Barry Fowler a1c7be7c8e Addition of Bfr interface (1 of 4): opensubdiv/bfr
This set of commits includes the addition of a new evaluation interface
that treats a subdivision mesh more like a piecewise parametric surface
primitive.  The new interface was placed in namespace "Bfr" for "Base
Face Representation" as all concepts and classes relate to a single face
of the base mesh.
2022-08-02 20:38:17 -07:00

248 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Pixar
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Bfr {
/// @brief Simple class defining the 2D parameterization of a face
/// Parameterization is a simple class that provides information about the
/// parameterization of a face in a local (u,v) coordinate system. It is
/// defined by the size of a face (i.e. its number of vertices) and the
/// subdivision scheme that determines its limit surface.
/// As an example of how the subdivision scheme is essential in determining
/// the Parameterization, consider the case of a triangle. A triangle is
/// regular for the Loop scheme and so has a very simple parameterization
/// as a triangular patch. But for the Catmull-Clark scheme, a triangle is
/// an irregular face that must first be subdivided -- making its limit
/// surface a piecewise collection of quadrilateral patches.
class Parameterization {
/// @brief Enumerated type for the different kinds of Parameterizations.
/// The three kinds of parameterizations defined are: quadrilateral,
/// triangle and quadrangulated sub-faces. This is not intended for
/// common use, but is publicly available for situations when it is
/// necessary to distinguish:
enum Type { QUAD, ///< Quadrilateral
TRI, ///< Triangle
QUAD_SUBFACES ///< Partitioned into quadrilateral sub-faces
/// @name Construction and initialization
/// Valid construction of a Parameterization is only achieved with
/// the non-default constructor. A Parameterization will be invalid
/// (and so unusable) if default constructed, or constructed using
/// arguments that describe a face that cannot be parameterized.
/// @brief Primary constructor with subdivision scheme and face size
Parameterization(Sdc::SchemeType scheme, int faceSize);
/// @brief Returns true if correctly initialized
bool IsValid() const { return (_faceSize > 0); }
/// @brief Default construction produces an invalid instance
Parameterization() : _type(0), _uDim(0), _faceSize(0) { }
Parameterization(Parameterization const &) = default;
Parameterization & operator=(Parameterization const &) = default;
~Parameterization() = default;
/// @name Simple queries
/// Simple queries of a valid Parameterization.
/// @brief Returns the type of parameterization assigned
Type GetType() const { return (Type) _type; }
/// @brief Returns the size (number of vertices) of the corresponding face
int GetFaceSize() const { return _faceSize; }
/// @name Methods to inspect parametric features
/// Methods are available to inspect common topological features of a
/// Parameterization, i.e. the parametric coordinates corresponding
/// to the vertices, edges or center of the face it represents.
/// Methods for vertices and edges require an index of the desired
/// vertex or edge. The edge parameter "t" locally parameterizes the
/// edge over [0,1] in a counter-clockwise orientation.
/// @brief Returns the (u,v) coordinate of a given vertex
template <typename REAL>
void GetVertexCoord(int vertexIndex, REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Returns the (u,v) coordinate at any point on a given edge
template <typename REAL>
void GetEdgeCoord(int edgeIndex, REAL t, REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Returns the (u,v) coordinate for the center of the face
template <typename REAL>
void GetCenterCoord(REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
/// @name Methods to deal with discontinuous parameterizations
/// Parameterizations that have been partitioned into sub-faces are
/// discontinuous and warrant care in order to process them effectively --
/// often requiring explicit conversions.
/// These conversion methods to and from the local coordinates of a
/// sub-face are only for use with instances of Parameterization that
/// have such sub-faces. Results for input coordinates that are
/// significantly outside the domain of the input parameterization are
/// undefined.
/// Note that sub-face coordinates that are normalized correspond to
/// coordinates for Ptex faces.
/// @brief Returns if Parameterization has been partitioned into sub-faces
bool HasSubFaces() const;
/// @brief Returns the integer sub-face containing the given (u,v)
template <typename REAL>
int GetSubFace(REAL const uvCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Convert (u,v) to a sub-face (return value) and its local (u,v)
/// coordinate
template <typename REAL>
int ConvertCoordToSubFace(
REAL const uvCoord[2], REAL subFaceCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Convert a sub-face and its local (u,v) coordinate to (u,v)
template <typename REAL>
void ConvertSubFaceToCoord(int subFace,
REAL const subFaceCoord[2], REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Convert (u,v) to a sub-face (return value) and its normalized
/// (u,v) coordinate
template <typename REAL>
int ConvertCoordToNormalizedSubFace(
REAL const uvCoord[2], REAL subFaceCoord[2]) const;
/// @brief Convert a sub-face and its normalized (u,v) coordinate to (u,v)
template <typename REAL>
void ConvertNormalizedSubFaceToCoord(int subFace,
REAL const subFaceCoord[2], REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
template <typename REAL>
int convertCoordToSubFace(bool normalized,
REAL const uvCoord[2], REAL subFaceCoord[2]) const;
template <typename REAL>
void convertSubFaceToCoord(bool normalized, int subFace,
REAL const subFaceCoord[2], REAL uvCoord[2]) const;
unsigned char _type;
unsigned char _uDim;
unsigned short _faceSize;
// Inline sub-face coordinate conversion methods:
inline bool
Parameterization::HasSubFaces() const {
return (_type == QUAD_SUBFACES);
template <typename REAL>
inline int
Parameterization::GetSubFace(REAL const uvCoord[2]) const {
if (!HasSubFaces()) return 0;
int uTile = (int) uvCoord[0];
int vTile = (int) uvCoord[1];
return (vTile + ((uvCoord[1] - (REAL) vTile) > 0.75f)) * _uDim +
(uTile + ((uvCoord[0] - (REAL) uTile) > 0.75f));
// Conversions to unnormalized sub-face coordinates:
template <typename REAL>
inline int
REAL const uvCoord[2], REAL subCoord[2]) const {
return convertCoordToSubFace<REAL>(false, uvCoord, subCoord);
template <typename REAL>
inline void
int subFace, REAL const subCoord[2], REAL uvCoord[2]) const {
convertSubFaceToCoord<REAL>(false, subFace, subCoord, uvCoord);
// Conversions to normalized sub-face coordinates:
template <typename REAL>
inline int
REAL const uvCoord[2], REAL subCoord[2]) const {
return convertCoordToSubFace<REAL>(true, uvCoord, subCoord);
template <typename REAL>
inline void
int subFace, REAL const subCoord[2], REAL uvCoord[2]) const {
convertSubFaceToCoord<REAL>(true, subFace, subCoord, uvCoord);
} // end namespace Bfr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv