0Faces >= 0) && (boundaryFaceInV1Faces >= 0)); // Identify the four faces of interest -- previous to and opposite V0 and // opposite and next from V1 -- relative to V0 and V1: int prevFaceInV0Faces = fastMod4(boundaryFaceInV0Faces + 1); int intFaceInV0Faces = fastMod4(boundaryFaceInV0Faces + 2); int intFaceInV1Faces = fastMod4(boundaryFaceInV1Faces + 2); int nextFaceInV1Faces = fastMod4(boundaryFaceInV1Faces + 3); // Identify the indices of the four faces: Index prevFace = v0Faces[prevFaceInV0Faces]; Index intV0Face = v0Faces[intFaceInV0Faces]; Index intV1Face = v1Faces[intFaceInV1Faces]; Index nextFace = v1Faces[nextFaceInV1Faces]; // Identify V0 and V1 relative to these four faces: LocalIndex v0InPrevFace = v0InFaces[prevFaceInV0Faces]; LocalIndex v0InIntFace = v0InFaces[intFaceInV0Faces]; LocalIndex v1InIntFace = v1InFaces[intFaceInV1Faces]; LocalIndex v1InNextFace = v1InFaces[nextFaceInV1Faces]; // Access the vertices of these four faces and assign to the ring: IndexArray prevFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(prevFace); IndexArray intV0FaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(intV0Face); IndexArray intV1FaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(intV1Face); IndexArray nextFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(nextFace); ringVerts[0] = faceVerts[fastMod4(boundaryEdgeInFace + 1)]; ringVerts[1] = faceVerts[fastMod4(boundaryEdgeInFace + 2)]; ringVerts[2] = faceVerts[fastMod4(boundaryEdgeInFace + 3)]; ringVerts[3] = faceVerts[ boundaryEdgeInFace]; ringVerts[4] = prevFaceVerts[fastMod4(v0InPrevFace + 2)]; ringVerts[5] = intV0FaceVerts[fastMod4(v0InIntFace + 1)]; ringVerts[6] = intV0FaceVerts[fastMod4(v0InIntFace + 2)]; ringVerts[7] = intV0FaceVerts[fastMod4(v0InIntFace + 3)]; ringVerts[8] = intV1FaceVerts[fastMod4(v1InIntFace + 1)]; ringVerts[9] = intV1FaceVerts[fastMod4(v1InIntFace + 2)]; ringVerts[10] = intV1FaceVerts[fastMod4(v1InIntFace + 3)]; ringVerts[11] = nextFaceVerts[fastMod4(v1InNextFace + 2)]; return 12; } // // Gathering the 9 vertices of a quad-regular corner patch: // - the neighborhood of the face is assumed to be quad-regular // - the single corner vertex is specified // - only one vertex of the face is a corner // // Ordering of resulting vertices: // It was debatable whether to include the vertices of the original face for a complete // "patch" or just the surrounding ring -- clearly we ended up with a function for the entire // patch, but that may change. // Like the boundary case, the latter ring of vertices around the face was oriented // beginning from the leading CCW boundary edge and ending at the trailing edge. The four // face vertices begin the patch, and begin with the corner vertex. // // 0-----3-----8--- // |x x| | // |x x| | // 1-----2-----7--- // | | | // | | | // 4-----5-----6--- // | | | // int Level::gatherQuadRegularCornerPatchVertices( Index face, Index ringVerts[], int cornerVertInFace) const { Level const& level = *this; int interiorFaceVert = fastMod4(cornerVertInFace + 2); IndexArray faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(face); Index intVert = faceVerts[interiorFaceVert]; IndexArray intVertFaces = level.getVertexFaces(intVert); LocalIndexArray intVertInFaces = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(intVert); int cornerFaceInIntVertFaces = -1; for (int i = 0; i < intVertFaces.size(); ++i) { if (face == intVertFaces[i]) { cornerFaceInIntVertFaces = i; break; } } assert(cornerFaceInIntVertFaces >= 0); // Identify the three faces relative to the interior vertex: int prevFaceInIntVertFaces = fastMod4(cornerFaceInIntVertFaces + 1); int intFaceInIntVertFaces = fastMod4(cornerFaceInIntVertFaces + 2); int nextFaceInIntVertFaces = fastMod4(cornerFaceInIntVertFaces + 3); // Identify the indices of the three other faces: Index prevFace = intVertFaces[prevFaceInIntVertFaces]; Index intFace = intVertFaces[intFaceInIntVertFaces]; Index nextFace = intVertFaces[nextFaceInIntVertFaces]; // Identify the interior vertex relative to these three faces: LocalIndex intVertInPrevFace = intVertInFaces[prevFaceInIntVertFaces]; LocalIndex intVertInIntFace = intVertInFaces[intFaceInIntVertFaces]; LocalIndex intVertInNextFace = intVertInFaces[nextFaceInIntVertFaces]; // Access the vertices of these three faces and assign to the ring: IndexArray prevFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(prevFace); IndexArray intFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(intFace); IndexArray nextFaceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(nextFace); ringVerts[0] = faceVerts[ cornerVertInFace]; ringVerts[1] = faceVerts[fastMod4(cornerVertInFace + 1)]; ringVerts[2] = faceVerts[fastMod4(cornerVertInFace + 2)]; ringVerts[3] = faceVerts[fastMod4(cornerVertInFace + 3)]; ringVerts[4] = prevFaceVerts[fastMod4(intVertInPrevFace + 2)]; ringVerts[5] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(intVertInIntFace + 1)]; ringVerts[6] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(intVertInIntFace + 2)]; ringVerts[7] = intFaceVerts[fastMod4(intVertInIntFace + 3)]; ringVerts[8] = nextFaceVerts[fastMod4(intVertInNextFace + 2)]; return 9; } bool Level::isSingleCreasePatch(Index face, float *sharpnessOut, int *rotationOut) const { // Note: this function is called twice for the same patch, at topologyRefiner and patchTablesFactory. // we may want to cache the result to improve the Far performance. // To do so, FTag needs to be extended to store isSingleCrease(bool), sharpness(float) and rotation(0-3). // Vtr::IndexArray const fVerts = this->getFaceVertices(face); // the face has to be quad if (fVerts.size() != 4) return false; // if there's any corner vertex, return false. for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) { if (this->getVertexSharpness(fVerts[i]) > 0) return false; } // make sure there's only one edge with sharpness Vtr::IndexArray const fEdges = this->getFaceEdges(face); float sharpness = 0.0f; int rotation = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fEdges.size(); ++i) { float s = this->getEdgeSharpness(fEdges[i]); if (s > 0.0f) { if (sharpness > 0.0f) { // found more than one sharp edges. return false; } sharpness = s; rotation = i; } } // rotation = 0 // | | | | // ---5-----4-----15----14--- // | || | | // | || | | // ---6-----0-----3-----13--- // | || | | // | || | | // ---7-----1-----2-----12--- // | || | | // | || | | // ---8-----9-----10----11--- // | | | | int v[4]; v[0] = fVerts[(0+rotation)%4]; // crease v[1] = fVerts[(1+rotation)%4]; // crease v[2] = fVerts[(2+rotation)%4]; // smooth v[3] = fVerts[(3+rotation)%4]; // smooth // check the edges around v[0], v[1] for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Vtr::IndexArray const vEdges = this->getVertexEdges(v[i]); if (vEdges.size() != 4) return false; int nSharpEdges = 0; float sharpnesses[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { sharpnesses[j] = this->getEdgeSharpness(vEdges[j]); if (sharpnesses[j] > 0.0f) { if (++nSharpEdges == 3) return false; } } // sharpnesses have to be [0, x, 0, x] or [x, 0, x, 0] if (sharpnesses[0] != sharpnesses[2] or sharpnesses[1] != sharpnesses[3]) { return false; } } // check the edges around v[2], v[3] for (int i = 2; i < 4; ++i) { Vtr::IndexArray const vEdges = this->getVertexEdges(v[i]); if (vEdges.size() != 4) return false; // all edges have to be smooth for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { float sharpness = this->getEdgeSharpness(vEdges[j]); if (sharpness > 0.0f) return false; } } if (sharpnessOut) *sharpnessOut = sharpness; if (rotationOut) *rotationOut = rotation; return true; } // // What follows is an internal/anonymous class and protected methods to complete all // topological relations when only the face-vertex relations is defined. // // In keeping with the original idea that Level is just data and relies on other // classes to construct it, this functionality may be warranted elsewhere, but we are // collectively unclear as to where that should be at present. In the meantime, the // implementation is provided here so that we can test and make use of it. // namespace { // // This is an internal helper class to manage the assembly of the tological relations // that do not have a predictable size, i.e. faces-per-edge, faces-per-vertex and // edges-per-vertex. Level manages these with two vectors: // // - a vector of integer pairs for the "counts" and "offsets" // - a vector of incident members accessed by the "offset" of each // // The "dynamic relation" allocates the latter vector of members based on a typical // number of members per component, e.g. we expect valence 4 vertices in a typical // quad-mesh, and so an "expected" number might be 6 to accomodate a few x-ordinary // vertices. The member vector is allocated with this number per component and the // counts and offsets initialized to refer to them -- but with the counts set to 0. // The count will be incremented as members are identified and entered, and if any // component "overflows" the expected number of members, the members are moved to a // separate vector in an std::map for the component. // // Once all incident members have been added, the main vector is compressed and may // need to merge entries from the map in the process. // typedef std::map IrregIndexMap; class DynamicRelation { public: DynamicRelation(IndexVector& countAndOffsets, IndexVector& indices, int membersPerComp); ~DynamicRelation() { } public: // Methods dealing with the members for each component: IndexArray getCompMembers(Index index); void appendCompMember(Index index, Index member); // Methods dealing with the components: void appendComponent(); void compressMemberIndices(); public: int _compCount; int _memberCountPerComp; IndexVector & _countsAndOffsets; IndexVector & _regIndices; IrregIndexMap _irregIndices; }; inline DynamicRelation::DynamicRelation(IndexVector& countAndOffsets, IndexVector& indices, int membersPerComp) : _compCount(0), _memberCountPerComp(membersPerComp), _countsAndOffsets(countAndOffsets), _regIndices(indices) { _compCount = (int) _countsAndOffsets.size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < _compCount; ++i) { _countsAndOffsets[2*i] = 0; _countsAndOffsets[2*i+1] = i * _memberCountPerComp; } _regIndices.resize(_compCount * _memberCountPerComp); } inline IndexArray DynamicRelation::getCompMembers(Index compIndex) { int count = _countsAndOffsets[2*compIndex]; if (count > _memberCountPerComp) { IndexVector & irregMembers = _irregIndices[compIndex]; return IndexArray(&irregMembers[0], (int)irregMembers.size()); } else { int offset = _countsAndOffsets[2*compIndex+1]; return IndexArray(&_regIndices[offset], count); } } inline void DynamicRelation::appendCompMember(Index compIndex, Index memberValue) { int count = _countsAndOffsets[2*compIndex]; int offset = _countsAndOffsets[2*compIndex+1]; if (count < _memberCountPerComp) { _regIndices[offset + count] = memberValue; } else { IndexVector& irregMembers = _irregIndices[compIndex]; if (count > _memberCountPerComp) { irregMembers.push_back(memberValue); } else { irregMembers.resize(_memberCountPerComp + 1); std::memcpy(&irregMembers[0], &_regIndices[offset], sizeof(Index) * _memberCountPerComp); irregMembers[_memberCountPerComp] = memberValue; } } _countsAndOffsets[2*compIndex] ++; } inline void DynamicRelation::appendComponent() { _countsAndOffsets.push_back(0); _countsAndOffsets.push_back(_compCount * _memberCountPerComp); ++ _compCount; _regIndices.resize(_compCount * _memberCountPerComp); } void DynamicRelation::compressMemberIndices() { if (_irregIndices.size() == 0) { int memberCount = _countsAndOffsets[0]; for (int i = 1; i < _compCount; ++i) { int count = _countsAndOffsets[2*i]; int offset = _countsAndOffsets[2*i + 1]; memmove(&_regIndices[memberCount], &_regIndices[offset], count * sizeof(Index)); _countsAndOffsets[2*i + 1] = memberCount; memberCount += count; } _regIndices.resize(memberCount); } else { // Assign new offsets-per-component while determining if we can trivially compressed in place: bool cannotBeCompressedInPlace = false; int memberCount = _countsAndOffsets[0]; for (int i = 1; i < _compCount; ++i) { _countsAndOffsets[2*i + 1] = memberCount; cannotBeCompressedInPlace |= (memberCount > (_memberCountPerComp * i)); memberCount += _countsAndOffsets[2*i]; } cannotBeCompressedInPlace |= (memberCount > (_memberCountPerComp * _compCount)); // Copy members into the original or temporary vector accordingly: IndexVector tmpIndices; if (cannotBeCompressedInPlace) { tmpIndices.resize(memberCount); } IndexVector& dstIndices = cannotBeCompressedInPlace ? tmpIndices : _regIndices; for (int i = 0; i < _compCount; ++i) { int count = _countsAndOffsets[2*i]; Index *dstMembers = &dstIndices[_countsAndOffsets[2*i + 1]]; Index *srcMembers = (count <= _memberCountPerComp) ? &_regIndices[i * _memberCountPerComp] : &_irregIndices[i][0]; memmove(dstMembers, srcMembers, count * sizeof(Index)); } if (cannotBeCompressedInPlace) { _regIndices.swap(tmpIndices); } else { _regIndices.resize(memberCount); } } } } // // Methods to populate the missing topology relations of the Level: // inline Index Level::findEdge(Index v0Index, Index v1Index, IndexArray const& v0Edges) const { if (v0Index != v1Index) { for (int j = 0; j < v0Edges.size(); ++j) { IndexArray eVerts = this->getEdgeVertices(v0Edges[j]); if ((eVerts[0] == v1Index) || (eVerts[1] == v1Index)) { return v0Edges[j]; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < v0Edges.size(); ++j) { IndexArray eVerts = this->getEdgeVertices(v0Edges[j]); if (eVerts[0] == eVerts[1]) { return v0Edges[j]; } } } return INDEX_INVALID; } Index Level::findEdge(Index v0Index, Index v1Index) const { return this->findEdge(v0Index, v1Index, this->getVertexEdges(v0Index)); } void Level::completeTopologyFromFaceVertices() { // // Its assumed (a pre-condition) that face-vertices have been fully specified and that we // are to construct the remaining relations: including the edge list. We may want to // support the existence of the edge list too in future: // int vCount = this->getNumVertices(); int fCount = this->getNumFaces(); int eCount = this->getNumEdges(); assert((vCount > 0) && (fCount > 0) && (eCount == 0)); // May be unnecessary depending on how the vertices and faces were defined, but worth a // call to ensure all data related to verts and faces is available -- this will be a // harmless call if all has been taken care of). // // Remember to resize edges similarly after the edge list has been assembled... this->resizeVertices(vCount); this->resizeFaces(fCount); this->resizeEdges(0); // // Resize face-edges to match face-verts and reserve for edges based on an estimate: // this->_faceEdgeIndices.resize(this->getNumFaceVerticesTotal()); int eCountEstimate = (vCount << 1); this->_edgeVertIndices.reserve(eCountEstimate * 2); this->_edgeFaceIndices.reserve(eCountEstimate * 2); this->_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets.reserve(eCountEstimate * 2); // // Create the dynamic relations to be populated (edge-faces will remain empty as reserved // above since there are currently no edges) and iterate through the faces to do so: // const int avgSize = 6; DynamicRelation dynEdgeFaces(this->_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets, this->_edgeFaceIndices, 2); DynamicRelation dynVertFaces(this->_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets, this->_vertFaceIndices, avgSize); DynamicRelation dynVertEdges(this->_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets, this->_vertEdgeIndices, avgSize); for (Index fIndex = 0; fIndex < fCount; ++fIndex) { IndexArray fVerts = this->getFaceVertices(fIndex); IndexArray fEdges = this->getFaceEdges(fIndex); for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) { Index v0Index = fVerts[i]; Index v1Index = fVerts[(i+1) % fVerts.size()]; // Look for the edge in v0's incident edge members: IndexArray v0Edges = dynVertEdges.getCompMembers(v0Index); Index eIndex = this->findEdge(v0Index, v1Index, v0Edges); // If no edge found, create/append a new one: if (!IndexIsValid(eIndex)) { eIndex = (Index) this->_edgeCount; this->_edgeCount ++; this->_edgeVertIndices.push_back(v0Index); this->_edgeVertIndices.push_back(v1Index); dynEdgeFaces.appendComponent(); dynVertEdges.appendCompMember(v0Index, eIndex); dynVertEdges.appendCompMember(v1Index, eIndex); } dynEdgeFaces.appendCompMember(eIndex, fIndex); dynVertFaces.appendCompMember(v0Index, fIndex); fEdges[i] = eIndex; } _maxValence = std::max(_maxValence, fVerts.size()); } dynEdgeFaces.compressMemberIndices(); dynVertFaces.compressMemberIndices(); dynVertEdges.compressMemberIndices(); // // At this point all incident members are associated with each component. We now need // to populate the "local indices" for each -- accounting for on-manifold potential -- // and orient each set. There is little wortwhile advantage in having the local indices // available for the orientation as the orienting code "walks" around the components // independent of their given order. And since determining the local indices is more // involved for non-manifold vertices (needing to deal with repeated entries) we are // better of orienting to determine manifold status and then computing local indices // according to the manifold status. // // Resize edges with the Level to ensure anything else related to edges is created: eCount = this->getNumEdges(); this->resizeEdges(eCount); for (Index eIndex = 0; eIndex < eCount; ++eIndex) { Level::ETag& eTag = this->_edgeTags[eIndex]; IndexArray eFaces = this->getEdgeFaces(eIndex); IndexArray eVerts = this->getEdgeVertices(eIndex); _maxEdgeFaces = std::max(_maxEdgeFaces, eFaces.size()); if ((eFaces.size() < 1) || (eFaces.size() > 2)) { eTag._nonManifold = true; } if (eVerts[0] == eVerts[1]) { printf("ASSERTION - degenerate edges not yet supported!\n"); assert(eVerts[0] != eVerts[1]); eTag._nonManifold = true; } // Mark incident vertices non-manifold to avoid attempting to orient them: if (eTag._nonManifold) { this->_vertTags[eVerts[0]]._nonManifold = true; this->_vertTags[eVerts[1]]._nonManifold = true; } } orientIncidentComponents(); populateLocalIndices(); } void Level::populateLocalIndices() { // // We have two sets of local indices -- vert-faces and vert-edges: // int vCount = this->getNumVertices(); this->_vertFaceLocalIndices.resize(this->_vertFaceIndices.size()); this->_vertEdgeLocalIndices.resize(this->_vertEdgeIndices.size()); for (Index vIndex = 0; vIndex < vCount; ++vIndex) { IndexArray vFaces = this->getVertexFaces(vIndex); LocalIndexArray vInFaces = this->getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex); for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) { IndexArray fVerts = this->getFaceVertices(vFaces[i]); int vInFaceIndex = (int)(std::find(fVerts.begin(), fVerts.end(), vIndex) - fVerts.begin()); vInFaces[i] = (LocalIndex) vInFaceIndex; } } for (Index vIndex = 0; vIndex < vCount; ++vIndex) { IndexArray vEdges = this->getVertexEdges(vIndex); LocalIndexArray vInEdges = this->getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(vIndex); for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) { IndexArray eVerts = this->getEdgeVertices(vEdges[i]); vInEdges[i] = (vIndex == eVerts[1]); } _maxValence = std::max(_maxValence, vEdges.size()); } } void Level::orientIncidentComponents() { int vCount = this->getNumVertices(); for (Index vIndex = 0; vIndex < vCount; ++vIndex) { Level::VTag vTag = this->_vertTags[vIndex]; if (!vTag._nonManifold) { if (!orderVertexFacesAndEdges(vIndex)) { vTag._nonManifold = true; } } } } namespace { inline int findInArray(IndexArray const& array, Index value) { return (int)(std::find(array.begin(), array.end(), value) - array.begin()); } } bool Level::orderVertexFacesAndEdges(Index vIndex, Index * vFacesOrdered, Index * vEdgesOrdered) const { IndexArray const vEdges = this->getVertexEdges(vIndex); IndexArray const vFaces = this->getVertexFaces(vIndex); int fCount = vFaces.size(); int eCount = vEdges.size(); if ((fCount == 0) || (eCount < 2) || ((eCount - fCount) > 1)) return false; // // Note we have already eliminated the possibility of incident degenerate edges // and other bad edges earlier -- marking its vertices non-manifold as a result // and explicitly avoiding this method: // Index fStart = INDEX_INVALID; Index eStart = INDEX_INVALID; int fvStart = 0; if (eCount == fCount) { // Interior case -- start with the first face fStart = vFaces[0]; fvStart = findInArray(this->getFaceVertices(fStart), vIndex); eStart = this->getFaceEdges(fStart)[fvStart]; } else { // Boundary case -- start with (identify) the leading of two boundary edges: for (int i = 0; i < eCount; ++i) { IndexArray const eFaces = this->getEdgeFaces(vEdges[i]); if (eFaces.size() == 1) { eStart = vEdges[i]; fStart = eFaces[0]; fvStart = findInArray(this->getFaceVertices(fStart), vIndex); // Singular edge -- look for forward edge to this vertex: if (eStart == (this->getFaceEdges(fStart)[fvStart])) { break; } } } } // // We have identified a starting face, face-vert and leading edge from // which to walk counter clockwise to identify manifold neighbors. If // this vertex is really locally manifold, we will end up back at the // starting edge or at the other singular edge of a boundary: // int eCountOrdered = 1; int fCountOrdered = 1; vFacesOrdered[0] = fStart; vEdgesOrdered[0] = eStart; Index eFirst = eStart; while (eCountOrdered < eCount) { // // Find the next edge, i.e. the one counter-clockwise to the last: // IndexArray const fVerts = this->getFaceVertices(fStart); IndexArray const fEdges = this->getFaceEdges(fStart); int feStart = fvStart; int feNext = feStart ? (feStart - 1) : (fVerts.size() - 1); Index eNext = fEdges[feNext]; // Two non-manifold situations detected: // - two subsequent edges the same, i.e. a "repeated edge" in a face // - back at the start before all edges processed if ((eNext == eStart) || (eNext == eFirst)) return false; // // Add the next edge and if more faces to visit (not at the end of // a boundary) look to its opposite face: // vEdgesOrdered[eCountOrdered++] = eNext; if (fCountOrdered < fCount) { IndexArray const eFaces = this->getEdgeFaces(eNext); if (eFaces.size() == 0) return false; if ((eFaces.size() == 1) && (eFaces[0] == fStart)) return false; fStart = eFaces[eFaces[0] == fStart]; fvStart = findInArray(this->getFaceEdges(fStart), eNext); vFacesOrdered[fCountOrdered++] = fStart; } eStart = eNext; } assert(eCountOrdered == eCount); assert(fCountOrdered == fCount); return true; } bool Level::orderVertexFacesAndEdges(Index vIndex) { IndexArray vFaces = this->getVertexFaces(vIndex); IndexArray vEdges = this->getVertexEdges(vIndex); Index * vFacesOrdered = (Index *)alloca((vFaces.size() + vEdges.size()) * sizeof(Index)); Index * vEdgesOrdered = vFacesOrdered + vFaces.size(); if (orderVertexFacesAndEdges(vIndex, vFacesOrdered, vEdgesOrdered)) { std::memcpy(&vFaces[0], vFacesOrdered, vFaces.size() * sizeof(Index)); std::memcpy(&vEdges[0], vEdgesOrdered, vEdges.size() * sizeof(Index)); return true; } return false; } // // In development -- methods for accessing face-varying data channels... // int Level::createFVarChannel(int fvarValueCount, Sdc::Options const& fvarOptions) { FVarLevel* fvarLevel = new FVarLevel(*this); fvarLevel->setOptions(fvarOptions); fvarLevel->resizeValues(fvarValueCount); fvarLevel->resizeComponents(); _fvarChannels.push_back(fvarLevel); return (int)_fvarChannels.size() - 1; } void Level::destroyFVarChannel(int channel) { delete _fvarChannels[channel]; _fvarChannels.erase(_fvarChannels.begin() + channel); } int Level::getNumFVarValues(int channel) const { return _fvarChannels[channel]->getNumValues(); } IndexArray const Level::getFVarFaceValues(Index faceIndex, int channel) const { return _fvarChannels[channel]->getFaceValues(faceIndex); } IndexArray Level::getFVarFaceValues(Index faceIndex, int channel) { return _fvarChannels[channel]->getFaceValues(faceIndex); } void Level::completeFVarChannelTopology(int channel) { return _fvarChannels[channel]->completeTopologyFromFaceValues(); } } // end namespace Vtr } // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION } // end namespace OpenSubdiv