David G Yu 2bcdedf0cc Fixed MtlComputeEvaluator docs and overloads
Updated MtlComputeEvaluator documentation to be
consistent with the documentation for other compute
evaluator implementations and fixed missing or
incorrect doxygen tags.

Also, updated the overloads for the EvalStencils
and EvalPatches methods to account for 1st and
2nd derivative evaluation.
2017-07-17 18:12:49 -07:00

2170 lines
124 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../osd/types.h"
#include "../osd/bufferDescriptor.h"
#include "../osd/mtlCommon.h"
@protocol MTLDevice;
@protocol MTLBuffer;
@protocol MTLLibrary;
@protocol MTLComputePipelineState;
namespace OpenSubdiv
namespace Far
class StencilTable;
class PatchTable;
class LimitStencilTable;
namespace Osd
class MTLStencilTable
template<typename STENCIL_TABLE, typename DEVICE_CONTEXT>
static MTLStencilTable* Create(STENCIL_TABLE* stencilTable,
return new MTLStencilTable(stencilTable, context);
MTLStencilTable(Far::StencilTable const* stencilTable, MTLContext* context);
MTLStencilTable(Far::LimitStencilTable const* stencilTable, MTLContext* context);
id<MTLBuffer> GetSizesBuffer() const { return _sizesBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetOffsetsBuffer() const { return _offsetsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetIndicesBuffer() const { return _indicesBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetWeightsBuffer() const { return _weightsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetDuWeightsBuffer() const { return _duWeightsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetDvWeightsBuffer() const { return _dvWeightsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetDuuWeightsBuffer() const { return _duuWeightsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetDuvWeightsBuffer() const { return _duvWeightsBuffer; }
id<MTLBuffer> GetDvvWeightsBuffer() const { return _dvvWeightsBuffer; }
int GetNumStencils() const { return _numStencils; }
id<MTLBuffer> _sizesBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _offsetsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _indicesBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _weightsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _duWeightsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _dvWeightsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _duuWeightsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _duvWeightsBuffer;
id<MTLBuffer> _dvvWeightsBuffer;
int _numStencils;
class MTLComputeEvaluator
typedef bool Instantiatable;
static MTLComputeEvaluator * Create(BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
MTLContext* context);
static MTLComputeEvaluator * Create(BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
MTLContext* context);
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Stencil evaluations with StencilTable
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \brief Generic static stencil function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// transparently from OsdMesh template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* context)
if (instance)
return instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
if (instance)
bool r = instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic static stencil function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// transparently from OsdMesh template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* context) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc, duDesc, dvDesc, context);
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic static stencil function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// transparently from OsdMesh template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* context) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc, duDesc, dvDesc,
duuDesc, duvDesc, dvvDesc, context);
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalStencils(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic stencil function.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLContext* context) const
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
0, BufferDescriptor(),
0, BufferDescriptor(),
/* start = */ 0,
/* end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils(),
/// \brief Generic stencil function.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLContext* context) const
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvDesc,
/* start = */ 0,
/* end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils(),
/// \brief Generic stencil function.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable stencil table to be applied. The table must have
/// MTLBuffer interfaces.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
MTLContext* context) const
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvvDesc,
/* start = */ 0,
/* end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils(),
/// \brief Dispatch the MTL compute kernel on GPU asynchronously
/// returns false if the kernel hasn't been compiled yet.
/// @param srcBuffer MTLBuffer of input primvar source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the srcBuffer
/// @param dstBuffer MTLBuffer of output primvar destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer MTLBuffer of output derivative wrt u
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer MTLBuffer of output derivative wrt v
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param sizesBuffer MTLBuffer of the sizes in the stencil table
/// @param offsetsBuffer MTLBuffer of the offsets in the stencil table
/// @param indicesBuffer MTLBuffer of the indices in the stencil table
/// @param weightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the weights in the stencil table
/// @param duWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the du weights in the stencil table
/// @param dvWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the dv weights in the stencil table
/// @param start start index of stencil table
/// @param end end index of stencil table
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
bool EvalStencils(id<MTLBuffer> srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> sizesBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> offsetsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> indicesBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> weightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> duWeightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> dvWeightsBuffer,
int start,
int end,
MTLContext* context) const;
/// \brief Dispatch the MTL compute kernel on GPU asynchronously
/// returns false if the kernel hasn't been compiled yet.
/// @param srcBuffer MTLBuffer of input primvar source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the srcBuffer
/// @param dstBuffer MTLBuffer of output primvar destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dstBuffer
/// @param duBuffer MTLBuffer of output derivative wrt u
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer MTLBuffer of output derivative wrt v
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer MTLBuffer of output 2nd derivative wrt u
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer MTLBuffer of output 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer MTLBuffer of output 2nd derivative wrt v
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param sizesBuffer MTLBuffer of the sizes in the stencil table
/// @param offsetsBuffer MTLBuffer of the offsets in the stencil table
/// @param indicesBuffer MTLBuffer of the indices in the stencil table
/// @param weightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the weights in the stencil table
/// @param duWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the du weights in the stencil table
/// @param dvWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the dv weights in the stencil table
/// @param duuWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the duu weights in the stencil table
/// @param duvWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the duv weights in the stencil table
/// @param dvvWeightsBuffer MTLBuffer of the dvv weights in the stencil table
/// @param start start index of stencil table
/// @param end end index of stencil table
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
bool EvalStencils(id<MTLBuffer> srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> sizesBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> offsetsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> indicesBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> weightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> duWeightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> dvWeightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> duuWeightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> duvWeightsBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> dvvWeightsBuffer,
int start,
int end,
MTLContext* context) const;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Limit evaluations with PatchTable
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* context) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator* instance,
MTLContext* context) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc, context);
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator* instance,
MTLContext* context) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc,
duuDesc, duvDesc, dvvDesc, context);
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatches(srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBOBuffer() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* context) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
0, BufferDescriptor(),
0, BufferDescriptor(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function with derivatives. This function has
/// a same signature as other device kernels have so that it can be
/// called in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* context) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvDesc,
/// \brief Generic limit eval function with derivatives. This function has
/// a same signature as other device kernels have so that it can be
/// called in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param context used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* context) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(context), dvvDesc,
bool EvalPatches(id<MTLBuffer> srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
id<MTLBuffer> patchCoordsBuffer,
const PatchArrayVector &patchArrays,
id<MTLBuffer> patchIndexBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> patchParamsBuffer,
MTLContext* context) const;
bool EvalPatches(id<MTLBuffer> srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
id<MTLBuffer> dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
id<MTLBuffer> patchCoordsBuffer,
const PatchArrayVector &patchArrays,
id<MTLBuffer> patchIndexBuffer,
id<MTLBuffer> patchParamsBuffer,
MTLContext* context) const;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
0, BufferDescriptor(),
0, BufferDescriptor(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvDesc,
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc,
duuDesc, duvDesc, dvvDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvvDesc,
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
0, BufferDescriptor(),
0, BufferDescriptor(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvDesc,
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance cached compiled instance. Clients are supposed to
/// pre-compile an instance of this class and provide
/// to this function. If it's null the kernel still
/// compute by instantiating on-demand kernel although
/// it may cause a performance problem.
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLComputeEvaluator const *instance,
MTLContext* deviceContext) {
if (instance) {
return instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
} else {
// Create an instance on demand (slow)
instance = Create(srcDesc, dstDesc,
duDesc, dvDesc,
duuDesc, duvDesc, dvvDesc,
if (instance) {
bool r = instance->EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
srcBuffer, srcDesc,
dstBuffer, dstDesc,
duBuffer, duDesc,
dvBuffer, dvDesc,
duuBuffer, duuDesc,
duvBuffer, duvDesc,
dvvBuffer, dvvDesc,
numPatchCoords, patchCoords,
delete instance;
return r;
return false;
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of source data
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindVBO() method returning a
/// MTLBuffer object of destination data
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// must have BindVBO() method returning an
/// array of PatchCoord struct in VBO.
/// @param patchTable MTLPatchTable or equivalent
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param deviceContext used to obtain the MTLDevice object and command queue
/// to obtain command buffers from.
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
MTLContext* deviceContext) const {
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindMTLBuffer(deviceContext), dvvDesc,
/// Configure compute pipline state. Returns false if it fails to create the pipeline state.
bool Compile(BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
MTLContext* context);
/// Wait for the dispatched kernel to finish.
static void Synchronize(MTLContext* context);
id<MTLLibrary> _computeLibrary;
id<MTLComputePipelineState> _evalStencils;
id<MTLComputePipelineState> _evalPatches;
id<MTLBuffer> _parameterBuffer;
int _workGroupSize;
} //end namespace Osd
} //end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} //end namespace OpenSubdiv