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synced 2024-12-01 07:40:07 +00:00
- adding docutils cmake module - adding rst2html conversion build step to our documentation folder - adding tipue search system - adding a python script to insert HTML navigation template and index HTML documentation contents - adding RST documentation content, images and temporary CSS styling
389 lines
18 KiB
389 lines
18 KiB
Tipue Search 3.0
Copyright (c) 2013 Tipue
Tipue Search is released under the MIT License
(function($) {
$.fn.tipuesearch = function(options) {
var set = $.extend( {
'show' : 7,
'newWindow' : false,
'showURL' : true,
'minimumLength' : 3,
'descriptiveWords' : 25,
'highlightTerms' : true,
'highlightEveryTerm' : false,
'mode' : 'static',
'liveDescription' : '*',
'liveContent' : '*',
'contentLocation' : 'tipuesearch/tipuesearch_content.json'
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var tipuesearch_in = {
pages: []
async: false
if (set.mode == 'live')
for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_pages.length; i++)
$.get(tipuesearch_pages[i], '',
function (html)
var cont = $(set.liveContent, html).text();
cont = cont.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var desc = $(set.liveDescription, html).text();
desc = desc.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<title>');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('</title>', t_1 + 7);
if (t_1 != -1 && t_2 != -1)
var tit = html.slice(t_1 + 7, t_2);
var tit = 'No title';
"title": tit,
"text": desc,
"tags": cont,
"loc": tipuesearch_pages[i]
if (set.mode == 'json')
tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, json);
if (set.mode == 'static')
tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, tipuesearch);
var tipue_search_w = '';
if (set.newWindow)
tipue_search_w = ' target="_blank"';
function getURLP(name)
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search)||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
if (getURLP('q'))
getTipueSearch(0, true);
getTipueSearch(0, true);
if(event.keyCode == '13')
getTipueSearch(0, true);
function getTipueSearch(start, replace)
var out = '';
var results = '';
var show_replace = false;
var show_stop = false;
var d = $('#tipue_search_input').val().toLowerCase();
d = $.trim(d);
var d_w = d.split(' ');
d = '';
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
var a_w = true;
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stop_words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stop_words[f])
a_w = false;
show_stop = true;
if (a_w)
d = d + ' ' + d_w[i];
d = $.trim(d);
d_w = d.split(' ');
if (d.length >= set.minimumLength)
if (replace)
var d_r = d;
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_replace.words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_replace.words[f].word)
d = d.replace(d_w[i], tipuesearch_replace.words[f].replace_with);
show_replace = true;
d_w = d.split(' ');
var d_t = d;
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stem.words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stem.words[f].word)
d_t = d_t + ' ' + tipuesearch_stem.words[f].stem;
d_w = d_t.split(' ');
var c = 0;
found = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_in.pages.length; i++)
var score = 1000000000;
var s_t = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text;
for (var f = 0; f < d_w.length; f++)
var pat = new RegExp(d_w[f], 'i');
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.search(pat) != -1)
score -= (200000 - i);
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.search(pat) != -1)
score -= (150000 - i);
if (set.highlightTerms)
if (set.highlightEveryTerm)
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'gi');
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'i');
s_t = s_t.replace(patr, "<b>$1</b>");
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].tags.search(pat) != -1)
score -= (100000 - i);
if (score < 1000000000)
found[c++] = score + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title + '^' + s_t + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].loc;
if (c != 0)
if (show_replace == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning_head">Showing results for ' + d + '</div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">Search for <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="tipue_search_replaced">' + d_r + '</a></div>';
if (c == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_results_count">1 result</div>';
c_c = c.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
out += '<div id="tipue_search_results_count">' + c_c + ' results</div>';
var l_o = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < found.length; i++)
var fo = found[i].split('^');
if (l_o >= start && l_o < set.show + start)
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_title"><a href="' + fo[3] + '"' + tipue_search_w + '>' + fo[1] + '</a></div>';
var t = fo[2];
var t_d = '';
var t_w = t.split(' ');
if (t_w.length < set.descriptiveWords)
t_d = t;
for (var f = 0; f < set.descriptiveWords; f++)
t_d += t_w[f] + ' ';
t_d = $.trim(t_d);
if (t_d.charAt(t_d.length - 1) != '.')
t_d += ' ...';
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_text">' + t_d + '</div>';
if (set.showURL)
t_url = fo[3];
if (t_url.length > 45)
t_url = fo[3].substr(0, 45) + ' ...';
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_loc"><a href="' + fo[3] + '"' + tipue_search_w + '>' + t_url + '</a></div>';
if (c > set.show)
var pages = Math.ceil(c / set.show);
var page = (start / set.show);
out += '<div id="tipue_search_foot"><ul id="tipue_search_foot_boxes">';
if (start > 0)
out += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (start - set.show) + '_' + replace + '">Prev</a></li>';
if (page <= 2)
var p_b = pages;
if (pages > 3)
p_b = 3;
for (var f = 0; f < p_b; f++)
if (f == page)
out += '<li class="current">' + (f + 1) + '</li>';
out += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (f * set.show) + '_' + replace + '">' + (f + 1) + '</a></li>';
var p_b = pages + 2;
if (p_b > pages)
p_b = pages;
for (var f = page; f < p_b; f++)
if (f == page)
out += '<li class="current">' + (f + 1) + '</li>';
out += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (f * set.show) + '_' + replace + '">' + (f + 1) + '</a></li>';
if (page + 1 != pages)
out += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (start + set.show) + '_' + replace + '">Next</a></li>';
out += '</ul></div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning_head">Nothing found</div>';
if (show_stop)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning_head">Nothing found</div><div id="tipue_search_warning">Common words are largely ignored</div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning_head">Search too short</div>';
if (set.minimumLength == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">Should be one character or more</div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">Should be ' + set.minimumLength + ' characters or more</div>';
getTipueSearch(0, false);
var id_v = $(this).attr('id');
var id_a = id_v.split('_');
getTipueSearch(parseInt(id_a[0]), id_a[1]);