mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 13:20:13 +00:00
In one case, we were comparing int and unsigned int. In primvarRefiner, some values were safely uninitialized, but older compilers (GCC 4.1) were complaining.
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// Copyright 2015 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../sdc/bilinearScheme.h"
#include "../sdc/catmarkScheme.h"
#include "../sdc/loopScheme.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarLevel.h"
#include "../vtr/refinement.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarRefinement.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include "../vtr/componentInterfaces.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../far/error.h"
#include "../far/topologyLevel.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Applies refinement operations to generic primvar data.
class PrimvarRefiner {
PrimvarRefiner(TopologyRefiner const & refiner) : _refiner(refiner) { }
~PrimvarRefiner() { }
TopologyRefiner const & GetTopologyRefiner() const { return _refiner; }
/// @name Primvar data interpolation
/// \anchor templating
/// \note Interpolation methods template both the source and destination
/// data buffer classes. Client-code is expected to provide interfaces
/// that implement the functions specific to its primitive variable
/// data layout. Template APIs must implement the following:
/// <br><br> \code{.cpp}
/// class MySource {
/// MySource & operator[](int index);
/// };
/// class MyDestination {
/// void Clear();
/// void AddWithWeight(MySource const & value, float weight);
/// void AddWithWeight(MyDestination const & value, float weight);
/// };
/// \endcode
/// <br>
/// It is possible to implement a single interface only and use it as
/// both source and destination.
/// <br><br>
/// Primitive variable buffers are expected to be arrays of instances,
/// passed either as direct pointers or with a container
/// (ex. std::vector<MyVertex>).
/// Some interpolation methods however allow passing the buffers by
/// reference: this allows to work transparently with arrays and
/// containers (or other scheme that overload the '[]' operator)
/// <br><br>
/// See the <a href=http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv/docs/tutorials.html>
/// Far tutorials</a> for code examples.
/// \brief Apply vertex interpolation weights to a primvar buffer for a single
/// level level of refinement.
/// The destination buffer must allocate an array of data for all the
/// refined vertices, i.e. at least refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices()
/// @param level The refinement level
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (\ref templating control vertex data)
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer (\ref templating refined vertex data)
template <class T, class U> void Interpolate(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const;
/// \brief Apply only varying interpolation weights to a primvar buffer
/// for a single level level of refinement.
/// This method can useful if the varying primvar data does not need to be
/// re-computed over time.
/// The destination buffer must allocate an array of data for all the
/// refined vertices, i.e. at least refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices()
/// @param level The refinement level
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (\ref templating control vertex data)
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer (\ref templating refined vertex data)
template <class T, class U> void InterpolateVarying(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const;
/// \brief Refine uniform (per-face) primvar data between levels.
/// Data is simply copied from a parent face to its child faces and does not involve
/// any weighting. Setting the source primvar data for the base level to be the index
/// of each face allows the propagation of the base face to primvar data for child
/// faces in all levels.
/// The destination buffer must allocate an array of data for all the refined faces,
/// i.e. at least refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumFaces()
/// @param level The refinement level
/// @param src Source primvar buffer
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer
template <class T, class U> void InterpolateFaceUniform(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const;
/// \brief Apply face-varying interpolation weights to a primvar buffer
/// associated with a particular face-varying channel.
/// Unlike vertex and varying primvar buffers, there is not a 1-to-1 correspondence
/// between vertices and face-varying values -- typically there are more face-varying
/// values than vertices. Each face-varying channel is also independent in how its
/// values relate to the vertices.
/// The destination buffer must allocate an array of data for all the refined values,
/// i.e. at least refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(channel).
template <class T, class U> void InterpolateFaceVarying(int level, T const & src, U & dst, int channel = 0) const;
/// \brief Apply limit weights to a primvar buffer
/// The source buffer must refer to an array of previously interpolated
/// vertex data for the last refinement level. The destination buffer
/// must allocate an array for all vertices at the last refinement level,
/// i.e. at least refiner.GetLevel(refiner.GetMaxLevel()).GetNumVertices()
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (refined data) for last level
/// @param dstPos Destination primvar buffer (data at the limit)
template <class T, class U> void Limit(T const & src, U & dstPos) const;
template <class T, class U, class U1, class U2>
void Limit(T const & src, U & dstPos, U1 & dstTan1, U2 & dstTan2) const;
template <class T, class U> void LimitFaceVarying(T const & src, U & dst, int channel = 0) const;
// Non-copyable:
PrimvarRefiner(PrimvarRefiner const & src) : _refiner(src._refiner) { }
PrimvarRefiner & operator=(PrimvarRefiner const &) { return *this; }
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFromFaces(int, T const &, U &) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFromEdges(int, T const &, U &) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFromVerts(int, T const &, U &) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFVarFromFaces(int, T const &, U &, int) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFVarFromEdges(int, T const &, U &, int) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U> void interpFVarFromVerts(int, T const &, U &, int) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U, class U1, class U2>
void limit(T const & src, U & pos, U1 * tan1, U2 * tan2) const;
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
void limitFVar(T const & src, U * dst, int channel) const;
TopologyRefiner const & _refiner;
// Local class to fulfil interface for <typename MASK> in the Scheme mask queries:
class Mask {
typedef float Weight; // Also part of the expected interface
Mask(Weight* v, Weight* e, Weight* f) :
_vertWeights(v), _edgeWeights(e), _faceWeights(f),
_vertCount(0), _edgeCount(0), _faceCount(0),
{ }
~Mask() { }
public: // Generic interface expected of <typename MASK>:
int GetNumVertexWeights() const { return _vertCount; }
int GetNumEdgeWeights() const { return _edgeCount; }
int GetNumFaceWeights() const { return _faceCount; }
void SetNumVertexWeights(int count) { _vertCount = count; }
void SetNumEdgeWeights( int count) { _edgeCount = count; }
void SetNumFaceWeights( int count) { _faceCount = count; }
Weight const& VertexWeight(int index) const { return _vertWeights[index]; }
Weight const& EdgeWeight( int index) const { return _edgeWeights[index]; }
Weight const& FaceWeight( int index) const { return _faceWeights[index]; }
Weight& VertexWeight(int index) { return _vertWeights[index]; }
Weight& EdgeWeight( int index) { return _edgeWeights[index]; }
Weight& FaceWeight( int index) { return _faceWeights[index]; }
bool AreFaceWeightsForFaceCenters() const { return _faceWeightsForFaceCenters; }
void SetFaceWeightsForFaceCenters(bool on) { _faceWeightsForFaceCenters = on; }
Weight* _vertWeights;
Weight* _edgeWeights;
Weight* _faceWeights;
int _vertCount;
int _edgeCount;
int _faceCount;
bool _faceWeightsForFaceCenters;
// Public entry points to the methods. Queries of the scheme type and its
// use as a template parameter in subsequent implementation will be factored
// out of a later release:
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::Interpolate(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
assert(level>0 and level<=(int)_refiner._refinements.size());
switch (_refiner._subdivType) {
interpFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst);
interpFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst);
interpFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst);
case Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP:
interpFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst);
interpFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst);
interpFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst);
interpFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst);
interpFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst);
interpFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst);
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::InterpolateFaceVarying(int level, T const & src, U & dst, int channel) const {
assert(level>0 and level<=(int)_refiner._refinements.size());
switch (_refiner._subdivType) {
interpFVarFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(level, src, dst, channel);
case Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP:
interpFVarFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromFaces<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromEdges<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst, channel);
interpFVarFromVerts<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(level, src, dst, channel);
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::Limit(T const & src, U & dst) const {
if (_refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel()).getNumVertexEdgesTotal() == 0) {
"Cannot compute limit points -- last level of refinement does not include full topology.");
switch (_refiner._subdivType) {
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(src, dst, (U*)0, (U*)0);
case Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP:
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(src, dst, (U*)0, (U*)0);
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(src, dst, (U*)0, (U*)0);
template <class T, class U, class U1, class U2>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::Limit(T const & src, U & dstPos, U1 & dstTan1, U2 & dstTan2) const {
if (_refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel()).getNumVertexEdgesTotal() == 0) {
"Cannot compute limit points -- last level of refinement does not include full topology.");
switch (_refiner._subdivType) {
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(src, dstPos, &dstTan1, &dstTan2);
case Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP:
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(src, dstPos, &dstTan1, &dstTan2);
limit<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(src, dstPos, &dstTan1, &dstTan2);
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::LimitFaceVarying(T const & src, U & dst, int channel) const {
if (_refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel()).getNumVertexEdgesTotal() == 0) {
"Cannot compute limit points -- last level of refinement does not include full topology.");
switch (_refiner._subdivType) {
limitFVar<Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK>(src, dst, channel);
case Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP:
limitFVar<Sdc::SCHEME_LOOP>(src, dst, channel);
limitFVar<Sdc::SCHEME_BILINEAR>(src, dst, channel);
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::InterpolateFaceUniform(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
assert(level>0 and level<=(int)_refiner._refinements.size());
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Vtr::internal::Level const & child = refinement.child();
for (int cFace = 0; cFace < child.getNumFaces(); ++cFace) {
Vtr::Index pFace = refinement.getChildFaceParentFace(cFace);
dst[cFace] = src[pFace];
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::InterpolateVarying(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
assert(level>0 and level<=(int)_refiner._refinements.size());
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parent = refinement.parent();
// Group values to interolate based on origin -- note that there may
// be none originating from faces:
if (refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces() > 0) {
for (int face = 0; face < parent.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(face);
if (Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert)) {
// Apply the weights to the parent face's vertices:
ConstIndexArray fVerts = parent.getFaceVertices(face);
float fVaryingWeight = 1.0f / (float) fVerts.size();
for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) {
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[fVerts[i]], fVaryingWeight);
for (int edge = 0; edge < parent.getNumEdges(); ++edge) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getEdgeChildVertex(edge);
if (Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert)) {
// Apply the weights to the parent edges's vertices
ConstIndexArray eVerts = parent.getEdgeVertices(edge);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[eVerts[0]], 0.5f);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[eVerts[1]], 0.5f);
for (int vert = 0; vert < parent.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getVertexChildVertex(vert);
if (Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert)) {
// Essentially copy the parent vertex:
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], 1.0f);
// Internal implementation methods -- grouping vertices to be interpolated
// based on the type of parent component from which they originated:
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFromFaces(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parent = refinement.parent();
if (refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces() == 0) return;
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,16> fVertWeights(parent.getMaxValence());
for (int face = 0; face < parent.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(face);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
// Declare and compute mask weights for this vertex relative to its parent face:
ConstIndexArray fVerts = parent.getFaceVertices(face);
Mask fMask(fVertWeights, 0, 0);
Vtr::internal::FaceInterface fHood(fVerts.size());
scheme.ComputeFaceVertexMask(fHood, fMask);
// Apply the weights to the parent face's vertices:
for (int i = 0; i < fVerts.size(); ++i) {
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[fVerts[i]], fVertWeights[i]);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFromEdges(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parent = refinement.parent();
Vtr::internal::Level const & child = refinement.child();
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::EdgeInterface eHood(parent);
float eVertWeights[2];
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,8> eFaceWeights(parent.getMaxEdgeFaces());
for (int edge = 0; edge < parent.getNumEdges(); ++edge) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getEdgeChildVertex(edge);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
// Declare and compute mask weights for this vertex relative to its parent edge:
ConstIndexArray eVerts = parent.getEdgeVertices(edge),
eFaces = parent.getEdgeFaces(edge);
Mask eMask(eVertWeights, 0, eFaceWeights);
Sdc::Crease::Rule pRule = (parent.getEdgeSharpness(edge) > 0.0f) ? Sdc::Crease::RULE_CREASE : Sdc::Crease::RULE_SMOOTH;
Sdc::Crease::Rule cRule = child.getVertexRule(cVert);
scheme.ComputeEdgeVertexMask(eHood, eMask, pRule, cRule);
// Apply the weights to the parent edges's vertices and (if applicable) to
// the child vertices of its incident faces:
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[eVerts[0]], eVertWeights[0]);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[eVerts[1]], eVertWeights[1]);
if (eMask.GetNumFaceWeights() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < eFaces.size(); ++i) {
if (eMask.AreFaceWeightsForFaceCenters()) {
assert(refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces() > 0);
Vtr::Index cVertOfFace = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(eFaces[i]);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(dst[cVertOfFace], eFaceWeights[i]);
} else {
Vtr::Index pFace = eFaces[i];
ConstIndexArray pFaceEdges = parent.getFaceEdges(pFace),
pFaceVerts = parent.getFaceVertices(pFace);
int eInFace = 0;
for ( ; pFaceEdges[eInFace] != edge; ++eInFace ) ;
int vInFace = eInFace + 2;
if (vInFace >= pFaceVerts.size()) vInFace -= pFaceVerts.size();
Vtr::Index pVertNext = pFaceVerts[vInFace];
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[pVertNext], eFaceWeights[i]);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFromVerts(int level, T const & src, U & dst) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parent = refinement.parent();
Vtr::internal::Level const & child = refinement.child();
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::VertexInterface vHood(parent, child);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,32> weightBuffer(2*parent.getMaxValence());
for (int vert = 0; vert < parent.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getVertexChildVertex(vert);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
// Declare and compute mask weights for this vertex relative to its parent edge:
ConstIndexArray vEdges = parent.getVertexEdges(vert),
vFaces = parent.getVertexFaces(vert);
float vVertWeight,
* vEdgeWeights = weightBuffer,
* vFaceWeights = vEdgeWeights + vEdges.size();
Mask vMask(&vVertWeight, vEdgeWeights, vFaceWeights);
vHood.SetIndex(vert, cVert);
Sdc::Crease::Rule pRule = parent.getVertexRule(vert);
Sdc::Crease::Rule cRule = child.getVertexRule(cVert);
scheme.ComputeVertexVertexMask(vHood, vMask, pRule, cRule);
// Apply the weights to the parent vertex, the vertices opposite its incident
// edges, and the child vertices of its incident faces:
// In order to improve numerical precision, its better to apply smaller weights
// first, so begin with the face-weights followed by the edge-weights and the
// vertex weight last.
if (vMask.GetNumFaceWeights() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Index cVertOfFace = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(vFaces[i]);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(dst[cVertOfFace], vFaceWeights[i]);
if (vMask.GetNumEdgeWeights() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
ConstIndexArray eVerts = parent.getEdgeVertices(vEdges[i]);
Vtr::Index pVertOppositeEdge = (eVerts[0] == vert) ? eVerts[1] : eVerts[0];
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[pVertOppositeEdge], vEdgeWeights[i]);
dst[cVert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], vVertWeight);
// Internal face-varying implementation details:
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFVarFromFaces(int level, T const & src, U & dst, int channel) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
if (refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces() == 0) return;
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parentLevel = refinement.parent();
Vtr::internal::Level const & childLevel = refinement.child();
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & parentFVar = parentLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & childFVar = childLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,16> fValueWeights(parentLevel.getMaxValence());
for (int face = 0; face < parentLevel.getNumFaces(); ++face) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(face);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
Vtr::Index cVertValue = childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVert);
// The only difference for face-varying here is that we get the values associated
// with each face-vertex directly from the FVarLevel, rather than using the parent
// face-vertices directly. If any face-vertex has any sibling values, then we may
// get the wrong one using the face-vertex index directly.
// Declare and compute mask weights for this vertex relative to its parent face:
ConstIndexArray fValues = parentFVar.getFaceValues(face);
Mask fMask(fValueWeights, 0, 0);
Vtr::internal::FaceInterface fHood(fValues.size());
scheme.ComputeFaceVertexMask(fHood, fMask);
// Apply the weights to the parent face's vertices:
for (int i = 0; i < fValues.size(); ++i) {
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[fValues[i]], fValueWeights[i]);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFVarFromEdges(int level, T const & src, U & dst, int channel) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parentLevel = refinement.parent();
Vtr::internal::Level const & childLevel = refinement.child();
Vtr::internal::FVarRefinement const & refineFVar = refinement.getFVarRefinement(channel);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & parentFVar = parentLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & childFVar = childLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
// Allocate and intialize (if linearly interpolated) interpolation weights for
// the edge mask:
float eVertWeights[2];
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,8> eFaceWeights(parentLevel.getMaxEdgeFaces());
Mask eMask(eVertWeights, 0, eFaceWeights);
bool isLinearFVar = parentFVar.isLinear();
if (isLinearFVar) {
eVertWeights[0] = 0.5f;
eVertWeights[1] = 0.5f;
Vtr::internal::EdgeInterface eHood(parentLevel);
for (int edge = 0; edge < parentLevel.getNumEdges(); ++edge) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getEdgeChildVertex(edge);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
ConstIndexArray cVertValues = childFVar.getVertexValues(cVert);
bool fvarEdgeVertMatchesVertex = childFVar.valueTopologyMatches(cVertValues[0]);
if (fvarEdgeVertMatchesVertex) {
// If smoothly interpolated, compute new weights for the edge mask:
if (!isLinearFVar) {
Sdc::Crease::Rule pRule = (parentLevel.getEdgeSharpness(edge) > 0.0f)
? Sdc::Crease::RULE_CREASE : Sdc::Crease::RULE_SMOOTH;
Sdc::Crease::Rule cRule = childLevel.getVertexRule(cVert);
scheme.ComputeEdgeVertexMask(eHood, eMask, pRule, cRule);
// Apply the weights to the parent edges's vertices and (if applicable) to
// the child vertices of its incident faces:
// Even though the face-varying topology matches the vertex topology, we need
// to be careful here when getting values corresponding to the two end-vertices.
// While the edge may be continuous, the vertices at their ends may have
// discontinuities elsewhere in their neighborhood (i.e. on the "other side"
// of the end-vertex) and so have sibling values associated with them. In most
// cases the topology for an end-vertex will match and we can use it directly,
// but we must still check and retrieve as needed.
// Indices for values corresponding to face-vertices are guaranteed to match,
// so we can use the child-vertex indices directly.
// And by "directly", we always use getVertexValue(vertexIndex) to reference
// values in the "src" to account for the possible indirection that may exist at
// level 0 -- where there may be fewer values than vertices and an additional
// indirection is necessary. We can use a vertex index directly for "dst" when
// it matches.
Vtr::Index eVertValues[2];
parentFVar.getEdgeFaceValues(edge, 0, eVertValues);
Index cVertValue = cVertValues[0];
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[eVertValues[0]], eVertWeights[0]);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[eVertValues[1]], eVertWeights[1]);
if (eMask.GetNumFaceWeights() > 0) {
ConstIndexArray eFaces = parentLevel.getEdgeFaces(edge);
for (int i = 0; i < eFaces.size(); ++i) {
if (eMask.AreFaceWeightsForFaceCenters()) {
Vtr::Index cVertOfFace = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(eFaces[i]);
Vtr::Index cValueOfFace = childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVertOfFace);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(dst[cValueOfFace], eFaceWeights[i]);
} else {
Vtr::Index pFace = eFaces[i];
ConstIndexArray pFaceEdges = parentLevel.getFaceEdges(pFace),
pFaceVerts = parentLevel.getFaceVertices(pFace);
int eInFace = 0;
for ( ; pFaceEdges[eInFace] != edge; ++eInFace ) ;
// Edge "i" spans vertices [i,i+1] so we want i+2...
int vInFace = eInFace + 2;
if (vInFace >= pFaceVerts.size()) vInFace -= pFaceVerts.size();
Vtr::Index pValueNext = parentFVar.getFaceValues(pFace)[vInFace];
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pValueNext], eFaceWeights[i]);
} else {
// Mismatched edge-verts should just be linearly interpolated between the pairs of
// values for each sibling of the child edge-vertex -- the question is: which face
// holds that pair of values for a given sibling?
// In the manifold case, the sibling and edge-face indices will correspond. We
// will eventually need to update this to account for > 3 incident faces.
for (int i = 0; i < cVertValues.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Index eVertValues[2];
int eFaceIndex = refineFVar.getChildValueParentSource(cVert, i);
assert(eFaceIndex == i);
parentFVar.getEdgeFaceValues(edge, eFaceIndex, eVertValues);
Index cVertValue = cVertValues[i];
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[eVertValues[0]], 0.5);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[eVertValues[1]], 0.5);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::interpFVarFromVerts(int level, T const & src, U & dst, int channel) const {
Vtr::internal::Refinement const & refinement = _refiner.getRefinement(level-1);
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::Level const & parentLevel = refinement.parent();
Vtr::internal::Level const & childLevel = refinement.child();
Vtr::internal::FVarRefinement const & refineFVar = refinement.getFVarRefinement(channel);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & parentFVar = parentLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & childFVar = childLevel.getFVarLevel(channel);
bool isLinearFVar = parentFVar.isLinear();
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,32> weightBuffer(2*parentLevel.getMaxValence());
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Vtr::Index,16> vEdgeValues(parentLevel.getMaxValence());
Vtr::internal::VertexInterface vHood(parentLevel, childLevel);
for (int vert = 0; vert < parentLevel.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
Vtr::Index cVert = refinement.getVertexChildVertex(vert);
if (!Vtr::IndexIsValid(cVert))
ConstIndexArray pVertValues = parentFVar.getVertexValues(vert),
cVertValues = childFVar.getVertexValues(cVert);
bool fvarVertVertMatchesVertex = childFVar.valueTopologyMatches(cVertValues[0]);
if (isLinearFVar && fvarVertVertMatchesVertex) {
dst[cVertValues[0]].AddWithWeight(src[pVertValues[0]], 1.0f);
if (fvarVertVertMatchesVertex) {
// Declare and compute mask weights for this vertex relative to its parent edge:
// (We really need to encapsulate this somewhere else for use here and in the
// general case)
ConstIndexArray vEdges = parentLevel.getVertexEdges(vert);
float vVertWeight;
float * vEdgeWeights = weightBuffer;
float * vFaceWeights = vEdgeWeights + vEdges.size();
Mask vMask(&vVertWeight, vEdgeWeights, vFaceWeights);
vHood.SetIndex(vert, cVert);
Sdc::Crease::Rule pRule = parentLevel.getVertexRule(vert);
Sdc::Crease::Rule cRule = childLevel.getVertexRule(cVert);
scheme.ComputeVertexVertexMask(vHood, vMask, pRule, cRule);
// Apply the weights to the parent vertex, the vertices opposite its incident
// edges, and the child vertices of its incident faces:
// Even though the face-varying topology matches the vertex topology, we need
// to be careful here when getting values corresponding to vertices at the
// ends of edges. While the edge may be continuous, the end vertex may have
// discontinuities elsewhere in their neighborhood (i.e. on the "other side"
// of the end-vertex) and so have sibling values associated with them. In most
// cases the topology for an end-vertex will match and we can use it directly,
// but we must still check and retrieve as needed.
// Indices for values corresponding to face-vertices are guaranteed to match,
// so we can use the child-vertex indices directly.
// And by "directly", we always use getVertexValue(vertexIndex) to reference
// values in the "src" to account for the possible indirection that may exist at
// level 0 -- where there may be fewer values than vertices and an additional
// indirection is necessary. We can use a vertex index directly for "dst" when
// it matches.
// As with applying the mask to vertex data, in order to improve numerical
// precision, its better to apply smaller weights first, so begin with the
// face-weights followed by the edge-weights and the vertex weight last.
Vtr::Index pVertValue = pVertValues[0];
Vtr::Index cVertValue = cVertValues[0];
if (vMask.GetNumFaceWeights() > 0) {
ConstIndexArray vFaces = parentLevel.getVertexFaces(vert);
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Index cVertOfFace = refinement.getFaceChildVertex(vFaces[i]);
Vtr::Index cValueOfFace = childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVertOfFace);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(dst[cValueOfFace], vFaceWeights[i]);
if (vMask.GetNumEdgeWeights() > 0) {
parentFVar.getVertexEdgeValues(vert, vEdgeValues);
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[vEdgeValues[i]], vEdgeWeights[i]);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pVertValue], vVertWeight);
} else {
// Each FVar value associated with a vertex will be either a corner or a crease,
// or potentially in transition from corner to crease:
// - if the CHILD is a corner, there can be no transition so we have a corner
// - otherwise if the PARENT is a crease, both will be creases (no transition)
// - otherwise the parent must be a corner and the child a crease (transition)
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel::ConstValueTagArray pValueTags = parentFVar.getVertexValueTags(vert);
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel::ConstValueTagArray cValueTags = childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
for (int cSibling = 0; cSibling < cVertValues.size(); ++cSibling) {
int pSibling = refineFVar.getChildValueParentSource(cVert, cSibling);
assert(pSibling == cSibling);
Vtr::Index pVertValue = pVertValues[pSibling];
Vtr::Index cVertValue = cVertValues[cSibling];
if (cValueTags[cSibling].isCorner()) {
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pVertValue], 1.0f);
} else {
// We have either a crease or a transition from corner to crease -- in
// either case, we need the end values for the full/fractional crease:
Index pEndValues[2];
parentFVar.getVertexCreaseEndValues(vert, pSibling, pEndValues);
float vWeight = 0.75f;
float eWeight = 0.125f;
// If semisharp we need to apply fractional weighting -- if made sharp because
// of the other sibling (dependent-sharp) use the fractional weight from that
// other sibling (should only occur when there are 2):
if (pValueTags[pSibling].isSemiSharp()) {
float wCorner = pValueTags[pSibling].isDepSharp()
? refineFVar.getFractionalWeight(vert, !pSibling, cVert, !cSibling)
: refineFVar.getFractionalWeight(vert, pSibling, cVert, cSibling);
float wCrease = 1.0f - wCorner;
vWeight = wCrease * 0.75f + wCorner;
eWeight = wCrease * 0.125f;
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pEndValues[0]], eWeight);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pEndValues[1]], eWeight);
dst[cVertValue].AddWithWeight(src[pVertValue], vWeight);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U, class U1, class U2>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::limit(T const & src, U & dstPos, U1 * dstTan1Ptr, U2 * dstTan2Ptr) const {
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel());
int maxWeightsPerMask = 1 + 2 * level.getMaxValence();
bool hasTangents = (dstTan1Ptr && dstTan2Ptr);
int numMasks = 1 + (hasTangents ? 2 : 0);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Index,33> indexBuffer(maxWeightsPerMask);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,99> weightBuffer(numMasks * maxWeightsPerMask);
float * vPosWeights = weightBuffer,
* ePosWeights = vPosWeights + 1,
* fPosWeights = ePosWeights + level.getMaxValence();
float * vTan1Weights = vPosWeights + maxWeightsPerMask,
* eTan1Weights = ePosWeights + maxWeightsPerMask,
* fTan1Weights = fPosWeights + maxWeightsPerMask;
float * vTan2Weights = vTan1Weights + maxWeightsPerMask,
* eTan2Weights = eTan1Weights + maxWeightsPerMask,
* fTan2Weights = fTan1Weights + maxWeightsPerMask;
Mask posMask( vPosWeights, ePosWeights, fPosWeights);
Mask tan1Mask(vTan1Weights, eTan1Weights, fTan1Weights);
Mask tan2Mask(vTan2Weights, eTan2Weights, fTan2Weights);
// This is a bit obscure -- assigning both parent and child as last level -- but
// this mask type was intended for another purpose. Consider one for the limit:
Vtr::internal::VertexInterface vHood(level, level);
for (int vert = 0; vert < level.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
ConstIndexArray vEdges = level.getVertexEdges(vert);
// Incomplete vertices (present in sparse refinement) do not have their full
// topological neighborhood to determine a proper limit -- just leave the
// vertex at the refined location and continue to the next:
if (level.getVertexTag(vert)._incomplete || (vEdges.size() == 0)) {
dstPos[vert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], 1.0);
if (hasTangents) {
// Limit masks require the subdivision Rule for the vertex in order to deal
// with infinitely sharp features correctly -- including boundaries and corners.
// The vertex neighborhood is minimally defined with vertex and edge counts.
Sdc::Crease::Rule vRule = level.getVertexRule(vert);
// This is a bit obscure -- child vertex index will be ignored here
vHood.SetIndex(vert, vert);
if (hasTangents) {
scheme.ComputeVertexLimitMask(vHood, posMask, tan1Mask, tan2Mask, vRule);
} else {
scheme.ComputeVertexLimitMask(vHood, posMask, vRule);
// Gather the neighboring vertices of this vertex -- the vertices opposite its
// incident edges, and the opposite vertices of its incident faces:
Index * eIndices = indexBuffer;
Index * fIndices = indexBuffer + vEdges.size();
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
ConstIndexArray eVerts = level.getEdgeVertices(vEdges[i]);
eIndices[i] = (eVerts[0] == vert) ? eVerts[1] : eVerts[0];
if (posMask.GetNumFaceWeights() || (hasTangents && tan1Mask.GetNumFaceWeights())) {
ConstIndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(vert);
ConstLocalIndexArray vInFace = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vert);
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
ConstIndexArray fVerts = level.getFaceVertices(vFaces[i]);
LocalIndex vOppInFace = (vInFace[i] + 2);
if (vOppInFace >= fVerts.size()) vOppInFace -= (LocalIndex)fVerts.size();
fIndices[i] = level.getFaceVertices(vFaces[i])[vOppInFace];
// Combine the weights and indices for position and tangents. As with applying
// refinment masks to vertex data, in order to improve numerical precision, its
// better to apply smaller weights first, so begin with the face-weights followed
// by the edge-weights and the vertex weight last.
for (int i = 0; i < posMask.GetNumFaceWeights(); ++i) {
dstPos[vert].AddWithWeight(src[fIndices[i]], fPosWeights[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < posMask.GetNumEdgeWeights(); ++i) {
dstPos[vert].AddWithWeight(src[eIndices[i]], ePosWeights[i]);
dstPos[vert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], vPosWeights[0]);
// Apply the tangent masks -- both will have the same number of weights and
// indices (one tangent may be "padded" to accomodate the other), but these
// may differ from those of the position:
if (hasTangents) {
assert(tan1Mask.GetNumFaceWeights() == tan2Mask.GetNumFaceWeights());
assert(tan1Mask.GetNumEdgeWeights() == tan2Mask.GetNumEdgeWeights());
U1 & dstTan1 = *dstTan1Ptr;
U2 & dstTan2 = *dstTan2Ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < tan1Mask.GetNumFaceWeights(); ++i) {
dstTan1[vert].AddWithWeight(src[fIndices[i]], fTan1Weights[i]);
dstTan2[vert].AddWithWeight(src[fIndices[i]], fTan2Weights[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < tan1Mask.GetNumEdgeWeights(); ++i) {
dstTan1[vert].AddWithWeight(src[eIndices[i]], eTan1Weights[i]);
dstTan2[vert].AddWithWeight(src[eIndices[i]], eTan2Weights[i]);
dstTan1[vert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], vTan1Weights[0]);
dstTan2[vert].AddWithWeight(src[vert], vTan2Weights[0]);
template <Sdc::SchemeType SCHEME, class T, class U>
inline void
PrimvarRefiner::limitFVar(T const & src, U * dst, int channel) const {
Sdc::Scheme<SCHEME> scheme(_refiner._subdivOptions);
Vtr::internal::Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel());
Vtr::internal::FVarLevel const & fvarChannel = level.getFVarLevel(channel);
int maxWeightsPerMask = 1 + 2 * level.getMaxValence();
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<float,33> weightBuffer(maxWeightsPerMask);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Index,16> vEdgeBuffer(level.getMaxValence());
// This is a bit obscure -- assign both parent and child as last level
Vtr::internal::VertexInterface vHood(level, level);
for (int vert = 0; vert < level.getNumVertices(); ++vert) {
ConstIndexArray vEdges = level.getVertexEdges(vert);
ConstIndexArray vValues = fvarChannel.getVertexValues(vert);
// Incomplete vertices (present in sparse refinement) do not have their full
// topological neighborhood to determine a proper limit -- just leave the
// values (perhaps more than one per vertex) at the refined location.
// The same can be done if the face-varying channel is purely linear.
bool isIncomplete = (level.getVertexTag(vert)._incomplete || (vEdges.size() == 0));
if (isIncomplete || fvarChannel.isLinear()) {
for (int i = 0; i < vValues.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Index vValue = vValues[i];
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vValue], 1.0f);
bool fvarVertMatchesVertex = fvarChannel.valueTopologyMatches(vValues[0]);
if (fvarVertMatchesVertex) {
// Assign the mask weights to the common buffer and compute the mask:
float * vWeights = weightBuffer,
* eWeights = vWeights + 1,
* fWeights = eWeights + vEdges.size();
Mask vMask(vWeights, eWeights, fWeights);
vHood.SetIndex(vert, vert);
scheme.ComputeVertexLimitMask(vHood, vMask, level.getVertexRule(vert));
// Apply mask to corresponding FVar values for neighboring vertices:
Vtr::Index vValue = vValues[0];
if (vMask.GetNumFaceWeights() > 0) {
ConstIndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(vert);
ConstLocalIndexArray vInFace = level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vert);
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
ConstIndexArray faceValues = fvarChannel.getFaceValues(vFaces[i]);
LocalIndex vOppInFace = vInFace[i] + 2;
if (vOppInFace >= faceValues.size()) vOppInFace -= faceValues.size();
Index vValueOppositeFace = faceValues[vOppInFace];
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vValueOppositeFace], fWeights[i]);
if (vMask.GetNumEdgeWeights() > 0) {
Index * vEdgeValues = vEdgeBuffer;
fvarChannel.getVertexEdgeValues(vert, vEdgeValues);
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vEdgeValues[i]], eWeights[i]);
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vValue], vWeights[0]);
} else {
// Sibling FVar values associated with a vertex will be either a corner or a crease:
for (int i = 0; i < vValues.size(); ++i) {
Vtr::Index vValue = vValues[i];
if (fvarChannel.getValueTag(vValue).isCorner()) {
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vValue], 1.0f);
} else {
Index vEndValues[2];
fvarChannel.getVertexCreaseEndValues(vert, i, vEndValues);
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vEndValues[0]], 1.0f/6.0f);
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vEndValues[1]], 1.0f/6.0f);
dst[vValue].AddWithWeight(src[vValue], 2.0f/3.0f);
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv