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synced 2025-01-10 00:30:07 +00:00
- renamed PatchTable methods to query the precision of its StencilTables - removed the "set" prefix from precision-related PatchTableFactory::Options
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2051 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/patchTableFactory.h"
#include "../far/patchBuilder.h"
#include "../far/error.h"
#include "../far/ptexIndices.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarLevel.h"
#include "../vtr/refinement.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
using Vtr::Array;
using Vtr::ConstArray;
using Vtr::IndexVector;
using Vtr::internal::Level;
using Vtr::internal::StackBuffer;
namespace {
// Helpers for compiler warnings and floating point equality tests
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning disable 1572
inline bool isSharpnessEqual(float s1, float s2) { return (s1 == s2); }
#pragma warning (pop)
inline int
assignSharpnessIndex(float sharpness, std::vector<float> & sharpnessValues) {
// linear search
for (int i=0; i<(int)sharpnessValues.size(); ++i) {
if (isSharpnessEqual(sharpnessValues[i], sharpness)) {
return i;
return (int)sharpnessValues.size()-1;
inline bool
isBoundaryFace(Level const & level, Index face) {
return (level.getFaceCompositeVTag(face)._boundary != 0);
inline void
offsetIndices(Index indices[], int size, int offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
indices[i] += offset;
} // namespace anon
// The main PatchTableBuilder class with context
// Helper class aggregating transient contextual data structures during the
// creation of a patch table. This helps keeping the factory class stateless.
class PatchTableBuilder {
// Public interface intended for use by the PatchTableFactory -- all
// else is solely for internal use:
typedef PatchTableFactory::Options Options;
PatchTableBuilder(TopologyRefiner const & refiner, Options options,
ConstIndexArray selectedFaces);
bool UniformPolygonsSpecified() const { return _buildUniformLinear; }
void BuildUniformPolygons();
void BuildPatches();
PatchTable * GetPatchTable() const { return _table; };
typedef PatchTable::StencilTablePtr StencilTablePtr;
// Simple struct to store <face,level> pair for a patch:
struct PatchTuple {
PatchTuple(Index face, int level) : faceIndex(face), levelIndex(level) { }
Index faceIndex;
int levelIndex;
typedef std::vector<PatchTuple> PatchTupleVector;
// Struct comprising a collection of topological properties for a patch that
// may be shared (between vertex and face-varying patches):
struct PatchInfo {
PatchInfo() : isRegular(false), isRegSingleCrease(false),
regBoundaryMask(0), regSharpness(0.0f),
paramBoundaryMask(0) { }
bool isRegular;
bool isRegSingleCrease;
int regBoundaryMask;
float regSharpness;
Level::VSpan irregCornerSpans[4];
int paramBoundaryMask;
SparseMatrix<float> fMatrix;
SparseMatrix<double> dMatrix;
// Internal LocalPointHelper class
// A LocalPointHelper manages the number, sharing of and StencilTable for
// the local points of a patch or one of its face-varying channels. An
// instance of the helper does not know anything about the properties of
// the Builder classes that use it. It can combine local points for any
// patch types all in one, so the regular and irregular patch types can
// both be local and differ, e.g. Bezier for regular and Gregory for
// irregular, and points can be effectively shared, appropriate stencils
// created, etc.
// While not dependent on a particular patch type, some methods do require
// a patch type argument in order to know what can be done with its local
// points, e.g. which points can be shared with adjacent patches.
class LocalPointHelper {
struct Options {
Options() : shareLocalPoints(false),
doubleStencilTable(false) { }
unsigned int shareLocalPoints : 1;
unsigned int reuseSourcePoints : 1;
unsigned int createStencilTable : 1;
unsigned int createVaryingTable : 1;
unsigned int doubleStencilTable : 1;
LocalPointHelper(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
Options const & options,
int fvarChannel,
int numLocalPointsExpected);
int GetNumLocalPoints() const { return _numLocalPoints; }
template <typename REAL>
int AppendLocalPatchPoints(int levelIndex, Index faceIndex,
SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
PatchDescriptor::Type patchType,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset,
Index patchPoints[]);
StencilTablePtr AcquireStencilTable() {
return _options.doubleStencilTable
? acquireStencilTable<double>(_stencilTable)
: acquireStencilTable<float>(_stencilTable);
// Internal methods:
template <typename REAL>
void initializeStencilTable(int numLocalPointsExpected);
template <typename REAL>
void appendLocalPointStencil(SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
int stencilRow,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset);
template <typename REAL>
void appendLocalPointStencils(SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset);
// Methods for local point Varying stencils
// XXXX -- hope to get rid of these...
template <typename REAL>
void appendLocalPointVaryingStencil(int const * varyingIndices,
int patchPointIndex,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset);
template <typename REAL>
StencilTablePtr acquireStencilTable(StencilTablePtr& stencilTableMember);
Index findSharedCornerPoint(int levelIndex, Index valueIndex,
Index newIndex);
Index findSharedEdgePoint(int levelIndex, Index edgeIndex, int edgeEnd,
Index newIndex);
// Member variables:
TopologyRefiner const& _refiner;
Options _options;
int _fvarChannel;
int _numLocalPoints;
int _localPointOffset;
std::vector<IndexVector> _sharedCornerPoints;
std::vector<IndexVector> _sharedEdgePoints;
StencilTablePtr _stencilTable;
// This was hopefully transitional but will persist -- the should be
// no need for Varying local points or stencils associated with them.
StencilTablePtr AcquireStencilTableVarying() {
return _options.doubleStencilTable
? acquireStencilTable<double>(_stencilTableVarying)
: acquireStencilTable<float>(_stencilTableVarying);
StencilTablePtr _stencilTableVarying;
// Internal LegacyGregoryHelper class
// This local class helps to populate the arrays in the PatchTable
// associated with legacy-Gregory patches, i.e. the quad-offset and
// vertex-valence tables. These patches are always associated with
// faces at the last level of refinement, so only the face index in
// that level is required to identify them.
class LegacyGregoryHelper {
LegacyGregoryHelper(TopologyRefiner const & ref) : _refiner(ref) { }
~LegacyGregoryHelper() { }
int GetNumBoundaryPatches() const { return (int)_boundaryFaceIndices.size(); }
int GetNumInteriorPatches() const { return (int)_interiorFaceIndices.size(); }
void AddPatchFace(int level, Index face);
void FinalizeQuadOffsets( PatchTable::QuadOffsetsTable & qTable);
void FinalizeVertexValence(PatchTable::VertexValenceTable & vTable,
int lastLevelVertOffset);
TopologyRefiner const& _refiner;
std::vector<Index> _interiorFaceIndices;
std::vector<Index> _boundaryFaceIndices;
// Builder methods for internal use:
// Simple queries:
int getRefinerFVarChannel(int fvcInTable) const {
return (fvcInTable >= 0) ? _fvarChannelIndices[fvcInTable] : -1;
bool isFVarChannelLinear(int fvcInTable) const {
if (_options.generateFVarLegacyLinearPatches) return true;
return (_refiner.GetFVarLinearInterpolation(
getRefinerFVarChannel(fvcInTable)) == Sdc::Options::FVAR_LINEAR_ALL);
bool doesFVarTopologyMatch(PatchTuple const & patch, int fvcInTable) {
return _patchBuilder->DoesFaceVaryingPatchMatch(
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
// Methods for identifying and assigning patch-related data:
void identifyPatchTopology(PatchTuple const & patch, PatchInfo & patchInfo,
int fvcInTable = -1);
int assignPatchPointsAndStencils(PatchTuple const & patch,
PatchInfo const & patchInfo,
Index * patchPoints,
LocalPointHelper & localHelper,
int fvcInTable = -1);
int assignFacePoints(PatchTuple const & patch,
Index * patchPoints,
int fvcInTable = -1) const;
// High level methods for assembling the table:
void identifyPatches();
void appendPatch(int levelIndex, Index faceIndex);
void findDescendantPatches(int levelIndex, Index faceIndex, int targetLevel);
void populatePatches();
void allocateVertexTables();
void allocateFVarChannels();
int estimateLocalPointCount(LocalPointHelper::Options const & options,
int fvcInTable = -1) const;
// Refiner and Options passed on construction:
TopologyRefiner const & _refiner;
Options const _options;
ConstIndexArray _selectedFaces;
// Flags indicating the need for processing based on provided options
unsigned int _requiresLocalPoints : 1;
unsigned int _requiresRegularLocalPoints : 1;
unsigned int _requiresIrregularLocalPoints : 1;
unsigned int _requiresSharpnessArray : 1;
unsigned int _requiresFVarPatches : 1;
unsigned int _requiresVaryingPatches : 1;
unsigned int _requiresVaryingLocalPoints : 1;
unsigned int _buildUniformLinear : 1;
// The PatchTable being constructed and classes to help its construction:
PatchTable * _table;
PatchBuilder * _patchBuilder;
PtexIndices const _ptexIndices;
// Vector of tuples for each patch identified during topology traversal
// and the numbers of irregular and irregular patches identifed:
PatchTupleVector _patches;
int _numRegularPatches;
int _numIrregularPatches;
// Vectors for remapping indices of vertices and fvar values as well
// as the fvar channels (when a subset is chosen)
std::vector<int> _levelVertOffsets;
std::vector< std::vector<int> > _levelFVarValueOffsets;
std::vector<int> _fvarChannelIndices;
// State and helpers for legacy features
bool _requiresLegacyGregoryTables;
LegacyGregoryHelper * _legacyGregoryHelper;
// Constructor
TopologyRefiner const & refiner, Options opts, ConstIndexArray faces) :
_refiner(refiner), _options(opts), _selectedFaces(faces),
_table(0), _patchBuilder(0), _ptexIndices(refiner),
_numRegularPatches(0), _numIrregularPatches(0),
_legacyGregoryHelper(0) {
if (_options.generateFVarTables) {
// If client-code does not select specific channels, default to all
// the channels in the refiner.
if (_options.numFVarChannels==-1) {
for (int fvc=0;fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
_fvarChannelIndices[fvc] = fvc; // std::iota
} else {
_options.fvarChannelIndices + _options.numFVarChannels);
// Will need to translate PatchTableFactory options to the newer set of
// PatchBuilder options in the near future. And the state variables are
// a potentially complex combination of options and so are handled after
// the PatchBuilder construction (to potentially help) rather than in
// the initializer list.
PatchBuilder::Options patchOptions;
patchOptions.regBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_REGULAR;
switch (_options.GetEndCapType()) {
patchOptions.irregBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_LINEAR;
patchOptions.irregBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_REGULAR;
patchOptions.irregBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_GREGORY;
// The PatchBuilder will infer if left un-specified
patchOptions.irregBasisType = PatchBuilder::BASIS_UNSPECIFIED;
patchOptions.fillMissingBoundaryPoints = true;
patchOptions.approxInfSharpWithSmooth = !_options.useInfSharpPatch;
patchOptions.approxSmoothCornerWithSharp =
_patchBuilder = PatchBuilder::Create(_refiner, patchOptions);
// Initialize member variables that capture specified options:
_requiresRegularLocalPoints =
(patchOptions.regBasisType != PatchBuilder::BASIS_REGULAR);
_requiresIrregularLocalPoints =
(_options.GetEndCapType() != Options::ENDCAP_LEGACY_GREGORY);
_requiresLocalPoints =
_requiresIrregularLocalPoints || _requiresRegularLocalPoints;
_requiresSharpnessArray = _options.useSingleCreasePatch;
_requiresFVarPatches = ! _fvarChannelIndices.empty();
_requiresVaryingPatches = _options.generateVaryingTables;
_requiresVaryingLocalPoints = _options.generateVaryingTables &&
// Option to be made public in future:
bool options_generateNonLinearUniformPatches = false;
_buildUniformLinear = _refiner.IsUniform() && !options_generateNonLinearUniformPatches;
// Create and initialize the new PatchTable instance to be assembled:
_table = new PatchTable(_refiner.GetMaxValence());
_table->_numPtexFaces = _ptexIndices.GetNumFaces();
_table->_vertexPrecisionIsDouble = _options.patchPrecisionDouble;
_table->_varyingPrecisionIsDouble = _options.patchPrecisionDouble;
_table->_faceVaryingPrecisionIsDouble = _options.fvarPatchPrecisionDouble;
_table->_varyingDesc = PatchDescriptor(_patchBuilder->GetLinearPatchType());
// State and helper to support LegacyGregory arrays in the PatchTable:
_requiresLegacyGregoryTables = !_refiner.IsUniform() &&
(_options.GetEndCapType() == Options::ENDCAP_LEGACY_GREGORY);
if (_requiresLegacyGregoryTables) {
_legacyGregoryHelper = new LegacyGregoryHelper(_refiner);
PatchTableBuilder::~PatchTableBuilder() {
delete _patchBuilder;
delete _legacyGregoryHelper;
PatchTableBuilder::identifyPatchTopology(PatchTuple const & patch,
PatchInfo & patchInfo, int fvarInTable) {
int patchLevel = patch.levelIndex;
Index patchFace = patch.faceIndex;
int fvarInRefiner = getRefinerFVarChannel(fvarInTable);
patchInfo.isRegular = _patchBuilder->IsPatchRegular(
patchLevel, patchFace, fvarInTable);
bool useDoubleMatrix = (fvarInRefiner < 0)
? _options.patchPrecisionDouble
: _options.fvarPatchPrecisionDouble;
if (patchInfo.isRegular) {
patchInfo.regBoundaryMask = _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchBoundaryMask(
patchLevel, patchFace, fvarInRefiner);
patchInfo.isRegSingleCrease = false;
patchInfo.regSharpness = 0.0f;
patchInfo.paramBoundaryMask = patchInfo.regBoundaryMask;
// If converting to another basis, get the change-of-basis matrix:
if (_requiresRegularLocalPoints) {
// _patchBuilder->GetRegularConversionMatrix(...);
// Test regular interior patches for a single-crease patch when it
// was specified.
// Note that the PatchTable clamps the sharpness of single-crease
// patches to that of the maximimu refinement level, so any single-
// crease patches at the last level will be reduced to regular
// patches (maintaining continuity with other semi-sharp patches
// also reduced to regular).
if (_requiresSharpnessArray &&
(patchInfo.regBoundaryMask == 0) && (fvarInRefiner < 0)) {
if (patchLevel < (int) _options.maxIsolationLevel) {
PatchBuilder::SingleCreaseInfo creaseInfo;
if (_patchBuilder->IsRegularSingleCreasePatch(
patchLevel, patchFace, creaseInfo)) {
creaseInfo.creaseSharpness =
(float)(_options.maxIsolationLevel - patchLevel));
patchInfo.isRegSingleCrease = true;
patchInfo.regSharpness = creaseInfo.creaseSharpness;
patchInfo.paramBoundaryMask = (1 << creaseInfo.creaseEdgeInFace);
} else if (_requiresIrregularLocalPoints) {
patchLevel, patchFace, patchInfo.irregCornerSpans, fvarInRefiner);
if (useDoubleMatrix) {
patchLevel, patchFace, patchInfo.irregCornerSpans, patchInfo.dMatrix);
} else {
patchLevel, patchFace, patchInfo.irregCornerSpans, patchInfo.fMatrix);
patchInfo.paramBoundaryMask = 0;
PatchTableBuilder::assignPatchPointsAndStencils(PatchTuple const & patch,
PatchInfo const & patchInfo, Index * patchPoints,
LocalPointHelper & localHelper, int fvarInTable) {
// This is where the interesting/complicated new work will take place
// when a change-of-basis is determined necessary and previously assigned
// to the PatchInfo
// No change-of-basis means no local points or stencils associated with
// them, which should be trivial but should also only be true in the
// regular case. (It is also the case that no local points will be
// generated for irregular patches when the LegacyGregory option is
// used -- so that possibility is still accounted for here.)
// Regarding the return result, it should just be the size of the patch
// associated with the regular/irregular patch type chosen. This could
// be retrieved from the PatchBuilder or PatchDescriptors -- alternatively
// a return value could be removed and the client left to increment by
// such a fixed step (which is already the case for FVar channels)
// The more interesting size here is the number of local points/stencils
// added.
int fvarInRefiner = getRefinerFVarChannel(fvarInTable);
int sourcePointOffset = (fvarInTable < 0)
? _levelVertOffsets[patch.levelIndex]
: _levelFVarValueOffsets[fvarInTable][patch.levelIndex];
bool useDoubleMatrix = (fvarInTable < 0)
? _options.patchPrecisionDouble
: _options.fvarPatchPrecisionDouble;
int numPatchPoints = 0;
if (patchInfo.isRegular) {
if (!_requiresRegularLocalPoints) {
numPatchPoints = _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchPoints(
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.regBoundaryMask, patchPoints, fvarInRefiner);
// PatchBuilder set to fill missing boundary points so offset all
offsetIndices(patchPoints, numPatchPoints, sourcePointOffset);
} else {
// Future support for regular patches converted to another basis.
// Note the "source points" are not returned in the same
// orientation and there may be fewer than expected number in the
// case of boundaries:
StackBuffer<Index,64,true> sourcePoints(
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.regBoundaryMask, sourcePoints, fvarInRefiner);
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.matrix, _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType(),
sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset, patchPoints);
numPatchPoints = patchInfo.matrix.GetNumRows();
} else if (_requiresIrregularLocalPoints) {
int numSourcePoints = 0;
if (useDoubleMatrix) {
numSourcePoints = patchInfo.dMatrix.GetNumColumns();
numPatchPoints = patchInfo.dMatrix.GetNumRows();
} else {
numSourcePoints = patchInfo.fMatrix.GetNumColumns();
numPatchPoints = patchInfo.fMatrix.GetNumRows();
StackBuffer<Index,64,true> sourcePoints(numSourcePoints);
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.irregCornerSpans, sourcePoints, fvarInRefiner);
if (useDoubleMatrix) {
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.dMatrix, _patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType(),
sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset, patchPoints);
} else {
patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
patchInfo.fMatrix, _patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType(),
sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset, patchPoints);
return numPatchPoints;
PatchTableBuilder::assignFacePoints(PatchTuple const & patch,
Index * patchPoints,
int fvarInTable) const {
Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(patch.levelIndex);
int facePointOffset = (fvarInTable < 0)
? _levelVertOffsets[patch.levelIndex]
: _levelFVarValueOffsets[fvarInTable][patch.levelIndex];
int fvarInRefiner = getRefinerFVarChannel(fvarInTable);
ConstIndexArray facePoints = (fvarInRefiner < 0)
? level.getFaceVertices(patch.faceIndex)
: level.getFaceFVarValues(patch.faceIndex, fvarInRefiner);
for (int i = 0; i < facePoints.size(); ++i) {
patchPoints[i] = facePoints[i] + facePointOffset;
return facePoints.size();
// Reserves tables based on contents of the PatchArrayVector in the PatchTable:
PatchTableBuilder::allocateVertexTables() {
int ncvs = 0, npatches = 0;
for (int i=0; i<_table->GetNumPatchArrays(); ++i) {
npatches += _table->GetNumPatches(i);
ncvs += _table->GetNumControlVertices(i);
if (ncvs==0 || npatches==0)
_table->_patchVerts.resize( ncvs );
_table->_paramTable.resize( npatches );
if (_requiresVaryingPatches && !_buildUniformLinear) {
PatchDescriptor(_patchBuilder->GetLinearPatchType()), npatches);
if (_requiresSharpnessArray) {
_table->_sharpnessIndices.resize( npatches, Vtr::INDEX_INVALID );
// Allocate face-varying tables
PatchTableBuilder::allocateFVarChannels() {
int npatches = _table->GetNumPatchesTotal();
// Initialize each channel
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
int refinerChannel = _fvarChannelIndices[fvc];
Sdc::Options::FVarLinearInterpolation interpolation =
_table->setFVarPatchChannelLinearInterpolation(interpolation, fvc);
PatchDescriptor::Type regPatchType = _patchBuilder->GetLinearPatchType();
PatchDescriptor::Type irregPatchType = regPatchType;
if (_buildUniformLinear) {
if (_options.triangulateQuads) {
regPatchType = PatchDescriptor::TRIANGLES;
irregPatchType = regPatchType;
} else {
if (!isFVarChannelLinear(fvc)) {
regPatchType = _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType();
irregPatchType = _patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType();
PatchDescriptor(regPatchType), PatchDescriptor(irregPatchType),
npatches, fvc);
PatchTableBuilder::BuildUniformPolygons() {
// Default behavior is to include base level vertices in the patch vertices
// for vertex and varying patches, but not face-varying. Consider exposing
// these as public options in future so that clients can create consistent
// behavior:
bool includeBaseLevelIndices = _options.includeBaseLevelIndices;
bool includeBaseLevelFVarIndices = _options.includeFVarBaseLevelIndices;
// ensure that triangulateQuads is only set for quadrilateral schemes
bool triangulateQuads =
_options.triangulateQuads && (_patchBuilder->GetRegularFaceSize() == 4);
// level=0 may contain n-gons, which are not supported in PatchTable.
// even if generateAllLevels = true, we start from level 1.
int maxlevel = _refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
firstlevel = _options.generateAllLevels ? 1 : maxlevel,
nlevels = maxlevel-firstlevel+1;
PatchDescriptor::Type ptype = triangulateQuads
? PatchDescriptor::TRIANGLES
: _patchBuilder->GetLinearPatchType();
// Allocate and initialize the table's members.
_table->_isUniformLinear = true;
PatchDescriptor desc(ptype);
// generate patch arrays
for (int level=firstlevel, poffset=0, voffset=0; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
TopologyLevel const & refLevel = _refiner.GetLevel(level);
int npatches = refLevel.GetNumFaces();
if (_refiner.HasHoles()) {
for (int i = npatches - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
npatches -= refLevel.IsFaceHole(i);
if (triangulateQuads)
npatches *= 2;
_table->pushPatchArray(desc, npatches, &voffset, &poffset, 0);
// Allocate various tables
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
// Now populate the patches:
Index * iptr = &_table->_patchVerts[0];
PatchParam * pptr = &_table->_paramTable[0];
Index ** fptr = 0;
PatchParam ** fpptr = 0;
Index levelVertOffset = includeBaseLevelIndices
? _refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices() : 0;
Index * levelFVarVertOffsets = 0;
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
levelFVarVertOffsets =
(Index *)alloca(_fvarChannelIndices.size()*sizeof(Index));
memset(levelFVarVertOffsets, 0, _fvarChannelIndices.size()*sizeof(Index));
fptr = (Index **)alloca(_fvarChannelIndices.size()*sizeof(Index *));
fpptr = (PatchParam **)alloca(_fvarChannelIndices.size()*sizeof(PatchParam *));
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
fptr[fvc] = _table->getFVarValues(fvc).begin();
fpptr[fvc] = _table->getFVarPatchParams(fvc).begin();
if (includeBaseLevelFVarIndices) {
int refinerChannel = _fvarChannelIndices[fvc];
levelFVarVertOffsets[fvc] =
for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
TopologyLevel const & refLevel = _refiner.GetLevel(level);
int nfaces = refLevel.GetNumFaces();
if (level>=firstlevel) {
for (int face=0; face<nfaces; ++face) {
if (_refiner.HasHoles() && refLevel.IsFaceHole(face)) {
ConstIndexArray fverts = refLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
for (int vert=0; vert<fverts.size(); ++vert) {
*iptr++ = levelVertOffset + fverts[vert];
PatchParam pparam = _patchBuilder->ComputePatchParam(
level, face, _ptexIndices);
*pptr++ = pparam;
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
int refinerChannel = _fvarChannelIndices[fvc];
ConstIndexArray fvalues =
refLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(face, refinerChannel);
for (int vert=0; vert<fvalues.size(); ++vert) {
assert((levelFVarVertOffsets[fvc] + fvalues[vert])
< (int)_table->getFVarValues(fvc).size());
fptr[fvc][vert] =
levelFVarVertOffsets[fvc] + fvalues[vert];
*fpptr[fvc]++ = pparam;
if (triangulateQuads) {
// Triangulate the quadrilateral:
// {v0,v1,v2,v3} -> {v0,v1,v2},{v3,v0,v2}.
*iptr = *(iptr - 4); // copy v0 index
*iptr = *(iptr - 3); // copy v2 index
*pptr++ = pparam;
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
*fptr[fvc] = *(fptr[fvc]-4); // copy fv0 index
*fptr[fvc] = *(fptr[fvc]-3); // copy fv2 index
*fpptr[fvc]++ = pparam;
if (_options.generateAllLevels) {
levelVertOffset += _refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
int refinerChannel = _fvarChannelIndices[fvc];
levelFVarVertOffsets[fvc] +=
PatchTableBuilder::BuildPatches() {
// Identify all patches required for faces at all levels -- appending the
// <level,face> pairs to identify each patch for later construction, while
// accumulating the number of regular vs irregular patches to size tables.
inline void
PatchTableBuilder::appendPatch(int levelIndex, Index faceIndex) {
_patches.push_back(PatchTuple(faceIndex, levelIndex));
// Count the patches here to simplify subsequent allocation.
if (_patchBuilder->IsPatchRegular(levelIndex, faceIndex)) {
} else {
// LegacyGregory needs to distinguish boundary vs interior
if (_requiresLegacyGregoryTables) {
_legacyGregoryHelper->AddPatchFace(levelIndex, faceIndex);
inline void
PatchTableBuilder::findDescendantPatches(int levelIndex, Index faceIndex, int targetLevel) {
// If we have reached the target level or a leaf, append the patch (if
// the face qualifies), otherwise recursively search the children:
if ((levelIndex == targetLevel) || _patchBuilder->IsFaceALeaf(levelIndex, faceIndex)) {
if (_patchBuilder->IsFaceAPatch(levelIndex, faceIndex)) {
appendPatch(levelIndex, faceIndex);
} else {
TopologyLevel const & level = _refiner.GetLevel(levelIndex);
ConstIndexArray childFaces = level.GetFaceChildFaces(faceIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < childFaces.size(); ++i) {
if (Vtr::IndexIsValid(childFaces[i])) {
findDescendantPatches(levelIndex + 1, childFaces[i], targetLevel);
PatchTableBuilder::identifyPatches() {
// First initialize the offsets for all levels
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
for (int levelIndex=0; levelIndex<_refiner.GetNumLevels(); ++levelIndex) {
Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(levelIndex);
_levelVertOffsets.back() + level.getNumVertices());
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
int refinerChannel = _fvarChannelIndices[fvc];
+ level.getNumFVarValues(refinerChannel));
// If a set of selected base faces is present, identify the patches
// depth first. Otherwise search breadth first through the levels:
int uniformLevel = _refiner.IsUniform() ? _options.maxIsolationLevel : -1;
if (_selectedFaces.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_selectedFaces.size(); ++i) {
findDescendantPatches(0, _selectedFaces[i], uniformLevel);
} else if (uniformLevel >= 0) {
int numFaces = _refiner.getLevel(uniformLevel).getNumFaces();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < numFaces; ++faceIndex) {
if (_patchBuilder->IsFaceAPatch(uniformLevel, faceIndex)) {
appendPatch(uniformLevel, faceIndex);
} else {
for (int levelIndex=0; levelIndex<_refiner.GetNumLevels(); ++levelIndex) {
int numFaces = _refiner.getLevel(levelIndex).getNumFaces();
for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < numFaces; ++faceIndex) {
if (_patchBuilder->IsFaceAPatch(levelIndex, faceIndex) &&
_patchBuilder->IsFaceALeaf(levelIndex, faceIndex)) {
appendPatch(levelIndex, faceIndex);
// Populate patches that were previously identified.
PatchTableBuilder::populatePatches() {
// State needed to populate an array in the patch table.
// Pointers in this structure are initialized after the patch array
// data buffers have been allocated and are then incremented as we
// populate data into the patch table. Currently, we'll have at
// most 3 patch arrays: Regular, Irregular, and IrregularBoundary.
struct PatchArrayBuilder {
: patchType(PatchDescriptor::NON_PATCH), numPatches(0)
, iptr(NULL), pptr(NULL), sptr(NULL), vptr(NULL) { }
PatchDescriptor::Type patchType;
int numPatches;
Index *iptr;
PatchParam *pptr;
Index *sptr;
Index *vptr;
StackBuffer<Index*,1> fptr; // fvar indices
StackBuffer<PatchParam*,1> fpptr; // fvar patch-params
// Non-copyable
PatchArrayBuilder(PatchArrayBuilder const &) {}
PatchArrayBuilder & operator=(PatchArrayBuilder const &) {return *this;}
} arrayBuilders[3];
// Regular patches patches will be packed into the first patch array
// Irregular patches will be packed into arrays according to optional
// specification -- sharing the array with regular patches or packed
// into an array of their own.
int ARRAY_BOUNDARY = 2; // only used by LegacyGregory
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_REGULAR].patchType = _patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType();
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_REGULAR].numPatches = _numRegularPatches;
int numPatchArrays = (_numRegularPatches > 0);
if (_numIrregularPatches > 0) {
if (!_requiresLegacyGregoryTables) {
// Pack irregular patches into same array as regular or separately:
if (_patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType() ==
_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType()) {
numPatchArrays = 1; // needed in case no regular patches
} else {
ARRAY_IRREGULAR = numPatchArrays;
numPatchArrays ++;
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR].patchType =
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR].numPatches += _numIrregularPatches;
} else {
// Arrays for Legacy-Gregory tables -- irregular patches are split
// into two arrays for interior and boundary patches
ARRAY_IRREGULAR = numPatchArrays;
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR].patchType =
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR].numPatches =
numPatchArrays += (arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR].numPatches > 0);
ARRAY_BOUNDARY = numPatchArrays;
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_BOUNDARY].patchType =
arrayBuilders[ARRAY_BOUNDARY].numPatches =
numPatchArrays += (arrayBuilders[ARRAY_BOUNDARY].numPatches > 0);
// Create patch arrays
int voffset=0, poffset=0, qoffset=0;
for (int arrayIndex=0; arrayIndex<numPatchArrays; ++arrayIndex) {
PatchArrayBuilder & arrayBuilder = arrayBuilders[arrayIndex];
arrayBuilder.numPatches, &voffset, &poffset, &qoffset );
// Allocate patch array data buffers
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
// Initialize pointers used while populating patch array data buffers
for (int arrayIndex=0; arrayIndex<numPatchArrays; ++arrayIndex) {
PatchArrayBuilder & arrayBuilder = arrayBuilders[arrayIndex];
arrayBuilder.iptr = _table->getPatchArrayVertices(arrayIndex).begin();
arrayBuilder.pptr = _table->getPatchParams(arrayIndex).begin();
if (_requiresSharpnessArray) {
arrayBuilder.sptr = _table->getSharpnessIndices(arrayIndex);
if (_requiresVaryingPatches) {
arrayBuilder.vptr = _table->getPatchArrayVaryingVertices(arrayIndex).begin();
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
Index pidx = _table->getPatchIndex(arrayIndex, 0);
int ofs = pidx * _table->GetFVarValueStride(fvc);
arrayBuilder.fptr[fvc] = &_table->getFVarValues(fvc)[ofs];
arrayBuilder.fpptr[fvc] = &_table->getFVarPatchParams(fvc)[pidx];
// Initializing StencilTable and other helpers. Note Varying local points
// are managed by the LocalPointHelper for Vertex patches (as Varying local
// points are tightly coupled to their local points)
LocalPointHelper * vertexLocalPointHelper = 0;
StackBuffer<LocalPointHelper*,4> fvarLocalPointHelpers;
if (_requiresLocalPoints) {
LocalPointHelper::Options opts;
opts.createStencilTable = true;
opts.createVaryingTable = _requiresVaryingLocalPoints;
opts.doubleStencilTable = _options.patchPrecisionDouble;
opts.shareLocalPoints = _options.shareEndCapPatchPoints;
opts.reuseSourcePoints = (_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType() ==
_patchBuilder->GetNativePatchType() );
vertexLocalPointHelper = new LocalPointHelper(
_refiner, opts, -1, estimateLocalPointCount(opts, -1));
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
opts.createStencilTable = true;
opts.createVaryingTable = false;
opts.doubleStencilTable = _options.fvarPatchPrecisionDouble;
for (int fvc = 0; fvc < (int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
fvarLocalPointHelpers[fvc] = new LocalPointHelper(
_refiner, opts, getRefinerFVarChannel(fvc),
estimateLocalPointCount(opts, fvc));
// Populate patch data buffers
// Intentionally declare local vairables to contain patch topology info
// outside the loop to avoid repeated memory de-allocation/re-allocation
// associated with a change-of-basis.
PatchInfo patchInfo;
PatchInfo fvarPatchInfo;
bool fvarPrecisionMatches = (_options.patchPrecisionDouble ==
for (int patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < (int)_patches.size(); ++patchIndex) {
PatchTuple const & patch = _patches[patchIndex];
// Identify and assign points, stencils, sharpness, etc. for this patch:
identifyPatchTopology(patch, patchInfo);
PatchArrayBuilder * arrayBuilder = &arrayBuilders[ARRAY_REGULAR];
if (!patchInfo.isRegular) {
arrayBuilder = &arrayBuilders[ARRAY_IRREGULAR];
if (_requiresLegacyGregoryTables && !patchInfo.isRegular) {
if (isBoundaryFace(
_refiner.getLevel(patch.levelIndex), patch.faceIndex)) {
arrayBuilder = &arrayBuilders[ARRAY_BOUNDARY];
arrayBuilder->iptr += assignFacePoints(patch, arrayBuilder->iptr);
} else {
arrayBuilder->iptr += assignPatchPointsAndStencils(patch,
patchInfo, arrayBuilder->iptr, *vertexLocalPointHelper);
if (_requiresSharpnessArray) {
*arrayBuilder->sptr++ = assignSharpnessIndex(patchInfo.regSharpness,
// Identify the PatchParam -- which may vary slightly for face-varying
// channels but will still be used to initialize them when so to avoid
// recomputing from scratch
PatchParam patchParam =
_patchBuilder->ComputePatchParam(patch.levelIndex, patch.faceIndex,
_ptexIndices, patchInfo.isRegular, patchInfo.paramBoundaryMask,
true/* condition to compute transition mask */);
*arrayBuilder->pptr++ = patchParam;
// Assignment of face-varying patches is split between the comon/trivial
// case of linear patches and the more complex non-linear cases:
assert((_fvarChannelIndices.size() > 0) == _requiresFVarPatches);
for (int fvc = 0; fvc < (int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
if (isFVarChannelLinear(fvc)) {
assignFacePoints(patch, arrayBuilder->fptr[fvc], fvc);
*arrayBuilder->fpptr[fvc] = patchParam;
} else {
// For non-linear patches, reuse patch information when the
// topology of the face in face-varying space matches the
// original patch:
bool fvcTopologyMatches = fvarPrecisionMatches &&
doesFVarTopologyMatch(patch, fvc);
PatchInfo & fvcPatchInfo = fvcTopologyMatches
? patchInfo : fvarPatchInfo;
if (!fvcTopologyMatches) {
identifyPatchTopology(patch, fvcPatchInfo, fvc);
assignPatchPointsAndStencils(patch, fvcPatchInfo,
arrayBuilder->fptr[fvc], *fvarLocalPointHelpers[fvc], fvc);
// Initialize and assign the face-varying PatchParam:
PatchParam & fvcPatchParam = *arrayBuilder->fpptr[fvc];
patchParam.GetU(), patchParam.GetV(),
arrayBuilder->fpptr[fvc] ++;
arrayBuilder->fptr[fvc] += _table->GetFVarValueStride(fvc);
if (_requiresVaryingPatches) {
arrayBuilder->vptr += assignFacePoints(patch, arrayBuilder->vptr);
// Finalizing and destroying StencilTable and other helpers:
if (_requiresLocalPoints) {
_table->_localPointStencils =
if (_requiresVaryingLocalPoints) {
_table->_localPointVaryingStencils =
delete vertexLocalPointHelper;
if (_requiresFVarPatches) {
for (int fvc=0; fvc<(int)_fvarChannelIndices.size(); ++fvc) {
_table->_localPointFaceVaryingStencils[fvc] =
delete fvarLocalPointHelpers[fvc];
if (_requiresLegacyGregoryTables) {
LocalPointHelper::Options const & options,
int fvarChannel) const {
if ((fvarChannel >= 0) && isFVarChannelLinear(fvarChannel)) return 0;
// Estimate the local points required for the Vertex topology in all cases
// as it may be used in the estimates for face-varying channels:
int estLocalPoints = 0;
if (_requiresRegularLocalPoints) {
// Either all regular patches are being converted to a non-native
// basis, or boundary points are being extrapolated in the regular
// basis. The latter case typically involves a small fraction of
// patches and points, so we don't estimate any local points and
// leave it up to incremental allocation later to account for them.
int numPointsPerPatch = PatchDescriptor(
if (_patchBuilder->GetRegularPatchType() !=
_patchBuilder->GetNativePatchType()) {
estLocalPoints += _numRegularPatches * numPointsPerPatch;
if (_requiresIrregularLocalPoints) {
bool oldEstimate = false;
int numIrregularPatches = oldEstimate ?
_refiner.GetLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel()).GetNumFaces() :
// If converting to a basis other than regular, its difficult to
// predict the degree of point-sharing that may occur, and in general,
// the maximal benefit is small so we don't attempt to compensate for
// it here. If converting to the same basis as regular, roughly half
// of the points of the patch are involved in approximating the
// irregularity (and cannot be shared) so don't include the source
// points that will be used in such patches.
int numPointsPerPatch = PatchDescriptor(
if (options.reuseSourcePoints && (_patchBuilder->GetIrregularPatchType() ==
_patchBuilder->GetNativePatchType())) {
numPointsPerPatch /= 2;
estLocalPoints += numIrregularPatches * numPointsPerPatch;
// Its difficult to estimate the differences in number of irregularities
// between the vertex topology and a face-varying channel without more
// detailed inspection.
// A much higher number of fvar-values than vertices is an indication that
// the number of differences increases, and that generally lowers the
// number of irregular patches due to more regular patches on face-varying
// boundaries, but not always. The use of some interpolation types, e.g.
// LINEAR_BOUNDARIES, combined with inf-sharp patches can increase the
// number of irregularities significantly.
if ((fvarChannel >= 0) && (_refiner.GetNumLevels() > 1)) {
// We're seeing face-varying stencil table sizes about 1/4 the size of
// the vertex stencil table for what seem like typical cases...
// Identify the ratio of fvar-values to vertices that typically leads
// to these reductions and reduce the number of expected local points
// proportionally. Use the number of fvar-values at level 1: level 0
// can be misleading as there can be many FEWER than the number of
// vertices, but subsequent levels will have at least one unique
// fvar-value per vertex, and later levels will have a much higher
// percentage shared as a result of refinement.
int fvc = getRefinerFVarChannel(fvarChannel);
if (_refiner.GetLevel(1).GetNumFVarValues(fvc) >
_refiner.GetLevel(1).GetNumVertices()) {
// Scale this based on ratio of fvar-values to vertices...
float fvarReduction = 0.5;
estLocalPoints = (int) ((float)estLocalPoints * fvarReduction);
return estLocalPoints;
// Member function definitions for the LocalPointHelper class:
TopologyRefiner const & refiner, Options const & options,
int fvarChannel, int numLocalPointsExpected) :
_refiner(refiner), _options(options), _fvarChannel(fvarChannel),
_numLocalPoints(0), _stencilTable(), _stencilTableVarying() {
_localPointOffset = (_fvarChannel < 0)
? _refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal()
: _refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(_fvarChannel);
if (_options.createStencilTable) {
if (_options.doubleStencilTable) {
} else {
template <typename REAL>
PatchTableBuilder::LocalPointHelper::initializeStencilTable(int numLocalPointsExpected) {
// Reserving space for the local-point stencils has been a source of
// problems in the past so we rely on the PatchTableBuilder to provide
// a reasonable estimate to the LocalPointHelper on construction. For
// large meshes a limit on the size initially reserve is capped.
// The average number of entries per stencil has been historically set
// at 16, which seemed high and was reduced on further investigation.
StencilTableReal<REAL> * stencilTable = new StencilTableReal<REAL>(0);
StencilTableReal<REAL> * varyingTable = _options.createVaryingTable
? new StencilTableReal<REAL>(0) : 0;
// Historic note: limits to 100M (=800M bytes) entries for reserved size
size_t const MaxEntriesToReserve = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
size_t const AvgEntriesPerStencil = 9; // originally 16
size_t numStencilsExpected = numLocalPointsExpected;
size_t numStencilEntriesExpected = numStencilsExpected * AvgEntriesPerStencil;
size_t numEntriesToReserve = std::min(numStencilEntriesExpected,
if (numEntriesToReserve) {
(int)numStencilsExpected, (int)numEntriesToReserve);
if (varyingTable) {
// Varying stencils have only one entry per point
(int)numStencilsExpected, (int)numStencilsExpected);
template <typename REAL>
StencilTablePtr& stencilTableMember) {
StencilTableReal<REAL> * stencilTable = stencilTableMember.Get<REAL>();
if (stencilTable) {
if (stencilTable->GetNumStencils() > 0) {
} else {
delete stencilTable;
stencilTable = 0;
return StencilTablePtr(stencilTable);
PatchTableBuilder::LocalPointHelper::~LocalPointHelper() {
if (_options.doubleStencilTable) {
delete _stencilTable.Get<double>();
delete _stencilTableVarying.Get<double>();
} else {
delete _stencilTable.Get<float>();
delete _stencilTableVarying.Get<float>();
PatchTableBuilder::LocalPointHelper::findSharedCornerPoint(int levelIndex,
Index vertIndex, Index localPointIndex) {
if (_sharedCornerPoints.empty()) {
IndexVector & vertexPoints = _sharedCornerPoints[levelIndex];
if (vertexPoints.empty()) {
Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(levelIndex);
if (_fvarChannel < 0) {
vertexPoints.resize(level.getNumVertices(), INDEX_INVALID);
} else {
vertexPoints.resize(level.getNumFVarValues(_fvarChannel), INDEX_INVALID);
Index & assignedIndex = vertexPoints[vertIndex];
if (!IndexIsValid(assignedIndex)) {
assignedIndex = localPointIndex;
return assignedIndex;
PatchTableBuilder::LocalPointHelper::findSharedEdgePoint(int levelIndex,
Index edgeIndex, int edgeEnd, Index localPointIndex) {
if (_sharedEdgePoints.empty()) {
IndexVector & edgePoints = _sharedEdgePoints[levelIndex];
if (edgePoints.empty()) {
2 * _refiner.GetLevel(levelIndex).GetNumEdges(), INDEX_INVALID);
Index & assignedIndex = edgePoints[2 * edgeIndex + edgeEnd];
if (!IndexIsValid(assignedIndex)) {
assignedIndex = localPointIndex;
} else {
return assignedIndex;
template <typename REAL>
SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
int stencilRow,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset) {
int stencilSize = conversionMatrix.GetRowSize(stencilRow);
ConstArray<int> matrixColumns = conversionMatrix.GetRowColumns(stencilRow);
ConstArray<REAL> matrixWeights = conversionMatrix.GetRowElements(stencilRow);
StencilTableReal<REAL>* stencilTable = _stencilTable.Get<REAL>();
for (int i = 0; i < stencilSize; ++i) {
sourcePoints[matrixColumns[i]] + sourcePointOffset);
template <typename REAL>
SparseMatrix<REAL> const & conversionMatrix,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset) {
// Resize the StencilTable members to accomodate all rows and elements from
// the given set of points represented by the matrix
StencilTableReal<REAL>* stencilTable = _stencilTable.Get<REAL>();
int numNewStencils = conversionMatrix.GetNumRows();
int numNewElements = conversionMatrix.GetNumElements();
size_t numOldStencils = stencilTable->_sizes.size();
size_t numOldElements = stencilTable->_indices.size();
// Assign the sizes for the new stencils:
stencilTable->_sizes.resize(numOldStencils + numNewStencils);
int * newSizes = &stencilTable->_sizes[numOldStencils];
for (int i = 0; i < numNewStencils; ++i) {
newSizes[i] = conversionMatrix.GetRowSize(i);
// Assign remapped indices for the stencils:
stencilTable->_indices.resize(numOldElements + numNewElements);
int const * mtxIndices = &conversionMatrix.GetColumns()[0];
int * newIndices = &stencilTable->_indices[numOldElements];
for (int i = 0; i < numNewElements; ++i) {
newIndices[i] = sourcePoints[mtxIndices[i]] + sourcePointOffset;
// Copy the stencil weights direct from the matrix elements:
stencilTable->_weights.resize(numOldElements + numNewElements);
REAL const * mtxWeights = &conversionMatrix.GetElements()[0];
REAL * newWeights = &stencilTable->_weights[numOldElements];
std::memcpy(newWeights, mtxWeights, numNewElements * sizeof(REAL));
// Its unfortunate that varying stencils for local points were ever created
// and external dependency on them forces a certain coordination here. Each
// patch type is expected to have a varying value computed for each patch
// point and shaders retrieve the varying value associated with particular
// points. So we need to store that mapping from control point to varying
// point (or corner of the patch) somewhere. We are trying to avoid adding
// more to the PatchDescriptor interface, so we'll keep it here for now in
// the hope we may be able to eliminate the need for it.
namespace {
inline int const *
GetVaryingIndicesPerType(PatchDescriptor::Type type) {
// Note that we can use the linear and gregory vectors here for
// both quads and tris
static int const linearIndices[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
static int const bsplineIndices[] =
{ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 };
static int const boxsplineIndices[] =
{ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2 };
static int const gregoryIndices[] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
static int const gregoryTriIndices[] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2 };
if (type == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) {
return gregoryIndices;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_TRIANGLE) {
return gregoryTriIndices;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::REGULAR) {
return bsplineIndices;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::LOOP) {
return boxsplineIndices;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::QUADS) {
return linearIndices;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::TRIANGLES) {
return linearIndices;
return 0;
template <typename REAL>
int const * varyingIndices, int patchPointIndex,
Index const sourcePoints[], int sourcePointOffset) {
Index varyingPoint =
sourcePoints[varyingIndices[patchPointIndex]] + sourcePointOffset;
StencilTableReal<REAL>* t = _stencilTableVarying.Get<REAL>();
t->_weights.push_back((REAL) 1.0);
namespace {
typedef short ShareBits;
static ShareBits const SHARE_CORNER = 0x10;
static ShareBits const SHARE_EDGE_BEGIN = 0x20;
static ShareBits const SHARE_EDGE_END = 0x40;
static ShareBits const SHARE_INDEX_MASK = 0x0f;
inline ShareBits const *
GetShareBitsPerType(PatchDescriptor::Type type) {
static ShareBits const linearQuadBits[5] = { 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
static ShareBits const gregoryQuadBits[21] = { 0x10, 0x20, 0x43, 0, 0,
0x11, 0x21, 0x40, 0, 0,
0x12, 0x22, 0x41, 0, 0,
0x13, 0x23, 0x42, 0, 0,
if (type == PatchDescriptor::QUADS) {
return linearQuadBits;
} else if (type == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) {
return gregoryQuadBits;
return 0;
template <typename REAL>
int levelIndex, Index faceIndex,
SparseMatrix<REAL> const & matrix,
PatchDescriptor::Type patchType,
Index const sourcePoints[],
int sourcePointOffset,
Index patchPoints[]) {
// If sharing local points, verify the type of this patch supports
// sharing and disable it if not:
int numPatchPoints = matrix.GetNumRows();
int firstNewLocalPoint = _localPointOffset + _numLocalPoints;
int nextNewLocalPoint = firstNewLocalPoint;
ShareBits const* shareBitsPerPoint = _options.shareLocalPoints ?
GetShareBitsPerType(patchType) : 0;
bool shareLocalPointsForThisPatch = (shareBitsPerPoint != 0);
int const * varyingIndices = 0;
if (_stencilTableVarying) {
varyingIndices = GetVaryingIndicesPerType(patchType);
bool applyVertexStencils = (_stencilTable.Get<REAL>() != 0);
bool applyVaryingStencils = (varyingIndices != 0);
// When point-sharing is not enabled, all patch points are generally
// new local points -- the exception to this occurs when "re-using"
// source points, i.e. the resulting patch can be a mixture of source
// and local points (typically when the irregular patch type is the
// same as the regular patch type native to the scheme).
if (!shareLocalPointsForThisPatch) {
if (!_options.reuseSourcePoints) {
if (applyVertexStencils) {
matrix, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
if (applyVaryingStencils) {
for (int i = 0; i < numPatchPoints; ++i) {
varyingIndices, i, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < numPatchPoints; ++i) {
patchPoints[i] = nextNewLocalPoint ++;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < numPatchPoints; ++i) {
if (_options.reuseSourcePoints && (matrix.GetRowSize(i) == 1)) {
patchPoints[i] = sourcePoints[matrix.GetRowColumns(i)[0]]
+ sourcePointOffset;
if (applyVertexStencils) {
matrix, i, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
if (applyVaryingStencils) {
varyingIndices, i, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
patchPoints[i] = nextNewLocalPoint ++;
} else {
// Gather topology info according to the sharing for this patch type
Level const & level = _refiner.getLevel(levelIndex);
ConstIndexArray fCorners;
ConstIndexArray fVerts;
ConstIndexArray fEdges;
bool fEdgeReversed[4];
bool fEdgeBoundary[4];
ShareBits const shareBitsForType = shareBitsPerPoint[numPatchPoints];
if (shareBitsForType) {
if (shareBitsForType & SHARE_CORNER) {
fCorners = (_fvarChannel < 0)
? level.getFaceVertices(faceIndex)
: level.getFaceFVarValues(faceIndex, _fvarChannel);
if (shareBitsForType & SHARE_EDGE) {
fEdges = level.getFaceEdges(faceIndex);
fVerts = (_fvarChannel < 0) ? fCorners
: level.getFaceVertices(faceIndex);
Level::ETag fEdgeTags[4];
level.getFaceETags(faceIndex, fEdgeTags, _fvarChannel);
for (int i = 0; i < fEdges.size(); ++i) {
fEdgeReversed[i] = level.getEdgeVertices(fEdges[i])[0] != fVerts[i];
fEdgeBoundary[i] = fEdgeTags[i]._boundary;
// Inspect the sharing bits for each point -- if set, see if a local
// point for the corresponding vertex/fvar-value or edge was
// previously used:
for (int i = 0; i < numPatchPoints; ++i) {
if (_options.reuseSourcePoints && (matrix.GetRowSize(i) == 1)) {
patchPoints[i] = sourcePoints[matrix.GetRowColumns(i)[0]]
+ sourcePointOffset;
int patchPoint = nextNewLocalPoint;
if (shareBitsPerPoint[i]) {
int index = shareBitsPerPoint[i] & SHARE_INDEX_MASK;
if (shareBitsPerPoint[i] & SHARE_CORNER) {
patchPoint = findSharedCornerPoint(
levelIndex, fCorners[index], nextNewLocalPoint);
} else if (!fEdgeBoundary[index]) {
int edgeEnd = (((shareBitsPerPoint[i] & SHARE_EDGE_END) > 0) !=
patchPoint = findSharedEdgePoint(
levelIndex, fEdges[index], edgeEnd, nextNewLocalPoint);
if (patchPoint == nextNewLocalPoint) {
if (applyVertexStencils) {
matrix, i, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
if (applyVaryingStencils) {
varyingIndices, i, sourcePoints, sourcePointOffset);
nextNewLocalPoint ++;
patchPoints[i] = patchPoint;
int numNewLocalPoints = nextNewLocalPoint - firstNewLocalPoint;
_numLocalPoints += numNewLocalPoints;
return numNewLocalPoints;
// Member function definitions for the LegacyGregoryHelper class:
PatchTableBuilder::LegacyGregoryHelper::AddPatchFace(int level, Index face) {
if (_refiner.getLevel(level).getFaceCompositeVTag(face)._boundary) {
} else {
PatchTable::QuadOffsetsTable & qTable) {
size_t numInteriorPatches = _interiorFaceIndices.size();
size_t numBoundaryPatches = _boundaryFaceIndices.size();
size_t numTotalPatches = numInteriorPatches + numBoundaryPatches;
struct QuadOffset {
static int Assign(Level const& level, Index faceIndex,
unsigned int offsets[]) {
ConstIndexArray fVerts = level.getFaceVertices(faceIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
ConstIndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(fVerts[i]);
int faceInVFaces = vFaces.FindIndex(faceIndex);
// we have to use number of incident edges to modulo the local
// index as there could be 2 consecutive edges in the face
// belonging to the patch
int vOffset0 = faceInVFaces;
int vOffset1 = (faceInVFaces + 1) %
offsets[i] = vOffset0 | (vOffset1 << 8);
return 4;
if (numTotalPatches > 0) {
// all patches assumed to be at the last level
Level const &maxLevel = _refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel());
PatchTable::QuadOffsetsTable::value_type *p = &(qTable[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInteriorPatches; ++i) {
p += QuadOffset::Assign(maxLevel, _interiorFaceIndices[i], p);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numBoundaryPatches; ++i) {
p += QuadOffset::Assign(maxLevel, _boundaryFaceIndices[i], p);
PatchTable::VertexValenceTable & vTable, int lastLevelOffset) {
// Populate the "vertex valence" table for Gregory patches -- this table
// contains the one-ring of vertices around each vertex. Currently it is
// extremely wasteful for the following reasons:
// - it allocates 2*maxvalence+1 for ALL vertices
// - it initializes the one-ring for ALL vertices
// We use the full size expected (not sure what else relies on that) but
// we avoid initializing the vast majority of vertices that are not
// associated with gregory patches -- only populating those in the last
// level (an older version attempted to avoid vertices not involved with
// Gregory patches)
int vWidth = 2*_refiner.GetMaxValence() + 1;
vTable.resize((long)_refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal() * vWidth);
Level const & lastLevel = _refiner.getLevel(_refiner.GetMaxLevel());
int * vTableEntry = &vTable[lastLevelOffset * vWidth];
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < lastLevel.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
// Gather the one-ring around the vertex and set its resulting size
// (note negative size used to distinguish between boundary/interior):
int *ringDest = vTableEntry + 1;
int ringSize =
lastLevel.gatherQuadRegularRingAroundVertex(vIndex, ringDest);
for (int j = 0; j < ringSize; ++j) {
ringDest[j] += lastLevelOffset;
if (ringSize & 1) {
// boundary: duplicate end vertex index and store negative valence
vTableEntry[0] = -ringSize/2;
} else {
vTableEntry[0] = ringSize/2;
vTableEntry += vWidth;
// The sole public PatchTableFactory method to create a PatchTable -- deferring
// to the PatchTableBuilder implementation
PatchTable *
PatchTableFactory::Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
Options options,
ConstIndexArray selectedFaces) {
PatchTableBuilder builder(refiner, options, selectedFaces);
if (builder.UniformPolygonsSpecified()) {
} else {
return builder.GetPatchTable();
// Implementation of PatchTableFactory::PatchFaceTag -- unintentionally
// exposed to the public interface, no longer internally used and so
// planned for deprecation
PatchTableFactory::PatchFaceTag::clear() {
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
int tMask) {
_transitionMask = tMask;
int eMask) {
static int const edgeMaskToCount[16] =
{ 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, -1, 2, -1, 1, 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, -1 };
static int const edgeMaskToIndex[16] =
{ -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 3, 0, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1,-1 };
assert(edgeMaskToCount[eMask] != -1);
assert(edgeMaskToIndex[eMask] != -1);
_boundaryMask = eMask;
_hasBoundaryEdge = (eMask > 0);
_boundaryCount = edgeMaskToCount[eMask];
_boundaryIndex = edgeMaskToIndex[eMask];
int vMask) {
// This is only intended to support the case of a single boundary vertex
// with no boundary edges, which can only occur with an irregular vertex
static int const singleBitVertexMaskToCount[16] =
{ 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 , -1, -1, 1, -1 , -1, -1, -1, -1 , -1, -1 };
static int const singleBitVertexMaskToIndex[16] =
{ 0, 0, 1, -1, 2, -1 , -1, -1, 3, -1 , -1, -1, -1, -1 , -1, -1 };
assert(_hasBoundaryEdge == false);
assert(singleBitVertexMaskToCount[vMask] != -1);
assert(singleBitVertexMaskToIndex[vMask] != -1);
_boundaryMask = vMask;
_boundaryCount = singleBitVertexMaskToCount[vMask];
_boundaryIndex = singleBitVertexMaskToIndex[vMask];
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv