manuelk 7954fbab37 Fix tangents in Osd::EvalLimitController
- don't rotate (s,t) coordinates but rotate the patch instead !

- refactor osd/cpuEvalLimitKernels to share Far::PatchTables cubic spline
  interpolation functions : this replaces tensor product formulation with
  weight matrices, which does not really impact performance here, but would
  have to be replaced when implementing regular gridding functions.

- fix OsdCpuEvalLimitController to not rotate coordinates and pass the rotation bitfields

- expose Far::PatchTables spline interpolation API (protected -> public)

- fix glEvalLimit tangent buffers (remove empty padding - see below)

- change policy for tangent buffers : the output buffer descriptor is
  **NO LONGER APPLIED** to tangent output buffers. Tangent primvar data
  buffers are no longer applying the offset and stride from the descriptor
  (because it doesn't make sense to share it). If more flexiblity is
  required, we will consider adding independent descriptors for the tangent
  buffers. This change will impact existing code that generates tangents
  with the EvalLimit controller.

fixes #370
2014-12-25 13:22:27 -08:00

494 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
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#include "../far/patchTables.h"
#include "../far/stencilTables.h"
#include <cstring>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
static void
getBeziereWeights(float t, float point[4], float deriv[3]) {
// The weights for the four uniform cubic Bezier basis functions are:
// (1 - t)^3
// 3 * t * (1-t)
// 3 * t^2 * (1-t)
// t^3
float t2 = t*t,
w0 = 1.0f - t,
w2 = w0 * w0;
point[0] = w0*w2;
point[1] = 3.0f * t * w2;
point[2] = 3.0f * t2 * w0;
point[3] = t * t2;
// The weights for the three uniform quadratic basis functions are:
// (1-t)^2
// 2 * t * (1-t)
// t^2
if (deriv) {
deriv[0] = w2;
deriv[1] = 2.0f * t * w0;
deriv[2] = t2;
static void
getBSplineWeights(float t, float point[4], float deriv[3]) {
// The weights for the four uniform cubic B-Spline basis functions are:
// (1/6)(1 - t)^3
// (1/6)(3t^3 - 6t^2 + 4)
// (1/6)(-3t^3 + 3t^2 + 3t + 1)
// (1/6)t^3
float t2 = t*t,
t3 = 3.0f*t2*t,
w0 = 1.0f-t;
point[0] = (w0*w0*w0) / 6.0f;
point[1] = (t3 - 6.0f*t2 + 4.0f) / 6.0f;
point[2] = (3.0f*t2 - t3 + 3.0f*t + 1.0f) / 6.0f;
point[3] = t3 / 18.0f;
// The weights for the three uniform quadratic basis functions are:
// (1/2)(1-t)^2
// (1/2)(1 + 2t - 2t^2)
// (1/2)t^2
if (deriv) {
deriv[0] = 0.5f * w0 * w0;
deriv[1] = 0.5f + t - t2;
deriv[2] = 0.5f * t2;
getBoxSplineWeights(float v, float w, float B[12]) {
float u = 1.0f - v - w;
// The 12 basis functions of the quartic box spline (unscaled by their common
// factor of 1/12 until later, and formatted to make it easy to spot any
// typing errors):
// 15 terms for the 3 points above the triangle corners
// 9 terms for the 3 points on faces opposite the triangle edges
// 2 terms for the 6 points on faces opposite the triangle corners
// Powers of each variable for notational convenience:
float u2 = u*u;
float u3 = u*u2;
float u4 = u*u3;
float v2 = v*v;
float v3 = v*v2;
float v4 = v*v3;
float w2 = w*w;
float w3 = w*w2;
float w4 = w*w3;
// And now the basis functions:
B[ 0] = u4 + 2.0f*u3*v;
B[ 1] = u4 + 2.0f*u3*w;
B[ 8] = w4 + 2.0f*w3*u;
B[11] = w4 + 2.0f*w3*v;
B[ 9] = v4 + 2.0f*v3*w;
B[ 5] = v4 + 2.0f*v3*u;
B[ 2] = u4 + 2.0f*u3*w + 6.0f*u3*v + 6.0f*u2*v*w + 12.0f*u2*v2 +
v4 + 2.0f*v3*w + 6.0f*v3*u + 6.0f*v2*u*w;
B[ 4] = w4 + 2.0f*w3*v + 6.0f*w3*u + 6.0f*w2*u*v + 12.0f*w2*u2 +
u4 + 2.0f*u3*v + 6.0f*u3*w + 6.0f*u2*v*w;
B[10] = v4 + 2.0f*v3*u + 6.0f*v3*w + 6.0f*v2*w*u + 12.0f*v2*w2 +
w4 + 2.0f*w3*u + 6.0f*w3*v + 6.0f*w3*u*v;
B[ 3] = v4 + 6*v3*w + 8*v3*u + 36*v2*w*u + 24*v2*u2 + 24*v*u3 +
w4 + 6*w3*v + 8*w3*u + 36*w2*v*u + 24*w2*u2 + 24*w*u3 + 6*u4 + 60*u2*v*w + 12*v2*w2;
B[ 6] = w4 + 6*w3*u + 8*w3*v + 36*w2*u*v + 24*w2*v2 + 24*w*v3 +
u4 + 6*u3*w + 8*u3*v + 36*u2*v*w + 24*u2*v2 + 24*u*v3 + 6*v4 + 60*v2*w*u + 12*w2*u2;
B[ 7] = u4 + 6*u3*v + 8*u3*w + 36*u2*v*w + 24*u2*w2 + 24*u*w3 +
v4 + 6*v3*u + 8*v3*w + 36*v2*u*w + 24*v2*w2 + 24*v*w3 + 6*w4 + 60*w2*u*v + 12*u2*v2;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
B[i] *= 1.0f / 12.0f;
PatchTables::GetBasisWeights(TensorBasis basis, PatchParam::BitField bits,
float s, float t, float point[16], float deriv1[16], float deriv2[16]) {
static int const rots[4][16] =
{ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
{ 12, 8, 4, 0, 13, 9, 5, 1, 14, 10, 6, 2, 15, 11, 7, 3 },
{ 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 },
{ 3, 7, 11, 15, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 5, 9, 13, 0, 4, 8, 12 } };
int const * rot = rots[bits.GetRotation()];
float sWeights[4], tWeights[4], d1Weights[3], d2Weights[3];
if (basis==BASIS_BSPLINE) {
getBSplineWeights(s, point ? sWeights : 0, deriv1 ? d1Weights : 0);
getBSplineWeights(t, point ? tWeights : 0, deriv2 ? d2Weights : 0);
} else if (basis==BASIS_BEZIER) {
getBeziereWeights(s, point ? sWeights : 0, deriv1 ? d1Weights : 0);
getBeziereWeights(t, point ? tWeights : 0, deriv2 ? d2Weights : 0);
} else {
if (point) {
// Compute the tensor product weight corresponding to each control
// vertex
memset(point, 0, 16*sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
point[rot[4*i+j]] += sWeights[j] * tWeights[i];
if (deriv1 and deriv2) {
// Compute the tangent stencil. This is done by taking the tensor
// product between the quadratic weights computed for s and the cubic
// weights computed for t. The stencil is constructed using
// differences between consecutive vertices in each row (i.e.
// in the s direction).
memset(deriv1, 0, 16*sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
float prevWeight = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
float weight = d1Weights[j]*tWeights[i];
deriv1[rot[k++]] += prevWeight - weight;
prevWeight = weight;
memset(deriv2, 0, 16*sizeof(float));
// XXXX manuelk this might be slightly more efficient ?
float dW[4];
dW[0] = - d2Weights[0];
dW[1] = d2Weights[0] - d2Weights[1];
dW[2] = d2Weights[1] - d2Weights[2];
dW[3] = d2Weights[2];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
deriv2[rot[k++]] = sWeights[j] * dW[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
float prevWeight = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
float weight = sWeights[j]*d2Weights[i];
deriv2[rot[4*i+j]]+=prevWeight - weight;
prevWeight = weight;
deriv2[rot[12+j]] += prevWeight;
// Scale derivatives up based on level of subdivision
float scale = float(1 << bits.GetDepth());
for (int k=0; k<16; ++k) {
deriv1[k] *= scale;
deriv2[k] *= scale;
PatchTables::PatchTables(int maxvalence) :
_maxValence(maxvalence), _endcapStencilTables(0), _fvarPatchTables(0) { }
// Copy constructor
// XXXX manuelk we need to eliminate this constructor (C++11 smart pointers)
PatchTables::PatchTables(PatchTables const & src) :
_sharpnessValues(src._sharpnessValues) {
_endcapStencilTables = src._endcapStencilTables ?
new StencilTables(*src._endcapStencilTables) : 0;
_fvarPatchTables = src._fvarPatchTables ?
new FVarPatchTables(*src._fvarPatchTables) : 0;
PatchTables::~PatchTables() {
delete _endcapStencilTables;
delete _fvarPatchTables;
// PatchArrays
struct PatchTables::PatchArray {
PatchArray(PatchDescriptor d, int np, Index v, Index p, Index qo) :
desc(d), numPatches(np), vertIndex(v),
patchIndex(p), quadOffsetIndex (qo) { }
PatchDescriptor desc; // type of patches in the array
int numPatches; // number of patches in the array
Index vertIndex, // index to the first control vertex
patchIndex, // index of the first patch in the array
quadOffsetIndex; // index of the first quad offset entry
inline PatchTables::PatchArray &
PatchTables::getPatchArray(Index arrayIndex) {
return _patchArrays[arrayIndex];
inline PatchTables::PatchArray const &
PatchTables::getPatchArray(Index arrayIndex) const {
return _patchArrays[arrayIndex];
PatchTables::reservePatchArrays(int numPatchArrays) {
inline int
getPatchSize(PatchDescriptor desc) {
int size = desc.GetNumControlVertices();
// XXXX manuelk we do not store the topology for Gregory Basis
// patch types yet - so point to the 4 corners of the 0-ring
if (desc.GetType() == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) {
size = 4;
return size;
PatchTables::pushPatchArray(PatchDescriptor desc, int npatches,
Index * vidx, Index * pidx, Index * qoidx) {
if (npatches>0) {
desc, npatches, *vidx, *pidx, qoidx ? *qoidx : 0));
int nverts = getPatchSize(desc);
*vidx += npatches * nverts;
*pidx += npatches;
if (qoidx) {
*qoidx += (desc.GetType() == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY) ?
npatches*nverts : 0;
Index *
PatchTables::getSharpnessIndices(int arrayIndex) {
return &_sharpnessIndices[getPatchArray(arrayIndex).patchIndex];
float *
PatchTables::getSharpnessValues(int arrayIndex) {
return &_sharpnessValues[getPatchArray(arrayIndex).patchIndex];
PatchTables::GetPatchDescriptor(PatchHandle const & handle) const {
return getPatchArray(handle.arrayIndex).desc;
PatchTables::GetPatchArrayDescriptor(int arrayIndex) const {
return getPatchArray(arrayIndex).desc;
PatchTables::GetNumPatchArrays() const {
return (int)_patchArrays.size();
PatchTables::GetNumPatches(int arrayIndex) const {
return getPatchArray(arrayIndex).numPatches;
PatchTables::GetNumControlVertices(int arrayIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
return pa.numPatches * getPatchSize(pa.desc);
PatchTables::getPatchArrayVertices(int arrayIndex) {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
int size = getPatchSize(pa.desc);
return IndexArray(&_patchVerts[pa.vertIndex], pa.numPatches * size);
PatchTables::GetPatchArrayVertices(int arrayIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
int size = getPatchSize(pa.desc);
return ConstIndexArray(&_patchVerts[pa.vertIndex], pa.numPatches * size);
PatchTables::GetPatchVertices(PatchHandle const & handle) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(handle.arrayIndex);
Index vert = pa.vertIndex;
// XXXX manuelk we do not store the topology for Gregory Basis
// patch types yet - so point to the 4 corners of the 0-ring
vert += (pa.desc.GetType() == PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) ?
handle.vertIndex / 5 : handle.vertIndex;
return ConstIndexArray(&_patchVerts[vert], getPatchSize(pa.desc));
PatchTables::GetPatchVertices(int arrayIndex, int patchIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
int size = getPatchSize(pa.desc);
assert((pa.vertIndex + patchIndex*size)<(Index)_patchVerts.size());
return ConstIndexArray(&_patchVerts[pa.vertIndex + patchIndex*size], size);
PatchTables::GetPatchParam(PatchHandle const & handle) const {
assert(handle.patchIndex < (Index)_paramTable.size());
return _paramTable[handle.patchIndex];
PatchTables::GetPatchParam(int arrayIndex, int patchIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
assert((pa.patchIndex + patchIndex) < (int)_paramTable.size());
return _paramTable[pa.patchIndex + patchIndex];
PatchTables::getPatchParams(int arrayIndex) {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
return PatchParamArray(&_paramTable[pa.patchIndex], pa.numPatches);
ConstPatchParamArray const
PatchTables::GetPatchParams(int arrayIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
return ConstPatchParamArray(&_paramTable[pa.patchIndex], pa.numPatches);
PatchTables::GetSingleCreasePatchSharpnessValue(PatchHandle const & handle) const {
assert((handle.patchIndex) < (int)_sharpnessIndices.size());
Index index = _sharpnessIndices[handle.patchIndex];
if (index == Vtr::INDEX_INVALID) {
return 0.0f;
assert(index < (Index)_sharpnessValues.size());
return _sharpnessValues[index];
PatchTables::GetSingleCreasePatchSharpnessValue(int arrayIndex, int patchIndex) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
assert((pa.patchIndex + patchIndex) < (int)_sharpnessIndices.size());
Index index = _sharpnessIndices[pa.patchIndex + patchIndex];
if (index == Vtr::INDEX_INVALID) {
return 0.0f;
assert(index < (Index)_sharpnessValues.size());
return _sharpnessValues[index];
PatchTables::GetPatchQuadOffsets(PatchHandle const & handle) const {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(handle.arrayIndex);
return Vtr::ConstArray<unsigned int>(&_quadOffsetsTable[pa.quadOffsetIndex + handle.vertIndex], 4);
PatchTables::getFVarVerts(int arrayIndex, int channel) {
PatchArray const & pa = getPatchArray(arrayIndex);
assert(_fvarPatchTables and (channel<(int)_fvarPatchTables->_channels.size()));
std::vector<Index> & verts = _fvarPatchTables->_channels[channel].patchVertIndices;
int ofs = pa.patchIndex * pa.desc.GetNumFVarControlVertices();
return IndexArray(&verts[ofs],pa.numPatches * pa.desc.GetNumFVarControlVertices());
PatchTables::IsFeatureAdaptive() const {
// check for presence of tables only used by adaptive patches
if (not _vertexValenceTable.empty() or _endcapStencilTables)
return true;
// otherwise, we have to check each patch array
for (int i=0; i<GetNumPatchArrays(); ++i) {
PatchDescriptor const & desc = _patchArrays[i].desc;
if (desc.GetType()>=PatchDescriptor::REGULAR and
desc.GetType()<=PatchDescriptor::GREGORY_BASIS) {
return true;
return false;
PatchTables::GetNumPatchesTotal() const {
// there is one PatchParam record for each patch in the mesh
return (int)_paramTable.size();
// Returns the first array of patches matching the descriptor
PatchTables::findPatchArray(PatchDescriptor desc) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)_patchArrays.size(); ++i) {
if (_patchArrays[i].desc==desc)
return i;
return Vtr::INDEX_INVALID;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv