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New text: Copyright 2013 Pixar Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") with the following modification; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
template <class U> class FarMesh;
/// \brief FarSubdivisionTables are a serialized topological data representation.
/// Subdivision tables store the indexing tables required in order to compute
/// the refined positions of a mesh without the help of a hierarchical data
/// structure. The advantage of this representation is its ability to be executed
/// in a massively parallel environment without data dependencies.
/// The vertex indexing tables require the vertex buffer to be sorted based on the
/// nature of the parent of a given vertex : either a face, an edge, or a vertex.
/// (note : the Loop subdivision scheme does not create vertices as a child of a
/// face).
/// Each type of vertex in the buffer is associated the following tables :
/// - _<T>_IT : indices of all the adjacent vertices required by the compute kernels
/// - _<T>_W : fractional weight of the vertex (based on sharpness & topology)
/// - _<T>_ITa : codex for the two previous tables
/// (where T denotes a face-vertex / edge-vertex / vertex-vertex)
/// Because each subdivision scheme (Catmark / Loop / Bilinear) introduces variations
/// in the subdivision rules, a derived class specialization is associated with
/// each scheme.
/// For more details see : "Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark
/// Subdivision Surfaces" (p.3 - par. 3.2)
template <class U> class FarSubdivisionTables {
enum TableType {
E_IT, ///< edge-vertices adjacency indexing table
E_W, ///< edge-vertices weights
V_ITa, ///< vertex-vertices adjacency indexing table
V_IT, ///< vertex-vertices indexing table
V_W, ///< vertex-vertices weights
F_ITa, ///< face-vertices adjacency indexing table
F_IT, ///< face-vertices indexing table
TABLE_TYPES_COUNT // number of different types of tables
/// \brief Destructor
virtual ~FarSubdivisionTables<U>() {}
/// \brief Return the highest level of subdivision possible with these tables
int GetMaxLevel() const { return (int)(_vertsOffsets.size()-1); }
/// \brief Memory required to store the indexing tables
int GetMemoryUsed() const;
/// \brief Pointer back to the mesh owning the table
FarMesh<U> * GetMesh() { return _mesh; }
/// \brief The index of the first vertex that belongs to the level of subdivision
/// represented by this set of FarCatmarkSubdivisionTables
int GetFirstVertexOffset( int level ) const;
/// \brief Returns the total number of vertex adressed by the tables (this is the
/// length that a vertex buffer object should be allocating
int GetNumVertices( ) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of vertices at a given level
int GetNumVertices( int level ) const;
/// \brief Returns the summation of the number of vertices up to a given level
int GetNumVerticesTotal( int level ) const;
// Indexing tables accessors
/// \brief Returns the face vertices codex table
std::vector<int> const & Get_F_ITa( ) const { return _F_ITa; }
/// \brief Returns the face vertices indexing table
std::vector<unsigned int> const & Get_F_IT( ) const { return _F_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the edge vertices indexing table
std::vector<int> const & Get_E_IT() const { return _E_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the edge vertices weights table
std::vector<float> const & Get_E_W() const { return _E_W; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices codex table
std::vector<int> const & Get_V_ITa() const { return _V_ITa; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices indexing table
std::vector<unsigned int> const & Get_V_IT() const { return _V_IT; }
/// \brief Returns the vertex vertices weights table
std::vector<float> const & Get_V_W() const { return _V_W; }
/// \brief Returns the number of indexing tables needed to represent this particular
/// subdivision scheme.
virtual int GetNumTables() const { return 5; }
template <class X, class Y> friend class FarMeshFactory;
template <class X, class Y> friend class FarMultiMeshFactory;
FarSubdivisionTables<U>( FarMesh<U> * mesh, int maxlevel );
// mesh that owns this subdivisionTable
FarMesh<U> * _mesh;
std::vector<int> _F_ITa; // vertices from face refinement
std::vector<unsigned int> _F_IT; // indices of face vertices
std::vector<int> _E_IT; // vertices from edge refinement
std::vector<float> _E_W; // weigths
std::vector<int> _V_ITa; // vertices from vertex refinement
std::vector<unsigned int> _V_IT; // indices of adjacent vertices
std::vector<float> _V_W; // weights
std::vector<int> _vertsOffsets; // offset to the first vertex of each level
template <class U>
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::FarSubdivisionTables( FarMesh<U> * mesh, int maxlevel ) :
_vertsOffsets(maxlevel+2, 0)
assert( maxlevel > 0 );
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetFirstVertexOffset( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<(int)_vertsOffsets.size());
return _vertsOffsets[level];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVertices( ) const {
if (_vertsOffsets.empty()) {
return 0;
} else {
// _vertsOffsets contains an extra offset at the end that is the position
// of the first vertex 1 level above that of the tables
return *_vertsOffsets.rbegin();
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVertices( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<((int)_vertsOffsets.size()-1));
return _vertsOffsets[level+1] - _vertsOffsets[level];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetNumVerticesTotal( int level ) const {
assert(level>=0 and level<((int)_vertsOffsets.size()-1));
return _vertsOffsets[level+1];
template <class U> int
FarSubdivisionTables<U>::GetMemoryUsed() const {
return (int)(_F_ITa.size() * sizeof(int) +
_F_IT.size() * sizeof(unsigned int) +
_E_IT.size() * sizeof(int) +
_E_W.size() * sizeof(float) +
_V_ITa.size() * sizeof(int) +
_V_IT.size() * sizeof(unsigned int) +
_V_W.size() * sizeof(float));
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv