mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 15:50:07 +00:00
The previous fix pointed far indexing tables to the origin vertex of duped singular verts. This fix goes one step further and actually shifts all vertex indexing to start at the end of the coarse mesh vertices, using the space for data that was previously occupied by duplicated singular verts. The consequence is that client code no longer needs to duplicate vertex data in vertex buffers (huzzah !). - fix FarSubdivisionTablesFactory to shift factory vertex table offsets using Hbr's singular verts map - fix schema table factories (Catmark, Loop...) to correctly use these offsets - remove vertex data duplication code from osdPolySmooth example - remove some (unrelated) cruft from glViewer example - shape_utils unfortunately still needs to dubplicate the singular verts to allow the coarse edge drawing in our example viewers to work correctly (although it could be fixed to avoid data duplication too...) fixes #241
956 lines
36 KiB
956 lines
36 KiB
// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include <hbr/mesh.h>
#include <hbr/bilinear.h>
#include <hbr/loop.h>
#include <hbr/catmark.h>
#include <hbr/vertexEdit.h>
#include <hbr/cornerEdit.h>
#include <hbr/holeEdit.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
static char const * sgets( char * s, int size, char ** stream ) {
for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
if ( (*stream)[i]=='\n' or (*stream)[i]=='\0') {
memcpy(s, *stream, i);
if ((*stream)[i]=='\0')
return 0;
else {
(*stream) += i+1;
return s;
return 0;
enum Scheme {
struct shape {
struct tag {
static tag * parseTag( char const * stream );
std::string genTag() const;
std::string name;
std::vector<int> intargs;
std::vector<float> floatargs;
std::vector<std::string> stringargs;
static shape * parseShape(char const * shapestr, int axis=1);
std::string genShape(char const * name) const;
std::string genObj(char const * name) const;
std::string genRIB() const;
int getNverts() const { return (int)verts.size()/3; }
int getNfaces() const { return (int)nvertsPerFace.size(); }
bool hasUV() const { return not (uvs.empty() or faceuvs.empty()); }
std::vector<float> verts;
std::vector<float> uvs;
std::vector<float> normals;
std::vector<int> nvertsPerFace;
std::vector<int> faceverts;
std::vector<int> faceuvs;
std::vector<int> facenormals;
std::vector<tag *> tags;
Scheme scheme;
shape::~shape() {
for (int i=0; i<(int)tags.size(); ++i)
delete tags[i];
shape::tag * shape::tag::parseTag(char const * line) {
tag * t = 0;
const char* cp = &line[2];
char name[50];
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (sscanf(cp, "%s", name )!=1) return t;
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
int nints=0, nfloats=0, nstrings=0;
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (sscanf(cp, "%d/%d/%d", &nints, &nfloats, &nstrings)!=3) return t;
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
std::vector<int> intargs;
for (int i=0; i<nints; ++i) {
int val;
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (sscanf(cp, "%d", &val)!=1) return t;
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
std::vector<float> floatargs;
for (int i=0; i<nfloats; ++i) {
float val;
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (sscanf(cp, "%f", &val)!=1) return t;
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
std::vector<std::string> stringargs;
for (int i=0; i<nstrings; ++i) {
char val[512];
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
if (sscanf(cp, "%s", val)!=1) return t;
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
t = new shape::tag;
t->name = name;
t->intargs = intargs;
t->floatargs = floatargs;
t->stringargs = stringargs;
return t;
std::string shape::tag::genTag() const {
std::stringstream t;
t<<"\"t \""<<name<<"\" ";
t<<intargs.size()<<"/"<<floatargs.size()<<"/"<<stringargs.size()<<" ";
std::copy(intargs.begin(), intargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(t));
t<<" ";
std::copy(floatargs.begin(), floatargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<float>(t));
t<<" ";
std::copy(stringargs.begin(), stringargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(t));
return t.str();
std::string shape::genShape(char const * name) const {
std::stringstream sh;
sh<<"static char const * "<<name<<" = \n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)verts.size(); i+=3)
sh << "\"v " << verts[i] << " " << verts[i+1] << " " << verts[i+2] <<"\\n\"\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)uvs.size(); i+=2)
sh << "\"vt " << uvs[i] << " " << uvs[i+1] << "\\n\"\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)normals.size(); i+=3)
sh << "\"vn " << normals[i] << " " << normals[i+1] << " " << normals[i+2] <<"\\n\"\n";
sh << "\"s off\\n\"\n";
for (int i=0, idx=0; i<(int)nvertsPerFace.size();++i) {
sh << "\"f ";
for (int j=0; j<nvertsPerFace[i];++j) {
int vert = faceverts[idx+j]+1,
uv = (int)faceuvs.size()>0 ? faceuvs[idx+j]+1 : vert,
normal = (int)facenormals.size()>0 ? facenormals[idx+j]+1 : vert;
sh << vert << "/" << uv << "/" << normal << " ";
sh << "\\n\"\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)tags.size(); ++i)
sh << tags[i]->genTag();
return sh.str();
std::string shape::genObj(char const * name) const {
std::stringstream sh;
sh<<"# This file uses centimeters as units for non-parametric coordinates.\n\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)verts.size(); i+=3)
sh << "v " << verts[i] << " " << verts[i+1] << " " << verts[i+2] <<"\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)uvs.size(); i+=2)
sh << "vt " << uvs[i] << " " << uvs[i+1] << "\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)normals.size(); i+=3)
sh << "vn " << normals[i] << " " << normals[i+1] << " " << normals[i+2] <<"\n";
for (int i=0, idx=0; i<(int)nvertsPerFace.size();++i) {
sh << "f ";
for (int j=0; j<nvertsPerFace[i];++j) {
int vert = faceverts[idx+j]+1,
uv = (int)faceuvs.size()>0 ? faceuvs[idx+j]+1 : vert,
normal = (int)facenormals.size()>0 ? facenormals[idx+j]+1 : vert;
sh << vert << "/" << uv << "/" << normal << " ";
sh << "\n";
for (int i=0; i<(int)tags.size(); ++i)
sh << tags[i]->genTag();
return sh.str();
std::string shape::genRIB() const {
std::stringstream rib;
rib << "HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh \"catmull-clark\" ";
rib << "[";
std::copy(nvertsPerFace.begin(), nvertsPerFace.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(rib));
rib << "] ";
rib << "[";
std::copy(faceverts.begin(), faceverts.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(rib));
rib << "] ";
std::stringstream names, nargs, intargs, floatargs, strargs;
for (int i=0; i<(int)tags.size();) {
tag * t = tags[i];
names << t->name;
nargs << t->intargs.size() << " " << t->floatargs.size() << " " << t->stringargs.size();
std::copy(t->intargs.begin(), t->intargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(intargs));
std::copy(t->floatargs.begin(), t->floatargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<float>(floatargs));
std::copy(t->stringargs.begin(), t->stringargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(strargs));
if (++i<(int)tags.size()) {
names << " ";
nargs << " ";
intargs << " ";
floatargs << " ";
strargs << " ";
rib << "["<<names<<"] " << "["<<nargs<<"] " << "["<<intargs<<"] " << "["<<floatargs<<"] " << "["<<strargs<<"] ";
rib << "\"P\" [";
std::copy(verts.begin(), verts.end(), std::ostream_iterator<float>(rib));
rib << "] ";
return rib.str();
shape * shape::parseShape(char const * shapestr, int axis ) {
shape * s = new shape;
char * str=const_cast<char *>(shapestr), line[256];
bool done = false;
while( not done )
{ done = sgets(line, sizeof(line), &str)==0;
char* end = &line[strlen(line)-1];
if (*end == '\n') *end = '\0'; // strip trailing nl
float x, y, z, u, v;
switch (line[0]) {
case 'v': switch (line[1])
{ case ' ': if(sscanf(line, "v %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) {
switch( axis ) {
case 0 : s->verts.push_back(-z);
s->verts.push_back(y); break;
case 1 : s->verts.push_back(y);
s->verts.push_back(z); break;
} break;
case 't': if(sscanf(line, "vt %f %f", &u, &v) == 2) {
} break;
case 'n' : if(sscanf(line, "vn %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) {
break; // skip normals for now
case 'f': if(line[1] == ' ') {
int vi, ti, ni;
const char* cp = &line[2];
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
int nverts = 0, nitems=0;
while( (nitems=sscanf(cp, "%d/%d/%d", &vi, &ti, &ni))>0) {
if(nitems >= 1) s->faceuvs.push_back(ti-1);
if(nitems >= 2) s->facenormals.push_back(ni-1);
while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
while (*cp == ' ') cp++;
case 't' : if(line[1] == ' ') {
shape::tag * t = tag::parseTag( line );
if (t)
} break;
return s;
template <class T>
void applyTags( OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh, shape const * sh ) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)sh->tags.size(); ++i) {
shape::tag * t = sh->tags[i];
if (t->name=="crease") {
for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size()-1; j += 2) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<T> * v = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j] ),
* w = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j+1] );
OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge<T> * e = 0;
if( v && w ) {
if((e = v->GetEdge(w)) == 0)
e = w->GetEdge(v);
if(e) {
int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size();
e->SetSharpness( std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])) );
} else
printf("cannot find edge for crease tag (%d,%d)\n", t->intargs[j], t->intargs[j+1] );
} else if (t->name=="corner") {
for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size(); ++j) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<T> * v = mesh->GetVertex( t->intargs[j] );
if(v) {
int nfloat = (int) t->floatargs.size();
v->SetSharpness( std::max(0.0f, ((nfloat > 1) ? t->floatargs[j] : t->floatargs[0])) );
} else
printf("cannot find vertex for corner tag (%d)\n", t->intargs[j] );
} else if (t->name=="hole") {
for (int j=0; j<(int)t->intargs.size(); ++j) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * f = mesh->GetFace( t->intargs[j] );
if(f) {
} else
printf("cannot find face for hole tag (%d)\n", t->intargs[j] );
} else if (t->name=="interpolateboundary") {
if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) {
printf("expecting 1 integer for \"interpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i);
switch( t->intargs[0] ) {
case 0 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone); break;
case 1 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); break;
case 2 : mesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); break;
default: printf("unknown interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break;
} else if (t->name=="facevaryinginterpolateboundary") {
if ((int)t->intargs.size()!=1) {
printf("expecting 1 integer for \"facevaryinginterpolateboundary\" tag n. %d\n", i);
switch( t->intargs[0] ) {
case 0 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryNone); break;
case 1 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); break;
case 2 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); break;
case 3 : mesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod(OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>::k_InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp); break;
default: printf("unknown facevarying interpolate boundary : %d\n", t->intargs[0] ); break;
} else if (t->name=="facevaryingpropagatecorners") {
if ((int)t->intargs.size()==1)
mesh->SetFVarPropagateCorners( t->intargs[0] != 0 );
printf( "expecting single int argument for \"facevaryingpropagatecorners\"\n" );
} else if (t->name=="smoothtriangles") {
OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<T> * scheme =
dynamic_cast<OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<T> *>( mesh->GetSubdivision() );
if (not scheme) {
printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag can only be applied to Catmark meshes\n");
if ((int)t->intargs.size()==0) {
printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag expects an int argument\n");
if( t->intargs[0]==1 )
else if( t->intargs[0]==2 )
printf("the \"smoothtriangles\" tag only accepts 1 or 2 as value (%d)\n", t->intargs[0]);
} else if (t->name=="creasemethod") {
OpenSubdiv::HbrSubdivision<T> * scheme = mesh->GetSubdivision();
if ((int)t->stringargs.size()==0) {
printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag expects a string argument\n");
if( t->stringargs[0]=="normal" )
else if( t->stringargs[0]=="chaikin" )
printf("the \"creasemethod\" tag only accepts \"normal\" or \"chaikin\" as value (%s)\n", t->stringargs[0].c_str());
} else if (t->name=="vertexedit" or t->name=="edgeedit") {
int nops = 0;
int floatstride = 0;
int maxfloatwidth = 0;
std::vector<typename OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Operation > ops;
std::vector<std::string> opnames;
std::vector<std::string> varnames;
std::vector<typename OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Operation > opmodifiers;
std::vector<int> floatwidths;
std::vector<bool> isP;
std::vector<int> vvindex;
for (int j=0; j<(int)t->stringargs.size(); j+=3) {
const std::string & opname = t->stringargs[j+2];
const std::string & opmodifiername = t->stringargs[j];
const std::string & varname = t->stringargs[j+1];
typename OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Operation opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<T>::Set;
if (opmodifiername == "set") {
opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Set;
} else if (opmodifiername == "add") {
opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Add;
} else if (opmodifiername == "subtract") {
opmodifier = OpenSubdiv::HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>::Subtract;
} else {
printf("invalid modifier %s\n", opmodifiername.c_str());
if ((t->name=="vertexedit" && opname=="value") || opname=="sharpness") {
// only varname="P" is supported here for now.
if (varname != "P") continue;
if (opname=="sharpness") {
floatstride += 1;
} else {
// assuming width of P == 3. should be replaced with 'P 0 3' like declaration
int numElements = 3;
maxfloatwidth = std::max(maxfloatwidth, numElements);
floatstride += numElements;
} else {
printf("%s tag specifies invalid operation '%s %s' on Subdivmesh\n", t->name.c_str(), opmodifiername.c_str(), opname.c_str());
float *xformed = (float*)alloca(maxfloatwidth * sizeof(float));
int floatoffset = 0;
for(int j=0; j<nops; ++j) {
int floatidx = floatoffset;
for (int k=0; k < (int)t->intargs.size();) {
int pathlength = t->intargs[k];
int faceid = t->intargs[k+1];
int vertexid = t->intargs[k+pathlength];
int nsubfaces = pathlength - 2;
int *subfaces = &t->intargs[k+2];
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * f = mesh->GetFace(faceid);
if (!f) {
printf("Invalid face %d specified for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", faceid, t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// Found the face. Do some preliminary error checking to make sure the path is
// correct. First value in path depends on the number of vertices of the face
// which we have in hand
if (nsubfaces && (subfaces[0] < 0 || subfaces[0] >= f->GetNumVertices()) ) {
printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// All subsequent values must be less than 4 (FIXME or 3 in the loop case?)
for (int l=1; l<nsubfaces; ++l) {
if (subfaces[l] < 0 || subfaces[l] > 3) {
printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
if (vertexid < 0 || vertexid > 3) {
printf("Invalid path component (vertexid) %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", vertexid, t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// Transform all the float values associated with the tag if needed
if(opnames[j] != "sharpness") {
for(int l=0; l<floatwidths[j]; ++l) {
xformed[l] = t->floatargs[l + floatidx];
// Edits of facevarying data are a different hierarchical edit type altogether
OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<T> * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrVertexEdit<T>(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces,
vertexid, vvindex[j], floatwidths[j],
isP[j], opmodifiers[j], xformed);
} else {
if (t->name == "vertexedit") {
OpenSubdiv::HbrCornerEdit<T> * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrCornerEdit<T>(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces,
vertexid, opmodifiers[j], t->floatargs[floatidx]);
} else {
OpenSubdiv::HbrCreaseEdit<T> * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrCreaseEdit<T>(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces,
vertexid, opmodifiers[j], t->floatargs[floatidx]);
// Advance to next path
k += pathlength + 1;
// Advance to start of float data
floatidx += floatstride;
} // End of integer processing loop
// Next subop
floatoffset += floatwidths[j];
} // End of subop processing loop
} else if (t->name=="faceedit") {
int nint = (int)t->intargs.size();
for (int k=0; k<nint; ) {
int pathlength = t->intargs[k];
if (k+pathlength>=nint) {
printf("Invalid path length for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh", t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
int faceid = t->intargs[k+1];
int nsubfaces = pathlength - 1;
int *subfaces = &t->intargs[k+2];
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * f = mesh->GetFace(faceid);
if (!f) {
printf("Invalid face %d specified for %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", faceid, t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// Found the face. Do some preliminary error checking to make sure the path is
// correct. First value in path depends on the number of vertices of the face
// which we have in hand
if (nsubfaces && (subfaces[0] < 0 || subfaces[0] >= f->GetNumVertices()) ) {
printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// All subsequent values must be less than 4 (FIXME or 3 in the loop case?)
for (int l=1; l<nsubfaces; ++l) {
if (subfaces[l] < 0 || subfaces[l] > 3) {
printf("Invalid path component %d in %s tag on SubdivisionMesh.\n", subfaces[0], t->name.c_str());
goto nexttag;
// Now loop over string ops
int nstring = (int)t->stringargs.size();
for (int l = 0; l < nstring; ) {
if ( t->stringargs[l] == "hole" ) {
// Construct the edit
OpenSubdiv::HbrHoleEdit<T> * edit = new OpenSubdiv::HbrHoleEdit<T>(faceid, nsubfaces, subfaces);
} else if ( t->stringargs[l] == "attributes" ) {
// see NgpSubdivMesh.cpp:4341
printf("\"attributes\" face tag not supported yet.\n");
goto nexttag;
} else if ( t->stringargs[l] == "set" || t->stringargs[l] == "add" ) {
// see NgpSubdivMesh.cpp:4341
printf("\"set\" and \"add\" face tag not supported yet.\n");
goto nexttag;
} else {
printf("Faceedit tag specifies invalid operation '%s' on Subdivmesh.\n", t->stringargs[l].c_str());
goto nexttag;
// Advance to next path
k += pathlength + 1;
} // end face path loop
} else {
printf("Unknown tag : \"%s\" - skipping\n", t->name.c_str());
nexttag: ;
template <class T> std::string
hbrToObj( OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh ) {
std::stringstream sh;
sh<<"# This file uses centimeters as units for non-parametric coordinates.\n\n";
int nv = mesh->GetNumVertices();
for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i) {
const float * pos = mesh->GetVertex(i)->GetData().GetPos();
sh << "v " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] <<"\n";
int nf = mesh->GetNumFaces();
for (int i=0; i<nf; ++i) {
sh << "f ";
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * f = mesh->GetFace(i);
for (int j=0; j<f->GetNumVertices(); ++j) {
int vert = f->GetVertex(j)->GetID()+1;
sh << vert << "/" << vert << "/" << vert << " ";
sh << "\n";
sh << "\n";
return sh.str();
template <class T> OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> *
createMesh( Scheme scheme=kCatmark, int fvarwidth=0) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh = 0;
static OpenSubdiv::HbrBilinearSubdivision<T> _bilinear;
static OpenSubdiv::HbrLoopSubdivision<T> _loop;
static OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<T> _catmark;
static int indices[2] = { 0, 1 },
widths[2] = { 1, 1 };
int const fvarcount = fvarwidth > 0 ? 2 : 0,
* fvarindices = fvarwidth > 0 ? indices : NULL,
* fvarwidths = fvarwidth > 0 ? widths : NULL;
switch (scheme) {
case kBilinear : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>( &_bilinear,
fvarwidth ); break;
case kLoop : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>( &_loop,
fvarwidth ); break;
case kCatmark : mesh = new OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T>( &_catmark,
fvarwidth ); break;
return mesh;
template <class T> void
createVertices( shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh, std::vector<float> * verts ) {
T v;
for(int i=0;i<sh->getNverts(); i++ ) {
v.SetPosition( sh->verts[i*3], sh->verts[i*3+1], sh->verts[i*3+2] );
mesh->NewVertex( i, v );
template <class T> void
createVertices( shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh, std::vector<float> & verts ) {
T v;
for(int i=0;i<sh->getNverts(); i++ )
mesh->NewVertex( i, v );
template <class T> void
copyVertexPositions( shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh, std::vector<float> & verts ) {
int nverts = mesh->GetNumVertices();
verts.resize( nverts * 3 );
std::copy(sh->verts.begin(), sh->verts.end(), verts.begin());
// Sometimes Hbr dupes some vertices during Mesh::Finish() and our example
// code uses those vertices to draw coarse control cages and such
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > const splits = mesh->GetSplitVertices();
for (int i=0; i<(int)splits.size(); ++i) {
memcpy(&verts[splits[i].first*3], &sh->verts[splits[i].second*3], 3*sizeof(float));
template <class T> void
createTopology( shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh, Scheme scheme) {
const int * fv=&(sh->faceverts[0]);
for(int f=0, ptxidx=0;f<sh->getNfaces(); f++ ) {
int nv = sh->nvertsPerFace[f];
if ((scheme==kLoop) and (nv!=3)) {
printf("Trying to create a Loop subd with non-triangle face\n");
bool valid = true;
for(int j=0;j<nv;j++) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<T> * origin = mesh->GetVertex( fv[j] );
OpenSubdiv::HbrVertex<T> * destination = mesh->GetVertex( fv[(j+1)%nv] );
OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge<T> * opposite = destination->GetEdge(origin);
if(origin==NULL || destination==NULL) {
printf(" An edge was specified that connected a nonexistent vertex\n");
if(origin == destination) {
printf(" An edge was specified that connected a vertex to itself\n");
if(opposite && opposite->GetOpposite() ) {
printf(" A non-manifold edge incident to more than 2 faces was found\n");
if(origin->GetEdge(destination)) {
printf(" An edge connecting two vertices was specified more than once."
" It's likely that an incident face was flipped\n");
if (valid) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * face = mesh->NewFace(nv, (int *)fv, 0);
if ( (scheme==kCatmark or scheme==kBilinear) and nv != 4 ) {
} else {
if (OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<T> * scheme =
dynamic_cast<OpenSubdiv::HbrCatmarkSubdivision<T> *>(mesh->GetSubdivision())) {
applyTags<T>( mesh, sh );
// check for disconnected vertices
if (mesh->GetNumDisconnectedVertices()) {
printf("The specified subdivmesh contains disconnected surface components.\n");
template <class T> void
createFaceVaryingUV( shape const * sh, OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh) {
if (not sh->hasUV())
for (int i=0, idx=0; i<sh->getNfaces(); ++i ) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrFace<T> * f = mesh->GetFace(i);
int nv = sh->nvertsPerFace[i];
OpenSubdiv::HbrHalfedge<T> * e = f->GetFirstEdge();
for (int j=0; j<nv; ++j, e=e->GetNext()) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrFVarData<T> & fvt = e->GetOrgVertex()->GetFVarData(f);
float const * fvdata = &sh->uvs[ sh->faceuvs[idx++]*2 ];
if (not fvt.IsInitialized()) {
fvt.SetAllData(2, fvdata);
} else if (not fvt.CompareAll(2, fvdata)) {
OpenSubdiv::HbrFVarData<T> & nfvt = e->GetOrgVertex()->NewFVarData(f);
nfvt.SetAllData(2, fvdata);
template <class T> OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> *
simpleHbr(char const * shapestr, Scheme scheme, std::vector<float> * verts=0, bool fvar=false) {
shape * sh = shape::parseShape( shapestr );
int fvarwidth = fvar and sh->hasUV() ? 2 : 0;
OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh = createMesh<T>(scheme, fvarwidth);
createVertices<T>(sh, mesh, verts);
createTopology<T>(sh, mesh, scheme);
if (fvar)
createFaceVaryingUV<T>(sh, mesh);
if (verts)
delete sh;
return mesh;
template <class T> OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> *
simpleHbr(char const * shapestr, Scheme scheme, std::vector<float> & verts, bool fvar=false) {
shape * sh = shape::parseShape( shapestr );
int fvarwidth = fvar and sh->hasUV() ? 2 : 0;
OpenSubdiv::HbrMesh<T> * mesh = createMesh<T>(scheme, fvarwidth);
createVertices<T>(sh, mesh, verts);
createTopology<T>(sh, mesh, scheme);
if (fvar)
createFaceVaryingUV<T>(sh, mesh);
delete sh;
return mesh;
#endif /* SHAPE_UTILS_H */