Takahito Tejima ee061291b7 Interleaved buffer support in OsdCompute. Removed OsdVertexDescriptor and replaced with OsdVertexBufferDescriptor.
All kernels take offset/length/stride to apply subdivision partially in each vertex elements.

Also the offset can be used for client-based VBO aggregation, without modifying index buffers.
This is useful for topology sharing, in conjunction with glDrawElementsBaseVertex etc.
However, gregory patch shader fetches vertex buffer via texture buffer, which index should also
be offsetted too. Although gl_BaseVertexARB extension should be able to do that job, it's a
relatively new extension. So we use OsdBaseVertex() call to mitigate the compatibility
issue as clients can provide it in their way at least for the time being.
2014-05-09 15:44:52 -07:00

161 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/subdivisionTables.h"
#include "../osd/nonCopyable.h"
#include "../osd/vertex.h"
#include "../osd/vertexDescriptor.h"
#include "../osd/opengl.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
class OsdGLSLComputeKernelBundle : OsdNonCopyable<OsdGLSLComputeKernelBundle> {
bool Compile(OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertexDesc,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varyingDesc);
void ApplyBilinearFaceVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyBilinearEdgeVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyBilinearVertexVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyCatmarkFaceVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyCatmarkEdgeVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyCatmarkVertexVerticesKernelB(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyCatmarkVertexVerticesKernelA(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end, bool pass);
void ApplyLoopEdgeVerticesKernel(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyLoopVertexVerticesKernelB(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end);
void ApplyLoopVertexVerticesKernelA(
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset, int start, int end, bool pass);
void ApplyEditAdd(int primvarOffset, int primvarWidth,
int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end);
void UseProgram(int vertexBaseOffset, int varyingBaseOffset) const;
GLuint GetTableUniformLocation(int tableIndex) const {
return _tableUniforms[tableIndex];
struct Match {
/// Constructor
Match(OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &vertex,
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor const &varying)
: vertexDesc(vertex), varyingDesc(varying) {
bool operator() (OsdGLSLComputeKernelBundle const *kernel) {
// offset is dynamic. just comparing length and stride here,
// returns true if they are equal
return (vertexDesc.length == kernel->_numVertexElements and
vertexDesc.stride == kernel->_vertexStride and
varyingDesc.length == kernel->_numVaryingElements and
varyingDesc.stride == kernel->_varyingStride);
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor vertexDesc;
OsdVertexBufferDescriptor varyingDesc;
friend struct Match;
void dispatchCompute(int vertexOffset, int tableOffset,
int start, int end) const ;
GLuint _program;
// uniform locations for compute
GLuint _tableUniforms[FarSubdivisionTables::TABLE_TYPES_COUNT];
GLuint _uniformVertexPass;
GLuint _uniformVertexOffset;
GLuint _uniformTableOffset;
GLuint _uniformIndexStart;
GLuint _uniformIndexEnd;
GLuint _uniformVertexBaseOffset;
GLuint _uniformVaryingBaseOffset;
// uniform locations for vertex edit
GLuint _uniformEditPrimVarOffset;
GLuint _uniformEditPrimVarWidth;
GLuint _subComputeFace; // general face-vertex kernel (all schemes)
GLuint _subComputeEdge; // edge-vertex kernel (catmark + loop schemes)
GLuint _subComputeBilinearEdge; // edge-vertex kernel (bilinear scheme)
GLuint _subComputeVertex; // vertex-vertex kernel (bilinear scheme)
GLuint _subComputeVertexA; // vertex-vertex kernel A (catmark + loop schemes)
GLuint _subComputeCatmarkVertexB; // vertex-vertex kernel B (catmark scheme)
GLuint _subComputeLoopVertexB; // vertex-vertex kernel B (loop scheme)
GLuint _subEditAdd; // hedit kernel (add)
int _workGroupSize;
int _numVertexElements;
int _vertexStride;
int _numVaryingElements;
int _varyingStride;
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv