David G Yu 35d8519895 Refactored Far::PatchTableFactory
Re-organized the implementation of the patch table factory
in advance of adding support for bicubic face-varying patches.

- Renamed the AdaptiveContext internal class to BuilderContext
  since this can be used (eventually) to build patch tables for
  uniformly refined topology as well as adaptively refined
- Added utility methods to gather patch vertices from the
  levels (and eventually fvarLevels) of a refiner.
- Replaced the FVarChannelCursor with a simpler array of integer
  face-varying channel indices.
- Extracted the topology inspection needed to identify
  patches into a computePatchTag() method.
- Simplified the two-pass traversal of the topology into a
  single pass traversal of the refined topology followed by
  an iteration over the patches that have been identified.
- Replaced internal templated PatchTypes class with simpler
  and more direct accounting and patch array building facilities.
- Changed the API of the end cap patch factories to no longer
  depend on the patch table factory's PatchFaceTag. This has
  been superseded by the specification of appropriate
  VSpans at the corners of the end patch.
2016-08-05 12:38:05 -07:00

116 lines
4.3 KiB

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#include "../far/gregoryBasis.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../vtr/level.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
class TopologyRefiner;
/// \brief A BSpline endcap factory
/// note: This is an internal use class in PatchTableFactory, and
/// will be replaced with SdcSchemeWorker for mask coefficients
/// and Vtr::Level for topology traversal.
class EndCapBSplineBasisPatchFactory {
// XXXX need to add support for face-varying channel stencils
/// \brief This factory accumulates vertex for bspline basis end cap
/// @param refiner TopologyRefiner from which to generate patches
/// @param vertexStencils Output stencil table for the patch points
/// (vertex interpolation)
/// @param varyingStencils Output stencil table for the patch points
/// (varying interpolation)
/// @param shareBoundaryVertices Use same boundary vertices for neighboring
/// patches. It reduces the number of stencils
/// to be used.
EndCapBSplineBasisPatchFactory(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
StencilTable * vertexStencils,
StencilTable * varyingStencils);
/// \brief Returns end patch point indices for \a faceIndex of \a level.
/// Note that end patch points are not included in the vertices in
/// the topologyRefiner, they're expected to come after the end.
/// The returning indices are offsetted by refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal.
/// @param level vtr refinement level
/// @param faceIndex vtr faceIndex at the level
/// @param levelVertOffset relative offset of patch vertex indices
ConstIndexArray GetPatchPoints(
Vtr::internal::Level const * level, Index faceIndex,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
int levelVertOffset);
ConstIndexArray getPatchPointsFromGregoryBasis(
Vtr::internal::Level const * level, Index thisFace,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
ConstIndexArray facePoints,
int levelVertOffset);
ConstIndexArray getPatchPoints(
Vtr::internal::Level const *level, Index thisFace,
Index extraOrdinaryIndex, ConstIndexArray facePoints,
int levelVertOffset);
void computeLimitStencils(
Vtr::internal::Level const *level,
ConstIndexArray facePoints, int vid,
GregoryBasis::Point *P, GregoryBasis::Point *Ep, GregoryBasis::Point *Em);
StencilTable * _vertexStencils;
StencilTable * _varyingStencils;
TopologyRefiner const *_refiner;
int _numVertices;
int _numPatches;
std::vector<Index> _patchPoints;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv