manuelk 3ae50d1c50 Amending Apache license language & file headers.
New text:

     Copyright 2013 Pixar

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
     with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
     compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
     Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:

     6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
        names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
        and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
        the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.

     You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
     KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
     language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
2013-09-26 12:04:57 -07:00

1689 lines
56 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../hbr/allocator.h"
#include "../hbr/mesh.h"
#include "../hbr/catmark.h"
#include "../far/stencilTables.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
class FarVertexStencil;
class FarStencilFactoryVertex;
/// \brief A factory for FarStencilTables
/// The FarStencilTablesFactory is used to generate FarStencilTables. Currently
/// this factory can only accumulate stencil tables for the Catmark subdivision
/// scheme.
/// Client-code must first select a face index in the source Hbr mesh (and
/// possibly a sub-face quadrant if the coarse face is not a quad). If the call
/// is successful, then an arbitrary number of stencils corresponding to (u,v)
/// sample locations can be computed using the AppendStencils method. These
/// stencils are self-contained and can be appended to any FarStencilTables.
/// Each stencil can be pushed to an selected level of feature isolation.
/// Surface approximation beyond this level of isolation is obtained by pushing
/// volatile vertices to their limits and bilinearly interpolating the resulting
/// quad sub-face containing the sample location (no Gregory patch approximation).
/// The current stencils accumulated are for limit positions only. Additional
/// methods to provide limit stencils on vertex locations should be fairly
/// easy to implement.
/// \note Hierarchical edits are not supported yet (XXXX)
/// \note Face-varying boundaries are not implemented yet (XXXX)
/// \note The FarStencilTablesFactory processes are currently not re-entrant:
/// every invokation of SetCurrentFace causes the HbrMesh to be unrefined to
/// a default starting position.
template <class T=FarStencilFactoryVertex> class FarStencilTablesFactory {
/// \brief Constructor
/// \note this factory *will* modify the state of the HbrMesh
/// \note hierarchical vertex edits are not supported yet
FarStencilTablesFactory( HbrMesh<T> * mesh );
/// \brief Returns the HbrMesh used by the factory
HbrMesh<T> const * GetMesh() {
return _mesh;
/// \brief Sets the current Hbr face where stencils will be added
/// @param id A valid Hbr coarse face ID
/// @param quadrant If the face is extraordinary, specify which (u,v)
/// coordinates quadrant (aka sub-face) to use.
/// @return True upon success
bool SetCurrentFace( int id, unsigned int quadrant=0 );
/// \brief Append stencils for the given UV's to the FarStencilTables
/// @param stencilTables The table of stencils to add the results to
/// @param nsamples The number of uv locations
/// @param u Array of u-paramater locations
/// @param v Array of v-paramater locations
/// @param reflevel Max level of feature isolation
/// @return The number of stencils added to the array
int AppendStencils( FarStencilTables * stencilTables,
int nsamples,
float const * u,
float const * v,
int reflevel );
// Reserve space for stencils of a set size at the end of a stencil table
void _AddNewStencils( FarStencilTables * tables, int nstencils, int stencilsize);
HbrMesh<T> * _mesh;
int _numCoarseVertices;
// A private helper class that caches computations for the current face
class Patch;
Patch _patch; // Cache for the current face
// Constructor
template <class T>
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::FarStencilTablesFactory( HbrMesh<T> * mesh )
: _mesh(mesh) {
_numCoarseVertices = mesh->GetNumVertices();
// Sets the current Hbr face where stencils will be added
template <class T> bool
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::SetCurrentFace(int id, unsigned int quadrant) {
HbrFace<T> * f = GetMesh()->GetFace(id);
// XXXX Vertex edits are not supported yet
if ((f and (not f->IsCoarse())) or GetMesh()->HasVertexEdits())
return false;
// Extraordinary faces don't have simple (u,v) parameterization so we need
// to specify the parametric quadrant
if (GetMesh()->GetSubdivision()->FaceIsExtraordinary(GetMesh(), f)) {
if ( quadrant > (unsigned int)(f->GetNumVertices()-1) )
return false;
} else {
quadrant = 0;
_mesh->Unrefine(_numCoarseVertices, GetMesh()->GetNumCoarseFaces());
_patch.SetupControlStencils(f, quadrant);
return true;
// Append stencils for the given UV's to the FarStencilTables
template <class T> int
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::AppendStencils( FarStencilTables * stencilTables,
int nsamples,
float const * u,
float const * v,
int reflevel ) {
int result=0;
if ((not nsamples) or (not _patch.GetCurrentFace()))
return result;
int stencilsize = _patch.GetStencilSize();
_AddNewStencils( stencilTables, nsamples, stencilsize );
FarStencil stencil = stencilTables->GetStencil( stencilTables->GetNumStencils()-nsamples );
std::vector<int> const & indices = _patch.GetControlVertexIndices();
for (int i=0; i<nsamples; ++i) {
// Copy control vertices indices
for (int j=0; j<stencilsize; ++j)
stencil._indices[j] = indices[j];
HbrHalfedge<T> * edge =
// Copy stencil weights for sample
result += _patch.GetStencilsAtUV( edge, u[i], v[i], reflevel,
stencil._vderiv );
// Advance to the next stencil
return result;
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::_AddNewStencils( FarStencilTables * tables,
int nstencils, int stencilsize) {
int size = tables->GetNumStencils();
// Append sizes
tables->_sizes.insert(tables->_sizes.end(), nstencils, stencilsize);
// Append offsets
int * offsPtr = &(tables->_offsets[size]),
h = (int)tables->_point.size();
for (int i=0; i<nstencils; ++i, h+=stencilsize)
*offsPtr++ = h;
// Extend data space for vertex indices and weights
int newsize = (int)tables->_point.size() + (nstencils*stencilsize);
class FarVertexStencilAllocator;
/// \brief A container for vertex stencil weight coefficients
class FarVertexStencil {
/// \brief Constructor
FarVertexStencil() { }
/// \brief Destructor
~FarVertexStencil() { }
/// \brief Next available instance in the pool allocator
FarVertexStencil * & GetNext() {
return _next;
/// \brief Returns a pointer to the vertex stencils pool allocator
FarVertexStencilAllocator * GetAllocator() const {
return _allocator;
/// \brief Returns a pointer to the first stencil weight coefficient
float const * GetData() const {
return _data;
/// \brief Resets the values of the weight coefficients: dst = val
/// @param dst Pointer to the weight coefficients that will be reset
/// @param val Value the weights will be reset to
/// @param stencilsize Number of weight coefficients in the stencil
static void Reset( float * dst, float val, int stencilsize );
/// \brief Resets the values of the weight coefficients: this = val
/// @param val Value the weights will be reset to
void Reset( float val );
/// \brief Copies the values of the weight coefficients: dst = other
/// @param dst Pointer to the destination weight coefficients
/// @param other Source stencil to copy the weights from
static void Copy( float * dst , FarVertexStencil const * other );
/// \brief Adds the coefficients from a stencil
/// @param dst Pointer to the destination weight coefficients
/// @param other Source stencil to add the weights from
static void Add( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * other );
/// \brief Subtracts the coefficients from a stencil dst = (a - b)
/// @param dst Pointer to the destination weight coefficients
/// @param sa 'A' source stencil
/// @param sb 'B' source stencil
static void Subtract( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * sa, FarVertexStencil const * sb );
/// \brief Scales the coefficients from a stencil: dst *= val
/// @param dst Pointer to the destination weight coefficients
/// @param val Value the weights will be scaled with
/// @param stencilsize Number of weight coefficients in the stencil
static void Scale( float * dst , float val, int stencilsize );
/// \brief Adds and scales the coefficients of the stencil: dst += other * val
/// @param dst Pointer to the destination weight coefficients
/// @param other Stencil to be added
/// @param val Value to weigh 'other' with
static void AddScaled( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * other, float val );
/// \brief Adds and scales the coefficients of the stencil: this += other * val
/// @param other Stencil to be added
/// @param val Value to weigh 'other' with
void AddScaled( FarVertexStencil const & other, float val );
/// \brief Combines coefficients: this = a*sa + b*sb
/// @param a 'A' weight
/// @param sa 'A' stencil
/// @param b 'B' weight
/// @param sb 'B' stencil
void Combine( float a, FarVertexStencil const & sa, float b, FarVertexStencil const & sb );
/// \brief Prints the weight coefficients
void Print() const;
template <class T> friend class FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch;
friend class FarVertexStencilAllocator;
float * _GetData() {
return _data;
FarVertexStencilAllocator * _allocator;
FarVertexStencil * _next;
float _data[1];
/// \brief A pool allocator for FarVertexStencil
class FarVertexStencilAllocator {
FarVertexStencilAllocator(int stencilsize) :
_allocator(&_memory, 256, 0, 0, sizeof(FarVertexStencil)+(stencilsize-1)*sizeof(float)) {
// Returns the number of coefficients in the the stencil
int GetStencilSize() const {
return _stencilSize;
// Returns the total memory used by the allocator
size_t GetMemoryUsed( ) const {
return _memory;
// Allocates a FarVertexStencil from the pool
FarVertexStencil * Allocate( ) {
FarVertexStencil * result = _allocator.Allocate();
result->_allocator = this;
return result;
// Deallocates a FarVertexStencil from the pool
void Deallocate( FarVertexStencil * v) {
int _stencilSize;
size_t _memory;
HbrAllocator<FarVertexStencil> _allocator;
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Reset( float val ) {
Reset( _GetData(), val, GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize() );
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Reset( float * dst, float val, int stencilsize ) {
float * end = dst + stencilsize;
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) = val;
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Copy( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * other ) {
assert(other and other->GetAllocator());
memcpy( dst, other->GetData(), other->GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize()*sizeof(float) );
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Add( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * other ) {
assert(other and other->GetAllocator());
float * end = dst + other->GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize();
float const * src = other->GetData();
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) += (*src++);
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Subtract( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * sa,
FarVertexStencil const * sb ) {
assert(sa and sb and sa->GetAllocator());
float * end = dst + sa->GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize();
float const * aptr = sa->GetData(),
* bptr = sb->GetData();
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) = (*aptr++) - (*bptr++);
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Scale( float * dst , float val, int stencilsize ) {
float * end = dst + stencilsize;
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) *= val;
inline void
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( FarVertexStencil const & other, float val ) {
AddScaled( _GetData(), &other, val );
inline void
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( float * dst, FarVertexStencil const * other, float val ) {
assert(other and other->GetAllocator());
float * end = dst + other->GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize();
float const * src = other->GetData();
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) += (*src++) * val;
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Combine( float a, FarVertexStencil const & sa,
float b, FarVertexStencil const & sb ) {
float * dst = _data,
* end = dst + GetAllocator()->GetStencilSize();
float const * aptr = sa.GetData(),
* bptr = sb.GetData();
while (dst < end)
(*dst++) = a*(*aptr++) + b*(*bptr++);
inline void
FarVertexStencil::Print() const {
printf("{ ");
for (int i=0; i<_allocator->GetStencilSize(); ++i)
printf("%.5f ", _data[i] );
/// \brief A dedicated vertex class for the FarStencilTablesFactory
class FarStencilFactoryVertex {
/// \brief Constructor
FarStencilFactoryVertex( ) : _stencil(0) { }
FarStencilFactoryVertex(int) : _stencil(0) { }
/// \brief Destructor
~FarStencilFactoryVertex( ) { }
FarVertexStencil const * GetStencil() const {
return _stencil;
/// \brief Hbr template vertex class API : resets the vertex
void Clear() {
if (_stencil)
/// \brief Hbr template vertex class API: interpolate vertex data with 'src'
/// vertex (this += src * weight)
/// @param src The source vertex
/// @param weight The interpolation weight
void AddWithWeight(FarStencilFactoryVertex const & src, float weight, void * =0 ) {
if (not _stencil) {
// Allocation is lazy, but 'src' will have a valid stencil unless that
// vertex is singular
if (src.GetStencil()) {
_stencil = src.GetStencil()->GetAllocator()->Allocate();
} else
_stencil->AddScaled( *src.GetStencil(), weight );
/// \brief Hbr template vertex class API: interpolate varying data with 'src'
/// vertex (this += src * weight)
/// @param src The source vertex
/// @param weight The interpolation weight
void AddVaryingWithWeight(FarStencilFactoryVertex const & src, float weight, void * =0 ) { }
/// \brief Hbr template vertex class API: edits are not supported yet
void ApplyVertexEdit(OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<FarStencilFactoryVertex> const & edit) { }
template <class T> friend class FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch;
FarVertexStencil * _GetStencil() {
return _stencil;
void _SetStencil( FarVertexStencil * stencil) {
_stencil = stencil;
FarVertexStencil * _stencil;
// A private helper class that caches computations for the current face
template <class T>
class FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch {
// Constructor
Patch() : _face(0), _quadrant(0), _allocator(0) { }
// Returns the current coarse face
HbrFace<T> const * GetCurrentFace() const {
return _face;
// Sub-quadrant of the current face if it's not a quad
int GetCurrentQuadrant() const {
return _quadrant;
// Returns the number of weights in the stencils for this face
int GetStencilSize() const {
return (int)_allocator->GetStencilSize();
// Return the indices of the control vertices in the HbrMesh
std::vector<int> const & GetControlVertexIndices() const {
return _vertIndices;
// Gathers all the coarse control vertices for an arbitrary patch
void SetupControlStencils( HbrFace<T> * f, int quadrant );
// Appends stencil weight coefficients for the given u & v
bool GetStencilsAtUV( HbrHalfedge<T> * e,
float u,
float v,
int reflevel,
float *point,
float *deriv1,
float *deriv2 );
// True if the vertex has a BSpline limit
static bool _IsaBSpline( HbrVertex<T> * v );
// True if the edge has a BSpline limit
static bool _IsaBSpline( HbrHalfedge<T> * e );
// True if the face has a BSpline limit
static bool _IsaBSpline( HbrFace<T> * f );
// Computes the limit stencils
void _GetLimitStencils( HbrVertex<T> * v,
float *point );
// Computes derivative limit stencils
void _GetTangentLimitStencils( HbrHalfedge<T> * e,
float *uderiv,
float *vderiv );
// Computes BSpline weights
static void _GetBSplineWeights( float t,
float *cubicWeights,
float *quadraticWeights );
// Updates the cached BSpline stencils
void _UpdateBSplineStencils( HbrFace<T> const * f );
// Computes BSpline stencil weights at (u,v)
void _GetBSplineStencilsAtUV( float u,
float v,
float *point,
float *deriv1,
float *deriv2 );
HbrFace<T> * _face; // current face
int _quadrant, // current quadrant (if _face is not a quad)
_sharpedge; // index of the sharp edge (if any)
std::vector<int> _vertIndices; // indices of the control vertices
HbrFace<T> const * _bsplineFace; // current b-spline sub-face
FarVertexStencil * _bsplineStencils[16], // control stencils for current
* _reflectedStencils[4]; // b-spline sub-face
FarVertexStencilAllocator * _allocator;
// Gathers all the coarse control vertices for an arbitrary patch
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::SetupControlStencils( HbrFace<T> * f,
int quadrant ) {
assert(f and f->IsCoarse());
_quadrant = quadrant;
if (f==GetCurrentFace())
_face = f;
_bsplineFace = NULL;
HbrMesh<T> * mesh = f->GetMesh();
// reset stencil pointers in coarse vertices (if any)
for (int i=0; i<(int)_vertIndices.size(); ++i) {
// new face will require a new set of coarse vertices
// most stencils should use 16 CVs : 64 should be enough for most faces
_vertIndices.reserve( 16*4 );
// Gather operator that collects all the 1-ring control vertices around a
// face's corner
// R2
// o
// / .
// / .
// / . R1 R0
// R3 o o ----------- o ----
// \ | |
// \ | |
// \ | Corner |
// o ---- o ----------- o ----
// R4 | | ........... |
// | | ........... |
// | | .. Face .. |
// | | ........... |
// o ---- o ----------- o ----
// R5 | | |
// | | |
class GatherOperator : public HbrFaceOperator<T> {
HbrFace<T> const * _face;
HbrVertex<T> const * _corner;
std::vector<int> & _verts;
GatherOperator( HbrFace<T> const * face,
HbrVertex<T> const * corner, std::vector<int> & verts ) :
_face(face), _corner(corner), _verts(verts) { }
virtual void operator() (HbrFace<T> &face) {
HbrMesh<T> * mesh = face.GetMesh();
if (&face==_face)
int nv = face.GetNumVertices();
for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i) {
HbrHalfedge<T> * e = face.GetEdge(i);
// skip edges along original 0-ring face
if (e and (e->GetRightFace()==_face or e->GetLeftFace()==_face))
// skip original corner vertex
if (e->GetDestVertex(mesh)!=_corner)
for (int i=0; i<f->GetNumVertices(); ++i) {
HbrVertex<T> * corner = f->GetVertex(i);
// save the the 0-ring corner vertices
_vertIndices.push_back( corner->GetID() );
// gather the 1-ring vertices
GatherOperator op( f, corner, _vertIndices );
corner->ApplyOperatorSurroundingFaces( op );
std::sort( _vertIndices.begin(), _vertIndices.end());
std::vector<int>::const_iterator last = std::unique(_vertIndices.begin(), _vertIndices.end());
int ssize = (int)(last-_vertIndices.begin());
// At this point _vertIndices contains the IDs of all base vertices that
// control the limit surface patch corresponding to the given face.
// Now we need to create and cache a base stencil for each of these
// control vertices.
if (_allocator) {
delete _allocator;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
_reflectedStencils[i] = NULL;
_allocator = new FarVertexStencilAllocator(ssize);
for (int i=0; i<ssize; ++i) {
// Allocate a clear vertex stencil (all coefs set to 0.0)
FarVertexStencil * stencil = _allocator->Allocate();
// Set the i-th coefficient of this stencil to 1.0
stencil->_GetData()[i] = 1.0f;
// Assign the stencil to the control vertex
// Evaluate the surface for the quad face left of edge at local coordinates
// (u,v), computing point and tangent stencils for non-null corresponding
// stencil pointers.
// In most cases only approximate evaluation is done by linearly interpolating
// between limit values after refLevel subdivision steps.
template <class T> bool
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::GetStencilsAtUV( HbrHalfedge<T> * e,
float u,
float v,
int reflevel,
float *point,
float *uderiv,
float *vderiv ) {
assert( _allocator );
HbrFace<T> * f = e->GetLeftFace();
if (f->IsHole())
return false;
// non-quad ? get corresponding quadrant sub-face
if (f->GetMesh()->GetSubdivision()->FaceIsExtraordinary(f->GetMesh(), f)) {
f = f->GetChild(GetCurrentQuadrant());
// We cache the B-spline stencils that we compute for a face,
// so the first thing we do is check whether the face that was given
// to us is the same one for which we last computed the B-spline
// stencils. If this is so, we can simply return the pointer.
if (f==_bsplineFace) {
_GetBSplineStencilsAtUV( u, v, point, uderiv, vderiv );
return true;
} else if (_IsaBSpline(f)) {
_UpdateBSplineStencils( f );
_GetBSplineStencilsAtUV( u, v, point, uderiv, vderiv );
return true;
// We reached the maximum recursion : give up !
if (reflevel==0) {
assert(not f->IsCoarse());
FarVertexStencil * pt = _allocator->Allocate(),
* utan = _allocator->Allocate(),
* vtan = _allocator->Allocate();
// Compute the bi-linear weights corresponding to the 4 face corners:
float weights[4];
weights[0] = (1.0f - u)*(1.0f - v);
weights[1] = u * (1.0f - v);
weights[2] = u * v;
weights[3] = (1.0f - u) * v;
// Iterate over the 4 corners
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if(weights[i] == 0)
HbrHalfedge<T> * elimit = f->GetEdge(i);
HbrVertex<T> * vlimit = f->GetVertex(i);
_GetLimitStencils( vlimit, pt->_GetData() );
_GetTangentLimitStencils( elimit, utan->_GetData(),
vtan->_GetData() );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( point, pt, weights[i] );
// Tangent vectors must compensate for the CCW rotation of 'elimit'
switch (i) {
case 0: {
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( uderiv, utan, weights[i] );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( vderiv, vtan, weights[i] ); } break;
case 1: {
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( uderiv, vtan, -weights[i] );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( vderiv, utan, weights[i] ); } break;
case 2: {
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( uderiv, utan, -weights[i] );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( vderiv, vtan, -weights[i] ); } break;
case 3: {
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( uderiv, vtan, weights[i] );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( vderiv, utan, -weights[i] ); } break;
return true;
} else {
int quadrant;
if (u<=0.5f and v<=0.5f) { quadrant = 0; }
else if (u> 0.5f and v<=0.5f) { quadrant = 1; u-=0.5f; }
else if (u> 0.5f and v> 0.5f) { quadrant = 2; u-=0.5f; v-=0.5f; }
else if (u<=0.5f and v> 0.5f) { quadrant = 3; v-=0.5f; }
HbrVertex<T> * a = f->GetVertex(quadrant)->Subdivide(),
* b = f->GetEdge(quadrant)->Subdivide();
HbrHalfedge<T> * subedge = a->GetEdge(b);
GetStencilsAtUV( subedge, 2.0f*u, 2.0f*v, reflevel-1, point, uderiv, vderiv );
return true;
// True if the vertex has a BSpline limit
template <class T> bool
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_IsaBSpline( HbrVertex<T> * v ) {
if (v->IsExtraordinary() or v->GetMask(true))
return false;
HbrHalfedge<T> const * start = v->GetIncidentEdge(),
* e = start;
if (e) do {
HbrFace<T> * f = e->GetFace();
// Adjacent face must be regular
if (f->GetNumVertices() != 4)
return false;
// If the adjacent face has hierarchical edits which don't
// terminate at this level, we can't subdivide
if (HbrHierarchicalEdit<T> ** edits = f->GetHierarchicalEdits()) {
while (HbrHierarchicalEdit<T> const * edit = *edits) {
if (not edit->IsRelevantToFace(f))
if (edit->GetNSubfaces() > f->GetDepth())
return false;
HbrHalfedge<T> const * next = v->GetNextEdge(e);
if (!next) {
// We encountered a break in the cycle. This means the
// vertex is on a boundary!
return false;
} else {
e = next;
} while (e != start);
// If there is facevarying data, we check whether this is a
// facevarying boundary vertex as well.
if (v->GetMesh()->GetFVarCount() and
v->GetMesh()->GetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod() != HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone) {
if (not v->IsFVarAllSmooth()) return false;
return true;
// True if the edge has a BSpline limit
template <class T> bool
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_IsaBSpline( HbrHalfedge<T> * e ) {
// Edge operator checking sharpness of next edge in cycle
struct _SharpOnext {
HbrHalfedge<T> const *
operator () (HbrHalfedge<T> const * e0) const {
HbrVertex<T> const * v = e0->GetOrgVertex();
HbrHalfedge<T> const * e = v->GetNextEdge(e0);
if (e) do {
if (e->GetSharpness())
e = v->GetNextEdge(e);
} while (e and e != e0);
return (e == e0 ? 0 : e);
if (e->GetSharpness() and e->GetSharpness() < HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp)
return false;
HbrMesh<T> const * mesh = e->GetLeftFace() ? e->GetLeftFace()->GetMesh() :
// currently the B-spline code does not handle facevarying sharp edges correctly
if (mesh->GetFVarCount() and
mesh->GetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod() != HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone) {
for(int j = 0; j < mesh->GetFVarCount(); ++j)
return false;
if (e->GetSharpness()) {
if (e->GetOrgVertex()->GetMask(true) != HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease or
e->GetDestVertex()->GetMask(true) != HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease)
return false;
if (!e->GetOpposite())
return false;
HbrHalfedge<T> const * e1 = _SharpOnext(e),
* e2 = _SharpOnext(e->GetOpposite());
if ( (not e1)
or (not e2)
or e1->GetSharpness() < HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp
or e2->GetSharpness() < HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp )
return false;
} else {
if ((not _IsaBSpline(e->GetOrgVertex())) or
(not _IsaBSpline(e->GetDestVertex()))) {
return false;
return true;
// True if the face has a BSpline limit
template <class T> bool
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_IsaBSpline( HbrFace<T> * f ) {
int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
if (nv != 4)
return false;
if (f->IsHole())
return false;
HbrMesh<T> const * mesh = f->GetMesh();
HbrHalfedge<T> * sharpEdge = 0,
* edge = f->GetFirstEdge();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// currently the BSpline code does not handle facevarying
// sharp edges correctly
if (mesh->GetFVarCount() and mesh->GetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod() !=
HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone) {
for(int j = 0; j < mesh->GetFVarCount(); ++j)
return false;
// ensure that the face isn't adjacent to more than one sharp edge
if (edge->GetSharpness() >= HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp) {
if (sharpEdge) {
return false;
} else {
sharpEdge = edge;
edge = edge->GetNext();
if (sharpEdge) {
// Make sure the two vertices on the sharp edge are creases
// and the other two vertices are bspline verts
if ( sharpEdge->GetOrgVertex()->GetMask(true)!=HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease or
sharpEdge->GetDestVertex()->GetMask(true)!=HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease or
(not _IsaBSpline(sharpEdge->GetNext()->GetDestVertex())) or
(not _IsaBSpline(sharpEdge->GetPrev()->GetOrgVertex()))) {
return false;
// Make sure the hard edge continues being a hard edge on adjacent
// two faces
edge = sharpEdge->GetNext()->GetOpposite();
if (!edge) {
return false;
if (edge->GetNext()->GetSharpness() !=
HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp) {
return false;
edge = sharpEdge->GetPrev()->GetOpposite();
if ((not edge) or edge->GetPrev()->GetSharpness() !=
HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp) {
return false;
} else {
// All four vertices must be spline verts
edge = f->GetFirstEdge();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (!_IsaBSpline(edge->GetOrgVertex()))
return false;
edge = edge->GetNext();
return true;
// Updates the cached BSpline stencils
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_UpdateBSplineStencils( HbrFace<T> const * f ) {
assert( f->GetNumVertices()==4 );
_bsplineFace = f;
// Fill out the array of stencils assuming this is a simple B-Spline
// case, and no stencil reflection is necessary.
static size_t indices[16] = {5, 4, 0, 1, 6, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 14, 9, 13, 12, 8};
int sharpedge = -1;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
HbrHalfedge<T> const * e = f->GetEdge(i);
// First check if this edge is sharp, and if so remember it.
// Also, if it's sharp we don't want all of the four stencils
// whose numbers are given by indices[4*i]..indices[4*i+3].
// Rather, we need just the first two (the remaining two
// will be computed by reflection later in this function).
// | | |
// | | | --- : regular edge
// | | |
// | (4*i+1) | (4*i) | === : sharp edge
// X --------- X ========= o ------
// e1 e X : accumulated vertices
if (e->GetSharpness() >= HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp) {
HbrHalfedge<T> * e1 = e->GetPrev()->GetOpposite()->GetPrev();
_bsplineStencils[indices[4*i ]] = e->GetOrgVertex()->GetData()._GetStencil();
_bsplineStencils[indices[4*i+1]] = e1->GetOrgVertex()->GetData()._GetStencil();
// Also must check if the previous edge was sharp. If it was, then
// once again, we only need two stencils instead of four. In this
// case those are the stencils numbered indices[4*i] and
// indices[4*i+3].
// | || |
// | || | --- : regular edge
// | || |
// | || (4*i) | || : sharp edge
// X --------- X --------- o ------
// | e | X : accumulated vertices
// | |
// |
// | (4*i+3)
// ---- X ----
if (e->GetPrev()->GetSharpness() >= HbrHalfedge<T>::k_InfinitelySharp) {
_bsplineStencils[indices[4*i ]] = e->GetOrgVertex()->GetData()._GetStencil();
_bsplineStencils[indices[4*i+3]] = e->GetOpposite()->GetNext()->GetDestVertex()->GetData()._GetStencil();
// Both the current edge, and the previous one are smooth,
// so we should get all four stencils in this case.
HbrHalfedge<T> * e2 = e->GetOpposite()->GetNext()->GetOpposite()->GetNext();
for (int j=0; j<4; ++j) {
_bsplineStencils[indices[4*i+j]] = e2->GetOrgVertex()->GetData()._GetStencil();
e2 = e2->GetNext();
if (sharpedge<0)
if (not _reflectedStencils[0]) {
_reflectedStencils[0] = _allocator->Allocate();
_reflectedStencils[1] = _allocator->Allocate();
_reflectedStencils[2] = _allocator->Allocate();
_reflectedStencils[3] = _allocator->Allocate();
// There is a sharp edge around the face, pointed to by sharpEdge.
// We must override the corresponding 4 outer control stencils by
// reflecting 4 internal control stencils across this edge.
// We'll make use of the following three static index arrays.
// reflect[k] lists the indices of those stencils who must be reflected
// if the sharp edge is the k-th edge ccw around the face.
static int reflect[4][4] = {{8, 9, 10, 11},{1, 5, 9, 13},{7, 6, 5, 4},{14, 10, 6, 2}};
// via[k] lists the indices of those stencils in the row or column
// corresponding to the k-th sharp edge (ccw around the face).
static int via[4][4] = {{4, 5, 6, 7}, {2, 6, 10, 14}, {11, 10, 9, 8}, {13, 9, 5, 1}};
// dest[k] lists the destination of the reflected stencils
// corresponding to the k-th sharp edge (ccw around the face).
static int dest[4][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {3, 7, 11, 15}, {15, 14, 13, 12}, {12, 8, 4, 0}};
// We must reflect the stencil reflect[sharpEdgeIndex][j] via
// stencil via[sharpEdgeIndex][j], overriding the stencil
// dest[sharpEdgeIndex][j]
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
2.0, *(_bsplineStencils[ via[sharpedge][i]]),
-1.0, *(_bsplineStencils[reflect[sharpedge][i]]) );
_bsplineStencils[dest[sharpedge][i]] = _reflectedStencils[i];
// Computes BSpline weights
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_GetBSplineWeights( float t,
float *cubicWeights,
float *quadraticWeights) {
// The weights for the four uniform cubic B-Spline basis functions are:
// (1/6)(1 - t)^3
// (1/6)(3t^3 - 6t^2 + 4)
// (1/6)(-3t^3 + 3t^2 + 3t + 1)
// (1/6)t^3
float t2 = t*t;
float t3 = 3*t2*t;
float w0 = 1 - t;
cubicWeights[0] = (w0*w0*w0) / 6.0f;
cubicWeights[1] = (t3 - 6.0f*t2 + 4.0f) / 6.0f;
cubicWeights[2] = (3.0f*t2 - t3 + 3.0f*t + 1.0f) / 6.0f;
cubicWeights[3] = t3 / 18.0f;
// The weights for the three uniform quadratic basis functions are:
// (1/2)(1-t)^2
// (1/2)(1 + 2t - 2t^2)
// (1/2)t^2
quadraticWeights[0] = 0.5f * w0 * w0;
quadraticWeights[1] = 0.5f + t - t2;
quadraticWeights[2] = 0.5f * t2;
// Computes BSpline stencil weights at (u,v)
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_GetBSplineStencilsAtUV( float u,
float v,
float *point,
float *deriv1,
float *deriv2 ) {
float uWeights[4], vWeights[4], duWeights[3], dvWeights[3];
_GetBSplineWeights(u, uWeights, duWeights);
_GetBSplineWeights(v, vWeights, dvWeights);
if (point) {
FarVertexStencil::Reset(point, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
// Compute the tensor product weight corresponding to each control
// vertex, and accumulate the weighted control stencils.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
float weight = uWeights[j] * vWeights[i];
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(point, _bsplineStencils[4*i+j], weight);
if (deriv1 and deriv2) {
// Compute the du tangent stencil. This is done by taking the tensor
// product between the quadratic weights computed for u and the cubic
// weights computed for v. The stencil is constructed using
// differences between consecutive vertices in each row (i.e.
// in the u direction).
FarVertexStencil::Reset(deriv1, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
float prevWeight = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
float weight = duWeights[j]*vWeights[i];
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(deriv1, _bsplineStencils[4*i+j], prevWeight - weight);
prevWeight = weight;
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(deriv1, _bsplineStencils[4*i+3], prevWeight);
FarVertexStencil::Reset(deriv2, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
float prevWeight = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
float weight = uWeights[j]*dvWeights[i];
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(deriv2, _bsplineStencils[4*i+j], prevWeight - weight);
prevWeight = weight;
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(deriv2, _bsplineStencils[12+j], prevWeight);
// Computes the limit stencils
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_GetLimitStencils( HbrVertex<T> * v,
float *point ) {
// Refine vertex until stable
while (v->IsVolatile()) {
HbrVertex<T> * vfine = v->Subdivide();
assert(v->GetMask(false) == v->GetMask(true));
switch(v->GetMask(false)) {
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Smooth:
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Dart: {
assert(not v->OnBoundary());
FarVertexStencil::Reset(point, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
int n = v->GetValence();
// o ------- o o
// b0*1 | a0*4 | b3*1
// | |
// | |
// | |
// o ------- o ------- o
// a1*4 | point | a3*4
// | |
// | |
// | |
// o o ------- o
// b1*1 a2*4 b2*1
// point = (a0+a1+a2+a3)*4 + (b0+b1+b2+b3)
class SmoothVertexOperator : public HbrHalfedgeOperator<T> {
SmoothVertexOperator(HbrVertex<T> *v, float * point) :
_vertex(v), _point(point) { }
virtual void operator() (HbrHalfedge<T> &e) {
HbrVertex<T> * a = e.GetDestVertex();
HbrHalfedge<T> * next = e.GetNext();
if (a==_vertex) {
a = e.GetOrgVertex();
next = e.GetPrev();
HbrVertex<T> * b = next->GetDestVertex();
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( _point, a->GetData().GetStencil(), 4.0f );
FarVertexStencil::Add( _point, b->GetData().GetStencil() );
HbrVertex<T> * _vertex;
float * _point;
SmoothVertexOperator op( v, point );
float s = 1.0f / float(n*(n+5.0f));
FarVertexStencil::Scale(point, s, GetStencilSize());
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(point, v->GetData().GetStencil(), s*n*n );
} break;
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease: {
FarVertexStencil::Reset(point, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
// | | |
// | | |
// | | | --- : regular edge
// ---- o ======= o ======= o ---
// a1 | point | | a0 === : sharp edge
// | | |
// | | |
// point = a0 + a1
class CreaseEdgeOperator : public HbrHalfedgeOperator<T> {
CreaseEdgeOperator(HbrVertex<T> *v, float * point) :
_vertex(v), _point(point), _count(0) { }
virtual void operator() (HbrHalfedge<T> &e) {
if (_count<2 and e.IsSharp(false)) {
HbrVertex<T> * a = e.GetDestVertex();
if (a==_vertex)
a = e.GetOrgVertex();
FarVertexStencil::Add( _point, a->GetData().GetStencil() );
HbrVertex<T> * _vertex;
float * _point;
int _count;
CreaseEdgeOperator op( v, point );
FarVertexStencil::Scale( point, 1.0f/6.0f, GetStencilSize() );
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled( point, v->GetData().GetStencil(), 2.0f/3.0f );
} break;
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Corner: {
FarVertexStencil::Copy( point, v->GetData().GetStencil() );
} break;
// Computes derivative limit stencils
template <class T> void
FarStencilTablesFactory<T>::Patch::_GetTangentLimitStencils( HbrHalfedge<T> * e,
float * uderiv,
float * vderiv ) {
static float creaseK[][12] = {
{ .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ 1.000000f, -.500000f, -.500000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ 1.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, -1.00000f, .000000f, .000000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ 1.000000f, .500000f, .500000f, -1.00000f, -1.00000f, .000000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .707107f, .500000f, .500000f, -.500000f, -.707107f, -.500000f,
.000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .743496f, .601501f, .601501f, -.371748f, -.601501f, -.601501f,
-.371748f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .788675f, .683013f, .683013f, -.288675f, -.500000f, -.577350f,
-.500000f, -.288675f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .835813f, .753042f, .753042f, -.231921f, -.417907f, -.521121f,
-.521121f, -.417907f, -.231921f, .000000f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .882683f, .815493f, .815493f, -.191342f, -.353553f, -.461940f,
-.500000f, -.461940f, -.353553f, -.191342f, .000000f, .000000f },
{ .928486f, .872491f, .872491f, -.161230f, -.303013f, -.408248f,
-.464243f, -.464243f, -.408248f, -.303013f, -.161230f, .000000f }
HbrVertex<T> * v = e->GetOrgVertex();
while (v->IsVolatile()) {
v = v->Subdivide();
e = v->GetEdge(e->Subdivide());
assert(v->GetMask(false) == v->GetMask(true));
switch(v->GetMask(false)) {
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Smooth:
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Dart: {
FarVertexStencil::Reset(uderiv, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
FarVertexStencil::Reset(vderiv, 0.0f, GetStencilSize());
int n = v->GetValence();
float alpha = 2.0f * M_PI / (float) n,
c0 = 2.0f * cosf(alpha),
c1 = 1.0f,
A = 1.0f + c0 + sqrtf(18.0f + c0) * cosf(0.5f * alpha);
int i = 0;
float d = 0.0f;
HbrHalfedge<T> * e0=e;
if (e0) do {
HbrHalfedge<T> * onext = v->GetNextEdge(e0);
HbrVertex<T> * w1 = e0->GetDestVertex(),
* f1 = e0->GetNext()->GetDestVertex(),
* w2 = onext->GetDestVertex(),
* f2 = onext->GetNext()->GetDestVertex();
c0 = c1;
c1 = cosf((i+1.0f) * alpha);
float K1 = A * c0,
K2 = c0 + c1;
d += fabsf(K1) + fabsf(K2);
// Accumulate
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(uderiv, w1->GetData().GetStencil(), K1);
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(uderiv, f1->GetData().GetStencil(), K2);
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(vderiv, w2->GetData().GetStencil(), K1);
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(vderiv, f2->GetData().GetStencil(), K2);
e0 = onext;
} while (e0 != e);
// XXXX prman scales deriv1 and deriv2 by 1.0/d
// Why? Do we need to do this as well?
float invd = 1.0f/d;
FarVertexStencil::Scale(uderiv, invd, GetStencilSize());
FarVertexStencil::Scale(vderiv, invd, GetStencilSize());
} break;
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Crease: {
class CreaseEdgesOperator : public HbrHalfedgeOperator<T> {
bool _gather;
int _valence, _count;
float _d, * _deriv, (*_crease)[12];
HbrVertex<T> * org;
HbrHalfedge<T> * ei[2];
int eidx[2];
CreaseEdgesOperator(HbrVertex<T> * v) : _gather(true), _count(0), org(v) {
void SetAccumMode(int valence, float d, float * deriv, float (*crease)[12]) {
_gather = false;
_count = 0;
_valence = valence;
_d=d; _deriv=deriv; _crease=crease;
virtual void operator() (HbrHalfedge<T> &e) {
if (_gather) {
if (e.IsSharp(false) and (eidx[0]<0 or eidx[1]<0)) {
if (not ei[1]) { ei[1]=&e; eidx[1]=_count; }
else if (not ei[0]) { ei[0]=&e; eidx[0]=_count; }
} else {
if ( _count>eidx[1] and _count<eidx[0] ) {
HbrVertex<T> * v = e.GetDestVertex();
if (v==org)
v = e.GetOrgVertex();
int idx = _count - eidx[1] + 3;
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(_deriv, v->GetData().GetStencil(), _crease[_valence][idx]);
_d += fabsf(_crease[_valence][idx]);
CreaseEdgesOperator op( v );
v->ApplyOperatorSurroundingEdges( op );
// We expected (at least) two edges to be on a crease. Instead, there
// are zero or 1. We're not really sure what to do in that case, but
// the easiest thing to do is to ignore the crease, which fixes the
// coredump at the very least. The code here is exactly the same as
// the default case.
if ((op.eidx[0]<0) or (op.eidx[1]<0)) {
e = e->GetPrev();
HbrVertex<T> * v1 = e->GetDestVertex(),
* v2 = v->GetNextEdge(e)->GetDestVertex();
FarVertexStencil::Subtract(uderiv, v1->GetData().GetStencil(), v->GetData().GetStencil());
FarVertexStencil::Subtract(vderiv, v2->GetData().GetStencil(), v->GetData().GetStencil());
// Count the number of edges between e1 and e2 going clockwise.
// Since e1 is AFTER e2 (see above), this just requires some math on
// the edge indices
int n = v->GetValence() - op.eidx[0] + op.eidx[1] + 1;
assert(n >= 2);
// creaseK table has 11 entries : max valence is 10
// XXXX error should be reported
if (n >= 11) {
// Math on the two crease vertices
HbrVertex<T> * v1 = op.ei[0]->GetDestVertex(),
* v2 = op.ei[1]->GetDestVertex();
if (v1==v)
v1 = op.ei[0]->GetOrgVertex();
if (v2==v)
v2 = op.ei[1]->GetOrgVertex();
FarVertexStencil::Subtract(uderiv, v1->GetData().GetStencil(), v2->GetData().GetStencil());
FarVertexStencil::Scale(uderiv, 0.5f, GetStencilSize());
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(vderiv, v->GetData().GetStencil(), creaseK[n][0]);
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(vderiv, v1->GetData().GetStencil(), creaseK[n][1]);
FarVertexStencil::AddScaled(vderiv, v2->GetData().GetStencil(), creaseK[n][2]);
// Math on vertices between the two creases
float d = fabsf(creaseK[n][0]) + fabsf(creaseK[n][1]) + fabsf(creaseK[n][2]);
op.SetAccumMode( n, d, vderiv, creaseK );
v->ApplyOperatorSurroundingEdges( op );
} break;
case HbrVertex<T>::k_Corner: {
HbrVertex<T> * v1 = e->GetDestVertex(),
* v2 = v->GetQEONext(v1);
FarVertexStencil::Subtract(uderiv, v1->GetData().GetStencil(), v->GetData().GetStencil());
FarVertexStencil::Subtract(vderiv, v2->GetData().GetStencil(), v->GetData().GetStencil());
} break;
// Scale tangent stencils so that magnitudes are consistent across levels.
float scale = float (1 << e->GetLeftFace()->GetDepth());
FarVertexStencil::Scale(uderiv, scale, GetStencilSize());
FarVertexStencil::Scale(vderiv, scale, GetStencilSize());
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv