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synced 2025-01-06 06:50:07 +00:00
- removed all friend declarations (no more Far declarations with Vtr) - all protected methods made public - intent is to move these into namespace internal - access between Vtr classes is under review
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771 lines
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// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/crease.h"
#include "../sdc/options.h"
#include "../vtr/types.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Vtr {
class Refinement;
class FVarLevel;
// Level:
// A refinement level includes a vectorized representation of the topology
// for a particular subdivision level. The topology is "complete" in that any
// level can be used as the base level of another subdivision hierarchy and can
// be considered a complete mesh independent of its ancestors. It currently
// does contain a "depth" member -- as some inferences can then be made about
// the topology (i.e. all quads or all tris if not level 0).
// This class is intended for private use within the library. There are still
// opportunities to specialize levels -- e.g. those supporing N-sided faces vs
// those are are purely quads or tris -- so we prefer to insulate it from public
// access.
// The represenation of topology here is to store six topological relationships
// in tables of integers. Each is stored in its own array(s) so the result is
// a SOA representation of the topology. The six relations are:
// - face-verts: vertices incident/comprising a face
// - face-edges: edges incident a face
// - edge-verts: vertices incident/comprising an edge
// - edge-faces: faces incident an edge
// - vert-faces: faces incident a vertex
// - vert-edges: edges incident a vertex
// There is some redundancy here but the intent is not that this be a minimal
// represenation, the intent is that it be amenable to refinement. Classes in
// the Far layer essentially store 5 of these 6 in a permuted form -- we add
// the face-edges here to simplify refinement.
class Level {
// Simple nested types to hold the tags for each component type -- some of
// which are user-specified features (e.g. whether a face is a hole or not)
// while others indicate the topological nature of the component, how it
// is affected by creasing in its neighborhood, etc.
// Most of these properties are passed down to child components during
// refinement, but some -- notably the designation of a component as semi-
// sharp -- require re-determination as sharpnes values are reduced at each
// level.
struct VTag {
VTag() { }
// When cleared, the VTag ALMOST represents a smooth, regular, interior
// vertex -- the Type enum requires a bit be explicitly set for Smooth,
// so that must be done explicitly if desired on initialization.
void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(VTag)); }
typedef unsigned short VTagSize;
VTagSize _nonManifold : 1; // fixed
VTagSize _xordinary : 1; // fixed
VTagSize _boundary : 1; // fixed
VTagSize _corner : 1; // fixed
VTagSize _infSharp : 1; // fixed
VTagSize _semiSharp : 1; // variable
VTagSize _semiSharpEdges : 1; // variable
VTagSize _rule : 4; // variable when _semiSharp
VTagSize _incomplete : 1; // variable for sparse refinement
// On deck -- coming soon...
//VTagSize _constSharp : 1; // variable when _semiSharp
//VTagSize _hasEdits : 1; // variable
//VTagSize _editsApplied : 1; // variable
struct ETag {
ETag() { }
// When cleared, the ETag represents a smooth, manifold, interior edge
void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(ETag)); }
typedef unsigned char ETagSize;
ETagSize _nonManifold : 1; // fixed
ETagSize _boundary : 1; // fixed
ETagSize _infSharp : 1; // fixed
ETagSize _semiSharp : 1; // variable
struct FTag {
FTag() { }
void clear() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(FTag)); }
typedef unsigned char FTagSize;
FTagSize _hole : 1; // fixed
// On deck -- coming soon...
//FTagSize _hasEdits : 1; // variable
VTag getFaceCompositeVTag(ConstIndexArray & faceVerts) const;
ETag getFaceCompositeETag(ConstIndexArray & faceEdges) const;
// Simple accessors:
int getDepth() const { return _depth; }
int getNumVertices() const { return _vertCount; }
int getNumFaces() const { return _faceCount; }
int getNumEdges() const { return _edgeCount; }
// More global sizes may prove useful...
int getNumFaceVerticesTotal() const { return (int) _faceVertIndices.size(); }
int getNumFaceEdgesTotal() const { return (int) _faceEdgeIndices.size(); }
int getNumEdgeVerticesTotal() const { return (int) _edgeVertIndices.size(); }
int getNumEdgeFacesTotal() const { return (int) _edgeFaceIndices.size(); }
int getNumVertexFacesTotal() const { return (int) _vertFaceIndices.size(); }
int getNumVertexEdgesTotal() const { return (int) _vertEdgeIndices.size(); }
int getMaxValence() const { return _maxValence; }
int getMaxEdgeFaces() const { return _maxEdgeFaces; }
// Methods to access the relation tables/indices -- note that for some relations
// (i.e. those where a component is "contained by" a neighbor, or more generally
// when the neighbor is a simplex of higher dimension) we store an additional
// "local index", e.g. for the case of vert-faces if one of the faces F[i] is
// incident a vertex V, then L[i] is the "local index" in F[i] of vertex V.
// Once have only quads (or tris), this local index need only occupy two bits
// and could conceivably be packed into the same integer as the face index, but
// for now, given the need to support faces of potentially high valence we'll
// us an 8- or 16-bit integer.
// Methods to access the six topological relations:
ConstIndexArray getFaceVertices(Index faceIndex) const;
ConstIndexArray getFaceEdges(Index faceIndex) const;
ConstIndexArray getEdgeVertices(Index edgeIndex) const;
ConstIndexArray getEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex) const;
ConstIndexArray getVertexFaces(Index vertIndex) const;
ConstIndexArray getVertexEdges(Index vertIndex) const;
ConstLocalIndexArray getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(Index edgeIndex) const;
ConstLocalIndexArray getVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) const;
ConstLocalIndexArray getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) const;
// Replace these with access to sharpness buffers/arrays rather than elements:
float getEdgeSharpness(Index edgeIndex) const;
float getVertexSharpness(Index vertIndex) const;
Sdc::Crease::Rule getVertexRule(Index vertIndex) const;
Index findEdge(Index v0Index, Index v1Index) const;
// Holes
void setFaceHole(Index faceIndex, bool b);
bool isFaceHole(Index faceIndex) const;
// Face-varying
Sdc::Options getFVarOptions(int channel = 0) const;
int getNumFVarChannels() const { return (int) _fvarChannels.size(); }
int getNumFVarValues(int channel = 0) const;
ConstIndexArray getFVarFaceValues(Index faceIndex, int channel = 0) const;
FVarLevel & getFVarLevel(int channel = 0) { return *_fvarChannels[channel]; }
FVarLevel const & getFVarLevel(int channel = 0) const { return *_fvarChannels[channel]; }
// Manifold/non-manifold tags:
void setEdgeNonManifold(Index edgeIndex, bool b);
bool isEdgeNonManifold(Index edgeIndex) const;
void setVertexNonManifold(Index vertIndex, bool b);
bool isVertexNonManifold(Index vertIndex) const;
// Debugging aides:
enum TopologyError {
static char const * getTopologyErrorString(TopologyError errCode);
typedef void (* ValidationCallback)(TopologyError errCode, char const * msg, void const * clientData);
bool validateTopology(ValidationCallback callback=0, void const * clientData=0) const;
void print(const Refinement* parentRefinement = 0) const;
// High-level topology queries -- these may be moved elsewhere:
bool isSingleCreasePatch(Index face, float* sharpnessOut=NULL, int* rotationOut=NULL) const;
// When gathering "patch points" we may want the indices of the vertices or the corresponding
// FVar values for a particular channel. Both are represented and equally accessible within
// the faces, so we allow all to be returned through these methods. Setting the optional FVar
// channel to -1 will retrieve indices of vertices instead of FVar values:
int gatherQuadLinearPatchPoints(Index fIndex, Index patchPoints[], int rotation = 0,
int fvarChannel = -1) const;
int gatherQuadRegularInteriorPatchPoints(Index fIndex, Index patchPoints[], int rotation = 0,
int fvarChannel = -1) const;
int gatherQuadRegularBoundaryPatchPoints(Index fIndex, Index patchPoints[], int boundaryEdgeInFace,
int fvarChannel = -1) const;
int gatherQuadRegularCornerPatchPoints( Index fIndex, Index patchPoints[], int cornerVertInFace,
int fvarChannel = -1) const;
int gatherQuadRegularRingAroundVertex(Index vIndex, Index ringPoints[], int fvarChannel = -1) const;
// WIP -- for future use, need to extend for face-varying...
int gatherTriRegularInteriorPatchPoints( Index fIndex, Index patchVerts[], int rotation = 0) const;
int gatherTriRegularBoundaryVertexPatchPoints(Index fIndex, Index patchVerts[], int boundaryVertInFace) const;
int gatherTriRegularBoundaryEdgePatchPoints( Index fIndex, Index patchVerts[], int boundaryEdgeInFace) const;
int gatherTriRegularCornerVertexPatchPoints( Index fIndex, Index patchVerts[], int cornerVertInFace) const;
int gatherTriRegularCornerEdgePatchPoints( Index fIndex, Index patchVerts[], int cornerEdgeInFace) const;
// Sizing methods used to construct a level to populate:
void resizeFaces( int numFaces);
void resizeFaceVertices(int numFaceVertsTotal);
void resizeFaceEdges( int numFaceEdgesTotal);
void resizeEdges( int numEdges);
void resizeEdgeVertices(); // always 2*edgeCount
void resizeEdgeFaces(int numEdgeFacesTotal);
void resizeVertices( int numVertices);
void resizeVertexFaces(int numVertexFacesTotal);
void resizeVertexEdges(int numVertexEdgesTotal);
void setMaxValence(int maxValence);
// Modifiers to populate the relations for each component:
IndexArray getFaceVertices(Index faceIndex);
IndexArray getFaceEdges(Index faceIndex);
IndexArray getEdgeVertices(Index edgeIndex);
IndexArray getEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex);
IndexArray getVertexFaces(Index vertIndex);
IndexArray getVertexEdges(Index vertIndex);
LocalIndexArray getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(Index edgeIndex);
LocalIndexArray getVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index vertIndex);
LocalIndexArray getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index vertIndex);
// Replace these with access to sharpness buffers/arrays rather than elements:
float& getEdgeSharpness(Index edgeIndex);
float& getVertexSharpness(Index vertIndex);
// Create, destroy and populate face-varying channels:
int createFVarChannel(int fvarValueCount, Sdc::Options const& options);
void destroyFVarChannel(int channel = 0);
IndexArray getFVarFaceValues(Index faceIndex, int channel = 0);
void completeFVarChannelTopology(int channel, int regBoundaryValence);
// Counts and offsets for all relation types:
// - these may be unwarranted if we let Refinement access members directly...
int getNumFaceVertices( Index faceIndex) const { return _faceVertCountsAndOffsets[2*faceIndex]; }
int getOffsetOfFaceVertices(Index faceIndex) const { return _faceVertCountsAndOffsets[2*faceIndex + 1]; }
int getNumFaceEdges( Index faceIndex) const { return getNumFaceVertices(faceIndex); }
int getOffsetOfFaceEdges(Index faceIndex) const { return getOffsetOfFaceVertices(faceIndex); }
int getNumEdgeVertices( Index ) const { return 2; }
int getOffsetOfEdgeVertices(Index edgeIndex) const { return 2 * edgeIndex; }
int getNumEdgeFaces( Index edgeIndex) const { return _edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*edgeIndex]; }
int getOffsetOfEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex) const { return _edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*edgeIndex + 1]; }
int getNumVertexFaces( Index vertIndex) const { return _vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*vertIndex]; }
int getOffsetOfVertexFaces(Index vertIndex) const { return _vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[2*vertIndex + 1]; }
int getNumVertexEdges( Index vertIndex) const { return _vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[2*vertIndex]; }
int getOffsetOfVertexEdges(Index vertIndex) const { return _vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[2*vertIndex + 1]; }
// Note that for some relations, the size of the relations for a child component
// can vary radically from its parent due to the sparsity of the refinement. So
// in these cases a few additional utilities are provided to help define the set
// of incident components. Assuming adequate memory has been allocated, the
// "resize" methods here initialize the set of incident components by setting
// both the size and the appropriate offset, while "trim" is use to quickly lower
// the size from an upper bound and nothing else.
void resizeFaceVertices(Index FaceIndex, int count);
void resizeEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex, int count);
void trimEdgeFaces( Index edgeIndex, int count);
void resizeVertexFaces(Index vertIndex, int count);
void trimVertexFaces( Index vertIndex, int count);
void resizeVertexEdges(Index vertIndex, int count);
void trimVertexEdges( Index vertIndex, int count);
// Initial plans were to have a few specific classes properly construct the
// topology from scratch, e.g. the Refinement class and a Factory class for
// the base level, by populating all topological relations. The need to have
// a class construct full topology given only a simple face-vertex list, made
// it necessary to write code to define and orient all relations -- and most
// of that seemed best placed here.
bool completeTopologyFromFaceVertices();
Index findEdge(Index v0, Index v1, ConstIndexArray v0Edges) const;
// Methods supporting the above:
void orientIncidentComponents();
bool orderVertexFacesAndEdges(Index vIndex, Index* vFaces, Index* vEdges) const;
bool orderVertexFacesAndEdges(Index vIndex);
void populateLocalIndices();
IndexArray shareFaceVertCountsAndOffsets() const;
// Members temporarily public pending re-assessment of friends:
// A Level is independent of subdivision scheme or options. While it may have been
// affected by them in its construction, they are not associated with it -- a Level
// is pure topology and any subdivision parameters are external.
// Simple members for inventory, etc.
int _faceCount;
int _edgeCount;
int _vertCount;
// The "depth" member is clearly useful in both the topological splitting and the
// stencil queries, but arguably it ties the Level to a hierarchy which counters
// the idea if it being independent.
int _depth;
// Maxima to help clients manage sizing of data buffers. Given "max valence",
// the "max edge faces" is strictly redundant as it will always be less, but
// since it will typically be so much less (i.e. 2) it is kept for now.
int _maxEdgeFaces;
int _maxValence;
// Topology vectors:
// Note that of all of these, only data for the face-edge relation is not
// stored in the osd::FarTables in any form. The FarTable vectors combine
// the edge-vert and edge-face relations. The eventual goal is that this
// data be part of the osd::Far classes and be a superset of the FarTable
// vectors, i.e. no data duplication or conversion. The fact that FarTable
// already stores 5 of the 6 possible relations should make the topology
// storage as a whole a non-issue.
// The vert-face-child and vert-edge-child indices are also arguably not
// a topology relation but more one for parent/child relations. But it is
// a topological relationship, and if named differently would not likely
// raise this. It has been named with "child" in the name as it does play
// a more significant role during subdivision in mapping between parent
// and child components, and so has been named to reflect that more clearly.
// Per-face:
std::vector<Index> _faceVertCountsAndOffsets; // 2 per face, redundant after level 0
std::vector<Index> _faceVertIndices; // 3 or 4 per face, variable at level 0
std::vector<Index> _faceEdgeIndices; // matches face-vert indices
std::vector<FTag> _faceTags; // 1 per face: includes "hole" tag
// Per-edge:
std::vector<Index> _edgeVertIndices; // 2 per edge
std::vector<Index> _edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets; // 2 per edge
std::vector<Index> _edgeFaceIndices; // varies with faces per edge
std::vector<LocalIndex> _edgeFaceLocalIndices; // varies with faces per edge
std::vector<float> _edgeSharpness; // 1 per edge
std::vector<ETag> _edgeTags; // 1 per edge: manifold, boundary, etc.
// Per-vertex:
std::vector<Index> _vertFaceCountsAndOffsets; // 2 per vertex
std::vector<Index> _vertFaceIndices; // varies with valence
std::vector<LocalIndex> _vertFaceLocalIndices; // varies with valence, 8-bit for now
std::vector<Index> _vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets; // 2 per vertex
std::vector<Index> _vertEdgeIndices; // varies with valence
std::vector<LocalIndex> _vertEdgeLocalIndices; // varies with valence, 8-bit for now
std::vector<float> _vertSharpness; // 1 per vertex
std::vector<VTag> _vertTags; // 1 per vertex: manifold, Sdc::Rule, etc.
// Face-varying channels:
std::vector<FVarLevel*> _fvarChannels;
// Access/modify the vertices indicent a given face:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getFaceVertices(Index faceIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_faceVertIndices[_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[faceIndex*2+1]],
inline IndexArray
Level::getFaceVertices(Index faceIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_faceVertIndices[_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[faceIndex*2+1]],
inline void
Level::resizeFaceVertices(Index faceIndex, int count) {
int* countOffsetPair = &_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[faceIndex*2];
countOffsetPair[0] = count;
countOffsetPair[1] = (faceIndex == 0) ? 0 : (countOffsetPair[-2] + countOffsetPair[-1]);
_maxValence = std::max(_maxValence, count);
// Access/modify the edges indicent a given face:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getFaceEdges(Index faceIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_faceEdgeIndices[_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[faceIndex*2+1]],
inline IndexArray
Level::getFaceEdges(Index faceIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_faceEdgeIndices[_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[faceIndex*2+1]],
// Access/modify the faces indicent a given vertex:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getVertexFaces(Index vertIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_vertFaceIndices[_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline IndexArray
Level::getVertexFaces(Index vertIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_vertFaceIndices[_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline ConstLocalIndexArray
Level::getVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) const {
return ConstLocalIndexArray(&_vertFaceLocalIndices[_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline LocalIndexArray
Level::getVertexFaceLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) {
return LocalIndexArray(&_vertFaceLocalIndices[_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline void
Level::resizeVertexFaces(Index vertIndex, int count) {
int* countOffsetPair = &_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2];
countOffsetPair[0] = count;
countOffsetPair[1] = (vertIndex == 0) ? 0 : (countOffsetPair[-2] + countOffsetPair[-1]);
inline void
Level::trimVertexFaces(Index vertIndex, int count) {
_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2] = count;
// Access/modify the edges indicent a given vertex:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getVertexEdges(Index vertIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_vertEdgeIndices[_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline IndexArray
Level::getVertexEdges(Index vertIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_vertEdgeIndices[_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline ConstLocalIndexArray
Level::getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) const {
return ConstLocalIndexArray(&_vertEdgeLocalIndices[_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline LocalIndexArray
Level::getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(Index vertIndex) {
return LocalIndexArray(&_vertEdgeLocalIndices[_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2+1]],
inline void
Level::resizeVertexEdges(Index vertIndex, int count) {
int* countOffsetPair = &_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2];
countOffsetPair[0] = count;
countOffsetPair[1] = (vertIndex == 0) ? 0 : (countOffsetPair[-2] + countOffsetPair[-1]);
_maxValence = std::max(_maxValence, count);
inline void
Level::trimVertexEdges(Index vertIndex, int count) {
_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets[vertIndex*2] = count;
inline void
Level::setMaxValence(int valence) {
_maxValence = valence;
// Access/modify the vertices indicent a given edge:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getEdgeVertices(Index edgeIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_edgeVertIndices[edgeIndex*2], 2);
inline IndexArray
Level::getEdgeVertices(Index edgeIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_edgeVertIndices[edgeIndex*2], 2);
// Access/modify the faces indicent a given edge:
inline ConstIndexArray
Level::getEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex) const {
return ConstIndexArray(&_edgeFaceIndices[_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2+1]],
inline IndexArray
Level::getEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex) {
return IndexArray(&_edgeFaceIndices[_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2+1]],
inline ConstLocalIndexArray
Level::getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(Index edgeIndex) const {
return ConstLocalIndexArray(&_edgeFaceLocalIndices[_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2+1]],
inline LocalIndexArray
Level::getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(Index edgeIndex) {
return LocalIndexArray(&_edgeFaceLocalIndices[_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2+1]],
inline void
Level::resizeEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex, int count) {
int* countOffsetPair = &_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2];
countOffsetPair[0] = count;
countOffsetPair[1] = (edgeIndex == 0) ? 0 : (countOffsetPair[-2] + countOffsetPair[-1]);
_maxEdgeFaces = std::max(_maxEdgeFaces, count);
inline void
Level::trimEdgeFaces(Index edgeIndex, int count) {
_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets[edgeIndex*2] = count;
// Access/modify sharpness values:
inline float
Level::getEdgeSharpness(Index edgeIndex) const {
return _edgeSharpness[edgeIndex];
inline float&
Level::getEdgeSharpness(Index edgeIndex) {
return _edgeSharpness[edgeIndex];
inline float
Level::getVertexSharpness(Index vertIndex) const {
return _vertSharpness[vertIndex];
inline float&
Level::getVertexSharpness(Index vertIndex) {
return _vertSharpness[vertIndex];
inline Sdc::Crease::Rule
Level::getVertexRule(Index vertIndex) const {
return (Sdc::Crease::Rule) _vertTags[vertIndex]._rule;
// Access/modify hole tag:
inline void
Level::setFaceHole(Index faceIndex, bool b) {
_faceTags[faceIndex]._hole = b;
inline bool
Level::isFaceHole(Index faceIndex) const {
return _faceTags[faceIndex]._hole;
// Access/modify non-manifold tags:
inline void
Level::setEdgeNonManifold(Index edgeIndex, bool b) {
_edgeTags[edgeIndex]._nonManifold = b;
inline bool
Level::isEdgeNonManifold(Index edgeIndex) const {
return _edgeTags[edgeIndex]._nonManifold;
inline void
Level::setVertexNonManifold(Index vertIndex, bool b) {
_vertTags[vertIndex]._nonManifold = b;
inline bool
Level::isVertexNonManifold(Index vertIndex) const {
return _vertTags[vertIndex]._nonManifold;
// Sizing methods to allocate space:
inline void
Level::resizeFaces(int faceCount) {
_faceCount = faceCount;
_faceVertCountsAndOffsets.resize(2 * faceCount);
std::memset(&_faceTags[0], 0, _faceCount * sizeof(FTag));
inline void
Level::resizeFaceVertices(int totalFaceVertCount) {
inline void
Level::resizeFaceEdges(int totalFaceEdgeCount) {
inline void
Level::resizeEdges(int edgeCount) {
_edgeCount = edgeCount;
_edgeFaceCountsAndOffsets.resize(2 * edgeCount);
if (edgeCount>0) {
std::memset(&_edgeTags[0], 0, _edgeCount * sizeof(ETag));
inline void
Level::resizeEdgeVertices() {
_edgeVertIndices.resize(2 * _edgeCount);
inline void
Level::resizeEdgeFaces(int totalEdgeFaceCount) {
inline void
Level::resizeVertices(int vertCount) {
_vertCount = vertCount;
_vertFaceCountsAndOffsets.resize(2 * vertCount);
_vertEdgeCountsAndOffsets.resize(2 * vertCount);
std::memset(&_vertTags[0], 0, _vertCount * sizeof(VTag));
inline void
Level::resizeVertexFaces(int totalVertFaceCount) {
inline void
Level::resizeVertexEdges(int totalVertEdgeCount) {
inline IndexArray
Level::shareFaceVertCountsAndOffsets() const {
// XXXX manuelk we have to force const casting here (classes don't 'share'
// members usually...)
return IndexArray(const_cast<Index *>(&_faceVertCountsAndOffsets[0]),
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv