manuelk 10c687ecd5 Release Candidate 1.0 :
- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](

- New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code.

- DirectX 11 support

- and much more...
2012-12-10 17:15:13 -08:00

1066 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright (C) Pixar. All rights reserved.
// This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you
// use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept
// the license, do not use the software.
// 1. Definitions
// The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and
// "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S.
// copyright law. A "contribution" is the original software, or
// any additions or changes to the software.
// A "contributor" is any person or entity that distributes its
// contribution under this license.
// "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read
// directly on its contribution.
// 2. Grant of Rights
// (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license,
// including the license conditions and limitations in section 3,
// each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
// royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution,
// prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute
// its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
// (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license,
// including the license conditions and limitations in section 3,
// each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
// royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have
// made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise
// dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works
// of the contribution in the software.
// 3. Conditions and Limitations
// (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you
// rights to use any contributor's name, logo, or trademarks.
// (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over
// patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your
// patent license from such contributor to the software ends
// automatically.
// (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must
// retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution
// notices that are present in the software.
// (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source
// code form, you may do so only under this license by including a
// complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you
// distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object
// code form, you may only do so under a license that complies
// with this license.
// (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of
// using it. The contributors give no express warranties,
// guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer
// rights under your local laws which this license cannot change.
// To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors
// exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for
// a particular purpose and non-infringement.
#ifndef HBRMESH_H
#define HBRMESH_H
#ifdef PRMAN
#include "libtarget/TgMalloc.h" // only for alloca
#include "libtarget/TgThread.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include "../hbr/vertex.h"
#include "../hbr/face.h"
#include "../hbr/hierarchicalEdit.h"
#include "../hbr/vertexEdit.h"
#include "../hbr/creaseEdit.h"
#include "../hbr/allocator.h"
#include "../version.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
template <class T> class HbrSubdivision;
template <class T> class HbrMesh {
HbrMesh(HbrSubdivision<T>* subdivision = 0, int fvarcount = 0, const int *fvarindices = 0, const int *fvarwidths = 0, int totalfvarwidth = 0
, int stitchCount = 0
// Create vertex with the indicated ID and data
HbrVertex<T>* NewVertex(int id, const T &data);
// Create vertex with the indicated data. The ID will be assigned
// by the mesh.
HbrVertex<T>* NewVertex(const T &data);
// Create vertex without an ID - one will be assigned by the mesh,
// and the data implicitly created will share the same id
HbrVertex<T>* NewVertex();
// Ask for vertex with the indicated ID
HbrVertex<T>* GetVertex(int id) const;
// Create face from a list of vertex IDs
HbrFace<T>* NewFace(int nvertices, int *vtx, int uindex);
// Create face from a list of vertices
HbrFace<T>* NewFace(int nvertices, HbrVertex<T>** vtx, HbrFace<T>* parent, int childindex);
// "Create" a new uniform index
int NewUniformIndex() { return ++maxUniformIndex; }
// Finishes initialization of the mesh
void Finish();
// Remove the indicated face from the mesh
void DeleteFace(HbrFace<T>* face);
// Remove the indicated vertex from the mesh
void DeleteVertex(HbrVertex<T>* vertex);
// Returns number of vertices in the mesh
int GetNumVertices() const;
// Returns number of disconnected vertices in the mesh
int GetNumDisconnectedVertices() const;
// Returns number of faces in the mesh
int GetNumFaces() const;
// Returns number of coarse faces in the mesh
int GetNumCoarseFaces() const;
// Ask for face with the indicated ID
HbrFace<T>* GetFace(int id) const;
// Returns a collection of all vertices in the mesh. This function
// requires an output iterator; to get the vertices into a
// std::vector, use GetVertices(std::back_inserter(myvector))
template <typename OutputIterator>
void GetVertices(OutputIterator vertices) const;
// Applies operator to all vertices
void ApplyOperatorAllVertices(HbrVertexOperator<T> &op) const;
// Returns a collection of all faces in the mesh. This function
// requires an output iterator; to get the faces into a
// std::vector, use GetFaces(std::back_inserter(myvector))
template <typename OutputIterator>
void GetFaces(OutputIterator faces) const;
// Returns the subdivision method
HbrSubdivision<T>* GetSubdivision() const { return subdivision; }
// Return the number of facevarying variables
int GetFVarCount() const { return fvarcount; }
// Return a table of the start index of each facevarying variable
const int *GetFVarIndices() const { return fvarindices; }
// Return a table of the size of each facevarying variable
const int *GetFVarWidths() const { return fvarwidths; }
// Return the sum size of facevarying variables per vertex
int GetTotalFVarWidth() const { return totalfvarwidth; }
int GetStitchCount() const { return stitchCount; }
void PrintStats(std::ostream& out);
// Returns memory statistics
size_t GetMemStats() const { return m_memory; }
// Interpolate boundary management
enum InterpolateBoundaryMethod {
InterpolateBoundaryMethod GetInterpolateBoundaryMethod() const { return interpboundarymethod; }
void SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(InterpolateBoundaryMethod method) { interpboundarymethod = method; }
InterpolateBoundaryMethod GetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod() const { return fvarinterpboundarymethod; }
void SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(InterpolateBoundaryMethod method) { fvarinterpboundarymethod = method; }
bool GetFVarPropagateCorners() const { return fvarpropagatecorners; }
void SetFVarPropagateCorners(bool p) { fvarpropagatecorners = p; }
// Register routines for keeping track of memory usage
void RegisterMemoryRoutines(void (*increment)(unsigned long bytes), void (*decrement)(unsigned long bytes)) {
s_memStatsIncrement = increment;
s_memStatsDecrement = decrement;
// Add a vertex to consider for garbage collection. All
// neighboring faces of that vertex will be examined to see if
// they can be deleted
void AddGarbageCollectableVertex(HbrVertex<T>* vertex) {
if (!m_transientMode) {
if (!vertex->IsCollected()) {
gcVertices.push_back(vertex); vertex->SetCollected();
// Apply garbage collection to the mesh
void GarbageCollect();
// Add a new hierarchical edit to the mesh
void AddHierarchicalEdit(HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>* edit);
// Return the hierarchical edits associated with the mesh
const std::vector<HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>*> &GetHierarchicalEdits() const {
return hierarchicalEdits;
// Whether the mesh has certain types of edits
bool HasVertexEdits() const { return hasVertexEdits; }
bool HasCreaseEdits() const { return hasCreaseEdits; }
void Unrefine(int numCoarseVerts, int numCoarseFaces) {
static int oldMaxFaceID = 0;
if(oldMaxFaceID == 0) {
oldMaxFaceID = numCoarseFaces;
for (int i = numCoarseFaces; i < maxFaceID; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) {
HbrFace<T>* f = faces[i];
if(f && not f->IsCoarse())
//oldMaxFaceID = maxFaceID;
maxFaceID = numCoarseFaces;
int vert = numCoarseVerts % vsetsize;
for( int set=(numCoarseVerts/vsetsize); set<nvsets; set++ ) {
for( ; vert<vsetsize; vert++ ) {
HbrVertex<T>* v = vertices[set][vert];
if(v && not v->IsReferenced())
vert = 0;
// When mode is true, the mesh is put in a "transient" mode,
// i.e. all subsequent intermediate vertices/faces that are
// created by subdivision are deemed temporary. This transient
// data can be entirely freed by a subsequent call to
// FreeTransientData(). Essentially, the mesh is checkpointed and
// restored. This is useful when space is at a premium and
// subdivided results are cached elsewhere. On the other hand,
// repeatedly putting the mesh in and out of transient mode and
// performing the same evaluations comes at a significant compute
// cost.
void SetTransientMode(bool mode) {
m_transientMode = mode;
// Frees transient subdivision data; returns the mesh to a
// checkpointed state prior to a call to SetTransientMode.
void FreeTransientData();
// Create new face children block for use by HbrFace
HbrFaceChildren<T>* NewFaceChildren() {
return m_faceChildrenAllocator.Allocate();
// Recycle face children block used by HbrFace
void DeleteFaceChildren(HbrFaceChildren<T>* facechildren) {
#ifdef PRMAN
// This code is intended to be shared with PRman which provides its own
// TgSpinLock mutex. Other clients are responsible for providing a Mutex
// object with public Lock() and Unlock() functions.
typedef TgSpinLock Mutex;
mutable Mutex m_mutex;
// Subdivision method used in this mesh
HbrSubdivision<T>* subdivision;
// Number of facevarying datums
int fvarcount;
// Start indices of the facevarying data we want to store
const int *fvarindices;
// Individual widths of the facevarying data we want to store
const int *fvarwidths;
// Total widths of the facevarying data
const int totalfvarwidth;
const int stitchCount;
// Vertices which comprise this mesh
HbrVertex<T>*** vertices;
int nvsets;
const int vsetsize;
// Faces which comprise this mesh
HbrFace<T>** faces;
int nfaces;
// Maximum vertex ID - may be needed when generating a unique
// vertex ID
int maxVertexID;
// Maximum face ID - needed when generating a unique face ID
int maxFaceID;
// Maximum uniform index - needed to generate a new uniform index
int maxUniformIndex;
// Boundary interpolation method
InterpolateBoundaryMethod interpboundarymethod;
// Facevarying boundary interpolation method
InterpolateBoundaryMethod fvarinterpboundarymethod;
// Whether facevarying corners propagate their sharpness
bool fvarpropagatecorners;
// Memory statistics tracking routines
HbrMemStatFunction s_memStatsIncrement;
HbrMemStatFunction s_memStatsDecrement;
// Vertices which may be garbage collected
std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*> gcVertices;
// List of vertex IDs which may be recycled
std::set<int> recycleIDs;
// Hierarchical edits. This vector is left unsorted until Finish()
// is called, at which point it is sorted. After that point,
// HbrFaces have pointers directly into this array so manipulation
// of it should be avoided.
std::vector<HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>*> hierarchicalEdits;
// Size of faces (including 4 facevarying bits and stitch edges)
const size_t m_faceSize;
HbrAllocator<HbrFace<T> > m_faceAllocator;
// Size of vertices (includes storage for one piece of facevarying data)
const size_t m_vertexSize;
HbrAllocator<HbrVertex<T> > m_vertexAllocator;
// Allocator for face children blocks used by HbrFace
HbrAllocator<HbrFaceChildren<T> > m_faceChildrenAllocator;
// Memory used by this mesh alone, plus all its faces and vertices
size_t m_memory;
// Number of coarse faces. Initialized at Finish()
int m_numCoarseFaces;
// Flags which indicate whether the mesh has certain types of
// edits
unsigned hasVertexEdits:1;
unsigned hasCreaseEdits:1;
// True if the mesh is in "transient" mode, meaning all
// vertices/faces that are created via NewVertex/NewFace should be
// deemed temporary
bool m_transientMode;
// Vertices which are transient
std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*> m_transientVertices;
// Faces which are transient
std::vector<HbrFace<T>*> m_transientFaces;
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#include <algorithm>
#include "../hbr/mesh.h"
#include "../hbr/halfedge.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::HbrMesh(HbrSubdivision<T>* s, int _fvarcount, const int *_fvarindices, const int *_fvarwidths, int _totalfvarwidth
, int _stitchCount
: subdivision(s), fvarcount(_fvarcount), fvarindices(_fvarindices),
fvarwidths(_fvarwidths), totalfvarwidth(_totalfvarwidth),
vertices(0), nvsets(0),
vsetsize(2048), faces(0), nfaces(0),
maxVertexID(0), maxFaceID(0), maxUniformIndex(0),
s_memStatsIncrement(0), s_memStatsDecrement(0),
m_faceSize(sizeof(HbrFace<T>) + 4 *
((fvarcount + 15) / 16 * sizeof(unsigned int)
+ stitchCount * sizeof(StitchEdge*)
+ sizeof(void*) // for stitch data
m_faceAllocator(&m_memory, 512, 0, 0, m_faceSize),
m_vertexSize(sizeof(HbrVertex<T>) +
sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>*) + // for incidentEdges[1]
totalfvarwidth * sizeof(float) + sizeof(HbrFVarData<T>)),
m_vertexAllocator(&m_memory, 512, 0, 0, m_vertexSize),
m_faceChildrenAllocator(&m_memory, 512, 0, 0),
m_transientMode(false) {
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::~HbrMesh() {
int i;
if (faces) {
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) {
if (s_memStatsDecrement) {
s_memStatsDecrement(nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*));
m_memory -= nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
delete[] faces;
if (nvsets) {
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (vset[i]) {
delete[] vset;
if (s_memStatsDecrement) {
s_memStatsDecrement(vsetsize * sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*));
m_memory -= vsetsize * sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*);
delete[] vertices;
for (typename std::vector<HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>* >::iterator hi =
hierarchicalEdits.begin(); hi != hierarchicalEdits.end(); ++hi) {
delete *hi;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::NewVertex(int id, const T &data) {
HbrVertex<T>* v = 0;
int arrayindex = id / vsetsize;
int vertindex = id % vsetsize;
HbrVertex<T>** vset = 0;
if (arrayindex >= nvsets) {
HbrVertex<T>*** nvertices = new HbrVertex<T>**[arrayindex + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < nvsets; ++i) {
nvertices[i] = vertices[i];
for (int i = nvsets; i < arrayindex + 1; ++i) {
vset = new HbrVertex<T>*[vsetsize];
if (s_memStatsIncrement) {
s_memStatsIncrement(vsetsize * sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*));
m_memory += vsetsize * sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*);
memset(vset, 0, vsetsize * sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*));
nvertices[i] = vset;
nvsets = arrayindex + 1;
delete[] vertices;
vertices = nvertices;
vset = vertices[arrayindex];
v = vset[vertindex];
if (v) {
} else {
v = m_vertexAllocator.Allocate();
v->Initialize(id, data, GetTotalFVarWidth());
vset[vertindex] = v;
if (id >= maxVertexID) {
maxVertexID = id + 1;
// Newly created vertices are always candidates for garbage
// collection, until they get "owned" by someone who
// IncrementsUsage on the vertex.
// If mesh is in transient mode, add vertex to transient list
if (m_transientMode) {
return v;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::NewVertex(const T &data) {
// Pick an ID - either the maximum vertex ID or a recycled ID if
// we can
int id = maxVertexID;
if (!recycleIDs.empty()) {
id = *recycleIDs.begin();
if (id >= maxVertexID) {
maxVertexID = id + 1;
return NewVertex(id, data);
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::NewVertex() {
// Pick an ID - either the maximum vertex ID or a recycled ID if
// we can
int id = maxVertexID;
if (!recycleIDs.empty()) {
id = *recycleIDs.begin();
if (id >= maxVertexID) {
maxVertexID = id + 1;
T data(id);
return NewVertex(id, data);
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetVertex(int id) const {
int arrayindex = id / vsetsize;
int vertindex = id % vsetsize;
if (arrayindex >= nvsets) {
return 0;
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[arrayindex];
return vset[vertindex];
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::NewFace(int nv, int *vtx, int uindex) {
HbrVertex<T>** facevertices = reinterpret_cast<HbrVertex<T>**>(alloca(sizeof(HbrVertex<T>*) * nv));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
facevertices[i] = GetVertex(vtx[i]);
if (!facevertices[i]) {
return 0;
HbrFace<T> *f = 0;
// Resize if needed
if (nfaces <= maxFaceID) {
int nnfaces = nfaces;
while (nnfaces <= maxFaceID) {
nnfaces *= 2;
if (nnfaces < 1) nnfaces = 1;
HbrFace<T>** newfaces = new HbrFace<T>*[nnfaces];
if (s_memStatsIncrement) {
s_memStatsIncrement(nnfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*));
m_memory += nnfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
if (faces) {
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
newfaces[i] = faces[i];
if (s_memStatsDecrement) {
s_memStatsDecrement(nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*));
m_memory -= nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
delete[] faces;
for (i = nfaces; i < nnfaces; ++i) {
newfaces[i] = 0;
faces = newfaces;
nfaces = nnfaces;
f = faces[maxFaceID];
if (f) {
} else {
f = m_faceAllocator.Allocate();
f->Initialize(this, NULL, -1, maxFaceID, uindex, nv, facevertices, totalfvarwidth, 0);
faces[maxFaceID] = f;
// Update the maximum encountered uniform index
if (uindex > maxUniformIndex) maxUniformIndex = uindex;
// If mesh is in transient mode, add face to transient list
if (m_transientMode) {
return f;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::NewFace(int nv, HbrVertex<T> **vtx, HbrFace<T>* parent, int childindex) {
HbrFace<T> *f = 0;
// Resize if needed
if (nfaces <= maxFaceID) {
int nnfaces = nfaces;
while (nnfaces <= maxFaceID) {
nnfaces *= 2;
if (nnfaces < 1) nnfaces = 1;
HbrFace<T>** newfaces = new HbrFace<T>*[nnfaces];
if (s_memStatsIncrement) {
s_memStatsIncrement(nnfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*));
m_memory += nnfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
if (faces) {
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
newfaces[i] = faces[i];
if (s_memStatsDecrement) {
s_memStatsDecrement(nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*));
m_memory -= nfaces * sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
delete[] faces;
for (int i = nfaces; i < nnfaces; ++i) {
newfaces[i] = 0;
faces = newfaces;
nfaces = nnfaces;
f = faces[maxFaceID];
if (f) {
} else {
f = m_faceAllocator.Allocate();
f->Initialize(this, parent, childindex, maxFaceID, parent ? parent->GetUniformIndex() : 0, nv, vtx, totalfvarwidth, parent ? parent->GetDepth() + 1 : 0);
if (parent) {
faces[maxFaceID] = f;
// If mesh is in transient mode, add face to transient list
if (m_transientMode) {
return f;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::Finish() {
int i, j;
m_numCoarseFaces = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) {
std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*> vertexlist;
for (typename std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*>::iterator vi = vertexlist.begin();
vi != vertexlist.end(); ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>* vertex = *vi;
if (vertex->IsConnected()) vertex->Finish();
// Finish may have added new vertices
// If interpolateboundary is on, process boundary edges
if (interpboundarymethod == k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly || interpboundarymethod == k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner) {
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (HbrFace<T>* face = faces[i]) {
int nv = face->GetNumVertices();
for (int k = 0; k < nv; ++k) {
HbrHalfedge<T>* edge = face->GetEdge(k);
if (edge->IsBoundary()) {
// Process corners
if (interpboundarymethod == k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner) {
for (typename std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*>::iterator vi = vertexlist.begin();
vi != vertexlist.end(); ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>* vertex = *vi;
if (vertex && vertex->IsConnected() && vertex->OnBoundary() && vertex->GetCoarseValence() == 2) {
// Sort the hierarchical edits
if (!hierarchicalEdits.empty()) {
HbrHierarchicalEditComparator<T> cmp;
int nHierarchicalEdits = (int)hierarchicalEdits.size();
std::sort(hierarchicalEdits.begin(), hierarchicalEdits.end(), cmp);
// Push a sentinel null value - we rely upon this sentinel to
// ensure face->GetHierarchicalEdits knows when to terminate
j = 0;
// Link faces to hierarchical edits
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) {
while (j < nHierarchicalEdits && hierarchicalEdits[j]->GetFaceID() < i) {
if (j < nHierarchicalEdits && hierarchicalEdits[j]->GetFaceID() == i) {
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::DeleteFace(HbrFace<T>* face) {
if (face->GetID() < nfaces) {
HbrFace<T>* f = faces[face->GetID()];
if (f == face) {
faces[face->GetID()] = 0;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::DeleteVertex(HbrVertex<T>* vertex) {
HbrVertex<T> *v = GetVertex(vertex->GetID());
if (v == vertex) {
int id = vertex->GetID();
int arrayindex = id / vsetsize;
int vertindex = id % vsetsize;
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[arrayindex];
vset[vertindex] = 0;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetNumVertices() const {
int count = 0;
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (int i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (vset[i]) count++;
return count;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetNumDisconnectedVertices() const {
int disconnected = 0;
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (int i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (HbrVertex<T>* v = vset[i]) {
if (!v->IsConnected()) {
return disconnected;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetNumFaces() const {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) count++;
return count;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetNumCoarseFaces() const {
// Use the value computed by Finish() if it exists
if (m_numCoarseFaces >= 0) return m_numCoarseFaces;
// Otherwise we have to just count it up now
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i] && faces[i]->IsCoarse()) count++;
return count;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GetFace(int id) const {
if (id < nfaces) {
return faces[id];
return 0;
template <class T>
template <typename OutputIterator>
HbrMesh<T>::GetVertices(OutputIterator lvertices) const {
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (int i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (vset[i]) *lvertices++ = vset[i];
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::ApplyOperatorAllVertices(HbrVertexOperator<T> &op) const {
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (int i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (vset[i]) op(*vset[i]);
template <class T>
template <typename OutputIterator>
HbrMesh<T>::GetFaces(OutputIterator lfaces) const {
for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (faces[i]) *lfaces++ = faces[i];
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::PrintStats(std::ostream &out) {
int singular = 0;
int sumvalence = 0;
int i, nv = 0;
int disconnected = 0;
int extraordinary = 0;
for (int vi = 0; vi < nvsets; ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>** vset = vertices[vi];
for (i = 0; i < vsetsize; ++i) {
if (HbrVertex<T>* v = vset[i]) {
if (v->IsSingular()) {
out << " singular: " << *v << "\n";
else if (!v->IsConnected()) {
out << " disconnected: " << *v << "\n";
} else {
if (v->IsExtraordinary()) {
sumvalence += v->GetValence();
out << "Mesh has " << nv << " vertices\n";
out << "Total singular vertices " << singular << "\n";
out << "Total disconnected vertices " << disconnected << "\n";
out << "Total extraordinary vertices " << extraordinary << "\n";
out << "Average valence " << (float) sumvalence / nv << "\n";
int sumsides = 0;
int numfaces = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nfaces; ++i) {
if (HbrFace<T>* f = faces[i]) {
sumsides += f->GetNumVertices();
out << "Mesh has " << nfaces << " faces\n";
out << "Average sidedness " << (float) sumsides / nfaces << "\n";
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::GarbageCollect() {
if (gcVertices.empty()) return;
static const size_t gcthreshold = 4096;
if (gcVertices.size() <= gcthreshold) return;
// Go through the list of garbage collectable vertices and gather
// up the neighboring faces of those vertices which can be garbage
// collected.
std::vector<HbrFace<T>*> killlist;
std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*> vlist;
// Process the vertices in the same order as they were collected
// (gcVertices used to be declared as a std::deque, but that was
// causing unnecessary heap traffic).
int numprocessed = (int)gcVertices.size() - gcthreshold / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < numprocessed; ++i) {
HbrVertex<T>* v = gcVertices[i];
if (v->IsUsed()) continue;
HbrHalfedge<T>* start = v->GetIncidentEdge(), *edge;
edge = start;
while (edge) {
HbrFace<T>* f = edge->GetLeftFace();
if (!f->IsCollected()) {
edge = v->GetNextEdge(edge);
if (edge == start) break;
gcVertices.erase(gcVertices.begin(), gcVertices.begin() + numprocessed);
// Delete those faces
for (typename std::vector<HbrFace<T>*>::iterator fi = killlist.begin(); fi != killlist.end(); ++fi) {
if ((*fi)->GarbageCollectable()) {
} else {
// Delete as many vertices as we can
for (typename std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*>::iterator vi = vlist.begin(); vi != vlist.end(); ++vi) {
HbrVertex<T>* v = *vi;
if (!v->IsReferenced()) {
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::AddHierarchicalEdit(HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>* edit) {
if (dynamic_cast<HbrVertexEdit<T>*>(edit) ||
dynamic_cast<HbrMovingVertexEdit<T>*>(edit)) {
hasVertexEdits = 1;
} else if (dynamic_cast<HbrCreaseEdit<T>*>(edit)) {
hasCreaseEdits = 1;
template <class T>
HbrMesh<T>::FreeTransientData() {
// When purging transient data, we must clear the faces first
for (typename std::vector<HbrFace<T>*>::iterator fi = m_transientFaces.begin();
fi != m_transientFaces.end(); ++fi) {
// The vertices should now be trivial to purge after the transient
// faces have been cleared
for (typename std::vector<HbrVertex<T>*>::iterator vi = m_transientVertices.begin();
vi != m_transientVertices.end(); ++vi) {
// Reset max face ID
int i;
for (i = nfaces - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (faces[i]) {
maxFaceID = i + 1;
// Reset max vertex ID. Slightly more complicated
for (i = (nvsets * vsetsize) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int arrayindex = i / vsetsize;
int vertindex = i % vsetsize;
if (vertices[arrayindex][vertindex]) {
maxVertexID = i + 1;
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif /* HBRMESH_H */