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synced 2024-12-13 04:20:10 +00:00
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation). Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
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555 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/interpolate.h"
#include "../far/patchDescriptor.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Container for arrays of parametric patches
/// PatchTables contain topology and parametric information about the patches
/// generated by the Refinement process. Patches in the tables are sorted into
/// arrays based on their PatchDescriptor Type.
/// Note : PatchTables can be accessed either using a PatchHandle or a
/// combination of array and patch indices.
/// XXXX manuelk we should add a PatchIterator that can dereference into
/// a PatchHandle for fast linear traversal of the tables
class PatchTables {
/// \brief Handle that can be used as unique patch identifier within PatchTables
class PatchHandle {
// XXXX manuelk members will eventually be made private
friend class PatchTables;
friend class PatchMap;
Index arrayIndex, // Array index of the patch
patchIndex, // Absolute Index of the patch
vertIndex; // Relative offset to the first CV of the patch in array
/// \brief Copy constructor
PatchTables(PatchTables const & src);
/// \brief Destructor
/// \brief True if the patches are of feature adaptive types
bool IsFeatureAdaptive() const;
/// \brief Returns the total number of control vertex indices in the tables
int GetNumControlVerticesTotal() const {
return (int)_patchVerts.size();
/// \brief Returns the total number of patches stored in the tables
int GetNumPatchesTotal() const;
/// \brief Returns max vertex valence
int GetMaxValence() const { return _maxValence; }
/// \brief Returns the total number of ptex faces in the mesh
int GetNumPtexFaces() const { return _numPtexFaces; }
/// @name Individual patches
/// \anchor individual_patches
/// \brief Accessors for individual patches
/// \brief Returns the PatchDescriptor for the patches in array 'array'
PatchDescriptor GetPatchDescriptor(PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns the control vertex indices for the patch identified by 'handle'
ConstIndexArray GetPatchVertices(PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns a PatchParam for the patch identified by 'handle'
PatchParam GetPatchParam(PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns the control vertex indices for the patch 'patch' in array 'array'
ConstIndexArray GetPatchVertices(int array, int patch) const;
/// \brief Returns the PatchParam for the patch 'patch' in array 'array'
PatchParam GetPatchParam(int array, int patch) const;
/// @name Arrays of patches
/// \anchor arrays_of_patches
/// \brief Accessors for arrays of patches of the same type
/// \brief Returns the number of patch arrays in the table
int GetNumPatchArrays() const;
/// \brief Returns the number of patches in patch array 'array'
int GetNumPatches(int array) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices in patch array 'array'
int GetNumControlVertices(int array) const;
/// \brief Returns the PatchDescriptor for the patches in array 'array'
PatchDescriptor GetPatchArrayDescriptor(int array) const;
/// \brief Returns the control vertex indices for the patches in array 'array'
ConstIndexArray GetPatchArrayVertices(int array) const;
/// \brief Returns the PatchParams for the patches in array 'array'
ConstPatchParamArray const GetPatchParams(int array) const;
/// @name End-Cap patches
/// \anchor end_cap_patches
/// \brief Accessors for end-cap patch additional data
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<unsigned int> ConstQuadOffsetsArray;
/// \brief Returns the 'QuadOffsets' for the Gregory patch identified by 'handle'
ConstQuadOffsetsArray GetPatchQuadOffsets(PatchHandle const & handle) const;
typedef std::vector<Index> VertexValenceTable;
/// \brief Returns the 'VertexValences' table (vertex neighborhoods table)
VertexValenceTable const & GetVertexValenceTable() const {
return _vertexValenceTable;
/// @name Single-crease patches
/// \anchor single_crease_patches
/// \brief Accessors for single-crease patch edge sharpness
/// \brief Returns the crease sharpness for the patch identified by 'handle'
/// if it is a single-crease patch, or 0.0f
float GetSingleCreasePatchSharpnessValue(PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns the crease sharpness for the patch 'patch' in array 'array'
/// if it is a single-crease patch, or 0.0f
float GetSingleCreasePatchSharpnessValue(int array, int patch) const;
/// @name Face-varying channels
/// \anchor face_varying_channels
/// \brief Accessors for face-varying channels
/// \brief Returns the number of face-varying channels
int GetNumFVarChannels() const;
/// \brief Returns the interpolation mode for a given channel
Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation GetFVarChannelLinearInterpolation(int channel) const;
/// \brief Returns a descriptor for a given patch in a channel
PatchDescriptor::Type GetFVarPatchType(int channel, PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns a descriptor for a given patch in a channel
PatchDescriptor::Type GetFVarPatchType(int channel, int array, int patch) const;
/// \brief Returns an array of descriptors for the patches in a channel
Vtr::ConstArray<PatchDescriptor::Type> GetFVarPatchTypes(int channel) const;
/// \brief Returns the value indices for a given patch in a channel
ConstIndexArray GetFVarPatchValues(int channel, PatchHandle const & handle) const;
/// \brief Returns the value indices for a given patch in a channel
ConstIndexArray GetFVarPatchValues(int channel, int array, int patch) const;
/// \brief Returns an array of value indices for the patches in a channel
ConstIndexArray GetFVarPatchesValues(int channel) const;
/// @name Direct accessors
/// \warning These direct accessors are left for convenience, but they are
/// likely going to be deprecated in future releases
typedef std::vector<Index> PatchVertsTable;
/// \brief Get the table of patch control vertices
PatchVertsTable const & GetPatchControlVerticesTable() const { return _patchVerts; }
/// \brief Returns the PatchParamTable (PatchParams order matches patch array sorting)
PatchParamTable const & GetPatchParamTable() const { return _paramTable; }
/// \brief Returns a sharpness index table for each patch (if exists)
std::vector<Index> const &GetSharpnessIndexTable() const { return _sharpnessIndices; }
/// \brief Returns sharpness values table
std::vector<float> const &GetSharpnessValues() const { return _sharpnessValues; }
typedef std::vector<unsigned int> QuadOffsetsTable;
/// \brief Returns the quad-offsets table
QuadOffsetsTable const & GetQuadOffsetsTable() const {
return _quadOffsetsTable;
/// debug helper
void print() const;
/// @name Interpolation methods
/// \brief Interpolate the (s,t) parametric location of a *bilinear* patch
/// \note This method can only be used on uniform PatchTables of quads (see
/// IsFeatureAdaptive() method)
/// @param handle A patch handle indentifying the sub-patch containing the
/// (s,t) location
/// @param s Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param t Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (control vertices data)
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer (limit surface data)
template <class T, class U> void EvaluateBilinear(PatchHandle const & handle,
float s, float t, T const & src, U & dst) const;
/// \brief Interpolate the (s,t) parametric location of a *bicubic* patch
/// \note This method can only be used on feature adaptive PatchTables (ie.
/// IsFeatureAdaptive() is false)
/// @param handle A patch handle indentifying the sub-patch containing the
/// (s,t) location
/// @param s Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param t Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (control vertices data)
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer (limit surface data)
template <class T, class U> void Evaluate(PatchHandle const & handle,
float s, float t, T const & src, U & dst) const;
/// \brief Interpolate the (s,t) parametric location of a *bicubic*
/// face-varying patch
/// @param channel The face-varying primvar channel
/// @param handle A patch handle indentifying the sub-patch containing the
/// (s,t) location
/// @param s Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param t Patch coordinate (in coarse face normalized space)
/// @param src Source primvar buffer (control vertices data)
/// @param dst Destination primvar buffer (limit surface data)
template <class T, class U> void EvaluateFaceVarying(int channel,
PatchHandle const & handle, float s, float t, T const & src, U & dst) const;
template <class T> friend class PatchTablesFactoryT;
friend class PatchTablesFactoryBase;
friend class EndCapLegacyGregoryPatchFactory;
// Factory constructor
PatchTables(int maxvalence);
Index getPatchIndex(int array, int patch) const;
PatchParamArray getPatchParams(int arrayIndex);
Index * getSharpnessIndices(Index arrayIndex);
float * getSharpnessValues(Index arrayIndex);
// Patch arrays
struct PatchArray;
typedef std::vector<PatchArray> PatchArrayVector;
PatchArray & getPatchArray(Index arrayIndex);
PatchArray const & getPatchArray(Index arrayIndex) const;
void reservePatchArrays(int numPatchArrays);
void pushPatchArray(PatchDescriptor desc, int npatches,
Index * vidx, Index * pidx, Index * qoidx=0);
IndexArray getPatchArrayVertices(int arrayIndex);
Index findPatchArray(PatchDescriptor desc);
// FVar patch channels
struct FVarPatchChannel;
typedef std::vector<FVarPatchChannel> FVarPatchChannelVector;
FVarPatchChannel & getFVarPatchChannel(int channel);
FVarPatchChannel const & getFVarPatchChannel(int channel) const;
void allocateFVarPatchChannels(int numChannels);
void allocateChannelValues(int channel, int numPatches, int numVerticesTotal);
void setFVarPatchChannelLinearInterpolation(int channel,
Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation interpolation);
void setFVarPatchChannelPatchesType(int channel, PatchDescriptor::Type type);
PatchDescriptor::Type getFVarPatchType(int channel, int patch) const;
Vtr::Array<PatchDescriptor::Type> getFVarPatchTypes(int channel);
IndexArray getFVarPatchesValues(int channel);
ConstIndexArray getFVarPatchValues(int channel, int patch) const;
void setBicubicFVarPatchChannelValues(int channel, int patchSize, std::vector<Index> const & values);
// Topology
int _maxValence, // highest vertex valence found in the mesh
_numPtexFaces; // total number of ptex faces
PatchArrayVector _patchArrays; // Vector of descriptors for arrays of patches
std::vector<Index> _patchVerts; // Indices of the control vertices of the patches
PatchParamTable _paramTable; // PatchParam bitfields (one per patch)
// Extraordinary vertex closed-form evaluation
QuadOffsetsTable _quadOffsetsTable; // Quad offsets (for Gregory patches)
VertexValenceTable _vertexValenceTable; // Vertex valence table (for Gregory patches)
// Face-varying data
FVarPatchChannelVector _fvarChannels;
// 'single-crease' patch sharpness tables
std::vector<Index> _sharpnessIndices; // Indices of single-crease sharpness (one per patch)
std::vector<float> _sharpnessValues; // Sharpness values.
// XXXX manuelk evaluation should have the following interface :
// - EvaluateVertex<>()
// - EvaluateVarying<>()
// - EvaluateFaceVarying<>()
// this refactor is pending the move of fvar channels as a private data
// structure inside PatchTables, along with the addition of accessors that
// use PatchHandle and work that hides the indexing of the patches inside
// the tables
// Interpolates primvar limit at the given parametric location on a patch
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PatchTables::Evaluate(PatchHandle const & handle, float s, float t,
T const & src, U & dst) const {
PatchParam::BitField const & bits = _paramTable[handle.patchIndex].bitField;
PatchDescriptor::Type ptype =
float Q[16], Qd1[16], Qd2[16];
if (ptype==PatchDescriptor::REGULAR) {
GetBSplineWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
ConstIndexArray cvs = GetPatchVertices(handle);
InterpolateRegularPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
// XXXdyu bits InterpolateBoundaryPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
// XXXdyu bits InterpolateCornerPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
} else if (ptype==PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) {
ConstIndexArray cvs = GetPatchVertices(handle);
GetBezierWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
InterpolateGregoryPatch(cvs.begin(), s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
} else if (ptype==PatchDescriptor::QUADS) {
ConstIndexArray cvs = GetPatchVertices(handle);
GetBilinearWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
InterpolateBilinearPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
} else {
// Interpolates the limit position of a parametric location on a face-varying
// patch
// XXXX manuelk this method is very similar to the vertex Evaluate<>() method
// -> we should eventually merge them
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PatchTables::EvaluateFaceVarying(int channel, PatchHandle const & handle,
float s, float t, T const & src, U & dst) const {
ConstIndexArray cvs = GetFVarPatchValues(channel, handle);
PatchDescriptor::Type type = GetFVarPatchType(channel, handle);
PatchParam::BitField bits;
float Q[16], Qd1[16], Qd2[16];
switch (type) {
case PatchDescriptor::QUADS:
GetBilinearWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
InterpolateBilinearPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
case PatchDescriptor::TRIANGLES:
assert("not implemented yet");
case PatchDescriptor::REGULAR:
GetBSplineWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
InterpolateRegularPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
// XXXdyu bits InterpolateBoundaryPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
// XXXdyu bits InterpolateCornerPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
// XXXX manuelk - how do we handle end-patches ?
// - is there a bicubic patch that we could use to reduce
// isolation of bilinear boundaries with smooth a interior ?
// Interpolates primvar at the given parametric location on a bilinear patch
template <class T, class U>
inline void
PatchTables::EvaluateBilinear(PatchHandle const & handle, float s, float t,
T const & src, U & dst) const {
ConstIndexArray cvs = GetPatchVertices(handle);
PatchParam::BitField const & bits =
float Q[4], Qd1[4], Qd2[4];
GetBilinearWeights(bits, s, t, Q, Qd1, Qd2);
InterpolateBilinearPatch(cvs.begin(), Q, Qd1, Qd2, src, dst);
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif /* FAR_PATCH_TABLES */