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synced 2025-01-09 16:20:10 +00:00
GetNumPtexFaces() became GetNumFaces() GetPtexIndex() became GetFaceId() GetPtexAdjacency() became GetAdjacency()
272 lines
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272 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "particles.h"
#include <far/ptexIndices.h>
#include <cassert>
STParticles::STParticles(Refiner const & refiner, int nparticles, bool centered) :
_speed(1.0f) {
OpenSubdiv::Far::PtexIndices ptexIndices(refiner);
int nptexfaces = ptexIndices.GetNumFaces(),
nsamples = nptexfaces * nparticles;
{ // initialize positions
Position * pos = &_positions[0];
for (int i=0; i<nptexfaces; ++i) {
for (int j=0; j<nparticles; ++j) {
pos->ptexIndex = i;
pos->s = centered ? 0.5f : (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
pos->t = centered ? 0.5f : (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
{ // initialize velocities
for (int i=0; i<nsamples; ++i) {
// initialize normalized random directions
float s = 2.0f*(float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX - 1.0f,
t = 2.0f*(float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX - 1.0f,
l = sqrtf(s*s+t*t);
_velocities[2*i ] = s / l;
_velocities[2*i+1] = t / l;
{ // initialize topology adjacency
int nfaces = refiner.GetNumFaces(0),
for (int face=0, ptexface=0; face<nfaces; ++face) {
OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray fverts =
refiner.GetFaceVertices(0, face);
if (fverts.size()==4) {
ptexIndices.GetAdjacency(refiner, face, 0, adjfaces, adjedges);
_adjacency[ptexface] = FaceInfo(adjfaces, adjedges, false);
} else {
for (int vert=0; vert<fverts.size(); ++vert) {
ptexIndices.GetAdjacency(refiner, face, vert, adjfaces, adjedges);
_adjacency[ptexface+vert] =
FaceInfo(adjfaces, adjedges, true);
//std::cout << *this;
STParticles::Update(float deltaTime) {
float speed = GetSpeed() * std::max(0.001f, std::min(deltaTime, 0.5f));
Position * p = &_positions[0];
float * dp = &_velocities[0];
for (int i=0; i<GetNumParticles(); ++i, ++p, dp+=2) {
// apply velocity
p->s += dp[0] * speed;
p->t += dp[1] * speed;
// make sure particles can't skip more than 1 face boundary at a time
assert((p->s>-2.0f) and (p->s<2.0f) and (p->t>-2.0f) and (p->t<2.0f));
// check if the particle is jumping a boundary
// note: a particle can jump 2 edges at a time (a "diagonal" jump)
// this is not treated here.
int edge = -1;
if (p->s >= 1.0f) edge = 1;
if (p->s <= 0.0f) edge = 3;
if (p->t >= 1.0f) edge = 2;
if (p->t <= 0.0f) edge = 0;
if (edge>=0) {
// warp the particle to the other side of the boundary
warpParticle(edge, p, dp);
assert((p->s>=0.0f) and (p->s<=1.0f) and (p->t>=0.0f) and (p->t<=1.0f));
inline void
FlipS(STParticles::Position * p, float * dp) {
p->s = 1.0f-p->s;
dp[0] = - dp[0];
inline void
FlipT(STParticles::Position * p, float * dp) {
p->t = 1.0f-p->t;
dp[1] = - dp[1];
inline void
SwapST(STParticles::Position * p, float * dp) {
std::swap(p->s, p->t);
std::swap(dp[0], dp[1]);
inline void
Rotate(int rot, STParticles::Position * p, float * dp) {
switch (rot & 3) {
default: return;
case 1: FlipS(p, dp); SwapST(p, dp); break;
case 2: FlipS(p, dp); FlipT(p, dp); break;
case 3: FlipT(p, dp); SwapST(p, dp); break;
assert((p->s>=0.0f) and (p->s<=1.0f) and (p->t>=0.0f) and (p->t<=1.0f));
inline void
Clamp(STParticles::Position * p) {
if (p->s<0.0f) {
} else if (p->s>1.0f) {
if (p->t<0.0f) {
} else if (p->t>1.0f) {
inline void
Bounce(int edge, STParticles::Position * p, float * dp) {
switch (edge) {
case 0: assert(p->t<=0.0f); p->t = -p->t; dp[1] = -dp[1]; break;
case 1: assert(p->s>=1.0f); p->s = 2.0f - p->s; dp[0] = -dp[0]; break;
case 2: assert(p->t>=1.0f); p->t = 2.0f - p->t; dp[1] = -dp[1]; break;
case 3: assert(p->s<=0.0f); p->s = -p->s; dp[0] = -dp[0]; break;
// because 'diagonal' cases aren't handled, stick particles to edges when
// if they cross 2 boundaries
assert((p->s>=0.0f) and (p->s<=1.0f) and (p->t>=0.0f) and (p->t<=1.0f));
inline void
Trim(STParticles::Position * p) {
if (p->s <0.0f) p->s = 1.0f + p->s;
if (p->s>=1.0f) p->s = p->s - 1.0f;
if (p->t <0.0f) p->t = 1.0f + p->t;
if (p->t>=1.0f) p->t = p->t - 1.0f;
assert((p->s>=0.0f) and (p->s<=1.0f) and (p->t>=0.0f) and (p->t<=1.0f));
STParticles::warpParticle(int edge, Position * p, float * dp) {
assert(p->ptexIndex<(int)_adjacency.size() and (edge>=0 and edge<4));
FaceInfo const & f = _adjacency[p->ptexIndex];
int afid = f.adjface(edge),
aeid = f.adjedge(edge);
if (afid==-1) {
// boundary detected: bounce the particle
Bounce(edge, p, dp);
} else {
FaceInfo const & af = _adjacency[afid];
int rot = edge - aeid + 2;
bool fIsSubface = f.isSubface(),
afIsSubface = af.isSubface();
if (fIsSubface != afIsSubface) {
// XXXX manuelk domain should be split properly
Bounce(edge, p, dp);
} else {
Rotate(rot, p, dp);
p->ptexIndex = afid; // move particle to adjacent face
assert((p->s>=0.0f) and (p->s<=1.0f) and (p->t>=0.0f) and (p->t<=1.0f));
// Dump adjacency info
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os,
STParticles::FaceInfo const & f) {
os << " adjface: " << f.adjfaces[0] << ' '
<< f.adjfaces[1] << ' '
<< f.adjfaces[2] << ' '
<< f.adjfaces[3]
<< " adjedge: " << f.adjedge(0) << ' '
<< f.adjedge(1) << ' '
<< f.adjedge(2) << ' '
<< f.adjedge(3)
<< " flags:";
if (f.flags == 0) {
os << " (none)";
} else {
if (f.isSubface()) {
std::cout << " subface";
os << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os,
STParticles const & particles) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)particles._adjacency.size(); ++i) {
os << particles._adjacency[i];
return os;