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synced 2024-12-05 01:10:05 +00:00
Now that Far::LimitStencilTable and Far::PatchTable support evaluation of 1st and 2nd derivatives the Osd Evaluator API for evaluating stencils and patches has been updated to match.
1242 lines
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1242 lines
55 KiB
// Copyright 2015 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../osd/bufferDescriptor.h"
#include "../osd/types.h"
#include <cstddef>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Osd {
class CpuEvaluator {
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Stencil evaluations with StencilTable
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \brief Generic static eval stencils function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way from OsdMesh template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param stencilTable Far::StencilTable or equivalent
/// @param instance not used in the cpu kernel
/// (declared as a typed pointer to prevent
/// undesirable template resolution)
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu kernel
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
const CpuEvaluator *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
if (stencilTable->GetNumStencils() == 0)
return false;
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
/*start = */ 0,
/*end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils());
/// \brief Static eval stencils function which takes raw CPU pointers for
/// input and output.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param sizes pointer to the sizes buffer of the stencil table
/// @param offsets pointer to the offsets buffer of the stencil table
/// @param indices pointer to the indices buffer of the stencil table
/// @param weights pointer to the weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param start start index of stencil table
/// @param end end index of stencil table
static bool EvalStencils(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
const int * sizes,
const int * offsets,
const int * indices,
const float * weights,
int start, int end);
/// \brief Generic static eval stencils function with derivatives.
/// This function has a same signature as other device kernels
/// have so that it can be called in the same way from OsdMesh
/// template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable Far::StencilTable or equivalent
/// @param instance not used in the cpu kernel
/// (declared as a typed pointer to prevent
/// undesirable template resolution)
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu kernel
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
const CpuEvaluator *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
/*start = */ 0,
/*end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils());
/// \brief Static eval stencils function with derivatives, which takes
/// raw CPU pointers for input and output.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param du Output pointer derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dv Output pointer derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param sizes pointer to the sizes buffer of the stencil table
/// @param offsets pointer to the offsets buffer of the stencil table
/// @param indices pointer to the indices buffer of the stencil table
/// @param weights pointer to the weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param duWeights pointer to the du-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param dvWeights pointer to the dv-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param start start index of stencil table
/// @param end end index of stencil table
static bool EvalStencils(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
float *du, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
float *dv, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
const int * sizes,
const int * offsets,
const int * indices,
const float * weights,
const float * duWeights,
const float * dvWeights,
int start, int end);
/// \brief Generic static eval stencils function with derivatives.
/// This function has a same signature as other device kernels
/// have so that it can be called in the same way from OsdMesh
/// template interface.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param stencilTable Far::StencilTable or equivalent
/// @param instance not used in the cpu kernel
/// (declared as a typed pointer to prevent
/// undesirable template resolution)
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu kernel
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER, typename STENCIL_TABLE>
static bool EvalStencils(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
STENCIL_TABLE const *stencilTable,
const CpuEvaluator *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalStencils(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvvDesc,
/*start = */ 0,
/*end = */ stencilTable->GetNumStencils());
/// \brief Static eval stencils function with derivatives, which takes
/// raw CPU pointers for input and output.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param du Output pointer derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dv Output pointer derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duu Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duuDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duv Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt u and v. An offset of
/// duvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvv Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param sizes pointer to the sizes buffer of the stencil table
/// @param offsets pointer to the offsets buffer of the stencil table
/// @param indices pointer to the indices buffer of the stencil table
/// @param weights pointer to the weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param duWeights pointer to the du-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param dvWeights pointer to the dv-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param duuWeights pointer to the duu-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param duvWeights pointer to the duv-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param dvvWeights pointer to the dvv-weights buffer of the stencil table
/// @param start start index of stencil table
/// @param end end index of stencil table
static bool EvalStencils(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
float *du, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
float *dv, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
float *duu, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
float *duv, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
float *dvv, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
const int * sizes,
const int * offsets,
const int * indices,
const float * weights,
const float * duWeights,
const float * dvWeights,
const float * duuWeights,
const float * duvWeights,
const float * dvvWeights,
int start, int end);
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Limit evaluations with PatchTable
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function with derivatives. This function has
/// a same signature as other device kernels have so that it can be
/// called in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
// XXX: PatchCoords is somewhat abusing vertex primvar buffer interop.
// ideally all buffer classes should have templated by datatype
// so that downcast isn't needed there.
// (e.g. Osd::CpuBuffer<PatchCoord> )
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function with derivatives. This function has
/// a same signature as other device kernels have so that it can be
/// called in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatches(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
// XXX: PatchCoords is somewhat abusing vertex primvar buffer interop.
// ideally all buffer classes should have templated by datatype
// so that downcast isn't needed there.
// (e.g. Osd::CpuBuffer<PatchCoord> )
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Static limit eval function. It takes an array of PatchCoord
/// and evaluate limit values on given PatchTable.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchArrays an array of Osd::PatchArray struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::arrayIndex
/// @param patchIndexBuffer an array of patch indices
/// indexed by PatchCoord::vertIndex
/// @param patchParamBuffer an array of Osd::PatchParam struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::patchIndex
static bool EvalPatches(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
const PatchCoord *patchCoords,
const PatchArray *patchArrays,
const int *patchIndexBuffer,
const PatchParam *patchParamBuffer);
/// \brief Static limit eval function. It takes an array of PatchCoord
/// and evaluate limit values on given PatchTable.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param du Output pointer derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dv Output pointer derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchArrays an array of Osd::PatchArray struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::arrayIndex
/// @param patchIndexBuffer an array of patch indices
/// indexed by PatchCoord::vertIndex
/// @param patchParamBuffer an array of Osd::PatchParam struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::patchIndex
static bool EvalPatches(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
float *du, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
float *dv, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PatchCoord const *patchCoords,
PatchArray const *patchArrays,
const int *patchIndexBuffer,
PatchParam const *patchParamBuffer);
/// \brief Static limit eval function. It takes an array of PatchCoord
/// and evaluate limit values on given PatchTable.
/// @param src Input primvar pointer. An offset of srcDesc
/// will be applied internally (i.e. the pointer
/// should not include the offset)
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dst Output primvar pointer. An offset of dstDesc
/// will be applied internally.
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param du Output pointer derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dv Output pointer derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duu Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt u. An offset of
/// duuDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duv Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt u and v. An offset of
/// duvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvv Output pointer 2nd derivative wrt v. An offset of
/// dvvDesc will be applied internally.
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchArrays an array of Osd::PatchArray struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::arrayIndex
/// @param patchIndexBuffer an array of patch indices
/// indexed by PatchCoord::vertIndex
/// @param patchParamBuffer an array of Osd::PatchParam struct
/// indexed by PatchCoord::patchIndex
static bool EvalPatches(
const float *src, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
float *dst, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
float *du, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
float *dv, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
float *duu, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
float *duv, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
float *dvv, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PatchCoord const *patchCoords,
PatchArray const *patchArrays,
const int *patchIndexBuffer,
PatchParam const *patchParamBuffer);
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// \brief Generic limit eval function. This function has a same
/// signature as other device kernels have so that it can be called
/// in the same way.
/// @param srcBuffer Input primvar buffer.
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// const float pointer for read
/// @param srcDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the input buffer
/// @param dstBuffer Output primvar buffer
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dstDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the output buffer
/// @param duBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duBuffer
/// @param dvBuffer Output buffer derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvBuffer
/// @param duuBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duuDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duuBuffer
/// @param duvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt u and v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param duvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the duvBuffer
/// @param dvvBuffer Output buffer 2nd derivative wrt v
/// must have BindCpuBuffer() method returning a
/// float pointer for write
/// @param dvvDesc vertex buffer descriptor for the dvvBuffer
/// @param numPatchCoords number of patchCoords.
/// @param patchCoords array of locations to be evaluated.
/// @param patchTable CpuPatchTable or equivalent
/// XXX: currently Far::PatchTable can't be used
/// due to interface mismatch
/// @param fvarChannel face-varying channel
/// @param instance not used in the cpu evaluator
/// @param deviceContext not used in the cpu evaluator
template <typename SRC_BUFFER, typename DST_BUFFER,
static bool EvalPatchesFaceVarying(
SRC_BUFFER *srcBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dstBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duuBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duuDesc,
DST_BUFFER *duvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &duvDesc,
DST_BUFFER *dvvBuffer, BufferDescriptor const &dvvDesc,
int numPatchCoords,
PATCH_TABLE *patchTable,
int fvarChannel,
CpuEvaluator const *instance = NULL,
void * deviceContext = NULL) {
(void)instance; // unused
(void)deviceContext; // unused
return EvalPatches(srcBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), srcDesc,
dstBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dstDesc,
duBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duDesc,
dvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvDesc,
duuBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duuDesc,
duvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), duvDesc,
dvvBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(), dvvDesc,
(const PatchCoord*)patchCoords->BindCpuBuffer(),
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Other methods
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/// \brief synchronize all asynchronous computation invoked on this device.
static void Synchronize(void * /*deviceContext = NULL*/) {
// nothing.
} // end namespace Osd
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv