Takahito Tejima 43aa2500c4 Refactor far factories.
This change moves all gregory patch generation from Far::PatchTablesFactory
so that we can construct patch tables without stencil tables as well as client
can chose any end patch strategies (we have 3 options for now: legacy 2.x style
gregory patch, gregory basis patch and experimental regular patch approximation).

Also Far::EndCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory provides index mapping from patch index
to vtr face index, which can be used for single gregory patch evaluation on top
of refined points, without involving heavier stencil tables generation.
2015-04-20 18:59:07 -07:00

389 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/crease.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../vtr/types.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
// Forward declaration of friend classes:
namespace Far {
class TopologyRefiner;
class PatchTablesFactoryBase;
namespace Vtr {
class Refinement;
class FVarRefinement;
// FVarLevel:
// A "face-varying channel" includes the topology for a set of face-varying
// data, relative to the topology of the Level with which it is associated.
// Analogous to a set of vertices and face-vertices that define the topology for
// the geometry, a channel requires a set of "values" and "face-values". The
// "values" are indices of entries in a set of face-varying data, just as vertices
// are indices into a set of vertex data. The face-values identify a value for
// each vertex of the face, and so define topology for the values that may be
// unique to each channel.
// In addition to the value size and the vector of face-values (which matches the
// size of the geometry's face-vertices), tags are associated with each component
// to identify deviations of the face-varying topology from the vertex topology.
// And since there may be a one-to-many mapping between vertices and face-varying
// values, that mapping is also allocated.
// It turns out that the mapping used is able to completely encode the set of
// face-values and is more amenable to refinement. Currently the face-values
// take up almost half the memory of this representation, so if memory does
// become a concern, we do not need to store them. The only reason we do so now
// is that the face-value interface for specifying base topology and inspecting
// subsequent levels is very familar to that of face-vertices for clients. So
// having them available for such access is convenient.
// Regarding scope and access...
// Unclear at this early state, but leaning towards nesting this class within
// Level, given the intimate dependency between the two.
// Everything is being declared public for now to facilitate access until its
// clearer how this functionality will be provided.
namespace Vtr {
class FVarLevel {
friend class Level;
friend class Refinement;
friend class FVarRefinement;
friend class Far::TopologyRefiner;
friend class Far::PatchTablesFactoryBase;
// Component tags -- trying to minimize the types needed here:
// Tag per Edge:
// - facilitates topological analysis around each vertex
// - required during refinement to spawn one or more edge-values
struct ETag {
ETag() { }
void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(ETag)); }
typedef unsigned char ETagSize;
ETagSize _mismatch : 1; // local FVar topology does not match
ETagSize _disctsV0 : 1; // discontinuous at vertex 0
ETagSize _disctsV1 : 1; // discontinuous at vertex 1
ETagSize _linear : 1; // linear boundary constraints
// Tag per Value:
// - informs both refinement and interpolation
// - every value spawns a child value in refinement
// - given ordering of values (1-per-vertex first) serves as a vertex tag
struct ValueTag {
ValueTag() { }
void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(ValueTag)); }
bool isMismatch() const { return _mismatch; }
bool isCrease() const { return _crease; }
bool isCorner() const { return !_crease; }
bool isSemiSharp() const { return _semiSharp; }
bool isInfSharp() const { return !_semiSharp && !_crease; }
bool isDepSharp() const { return _depSharp; }
typedef unsigned char ValueTagSize;
ValueTagSize _mismatch : 1; // local FVar topology does not match
ValueTagSize _crease : 1; // value is a crease, otherwise a corner
ValueTagSize _semiSharp : 1; // value is a corner decaying to crease
ValueTagSize _depSharp : 1; // value is a corner by dependency on another
ValueTagSize _xordinary : 1; // value is an x-ordinary crease in the limit
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<ValueTag> ConstValueTagArray;
typedef Vtr::Array<ValueTag> ValueTagArray;
ValueTag getFaceCompositeValueTag(ConstIndexArray & faceValues,
ConstIndexArray & faceVerts) const;
Level::VTag getFaceCompositeValueAndVTag(ConstIndexArray & faceValues,
ConstIndexArray & faceVerts,
Level::VTag * fvarVTags) const;
Level::ETag getFaceCompositeCombinedEdgeTag(ConstIndexArray & faceEdges,
Level::ETag * fvarETags) const;
// Simple struct containing the "end faces" of a crease, i.e. the faces which
// contain the FVar values to be used when interpolating the crease. (Prefer
// the struct over std::pair for its member names)
struct CreaseEndPair {
LocalIndex _startFace;
LocalIndex _endFace;
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<CreaseEndPair> ConstCreaseEndPairArray;
typedef Vtr::Array<CreaseEndPair> CreaseEndPairArray;
typedef LocalIndex Sibling;
typedef ConstLocalIndexArray ConstSiblingArray;
typedef LocalIndexArray SiblingArray;
FVarLevel(Level const& level);
// Queries for the entire channel:
Level const& getLevel() const { return _level; }
int getNumValues() const { return _valueCount; }
int getNumFaceValuesTotal() const { return (int) _faceVertValues.size(); }
bool isLinear() const { return _isLinear; }
bool hasLinearBoundaries() const { return _hasLinearBoundaries; }
bool hasSmoothBoundaries() const { return not _hasLinearBoundaries; }
Sdc::Options getOptions() const { return _options; }
// Queries per face:
ConstIndexArray getFaceValues(Index fIndex) const;
IndexArray getFaceValues(Index fIndex);
// Queries per edge:
ETag getEdgeTag(Index eIndex) const { return _edgeTags[eIndex]; }
bool edgeTopologyMatches(Index eIndex) const { return !getEdgeTag(eIndex)._mismatch; }
// Queries per vertex (and its potential sibling values):
int getNumVertexValues(Index v) const { return _vertSiblingCounts[v]; }
Index getVertexValueOffset(Index v, Sibling i = 0) const { return _vertSiblingOffsets[v] + i; }
Index getVertexValue(Index v, Sibling i = 0) const { return _vertValueIndices[getVertexValueOffset(v,i)]; }
Index findVertexValueIndex(Index vertexIndex, Index valueIndex) const;
// Methods to access/modify array properties per vertex:
ConstIndexArray getVertexValues(Index vIndex) const;
IndexArray getVertexValues(Index vIndex);
ConstValueTagArray getVertexValueTags(Index vIndex) const;
ValueTagArray getVertexValueTags(Index vIndex);
ConstCreaseEndPairArray getVertexValueCreaseEnds(Index vIndex) const;
CreaseEndPairArray getVertexValueCreaseEnds(Index vIndex);
ConstSiblingArray getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex) const;
SiblingArray getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex);
// Queries per value:
ValueTag getValueTag(Index valueIndex) const { return _vertValueTags[valueIndex]; }
bool valueTopologyMatches(Index valueIndex) const { return !getValueTag(valueIndex)._mismatch; }
// Higher-level topological queries, i.e. values in a neighborhood:
void getEdgeFaceValues(Index eIndex, int fIncToEdge, Index valuesPerVert[2]) const;
void getVertexEdgeValues(Index vIndex, Index valuesPerEdge[]) const;
void getVertexCreaseEndValues(Index vIndex, Sibling sibling, Index endValues[2]) const;
// Initialization and allocation helpers:
void setOptions(Sdc::Options const& options);
void resizeVertexValues(int numVertexValues);
void resizeValues(int numValues);
void resizeComponents();
// Topological analysis methods -- tagging and face-value population:
void completeTopologyFromFaceValues(int regBoundaryValence);
void initializeFaceValuesFromFaceVertices();
void initializeFaceValuesFromVertexFaceSiblings();
// Information about the "span" for a value:
struct ValueSpan {
LocalIndex _size;
LocalIndex _start;
LocalIndex _disjoint;
LocalIndex _semiSharp;
void gatherValueSpans(Index vIndex, ValueSpan * vValueSpans) const;
// Debugging methods:
bool validate() const;
void print() const;
void buildFaceVertexSiblingsFromVertexFaceSiblings(std::vector<Sibling>& fvSiblings) const;
Level const & _level;
// Linear interpolation options vary between channels:
Sdc::Options _options;
bool _isLinear;
bool _hasLinearBoundaries;
bool _hasDependentSharpness;
int _valueCount;
// Vectors recording face-varying topology including tags that help propagate
// data through the refinement hierarchy. Vectors are not sparse but most use
// 8-bit values relative to the local topology.
// The vector of face-values is actually redundant here, but is constructed as
// it is most convenient for clients. It represents almost half the memory of
// the topology (4 32-bit integers per face) and not surprisingly, populating
// it takes a considerable amount of the refinement time (1/3). We can reduce
// both if we are willing to compute these on demand for clients.
// Per-face (matches face-verts of corresponding level):
std::vector<Index> _faceVertValues;
// Per-edge:
std::vector<ETag> _edgeTags;
// Per-vertex:
std::vector<Sibling> _vertSiblingCounts;
std::vector<int> _vertSiblingOffsets;
std::vector<Sibling> _vertFaceSiblings;
// Per-value:
std::vector<Index> _vertValueIndices;
std::vector<ValueTag> _vertValueTags;
std::vector<CreaseEndPair> _vertValueCreaseEnds;
// Access/modify the values associated with each face:
inline ConstIndexArray
FVarLevel::getFaceValues(Index fIndex) const {
int vCount = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2+1];
return ConstIndexArray(&_faceVertValues[vOffset], vCount);
inline IndexArray
FVarLevel::getFaceValues(Index fIndex) {
int vCount = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._faceVertCountsAndOffsets[fIndex*2+1];
return IndexArray(&_faceVertValues[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::ConstSiblingArray
FVarLevel::getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex) const {
int vCount = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2+1];
return ConstSiblingArray(&_vertFaceSiblings[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::SiblingArray
FVarLevel::getVertexFaceSiblings(Index vIndex) {
int vCount = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2];
int vOffset = _level._vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vIndex*2+1];
return SiblingArray(&_vertFaceSiblings[vOffset], vCount);
inline ConstIndexArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValues(Index vIndex) const
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return ConstIndexArray(&_vertValueIndices[vOffset], vCount);
inline IndexArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValues(Index vIndex)
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return IndexArray(&_vertValueIndices[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::ConstValueTagArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValueTags(Index vIndex) const
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return ConstValueTagArray(&_vertValueTags[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::ValueTagArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValueTags(Index vIndex)
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return ValueTagArray(&_vertValueTags[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::ConstCreaseEndPairArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValueCreaseEnds(Index vIndex) const
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return ConstCreaseEndPairArray(&_vertValueCreaseEnds[vOffset], vCount);
inline FVarLevel::CreaseEndPairArray
FVarLevel::getVertexValueCreaseEnds(Index vIndex)
int vCount = getNumVertexValues(vIndex);
int vOffset = getVertexValueOffset(vIndex);
return CreaseEndPairArray(&_vertValueCreaseEnds[vOffset], vCount);
inline Index
FVarLevel::findVertexValueIndex(Index vertexIndex, Index valueIndex) const {
if (_level.getDepth() > 0) return valueIndex;
Index vvIndex = getVertexValueOffset(vertexIndex);
while (_vertValueIndices[vvIndex] != valueIndex) {
++ vvIndex;
return vvIndex;
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif /* VTR_FVAR_LEVEL_H */