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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/gregoryBasis.h"
#include "../far/error.h"
#include "../far/stencilTableFactory.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
inline float computeCoefficient(int valence) {
// precomputed coefficient table up to valence 29
static float efTable[] = {
0, 0, 0,
0.812816f, 0.500000f, 0.363644f, 0.287514f,
0.238688f, 0.204544f, 0.179229f, 0.159657f,
0.144042f, 0.131276f, 0.120632f, 0.111614f,
0.103872f, 0.09715f, 0.0912559f, 0.0860444f,
0.0814022f, 0.0772401f, 0.0734867f, 0.0700842f,
0.0669851f, 0.0641504f, 0.0615475f, 0.0591488f,
0.0569311f, 0.0548745f, 0.0529621f
assert(valence > 0);
if (valence < 30) return efTable[valence];
float t = 2.0f * float(M_PI) / float(valence);
return 1.0f / (valence * (cosf(t) + 5.0f +
sqrtf((cosf(t) + 9) * (cosf(t) + 1)))/16.0f);
// There is a long and unclear history to the details of the patch conversion here...
// The formulae for computing the Gregory patch points do not follow the more widely
// accepted work of Loop, Shaefer et al or Myles et al. The formulae for the limit
// points and tangents also ultimately need to be retrieved from Sdc::Scheme to
// ensure they conform, so future factoring of the formulae is still necessary.
// This implementation is in the process of iterative refactoring to adapt it for
// more general use. The method is currently divided into four stages -- some of
// which will eventually be moved externally and/or made into methods of their own:
// - gather complete topology information for all four corners of the patch
// - compute the vertex-points and intermediate values used below
// - compute the edge-points
// - compute the face-points (which depend on multiple edge-points)
Vtr::internal::Level const & level, Index faceIndex,
Vtr::internal::Level::VSpan const cornerSpans[],
int levelVertOffset, int fvarChannel) {
// The first stage -- gather topology information for the entire patch:
// This stage is intentionally separated from any computation as the information
// gathered here for each corner vertex (one-ring, valence, etc.) will eventually
// be passed to this function in a more general and compact form. We have to
// be careful with face-varying channels to query the topology from the vertices
// of the level, while computing the patch basis from the points (fvar values).
Vtr::ConstIndexArray faceVerts = level.getFaceVertices(faceIndex);
Vtr::ConstIndexArray facePoints = (fvarChannel < 0)
? faceVerts
: level.getFaceFVarValues(faceIndex, fvarChannel);
// Should be use a "local" max valence here in future
// A discontinuous edge in the fvar topology can increase the valence by one.
int maxvalence = level.getMaxValence() + int(fvarChannel>=0);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Index, 40> manifoldRings[4];
bool cornerBoundary[4];
int cornerValences[4];
int cornerNumFaces[4];
int cornerPatchFace[4];
float cornerFaceAngle[4];
// Sum the number of source vertices contributing to the patch, which define the
// size of the stencil for each "point" involved. We just want an upper bound
// here for now, so sum the vertices from the neighboring rings at each corner,
// but don't count the shared face points multiple times.
int stencilCapacity = 4;
for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner) {
// save for varying stencils
varyingIndex[corner] = faceVerts[corner] + levelVertOffset;
// Gather the (partial) one-ring around the corner vertex:
int ringSize = 0;
if (cornerSpans[corner]._numFaces == 0) {
ringSize = level.gatherQuadRegularRingAroundVertex( faceVerts[corner],
manifoldRings[corner], fvarChannel);
} else {
ringSize = level.gatherQuadRegularPartialRingAroundVertex( faceVerts[corner],
manifoldRings[corner], fvarChannel);
stencilCapacity += ringSize - 3;
// Cache topology information about the corner for ease of use later:
if (ringSize & 1) {
cornerBoundary[corner] = true;
cornerNumFaces[corner] = (ringSize - 1) / 2;
cornerValences[corner] = cornerNumFaces[corner] + 1;
cornerFaceAngle[corner] = float(M_PI) / float(cornerNumFaces[corner]);
// Necessary to pad the ring to even size for the f[] and r[] computations...
manifoldRings[corner][ringSize] = manifoldRings[corner][ringSize-1];
} else {
cornerBoundary[corner] = false;
cornerNumFaces[corner] = ringSize / 2;
cornerValences[corner] = cornerNumFaces[corner];
cornerFaceAngle[corner] = 2.0f * float(M_PI) / float(cornerNumFaces[corner]);
// Identify the patch-face within the ring of faces for the corner (which
// will later be identified externally and specified directly):
int nEdgeVerts = cornerValences[corner];
Index vNext = facePoints[(corner + 1) % 4];
Index vPrev = facePoints[(corner + 3) % 4];
cornerPatchFace[corner] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < nEdgeVerts; ++i) {
int iPrev = (i + 1) % nEdgeVerts;
if ((manifoldRings[corner][2*i] == vNext) && (manifoldRings[corner][2*iPrev] == vPrev)) {
cornerPatchFace[corner] = i;
assert(cornerPatchFace[corner] != -1);
// The first computation pass...
// Compute vertex-point (P) and intermediate values (f[] and r[]) for each corner
Point e0[4], e1[4];
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Point, 10> f(maxvalence);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Point, 40> r(maxvalence*4);
for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner) {
Index vCorner = facePoints[corner];
int cornerValence = cornerValences[corner];
// Compute intermediate f[] and r[] vectors:
// The f[] are used to compute position and limit tangents for the interior case,
// which should eventually be computed directly with Sdc::Scheme methods -- so
// these f[] will ultimately be made obsolete.
// The r[] are only used in computing face points Fp and Fm, and of the r[] that
// are allocated and computed for every edge of every corner vertex, only two are
// used for each corner vertex. Aside from only computing the subset of r[] needed,
// these can be deferred to direct computation as part of Fp and Fm as they serve
// no other purpose.
// Note also that the computations of each f[] and r[] do not take into account
// boundaries and relies on padding of the rings to provide an indexable value in
// these cases.
for (int i = 0; i < cornerValence; ++i) {
int iPrev = (i+cornerValence-1)%cornerValence;
int iNext = (i+1)%cornerValence;
// Identify the vertex at the end of each edge along with the previous and
// next face- and edge-vertex in the ring:
Index vEdge = (manifoldRings[corner][2*i]);
Index vFaceNext = (manifoldRings[corner][2*i + 1]);
Index vEdgeNext = (manifoldRings[corner][2*iNext]);
Index vEdgePrev = (manifoldRings[corner][2*iPrev]);
Index vFacePrev = (manifoldRings[corner][2*iPrev + 1]);
float denom = 1.0f / (float(cornerValence) + 5.0f);
f[i].AddWithWeight(vCorner, float(cornerValence) * denom);
f[i].AddWithWeight(vEdgeNext, 2.0f * denom);
f[i].AddWithWeight(vEdge, 2.0f * denom);
f[i].AddWithWeight(vFaceNext, denom);
int rid = corner * maxvalence + i;
r[rid].AddWithWeight(vEdgeNext, 1.0f / 3.0f);
r[rid].AddWithWeight(vEdgePrev, -1.0f / 3.0f);
r[rid].AddWithWeight(vFaceNext, 1.0f / 6.0f);
r[rid].AddWithWeight(vFacePrev, -1.0f / 6.0f);
// Compute the vertex point P[] and intermediate limit tangents e0 and e1:
// The limit tangents e0 and e1 should be computed from Sdc::Scheme methods.
// But these explicit limit tangents vectors are not needed as intermediate
// results as the Ep and Em can be computed more directly from the limit
// masks for the tangent vectors.
if (! cornerBoundary[corner]) {
float theta = cornerFaceAngle[corner];
float posScale = 1.0f / float(cornerValence);
float tanScale = computeCoefficient(cornerValence);
for (int i=0; i<cornerValence; ++i) {
int iPrev = (i+cornerValence-1) % cornerValence;
P[corner].AddWithWeight(f[i], posScale);
float c0 = tanScale * 0.5f * cosf(float(i) * theta);
e0[corner].AddWithWeight(f[i], c0);
e0[corner].AddWithWeight(f[iPrev], c0);
float c1 = tanScale * 0.5f * sinf(float(i) * theta);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(f[i], c1);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(f[iPrev], c1);
} else {
Index vEdgeLeading = manifoldRings[corner][0];
Index vEdgeTrailing = manifoldRings[corner][2*cornerValence-1];
P[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeLeading, 1.0f / 6.0f);
P[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeTrailing, 1.0f / 6.0f);
P[corner].AddWithWeight(vCorner, 4.0f / 6.0f);
float k = float(cornerNumFaces[corner]);
float theta = cornerFaceAngle[corner];
float c = cosf(theta);
float s = sinf(theta);
float div3kc = 1.0f / (3.0f*k+c);
float gamma = -4.0f * s * div3kc;
float alpha_0k = -((1.0f+2.0f*c) * sqrtf(1.0f+c)) * div3kc / sqrtf(1.0f-c);
float beta_0 = s * div3kc;
Index vEdge = manifoldRings[corner][0];
Index vFace = manifoldRings[corner][1];
e0[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeLeading, 1.0f / 6.0f);
e0[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeTrailing, -1.0f / 6.0f);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vCorner, gamma);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeLeading, alpha_0k);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vFace, beta_0);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdgeTrailing, alpha_0k);
for (int i = 1; i < cornerValence - 1; ++i) {
float alpha = 4.0f * sinf(float(i)*theta) * div3kc;
float beta = (sinf(float(i)*theta) + sinf(float(i+1)*theta)) * div3kc;
vEdge = manifoldRings[corner][2*i + 0];
vFace = manifoldRings[corner][2*i + 1];
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vEdge, alpha);
e1[corner].AddWithWeight(vFace, beta);
e1[corner] *= 1.0f / 3.0f;
// The second computation pass...
// Compute the edge points Ep and Em first. These can be computed local to the corner,
// unlike the face points, whose computation requires edge points from adjacent corners
// and so are computed in a final pass after all edge points are available.
// Consider merging this pass with the previous, now that face points have been deferred
// to a separate third pass.
// Note that computation of Ep and Em here use intermediate limit tangents e0 and e1 and
// compute rotations of these for Ep and Em. The masks for the limit tangents can be
// rotated topologically to avoid the explicit rotation here (at least for the interior
// case -- boundary case still warrants it until there is more flexibility in limit
// tangent masks orientation in Sdc)
for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner) {
// Identify edges in the ring pointing to the next and previous corner of the patch:
int iEdgeNext = cornerPatchFace[corner];
int iEdgePrev = (cornerPatchFace[corner] + 1) % cornerValences[corner];
float faceAngle = cornerFaceAngle[corner];
float faceAngleNext = faceAngle * float(iEdgeNext);
float faceAnglePrev = faceAngle * float(iEdgePrev);
if (! cornerBoundary[corner]) {
Ep[corner] = P[corner];
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(e0[corner], cosf(faceAngleNext));
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(e1[corner], sinf(faceAngleNext));
Em[corner] = P[corner];
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(e0[corner], cosf(faceAnglePrev));
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(e1[corner], sinf(faceAnglePrev));
} else if (cornerNumFaces[corner] > 1) {
Ep[corner] = P[corner];
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(e0[corner], cosf(faceAngleNext));
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(e1[corner], sinf(faceAngleNext));
Em[corner] = P[corner];
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(e0[corner], cosf(faceAnglePrev));
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(e1[corner], sinf(faceAnglePrev));
} else {
// Edge points are on the control polygon here (with P midway between):
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[corner], 2.0f / 3.0f);
Ep[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[(corner+1)%4], 1.0f / 3.0f);
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[corner], 2.0f / 3.0f);
Em[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[(corner+3)%4], 1.0f / 3.0f);
// The third pass...
// Compute the face points Fp and Fm in terms of the vertex (P) and edge points (Ep and
// Em) previously computed.
for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner) {
int cornerNext = (corner+1) % 4;
int cornerOpp = (corner+2) % 4;
int cornerPrev = (corner+3) % 4;
// Identify edges in the ring pointing to the next and previous corner of the
// patch and the intermediate r[] associated with each:
Point const * rp = &r[corner*maxvalence];
Point const & rEdgeNext = rp[cornerPatchFace[corner]];
Point const & rEdgePrev = rp[(cornerPatchFace[corner] + 1) % cornerValences[corner]];
// Coefficients to arrange the face points for tangent continuity across edges:
float cosCorner = cosf(cornerFaceAngle[corner]);
float cosPrev = cosf(cornerFaceAngle[cornerPrev]);
float cosNext = cosf(cornerFaceAngle[cornerNext]);
float s1 = 3.0f - 2.0f * cosCorner - cosNext;
float s2 = 2.0f * cosCorner;
float s3 = 3.0f - 2.0f * cosCorner - cosPrev;
if (! cornerBoundary[corner]) {
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosNext / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[corner], s1 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[cornerNext], s2 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgeNext, 1.0f / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosPrev / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[corner], s3 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[cornerPrev], s2 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgePrev, -1.0f / 3.0f);
} else if (cornerNumFaces[corner] > 1) {
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosNext / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[corner], s1 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[cornerNext], s2 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgeNext, 1.0f / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosPrev / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[corner], s3 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[cornerPrev], s2 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgePrev, -1.0f / 3.0f);
if (cornerBoundary[cornerPrev]) {
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosNext / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[corner], s1 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[cornerNext], s2 / 3.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgeNext, 1.0f / 3.0f);
Fm[corner] = Fp[corner];
} else if (cornerBoundary[cornerNext]) {
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(P[corner], cosPrev / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Em[corner], s3 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(Ep[cornerPrev], s2 / 3.0f);
Fm[corner].AddWithWeight(rEdgePrev, -1.0f / 3.0f);
Fp[corner] = Fm[corner];
} else {
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[corner], 4.0f / 9.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[cornerOpp], 1.0f / 9.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[cornerNext], 2.0f / 9.0f);
Fp[corner].AddWithWeight(facePoints[cornerPrev], 2.0f / 9.0f);
Fm[corner] = Fp[corner];
// Offset stencil indices...
// These stencils are currently created relative to the level and have levelVertOffset
// to make them absolute indices. But we will be localizing these to the patch itself
// and so any association/mapping with vertices or face-varying values in a Level will
// be handled externally.
for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner) {
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv