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synced 2025-01-08 07:40:17 +00:00
- overloaded PatchTableFactory::Create() to take subset of base faces - overloaded TopologyRefiner::RefineAdaptive() to take subset of base faces - added TopologyRefinerFactory::Create() to create new TopologyRefiner that shares base level with another, allowing independent refinement - overloaded PatchTable::ComputeLocalPointValues...() to accept split buffers with separate base-level primvar values - overloaded StencilTable::UpdateValues() to accept split buffers as above
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216 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/patchTable.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// Forward declarations (for internal implementation purposes):
class TopologyRefiner;
/// \brief Factory for constructing a PatchTable from a TopologyRefiner
class PatchTableFactory {
/// \brief Public options for the PatchTable factory
struct Options {
enum EndCapType {
ENDCAP_NONE = 0, ///< no endcap
ENDCAP_BILINEAR_BASIS, ///< use bilinear quads (4 cp) as end-caps
ENDCAP_BSPLINE_BASIS, ///< use BSpline basis patches (16 cp) as end-caps
ENDCAP_GREGORY_BASIS, ///< use Gregory basis patches (20 cp) as end-caps
ENDCAP_LEGACY_GREGORY ///< use legacy (2.x) Gregory patches (4 cp + valence table) as end-caps
Options(unsigned int maxIsolation=10) :
{ }
/// \brief Get endcap patch type
EndCapType GetEndCapType() const { return (EndCapType)endCapType; }
/// \brief Set endcap patch type
void SetEndCapType(EndCapType e) { endCapType = e; }
/// \brief Set precision of vertex patches
template <typename REAL> void SetPatchPrecision();
/// \brief Set precision of face-varying patches
template <typename REAL> void SetFVarPatchPrecision();
unsigned int generateAllLevels : 1, ///< Generate levels from 'firstLevel' to 'maxLevel' (Uniform mode only)
includeBaseLevelIndices : 1, ///< Include base level in patch point indices (Uniform mode only)
includeFVarBaseLevelIndices : 1, ///< Include base level in face-varying patch point indices (Uniform mode only)
triangulateQuads : 1, ///< Triangulate 'QUADS' primitives (Uniform mode only)
useSingleCreasePatch : 1, ///< Use single crease patch
useInfSharpPatch : 1, ///< Use infinitely-sharp patch
maxIsolationLevel : 4, ///< Cap adaptive feature isolation to the given level (max. 10)
// end-capping
endCapType : 3, ///< EndCapType
shareEndCapPatchPoints : 1, ///< Share endcap patch points among adjacent endcap patches.
///< currently only work with GregoryBasis.
// varying
generateVaryingTables : 1, ///< Generate varying patch tables
generateVaryingLocalPoints : 1, ///< Generate local points with varying patches
// face-varying
generateFVarTables : 1, ///< Generate face-varying patch tables
// precision
setPatchPrecisionDouble : 1, ///< Generate double-precision stencils for vertex patches
setFVarPatchPrecisionDouble : 1, ///< Generate double-precision stencils for face-varying patches
// legacy behaviors (default to true)
generateFVarLegacyLinearPatches : 1, ///< Generate all linear face-varying patches (legacy)
generateLegacySharpCornerPatches : 1; ///< Generate sharp regular patches at smooth corners (legacy)
int numFVarChannels; ///< Number of channel indices and interpolation modes passed
int const * fvarChannelIndices; ///< List containing the indices of the channels selected for the factory
/// \brief Instantiates a PatchTable from a client-provided TopologyRefiner.
/// A PatchTable can be constructed from a TopologyRefiner that has been
/// either adaptively or uniformly refined. In both cases, the resulting
/// patches reference vertices in the various refined levels by index,
/// and those indices accumulate with the levels in different ways.
/// For adaptively refined patches, patches are defined at different levels,
/// including the base level, so the indices of patch vertices include
/// vertices from all levels. A sparse set of patches can be created by
/// restricting the patches generated to those descending from a given set
/// of faces at the base level. This sparse set of base faces is expected
/// to be a subset of the faces that were adaptively refined in the given
/// TopologyRefiner, otherwise results are undefined.
/// For uniformly refined patches, all patches are completely defined within
/// the last level. There is often no use for intermediate levels and they
/// can usually be ignored. Indices of patch vertices might therefore be
/// expected to be defined solely within the last level. While this is true
/// for face-varying patches, for historical reasons it is not the case for
/// vertex and varying patches. Indices for vertex and varying patches include
/// the base level in addition to the last level while indices for face-varying
/// patches include only the last level.
/// @param refiner TopologyRefiner from which to generate patches
/// @param options Options controlling the creation of the table
/// @param selectedFaces Only create patches for the given set of base faces.
/// @return A new instance of PatchTable
static PatchTable * Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
Options options = Options(),
ConstIndexArray selectedFaces = ConstIndexArray());
// PatchFaceTag
// This simple struct was previously used within the factory to take inventory of
// various kinds of patches to fully allocate buffers prior to populating them. It
// was not intended to be exposed as part of the public interface.
// It is no longer used internally and is being kept here to respect preservation
// of the public interface, but it will be deprecated at the earliest opportunity.
/// \brief Obsolete internal struct accidentally exposed for public use -- due to
/// be deprecated.
struct PatchFaceTag {
unsigned int _hasPatch : 1;
unsigned int _isRegular : 1;
unsigned int _transitionMask : 4;
unsigned int _boundaryMask : 4;
unsigned int _boundaryIndex : 2;
unsigned int _boundaryCount : 3;
unsigned int _hasBoundaryEdge : 3;
unsigned int _isSingleCrease : 1;
void clear();
void assignBoundaryPropertiesFromEdgeMask(int boundaryEdgeMask);
void assignBoundaryPropertiesFromVertexMask(int boundaryVertexMask);
void assignTransitionPropertiesFromEdgeMask(int boundaryVertexMask);
typedef std::vector<PatchFaceTag> PatchTagVector;
template <> inline void PatchTableFactory::Options::SetPatchPrecision<float>() {
setPatchPrecisionDouble = false;
template <> inline void PatchTableFactory::Options::SetFVarPatchPrecision<float>() {
setFVarPatchPrecisionDouble = false;
template <> inline void PatchTableFactory::Options::SetPatchPrecision<double>() {
setPatchPrecisionDouble = true;
template <> inline void PatchTableFactory::Options::SetFVarPatchPrecision<double>() {
setFVarPatchPrecisionDouble = true;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv