mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 16:40:11 +00:00
- change public status of members back to protected/private - mimized friends (primarily Refinements as builders for Levels) - added any missing accessors to prevent member access (mainly Tags) - added the Tri/Quad refinement subclasses to private header list
702 lines
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702 lines
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// Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include "../sdc/crease.h"
#include "../vtr/array.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include "../vtr/refinement.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarLevel.h"
#include "../vtr/fvarRefinement.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
// FVarRefinement:
// Analogous to Refinement -- retains data to facilitate refinement and
// population of refined face-varying data channels.
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Vtr {
namespace internal {
// Simple (for now) constructor and destructor:
FVarRefinement::FVarRefinement(Refinement const& refinement,
FVarLevel& parentFVarLevel,
FVarLevel& childFVarLevel) :
_childFVar(childFVarLevel) {
FVarRefinement::~FVarRefinement() {
// Methods supporting the refinement of face-varying data that has previously
// been applied to the Refinment member. So these methods already have access
// to fully refined child components.
FVarRefinement::applyRefinement() {
// Transfer basic properties from the parent to child level:
_childFVar._options = _parentFVar._options;
_childFVar._isLinear = _parentFVar._isLinear;
_childFVar._hasLinearBoundaries = _parentFVar._hasLinearBoundaries;
_childFVar._hasDependentSharpness = _parentFVar._hasDependentSharpness;
// It's difficult to know immediately how many child values arise from the
// refinement -- particularly when sparse, so we get a close upper bound,
// resize for that number and trim when finished:
if (_childFVar.hasSmoothBoundaries()) {
// The refined face-values are technically redundant as they can be constructed
// from the face-vertex siblings -- do so here as a post-process
if (_childFVar.getNumValues() > _childLevel.getNumVertices()) {
} else {
//printf("FVar refinement to level %d:\n", _childLevel.getDepth());
//printf("Validating refinement to level %d:\n", _childLevel.getDepth());
// Quickly estimate the memory required for face-varying vertex-values in the child
// and allocate them. For uniform refinement this estimate should exactly match the
// desired result. For sparse refinement the excess should generally be low as the
// sparse boundary components generally occur where face-varying data is continuous.
FVarRefinement::estimateAndAllocateChildValues() {
int maxVertexValueCount = _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces();
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromEdges();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromEdges();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pEdge = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
maxVertexValueCount += _parentFVar.edgeTopologyMatches(pEdge)
? 1 : _parentLevel.getEdgeFaces(pEdge).size();
cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromVertices();
cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromVertices();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pVert = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
maxVertexValueCount += _parentFVar.getNumVertexValues(pVert);
// Now allocate/initialize for the maximum -- use resize() and trim the size later
// to avoid the constant growing with reserve() and incremental sizing. We know
// the estimate should be close and memory wasted should be small, so initialize
// all to zero as well to avoid writing in all but affected areas:
// Resize vectors that mirror the component counts:
// Resize the vertex-value tags in the child level:
// Resize the vertex-value "parent source" mapping in the refinement:
_childValueParentSource.resize(maxVertexValueCount, 0);
FVarRefinement::trimAndFinalizeChildValues() {
if (_childFVar.hasSmoothBoundaries()) {
// Allocate and initialize the vector of indices (redundant after level 0):
for (int i = 0; i < _childFVar._valueCount; ++i) {
_childFVar._vertValueIndices[i] = i;
inline int
FVarRefinement::populateChildValuesForEdgeVertex(Index cVert, Index pEdge) {
// Determine the number of sibling values for the child vertex of this discts
// edge and populate their related topological data (e.g. source face).
// This turns out to be very simple. For FVar refinement to handle all cases
// of non-manifold edges, when an edge is discts we generate a FVar value for
// each face incident the edge. So in the uniform refinement case we will
// have as many child values as parent faces indicent the edge. But even when
// refinement is sparse, if this edge-vertex is not complete, we will still be
// guaranteed that a child face exists for each parent face since one of the
// edge's end vertices must be complete and therefore include all child faces.
ConstIndexArray pEdgeFaces = _parentLevel.getEdgeFaces(pEdge);
if (pEdgeFaces.size() == 1) {
// No sibling so the first face (0) guaranteed to be a source and all
// sibling indices per incident face will also be 0 -- all of which was
// done on initialization, so nothing further to do.
return 1;
// Update the parent-source of all child values:
int cValueCount = pEdgeFaces.size();
Index cValueOffset = _childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVert);
for (int i = 0; i < cValueCount; ++i) {
_childValueParentSource[cValueOffset + i] = (LocalIndex) i;
// Update the vertex-face siblings for the faces incident the child vertex:
ConstIndexArray cVertFaces = _childLevel.getVertexFaces(cVert);
FVarLevel::SiblingArray cVertFaceSiblings = _childFVar.getVertexFaceSiblings(cVert);
assert(cVertFaces.size() == cVertFaceSiblings.size());
assert(cVertFaces.size() >= cValueCount);
for (int i = 0; i < cVertFaceSiblings.size(); ++i) {
Index pFaceI = _refinement.getChildFaceParentFace(cVertFaces[i]);
if (pEdgeFaces.size() == 2) {
// Only two parent faces and all siblings previously initialized to 0:
if (pFaceI == pEdgeFaces[1]) {
cVertFaceSiblings[i] = (LocalIndex) 1;
} else {
// Non-manifold case with > 2 parent faces -- match child faces to parent:
for (int j = 0; j < pEdgeFaces.size(); ++j) {
if (pFaceI == pEdgeFaces[j]) {
cVertFaceSiblings[i] = (LocalIndex) j;
return cValueCount;
inline int
FVarRefinement::populateChildValuesForVertexVertex(Index cVert, Index pVert) {
// We should not be getting incomplete vertex-vertices from feature-adaptive
// refinement (as neighboring vertices will be face-vertices or edge-vertices).
// This will get messy when we do (i.e. sparse refinement of Bilinear or more
// flexible and specific sparse refinement of Catmark) but for now assume 1-to-1.
// Number of child values is same as number of parent values since complete:
int cValueCount = _parentFVar.getNumVertexValues(pVert);
if (cValueCount > 1) {
Index cValueIndex = _childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVert);
// Update the parent source for all child values:
for (int j = 1; j < cValueCount; ++j) {
_childValueParentSource[cValueIndex + j] = (LocalIndex) j;
// Update the vertex-face siblings:
FVarLevel::ConstSiblingArray pVertFaceSiblings = _parentFVar.getVertexFaceSiblings(pVert);
FVarLevel::SiblingArray cVertFaceSiblings = _childFVar.getVertexFaceSiblings(cVert);
for (int j = 0; j < cVertFaceSiblings.size(); ++j) {
cVertFaceSiblings[j] = pVertFaceSiblings[j];
return cValueCount;
FVarRefinement::populateChildValues() {
// Be sure to match the same vertex ordering as Refinement, i.e. face-vertices
// first vs vertex-vertices first, etc. A few optimizations within the use of
// face-varying data take advantage of this assumption, and it just makes sense
// to be consistent (e.g. if there is a 1-to-1 correspondence between vertices
// and their FVar-values, their children will correspond).
_childFVar._valueCount = 0;
if (_refinement.hasFaceVerticesFirst()) {
} else {
FVarRefinement::populateChildValuesFromFaceVertices() {
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromFaces();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
_childFVar._vertSiblingOffsets[cVert] = _childFVar._valueCount;
_childFVar._vertSiblingCounts[cVert] = 1;
_childFVar._valueCount ++;
FVarRefinement::populateChildValuesFromEdgeVertices() {
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromEdges();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromEdges();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pEdge = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
_childFVar._vertSiblingOffsets[cVert] = _childFVar._valueCount;
if (_parentFVar.edgeTopologyMatches(pEdge)) {
_childFVar._vertSiblingCounts[cVert] = 1;
_childFVar._valueCount ++;
} else {
int cValueCount = populateChildValuesForEdgeVertex(cVert, pEdge);
_childFVar._vertSiblingCounts[cVert] = (LocalIndex)cValueCount;
_childFVar._valueCount += cValueCount;
FVarRefinement::populateChildValuesFromVertexVertices() {
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromVertices();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromVertices();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pVert = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
_childFVar._vertSiblingOffsets[cVert] = _childFVar._valueCount;
if (_parentFVar.valueTopologyMatches(_parentFVar.getVertexValueOffset(pVert))) {
_childFVar._vertSiblingCounts[cVert] = 1;
_childFVar._valueCount ++;
} else {
int cValueCount = populateChildValuesForVertexVertex(cVert, pVert);
_childFVar._vertSiblingCounts[cVert] = (LocalIndex)cValueCount;
_childFVar._valueCount += cValueCount;
FVarRefinement::propagateEdgeTags() {
// Edge tags correspond to child edges and originate from faces or edges:
// Face-edges:
// - tag can be initialized as cts (*)
// * what was this comment: "discts based on parent face-edges at ends"
// Edge-edges:
// - tag propagated from parent edge
// - need to modify if parent edge was discts at one end
// - child edge for the matching end inherits tag
// - child edge at the other end is doubly discts
FVarLevel::ETag eTagMatch;
eTagMatch._mismatch = false;
for (int eIndex = 0; eIndex < _refinement.getNumChildEdgesFromFaces(); ++eIndex) {
_childFVar._edgeTags[eIndex] = eTagMatch;
for (int eIndex = _refinement.getNumChildEdgesFromFaces(); eIndex < _childLevel.getNumEdges(); ++eIndex) {
Index pEdge = _refinement.getChildEdgeParentIndex(eIndex);
_childFVar._edgeTags[eIndex] = _parentFVar._edgeTags[pEdge];
FVarRefinement::propagateValueTags() {
// Value tags correspond to vertex-values and originate from all three sources:
// Face-values:
// - trivially initialized as matching
// Edge-values:
// - conditionally initialized based on parent edge continuity
// - should be trivial though (unlike edge-tags for the child edges)
// Vertex-values:
// - if complete, trivially propagated/inherited
// - if incomplete, need to map to child subset
// Values from face-vertices -- all match and are sequential:
FVarLevel::ValueTag valTagMatch;
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromFaces();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromFaces();
Index cVertValue = _childFVar.getVertexValueOffset(cVert);
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert, ++cVertValue) {
_childFVar._vertValueTags[cVertValue] = valTagMatch;
// Values from edge-vertices -- for edges that are split, tag as mismatched and tag
// as corner or crease depending on the presence of creases in the parent:
FVarLevel::ValueTag valTagMismatch = valTagMatch;
valTagMismatch._mismatch = true;
FVarLevel::ValueTag valTagCrease = valTagMismatch;
valTagCrease._crease = true;
FVarLevel::ValueTag& valTagSplitEdge = _parentFVar.hasSmoothBoundaries() ? valTagCrease : valTagMismatch;
cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromEdges();
cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromEdges();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pEdge = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
FVarLevel::ValueTagArray cValueTags = _childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
FVarLevel::ETag pEdgeTag = _parentFVar._edgeTags[pEdge];
if (pEdgeTag._mismatch || pEdgeTag._linear) {
std::fill(cValueTags.begin(), cValueTags.end(), valTagSplitEdge);
} else {
std::fill(cValueTags.begin(), cValueTags.end(), valTagMatch);
// Values from vertex-vertices -- inherit tags from parent values when complete
// otherwise (not yet supported) need to identify the parent value for each child:
cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromVertices();
cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromVertices();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
Index pVert = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
FVarLevel::ConstValueTagArray pValueTags = _parentFVar.getVertexValueTags(pVert);
FVarLevel::ValueTagArray cValueTags = _childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
memcpy(cValueTags.begin(), pValueTags.begin(),
FVarRefinement::propagateValueCreases() {
// Skip child vertices from faces:
// For each child vertex from an edge that has FVar values and is complete, initialize
// the crease-ends for those values tagged as smooth boundaries
// Note that this does depend on the nature of the topological split, i.e. how many
// child faces are incident the new child vertex for each face that becomes a crease,
// so identify constants to be used in each iteration first:
int incChildFacesPerEdge = (_refinement.getRegularFaceSize() == 4) ? 2 : 3;
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromEdges();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromEdges();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
FVarLevel::ValueTagArray cValueTags = _childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
if (!cValueTags[0].isMismatch()) continue;
if (!_refinement.isChildVertexComplete(cVert)) continue;
FVarLevel::CreaseEndPairArray cValueCreaseEnds = _childFVar.getVertexValueCreaseEnds(cVert);
int creaseStartFace = 0;
int creaseEndFace = creaseStartFace + incChildFacesPerEdge - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cValueTags.size(); ++i) {
if (!cValueTags[i].isInfSharp()) {
cValueCreaseEnds[i]._startFace = (LocalIndex) creaseStartFace;
cValueCreaseEnds[i]._endFace = (LocalIndex) creaseEndFace;
creaseStartFace += incChildFacesPerEdge;
creaseEndFace += incChildFacesPerEdge;
// For each child vertex from a vertex that has FVar values and is complete, initialize
// the crease-ends for those values tagged as smooth or semi-sharp (to become smooth
// eventually):
cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromVertices();
cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromVertices();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
FVarLevel::ValueTagArray cValueTags = _childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
if (!cValueTags[0].isMismatch()) continue;
if (!_refinement.isChildVertexComplete(cVert)) continue;
Index pVert = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
FVarLevel::ConstCreaseEndPairArray pCreaseEnds = _parentFVar.getVertexValueCreaseEnds(pVert);
FVarLevel::CreaseEndPairArray cCreaseEnds = _childFVar.getVertexValueCreaseEnds(cVert);
for (int j = 0; j < cValueTags.size(); ++j) {
if (!cValueTags[j].isInfSharp()) {
cCreaseEnds[j] = pCreaseEnds[j];
FVarRefinement::reclassifySemisharpValues() {
// Reclassify the tags of semi-sharp vertex values to smooth creases according to
// changes in sharpness:
// Vertex values introduced on edge-verts can never be semi-sharp as they will be
// introduced on discts edges, which are implicitly infinitely sharp, so we can
// skip them entirely.
// So we just need to deal with those values descended from parent vertices that
// were semi-sharp. The child values will have inherited the semi-sharp tag from
// their parent values -- we will be able to clear it in many simple cases but
// ultimately will need to inspect each value:
bool hasDependentSharpness = _parentFVar._hasDependentSharpness;
internal::StackBuffer<Index,16> cVertEdgeBuffer(_childLevel.getMaxValence());
FVarLevel::ValueTag valTagCrease;
valTagCrease._mismatch = true;
valTagCrease._crease = true;
FVarLevel::ValueTag valTagSemiSharp;
valTagSemiSharp._mismatch = true;
valTagSemiSharp._semiSharp = true;
Index cVert = _refinement.getFirstChildVertexFromVertices();
Index cVertEnd = cVert + _refinement.getNumChildVerticesFromVertices();
for ( ; cVert < cVertEnd; ++cVert) {
FVarLevel::ValueTagArray cValueTags = _childFVar.getVertexValueTags(cVert);
if (!cValueTags[0].isMismatch()) continue;
if (!_refinement.isChildVertexComplete(cVert)) continue;
// If the parent vertex wasn't semi-sharp, the child vertex and values can't be:
Index pVert = _refinement.getChildVertexParentIndex(cVert);
Level::VTag pVertTags = _parentLevel.getVertexTag(pVert);
if (!pVertTags._semiSharp && !pVertTags._semiSharpEdges) continue;
// If the child vertex is still sharp, all values remain unaffected:
Level::VTag cVertTags = _childLevel.getVertexTag(cVert);
if (cVertTags._semiSharp || cVertTags._infSharp) continue;
// If the child is no longer semi-sharp, we can just clear those values marked
// (i.e. make them creases, others may remain corners) and continue:
if (!cVertTags._semiSharp && !cVertTags._semiSharpEdges) {
for (int j = 0; j < cValueTags.size(); ++j) {
if (cValueTags[j]._semiSharp) {
FVarLevel::ValueTag cValueTagOld = cValueTags[j];
cValueTags[j] = valTagCrease;
cValueTags[j]._xordinary = cValueTagOld._xordinary;
// There are some semi-sharp edges left -- for those values tagged as semi-sharp,
// see if they are still semi-sharp and clear those that are not:
FVarLevel::CreaseEndPairArray const cValueCreaseEnds = _childFVar.getVertexValueCreaseEnds(cVert);
// Beware accessing the child's vert-edges -- full topology may not be enabled:
ConstIndexArray cVertEdges;
if (_childLevel.getNumVertexEdgesTotal()) {
cVertEdges = _childLevel.getVertexEdges(cVert);
} else {
ConstIndexArray pVertEdges = _parentLevel.getVertexEdges(pVert);
ConstLocalIndexArray pVertInEdge = _parentLevel.getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(pVert);
for (int i = 0; i < pVertEdges.size(); ++i) {
cVertEdgeBuffer[i] = _refinement.getEdgeChildEdges(pVertEdges[i])[pVertInEdge[i]];
cVertEdges = IndexArray(cVertEdgeBuffer, pVertEdges.size());
for (int j = 0; j < cValueTags.size(); ++j) {
if (cValueTags[j]._semiSharp && !cValueTags[j]._depSharp) {
LocalIndex vStartFace = cValueCreaseEnds[j]._startFace;
LocalIndex vEndFace = cValueCreaseEnds[j]._endFace;
bool isStillSemiSharp = false;
if (vEndFace > vStartFace) {
for (int k = vStartFace + 1; !isStillSemiSharp && (k <= vEndFace); ++k) {
isStillSemiSharp = _childLevel.getEdgeTag(cVertEdges[k])._semiSharp;
} else if (vStartFace > vEndFace) {
for (int k = vStartFace + 1; !isStillSemiSharp && (k < cVertEdges.size()); ++k) {
isStillSemiSharp = _childLevel.getEdgeTag(cVertEdges[k])._semiSharp;
for (int k = 0; !isStillSemiSharp && (k <= vEndFace); ++k) {
isStillSemiSharp = _childLevel.getEdgeTag(cVertEdges[k])._semiSharp;
if (!isStillSemiSharp) {
FVarLevel::ValueTag cValueTagOld = cValueTags[j];
cValueTags[j] = valTagCrease;
cValueTags[j]._xordinary = cValueTagOld._xordinary;
// Now account for "dependent sharpness" (only matters when we have two values) --
// if one value was dependent/sharpened based on the other, clear the dependency
// tag if it is no longer sharp:
if ((cValueTags.size() == 2) && hasDependentSharpness) {
if (cValueTags[0]._depSharp && !cValueTags[1]._semiSharp) {
cValueTags[0]._depSharp = false;
} else if (cValueTags[1]._depSharp && !cValueTags[0]._semiSharp) {
cValueTags[1]._depSharp = false;
FVarRefinement::getFractionalWeight(Index pVert, LocalIndex pSibling,
Index cVert, LocalIndex /* cSibling */) const {
// Need to identify sharpness values for edges within the spans for both the
// parent and child...
// Consider gathering the complete parent and child sharpness vectors outside
// this method and re-using them for each sibling, i.e. passing them to this
// method somehow. We may also need them there for mask-related purposes...
internal::StackBuffer<Index,16> cVertEdgeBuffer;
ConstIndexArray pVertEdges = _parentLevel.getVertexEdges(pVert);
ConstIndexArray cVertEdges;
// Beware accessing the child's vert-edges -- full topology may not be enabled:
if (_childLevel.getNumVertexEdgesTotal()) {
cVertEdges = _childLevel.getVertexEdges(cVert);
} else {
ConstLocalIndexArray pVertInEdge = _parentLevel.getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(pVert);
for (int i = 0; i < pVertEdges.size(); ++i) {
cVertEdgeBuffer[i] = _refinement.getEdgeChildEdges(pVertEdges[i])[pVertInEdge[i]];
cVertEdges = IndexArray(cVertEdgeBuffer, pVertEdges.size());
internal::StackBuffer<float,32> sharpnessBuffer(2 * pVertEdges.size());
float * pEdgeSharpness = sharpnessBuffer;
float * cEdgeSharpness = sharpnessBuffer + pVertEdges.size();
FVarLevel::CreaseEndPair pValueCreaseEnds = _parentFVar.getVertexValueCreaseEnds(pVert)[pSibling];
LocalIndex pStartFace = pValueCreaseEnds._startFace;
LocalIndex pEndFace = pValueCreaseEnds._endFace;
int interiorEdgeCount = 0;
if (pEndFace > pStartFace) {
for (int i = pStartFace + 1; i <= pEndFace; ++i, ++interiorEdgeCount) {
pEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _parentLevel.getEdgeSharpness(pVertEdges[i]);
cEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _childLevel.getEdgeSharpness(cVertEdges[i]);
} else if (pStartFace > pEndFace) {
for (int i = pStartFace + 1; i < pVertEdges.size(); ++i, ++interiorEdgeCount) {
pEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _parentLevel.getEdgeSharpness(pVertEdges[i]);
cEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _childLevel.getEdgeSharpness(cVertEdges[i]);
for (int i = 0; i <= pEndFace; ++i, ++interiorEdgeCount) {
pEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _parentLevel.getEdgeSharpness(pVertEdges[i]);
cEdgeSharpness[interiorEdgeCount] = _childLevel.getEdgeSharpness(cVertEdges[i]);
return Sdc::Crease(_refinement.getOptions()).ComputeFractionalWeightAtVertex(
_parentLevel.getVertexSharpness(pVert), _childLevel.getVertexSharpness(cVert),
interiorEdgeCount, pEdgeSharpness, cEdgeSharpness);
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Vtr
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv