Barry Fowler a1c7be7c8e Addition of Bfr interface (1 of 4): opensubdiv/bfr
This set of commits includes the addition of a new evaluation interface
that treats a subdivision mesh more like a piecewise parametric surface
primitive.  The new interface was placed in namespace "Bfr" for "Base
Face Representation" as all concepts and classes relate to a single face
of the base mesh.
2022-08-02 20:38:17 -07:00

216 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../bfr/faceTopology.h"
#include "../bfr/faceVertex.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include "../vtr/types.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Bfr {
// The FaceSurface class combines references to several other classes and
// data to provide a complete description of the limit surface of a face.
// It is a simple aggregate of four sets of data:
// - an instance of FaceTopology with all topological information
// - a set of FaceVertexSubsets for topological extent of each corner
// - a set of indices associated with all vertices of FaceTopology
// - a subset of the Sdc::Options that actually affects the surface
// with a few additional members summarizing features of these. The full
// set of topology and corresponding indices are provided on construction
// and the rest are initialized as member variables.
// FaceSurfaces are constructed/initialized in two ways:
// - for the vertex topology of a face, initialization requires:
// - an instance of FaceTopology
// - vertex indices associated with the FaceTopology (though in
// some cases the vertex indices are not necessary)
// - for the face-varying topology of a face:
// - an instance of FaceSurface capturing the vertex topology
// - face-varying indices associated with the vertex topology
// Once initialized, other than a few simple queries, it serves solely
// as a container to be passed to other classes to assemble into regular
// or irregular surfaces.
class FaceSurface {
typedef FaceTopology::Index Index;
// Constructors for vertex and face-varying surfaces:
FaceSurface(FaceTopology const & vtxTopology, Index const vtxIndices[]);
FaceSurface(FaceSurface const & vtxSurface, Index const fvarIndices[]);
~FaceSurface() { }
bool IsInitialized() const;
void Initialize(FaceTopology const & vtxTopology, Index const vtxInds[]);
void Initialize(FaceSurface const & vtxSurface, Index const fvarInds[]);
// Main public methods to distinguish surface and topology:
bool IsRegular() const { return _isRegular; }
bool FVarTopologyMatchesVertex() const { return _matchesVertex; }
// Debugging:
void print(bool printVerts = false) const;
// Public access to the main members:
FaceTopology const & GetTopology() const { return *_topology; }
FaceVertexSubset const * GetSubsets() const { return _corners; }
Index const * GetIndices() const { return _indices; }
MultiVertexTag GetTag() const { return _combinedTag; }
// Additional public access to data used by builder classes:
int GetFaceSize() const;
int GetRegFaceSize() const;
Sdc::SchemeType GetSdcScheme() const;
Sdc::Options GetSdcOptionsInEffect() const;
Sdc::Options GetSdcOptionsAsAssigned() const;
FaceVertex const & GetCornerTopology(int corner) const;
FaceVertexSubset const & GetCornerSubset(int corner) const;
int GetNumIndices() const;
// Internal methods:
void preInitialize(FaceTopology const & topology, Index const indices[]);
void postInitialize();
bool isRegular() const;
void reviseSdcOptionsInEffect();
// Methods to apply specified interpolation options to the corners:
void sharpenBySdcVtxBoundaryInterpolation(
FaceVertexSubset * vtxSubsetPtr,
FaceVertex const & cornerTopology) const;
void sharpenBySdcFVarLinearInterpolation(
FaceVertexSubset * fvarSubsetPtr,
Index const fvarIndices[],
FaceVertexSubset const & vtxSubset,
FaceVertex const & cornerTopology) const;
typedef Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<FaceVertexSubset,8,true> CornerArray;
FaceTopology const * _topology;
Index const * _indices;
CornerArray _corners;
// Members reflecting the effective subset of topology and options:
MultiVertexTag _combinedTag;
Sdc::Options _optionsInEffect;
unsigned int _isFaceVarying : 1;
unsigned int _matchesVertex : 1;
unsigned int _isRegular : 1;
// Inline constructors:
FaceSurface::FaceSurface() : _topology(0), _indices(0) {
FaceSurface::FaceSurface(FaceTopology const & vtxTop, Index const vIndices[]) {
Initialize(vtxTop, vIndices);
FaceSurface::FaceSurface(FaceSurface const & vtxSurf, Index const fvIndices[]) {
Initialize(vtxSurf, fvIndices);
// Inline accessors:
inline bool
FaceSurface::IsInitialized() const {
return _topology != 0;
inline int
FaceSurface::GetFaceSize() const {
return _topology->GetFaceSize();
inline int
FaceSurface::GetRegFaceSize() const {
return _topology->GetRegFaceSize();
inline Sdc::SchemeType
FaceSurface::GetSdcScheme() const {
return _topology->_schemeType;
inline Sdc::Options
FaceSurface::GetSdcOptionsInEffect() const {
return _optionsInEffect;
inline Sdc::Options
FaceSurface::GetSdcOptionsAsAssigned() const {
return _topology->_schemeOptions;
inline FaceVertex const &
FaceSurface::GetCornerTopology(int corner) const {
return _topology->GetTopology(corner);
inline FaceVertexSubset const &
FaceSurface::GetCornerSubset(int corner) const {
return _corners[corner];
inline int
FaceSurface::GetNumIndices() const {
return _topology->GetNumFaceVertices();
} // end namespace Bfr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv