manuelk c399655dcc Landing 3.0.0.alpha
Sync'ing the 'dev' branch with the 'feature_3.0dev' branch at commit 68c6d11fc36761ae1a5e6cdc3457be16f2e9704a

The branch 'feature_3.0dev' is now locked and preserved for historical purposes.
2014-09-05 15:07:46 -07:00

794 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../sdc/type.h"
#include "../sdc/crease.h"
#include "../vtr/array.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarLevel.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
// FVarLevel:
// Simple container of face-varying topology, associated with a particular
// level. It is typically constructed and initialized similarly to levels -- the
// base level in a Factory and subsequent levels by refinement.
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Vtr {
// Simple (for now) constructor and destructor:
FVarLevel::FVarLevel(Level const& level) :
_level(level), _isLinear(false), _valueCount(0) {
FVarLevel::~FVarLevel() {
// Initialization and sizing methods to allocate space:
FVarLevel::setOptions(Sdc::Options const& options) {
_options = options;
FVarLevel::resizeValues(int valueCount) {
_valueCount = valueCount;
FVarLevel::resizeComponents() {
// Per-face members:
// Per-edge members:
std::memset(&_edgeTags[0], 0, _level.getNumEdges() * sizeof(ETag));
// Per-vertex members:
_vertSiblingCounts.resize(_level.getNumVertices(), 0);
_vertFaceSiblings.resize(_level.getNumVertexFacesTotal(), 0);
// Initialize the component tags once all face-values have been assigned:
// - edge traversal:
// - finding and testing the values at matching ends of the edge
// - marking the bitfields according to the result
// - is it worth marking vertices as "mismatch"?
// - need more vertex analysis later
// - will only be marking discts verts
// - no iteration of edge-verts, unlike vert-edges
// - (consider) marking incident faces as "mismatch"
// - vertex traversal:
// - mismatches previously identified in edge traversal:
// - should be able to skip vertices that match
// - need to identify number/index of values for each
// - should be able to identify topology per value during iteration:
// - one "in a row" will be a corner, "crease" otherwise
// WAIT -- consider the following vertex-oriented alternative...
// - vertex traversal:
// - iterate through all successive face-vert values:
// - each successive mismatch identifies an edge discty at one end
// - mark the edge mismatch
// - mark the discts end (which is trivially known from local index)
// - "spans" of values identifies their topology
// - beware disjoint spans -- effectively corners
// - set of unique values gathered in process
// * NOTE - does not capture the dart/boundary case
// - single value consistent around vertex -- no discts edge detected
// - remember this is not a Dart but a true boundary, i.e. a Crease
// - could mark vertex when marking edge, but order-dependent:
// - if just need to mark mismatch, could be sufficient:
// - one value but mismatch implies Dart
// - single value may be at the center of multiple discts edges:
// - value becomes Corner then instead of Crease
// Implications:
// - both the edge-traversal and the vertex traversal want to compare indices
// - pros/cons for vertex traversal:
// - pro: 1/2 as many verts as edges
// - pro: directly identifies adjacent face-vert values (via local index)
// - CON: knowledge of discts edges absent (cts at vertex, discts end of edge)
// - pros/cons for edge traversal:
// - pro: can mark incident verts and faces mismatched in process
// - CON: 2x as many edges as verts
// - CON: requires search to find edge in each adjacent face
// - vertex traversal seems preferable, but CON is significant:
// - could need to test "other end of each edge":
// - unfortunate in that pair-wise test succeeding now slowed down
// in ALL cases -- even when everything matches
// - could mark "other end vertex" when marking any edge discts:
// - would result in "revisiting" a vertex
// - what are implications of identifying opposite end-splits later?
// - currently matched becomes mismatched, crease
// - single mismatched becomes mismatched, corner
// - multiple mismatched is awkward to deal with:
// - spans that may be crease fragmented -- how?
// - depending on span size may produce:
// - two Creases, two Corners, one of each...
// Best of both worlds:
// - double vertex traversal:
// - first intializes edge tags and marks opposite vertex mismatched
// - may also identify value-per-vertex counts
// - second (sparse) will analyze local topology
FVarLevel::completeTopologyFromFaceValues() {
// .... that "mismatches" may also occur where the topology matches, but options
// specify different treatment, e.g. boundary and corner interpolation rules. So we
// should inspect both the VVar and FVar boundary rules and determine when to mark
// such features as mismatched.
// Note that this affects typical exterior boundaries in addition to corners -- a
// geometrically smooth disk may end up with piecewise linear UV boundaries.
// Not sure what the precedence is here, particuarly "propagate corner" vs the choice
// of "fvar boundary interpolation" -- will need to check with Hbr.
_isLinear = (_options.GetFVarBoundaryInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::FVAR_BOUNDARY_BILINEAR);
bool geomCornersAreSharp = (_options.GetVVarBoundaryInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::VVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER);
bool fvarCornersAreSharp = (_options.GetFVarBoundaryInterpolation() != Sdc::Options::FVAR_BOUNDARY_EDGE_ONLY);
bool fvarPropagateCorner = false;
fvarCornersAreSharp = fvarPropagateCorner ? geomCornersAreSharp : fvarCornersAreSharp;
bool mismatchCorners = (fvarCornersAreSharp != geomCornersAreSharp);
// Iterate through the vertices first to identify discts edges -- this is better done
// than iterating through the edges because:
// - there are typically twice as many edges as vertices
// - the ordering of incident faces of a vertex make retrieval/comparison of
// adjacent pairs of face-varying values much more efficient
// Since an edge may be discts at only one end, but the vertex at the cts end still
// needs to be aware of such a discontinuity, we mark the opposite vertex for any
// edge that is found to be discts.
// In the process, we will initialize the "sibling" values associated with both the
// face-verts and the vert-faces. These are both 0-initialized and only updated when
// discontinuities are encountered.
ValueTag valueTagMatch(false);
ValueTag valueTagMismatch(true);
_vertValueTags.resize(_level.getNumVertices(), valueTagMatch);
_vertFaceSiblings.resize(_level.getNumVertexFacesTotal(), 0);
int const maxValence = _level.getMaxValence();
Index * indexBuffer = (Index *)alloca(maxValence*sizeof(Index));
int * valueBuffer = (int *)alloca(maxValence*sizeof(int));
Sibling * siblingBuffer = (Sibling *)alloca(maxValence*sizeof(Sibling));
int * uniqueValues = valueBuffer;
int totalValueCount = _level.getNumVertices();
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < _level.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
IndexArray const vEdges = _level.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInEdge = _level.getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(vIndex);
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
// Store the value for each vert-face locally -- we will identify the index
// of its sibling as we inspect them:
Index * vValues = indexBuffer;
Sibling * vSiblings = siblingBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
vValues[i] = _faceVertValues[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(vFaces[i]) + vInFace[i]];
int uniqueValueCount = 0;
uniqueValues[uniqueValueCount++] = vValues[0];
vSiblings[0] = 0;
bool vIsBoundary = (vEdges.size() != vFaces.size());
for (int i = vIsBoundary; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
int iPrev = i ? (i - 1) : (vFaces.size() - 1);
if (vValues[iPrev] == vValues[i]) {
// Beware the logic here when setting vSiblings[]...
if (i > 0) {
vSiblings[i] = vSiblings[iPrev];
} else {
// Tag the corresponding edge as discts:
Index eIndex = vEdges[i];
ETag& eTag = _edgeTags[eIndex];
if (vInEdge[i] == 0) {
eTag._disctsV0 = true;
} else {
eTag._disctsV1 = true;
eTag._mismatch = true;
// Tag both end vertices as not matching topology:
IndexArray const eVerts = _level.getEdgeVertices(eIndex);
_vertValueTags[eVerts[0]] = valueTagMismatch;
_vertValueTags[eVerts[1]] = valueTagMismatch;
// Add the "new" value if not already present:
if (i > 0) {
// Use the block in the second pass which has been simplified -- we need to
// assign vSiblings[] here whether it matches or not...
vSiblings[i] = (Sibling) uniqueValueCount;
if (uniqueValueCount == 1) {
uniqueValues[uniqueValueCount++] = vValues[i];
} else if ((uniqueValueCount == 2) && (uniqueValues[0] != vValues[i])) {
uniqueValues[uniqueValueCount++] = vValues[i];
} else {
int* valueLast = uniqueValues + uniqueValueCount;
int* valueFound = std::find(uniqueValues, valueLast, vValues[i]);
if (valueFound == valueLast) {
uniqueValues[uniqueValueCount++] = vValues[i];
} else {
vSiblings[i] = (Sibling) (valueFound - uniqueValues);
// Make note of any extra values that will be added after one-per-vertex:
int siblingCount = uniqueValueCount - 1;
_vertSiblingCounts[vIndex] = (LocalIndex) siblingCount;
_vertSiblingOffsets[vIndex] = totalValueCount;
totalValueCount += siblingCount;
// Update the vert-face siblings from the local array above:
if (siblingCount) {
SiblingArray vFaceSiblings = getVertexFaceSiblings(vIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
vFaceSiblings[i] = vSiblings[i];
// Allocate space for the values -- we already have tags for those corresponding to each
// vertex (and those tags have been updated above), so append tags indicating the mismatch
// for all of the sibling values detected:
_vertValueTags.resize(totalValueCount, valueTagMismatch);
// Now a second pass through the vertices to identify the local face-varying topology
// in more detail -- tagging each FVar value associated with the vertex:
// REMEMBER -- we want a ValueTag for each instance of the value at each vertex, i.e.
// per vertex-value. At level 0, given user input, the number of vertex-values may
// exceed the number of values as they may have been used for multiple vertices (e.g.
// the case of each quad getting UV coordinates mapping the unit square). The number
// of vertex-values is what we need for refinement to "unweld" them, and the tag for
// each will indicate refinement rules for its children.
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < _level.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
ValueTag& vTag = _vertValueTags[vIndex];
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
// At this point, mismatches have only been determined by the presence of edges
// that are discontinuous. We may still have boundary/corner vertices that match
// topologically, but need to be treated differently (i.e. they do not match) due
// to boundary interpolation rules. So update the "matched" status of boundary
// vertices before continuing to the general treatment for all cases:
bool vIsBoundary = _level._vertTags[vIndex]._boundary;
if (vIsBoundary && !vTag._mismatch) {
bool vIsCorner = (vFaces.size() == 1);
if (vIsCorner) {
vTag._mismatch = mismatchCorners;
// If the face-varying topology around this vertex matches the vertex topology,
// there is little more to do -- except for level 0 where there may not be a
// 1-to-1 correspondence between given values and vertex-values:
if (!vTag._mismatch) {
if (_level.getDepth() == 0) {
_vertValueIndices[vIndex] = _faceVertValues[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(vFaces[0]) + vInFace[0]];
} else {
_vertValueIndices[vIndex] = vIndex;
// We have a mismatch in topology... We may still have only one value for the
// vertex, but more than likely there will be other "sibling" values that will
// be appended to the set of 1-per-vertex.
// When the topology does not match, we need to gather the unique values around
// this vertex and tag each according to its more localized topology.
// Special cases to consider:
// - one mismatched value: should be a crease (corner if linear or boundary?)
// - one value per face-vert: all will be corners (hard or smooth?)
// The general case will involve identifying "spans" via discts edges. Any value
// that has more than one instance split over multiple spans must be a hard corner.
// For now, make each unique value a hard corner to get something working:
IndexArray const vEdges = _level.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInEdge = _level.getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(vIndex);
int vSiblingCount = _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex];
int vSiblingOffset = _vertSiblingOffsets[vIndex];
// Gather the unique set of values and relevant topological information for each
// as we go...
int vvCount = 1 + vSiblingCount;
int * vvIndices = indexBuffer;
//int vvSrcFaces[vvCount];
Index lastValue = _faceVertValues[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(vFaces[0]) + vInFace[0]];
vvCount = 1;
vvIndices[0] = lastValue;
//vvSrcFaces[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
Index nextValue = _faceVertValues[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(vFaces[i]) + vInFace[i]];
if (lastValue != nextValue) {
bool nextValueIsNew = (vvCount == 1) || ((vvCount == 2) && (vvIndices[0] != nextValue)) ||
(std::find(vvIndices, vvIndices + vvCount, nextValue) == vvIndices + vvCount);
if (nextValueIsNew) {
vvIndices[vvCount] = nextValue;
//vvSrcFaces[vvCount] = i;
vvCount ++;
lastValue = nextValue;
assert(vvCount == (1 + vSiblingCount));
// Assign tags to the vertex' primary value and sibling values:
ValueTag valueTag;
valueTag._mismatch = true;
valueTag._corner = true;
valueTag._crease = false;
_vertValueIndices[vIndex] = vvIndices[0];
_vertValueTags[vIndex] = valueTag;
for (int i = 0; i < vSiblingCount; ++i) {
_vertValueIndices[vSiblingOffset + i] = vvIndices[1 + i];
_vertValueTags[vSiblingOffset + i] = valueTag;
//printf("completed topology...\n");
// Debugging aids...
FVarLevel::validate() const {
// Verify that member sizes match sizes for the associated level:
if ((int)_vertSiblingCounts.size() != _level.getNumVertices()) {
printf("Error: vertex count mismatch\n");
return false;
if ((int)_edgeTags.size() != _level.getNumEdges()) {
printf("Error: edge count mismatch\n");
return false;
if ((int)_faceVertValues.size() != _level.getNumFaceVerticesTotal()) {
printf("Error: face-value/face-vert count mismatch\n");
return false;
if (_level.getDepth() > 0) {
if (_valueCount != (int)_vertValueIndices.size()) {
printf("Error: value/vertex-value count mismatch\n");
return false;
// Verify that face-verts and (locally computed) face-vert siblings yield the
// expected face-vert values:
std::vector<Sibling> fvSiblingVector;
for (int fIndex = 0; fIndex < _level.getNumFaces(); ++fIndex) {
IndexArray const fVerts = _level.getFaceVertices(fIndex);
IndexArray const fValues = getFaceValues(fIndex);
Sibling const* fSiblings = &fvSiblingVector[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(fIndex)];
for (int fvIndex = 0; fvIndex < fVerts.size(); ++fvIndex) {
Index vIndex = fVerts[fvIndex];
Index fvValue = fValues[fvIndex];
Sibling fvSibling = fSiblings[fvIndex];
// Remember the "sibling count" is 0 when a single value, i.e. no siblings
if (fvSibling > _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex]) {
printf("Error: invalid sibling %d for face-vert %d.%d = %d\n", fvSibling, fIndex, fvIndex, vIndex);
return false;
Index testValue = getVertexValue(vIndex, fvSibling);
if (testValue != fvValue) {
printf("Error: unexpected value %d for sibling %d of face-vert %d.%d = %d (expecting %d)\n",
testValue, fvSibling, fIndex, fvIndex, vIndex, fvValue);
return false;
// Verify that the vert-face siblings yield the expected value:
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < _level.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
SiblingArray const vSiblings = getVertexFaceSiblings(vIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < vFaces.size(); ++j) {
Sibling vSibling = vSiblings[j];
// Remember the "sibling count" is 0 when a single value, i.e. no siblings
if (vSibling > _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex]) {
printf("Error: invalid sibling %d at vert-face %d.%d\n", vSibling, vIndex, j);
return false;
Index fIndex = vFaces[j];
int fvIndex = vInFace[j];
Index fvValue = getFaceValues(fIndex)[fvIndex];
Index vValue = getVertexValue(vIndex, vSibling);
if (vValue != fvValue) {
printf("Error: value mismatch between face-vert %d.%d and vert-face %d.%d (%d != %d)\n",
fIndex, fvIndex, vIndex, j, fvValue, vValue);
return false;
return true;
FVarLevel::print() const {
std::vector<Sibling> fvSiblingVector;
printf("Face-varying data channel:\n");
printf(" Inventory:\n");
printf(" vertex count = %d\n", _level.getNumVertices());
printf(" value count = %d\n", _valueCount);
printf(" vert-values = %d\n", (int)_vertValueIndices.size());
printf(" Face values:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < _level.getNumFaces(); ++i) {
IndexArray const fVerts = _level.getFaceVertices(i);
IndexArray const fValues = getFaceValues(i);
Sibling const* fSiblings = &fvSiblingVector[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(i)];
printf(" face%4d: ", i);
printf("verts =");
for (int j = 0; j < fVerts.size(); ++j) {
printf("%4d", fVerts[j]);
printf(", values =");
for (int j = 0; j < fValues.size(); ++j) {
printf("%4d", fValues[j]);
printf(", siblings =");
for (int j = 0; j < fVerts.size(); ++j) {
printf("%4d", (int)fSiblings[j]);
printf(" Vertex values:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < _level.getNumVertices(); ++i) {
int sCount = _vertSiblingCounts[i];
int sOffset = _vertSiblingOffsets[i];
printf(" vert%4d: scount = %1d, soffset =%4d, ", i, sCount, sOffset);
printf("values =%4d", _vertValueIndices[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < sCount; ++j) {
printf("%4d", _vertValueIndices[sOffset + j]);
printf(" Edge discontinuities:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < _level.getNumEdges(); ++i) {
ETag const& eTag = _edgeTags[i];
if (eTag._mismatch) {
IndexArray eVerts = _level.getEdgeVertices(i);
printf(" edge%4d: verts = [%4d%4d], discts = [%d,%d]\n", i, eVerts[0], eVerts[1],
eTag._disctsV0, eTag._disctsV1);
FVarLevel::initializeFaceValuesFromFaceVertices() {
Index const* srcFaceVerts = &_level._faceVertIndices[0];
Index * dstFaceValues = &_faceVertValues[0];
std::memcpy(dstFaceValues, srcFaceVerts, getNumFaceValuesTotal() * sizeof(Index));
FVarLevel::initializeFaceValuesFromVertexFaceSiblings(int vFirstSibling)
// Now use the vert-face-siblings to populate the face-siblings and face-values:
// The face-siblings will have been initialized to 0, so start by copying face-verts
// of all child faces to the face-values. Then iterate through the vert-faces and
// apply any non-zero siblings to both -- assigning sibling offset and the value index
// to the appropriate face-vert.
// Note that while we are updating sparsely, we are potentially writing to scattered
// locations in memory given the face-vert locations for each vertex. It may be
// worth doing the face-siblings first and then updating the face-values in order
// (each being an indirect "sum" of face-vertex and face-sibling).
// We can deal with all vertices similarly, regardless of whether a sibling originated
// from a parent edge or vertex (as this is typically constructed as part of refinement)
for (int vIndex = vFirstSibling; vIndex < getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
int vSiblingCount = _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex];
if (vSiblingCount) {
SiblingArray const vSiblings = getVertexFaceSiblings(vIndex);
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < vFaces.size(); ++j) {
if (vSiblings[j]) {
getFaceValues(vFaces[j])[vInFace[j]] = getVertexValueIndex(vIndex, vSiblings[j]);
FVarLevel::buildFaceVertexSiblingsFromVertexFaceSiblings(std::vector<Sibling>& fvSiblings) const {
std::memset(&fvSiblings[0], 0, _level.getNumFaceVerticesTotal() * sizeof(Sibling));
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
int vSiblingCount = _vertSiblingCounts[vIndex];
if (vSiblingCount) {
SiblingArray const vSiblings = getVertexFaceSiblings(vIndex);
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < vFaces.size(); ++j) {
if (vSiblings[j]) {
fvSiblings[_level.getOffsetOfFaceVertices(vFaces[j]) + vInFace[j]] = vSiblings[j];
// Higher-level topological queries, i.e. values in a neighborhood:
// - given an edge, return values corresponding to its vertices within a given face
// - given a vertex, return values corresponding to verts at the ends of its edges
FVarLevel::getEdgeFaceValues(Index eIndex, int fIncToEdge, Index valuesPerVert[2]) const {
IndexArray const eVerts = _level.getEdgeVertices(eIndex);
if (_vertSiblingCounts[eVerts[0]] || _vertSiblingCounts[eVerts[1]]) {
Index eFace = _level.getEdgeFaces(eIndex)[fIncToEdge];
// This is another of those irritating times where I want to have the edge-in-face
// local indices stored with each edge-face...
IndexArray const fEdges = _level.getFaceEdges(eFace);
IndexArray const fVerts = _level.getFaceVertices(eFace);
IndexArray const fValues = getFaceValues(eFace);
for (int i = 0; i < fEdges.size(); ++i) {
if (fEdges[i] == eIndex) {
int i0 = i;
int i1 = (i + 1) % fEdges.size();
if (fVerts[i0] != eVerts[0]) {
std::swap(i0, i1);
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[i0];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[i1];
// This is about as fast as we're going to get with a search and still leaves
// this function showing a considerable part of edge-vertex interpolation (down
// from 40% to 25%)...
IndexArray const fEdges = _level.getFaceEdges(eFace);
IndexArray const fValues = getFaceValues(eFace);
if (fEdges.size() == 4) {
if (fEdges[0] == eIndex) {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[0];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[1];
} else if (fEdges[1] == eIndex) {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[1];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[2];
} else if (fEdges[2] == eIndex) {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[2];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[3];
} else {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[3];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[0];
} else if (fEdges.size() == 3) {
if (fEdges[0] == eIndex) {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[0];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[1];
} else if (fEdges[1] == eIndex) {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[1];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[2];
} else {
valuesPerVert[0] = fValues[2];
valuesPerVert[1] = fValues[0];
} else {
assert(fEdges.size() <= 4);
} else {
valuesPerVert[0] = _vertValueIndices[eVerts[0]];
valuesPerVert[1] = _vertValueIndices[eVerts[1]];
FVarLevel::getVertexEdgeValues(Index vIndex, Index valuesPerEdge[]) const {
IndexArray const vEdges = _level.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInEdge = _level.getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(vIndex);
IndexArray const vFaces = _level.getVertexFaces(vIndex);
LocalIndexArray const vInFace = _level.getVertexFaceLocalIndices(vIndex);
bool vIsBoundary = (vEdges.size() > vFaces.size());
//printf(" Gathering edge-values for vertex %d:\n", vIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
Index eIndex = vEdges[i];
IndexArray const eVerts = _level.getEdgeVertices(eIndex);
//printf(" edge %d - boundary = %d\n", eIndex, _level._edgeTags[eIndex]._boundary);
// Remember this method is for presumed continuous edges around the vertex:
if (_edgeTags[eIndex]._mismatch) {
printf("WARNING - unexpected mismatched edge %d gathering edge-values for vertex %d:\n", eIndex, vIndex);
printf(" vertex tag mismatch = %d\n", _vertValueTags[vIndex]._mismatch);
printf(" edge[] tag mismatch = %d\n", _edgeTags[eIndex]._mismatch);
assert(_edgeTags[eIndex]._mismatch == false);
Index vOther = eVerts[!vInEdge[i]];
if (_vertSiblingCounts[vOther] == 0) {
//printf(" singular\n");
valuesPerEdge[i] = _vertValueIndices[vOther];
} else {
// We need to identify an incident face for this edge from which to get
// a value at the end of the edge. If we had the edge-in-face local-index
// we could quickly identify the edge in any adjacent face -- but for now
// we would have to do a search in any incident face (e.g. the first).
// We can use the ordering of edges and faces to identify such a face,
// and use the vert-in-face local-index to then identify the value...
// NO WAIT -- we can't right now because refined vert-edges are not oriented
// correctly!
bool useOrientedEdges = false;
if (useOrientedEdges) {
if (vIsBoundary && (i == (vEdges.size() - 1))) {
valuesPerEdge[i] = getFaceValues(vFaces[i-1])[(vInFace[i-1] + 3) % 4];
} else {
valuesPerEdge[i] = getFaceValues(vFaces[i])[(vInFace[i] + 1) % 4];
} else {
Index eFace = _level.getEdgeFaces(eIndex)[0];
IndexArray const fVerts = _level.getFaceVertices(eFace);
for (int j = 0; j < fVerts.size(); ++j) {
if (fVerts[j] == vOther) {
valuesPerEdge[i] = getFaceValues(eFace)[j];
//printf(" edge-value[%d] = %4d\n", i, valuesPerEdge[i]);
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv