barry 9206ab0f21 Updated Far::PatchDescriptor methods involving "adaptive" patch types:
- modified IsAdaptive() method to better identify non-linear types
    - updated comments to better reflect current use of patches
2018-11-13 18:36:28 -08:00

188 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include "../sdc/types.h"
#include <vector>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Describes the type of a patch
/// Uniquely identifies all the different types of patches
class PatchDescriptor {
enum Type {
NON_PATCH = 0, ///< undefined
POINTS, ///< points (useful for cage drawing)
LINES, ///< lines (useful for cage drawing)
QUADS, ///< 4-sided quadrilateral (bilinear)
TRIANGLES, ///< 3-sided triangle
LOOP, ///< regular triangular patch for the Loop scheme
REGULAR, ///< regular B-Spline patch for the Catmark scheme
/// \brief Default constructor.
PatchDescriptor() :
_type(NON_PATCH) { }
/// \brief Constructor
PatchDescriptor(int type) :
_type(type) { }
/// \brief Copy Constructor
PatchDescriptor( PatchDescriptor const & d ) :
_type(d.GetType()) { }
/// \brief Returns the type of the patch
Type GetType() const {
return (Type)_type;
/// \brief Returns true if the type is an adaptive (non-linear) patch
static inline bool IsAdaptive(Type type) {
return GetNumControlVertices( type ) > 4;
/// \brief Returns true if the type is an adaptive patch
bool IsAdaptive() const {
return IsAdaptive( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of the
/// type described
static inline short GetNumControlVertices( Type t );
/// \brief Deprecated @see PatchDescriptor#GetNumControlVertices
static inline short GetNumFVarControlVertices( Type t );
/// \brief Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of the
/// type described
short GetNumControlVertices() const {
return GetNumControlVertices( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Deprecated @see PatchDescriptor#GetNumControlVertices
short GetNumFVarControlVertices() const {
return GetNumFVarControlVertices( this->GetType() );
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Regular Patches in table.
static short GetRegularPatchSize() { return 16; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Gregory (and Gregory Boundary) Patches in table.
static short GetGregoryPatchSize() { return 4; }
/// \brief Number of control vertices of Gregory patch basis (20)
static short GetGregoryBasisPatchSize() { return 20; }
/// \brief Returns a vector of all the legal patch descriptors for the
/// given adaptive subdivision scheme
static Vtr::ConstArray<PatchDescriptor> GetAdaptivePatchDescriptors(Sdc::SchemeType type);
/// \brief Allows ordering of patches by type
inline bool operator < ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const;
/// \brief True if the descriptors are identical
inline bool operator == ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const;
// debug helper
void print() const;
unsigned int _type;
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<PatchDescriptor> ConstPatchDescriptorArray;
// Returns the number of control vertices expected for a patch of this type
inline short
PatchDescriptor::GetNumControlVertices( Type type ) {
switch (type) {
case REGULAR : return GetRegularPatchSize();
case LOOP : return 12;
case QUADS : return 4;
case GREGORY :
case GREGORY_BOUNDARY : return GetGregoryPatchSize();
case GREGORY_BASIS : return GetGregoryBasisPatchSize();
case GREGORY_TRIANGLE : return 15;
case TRIANGLES : return 3;
case LINES : return 2;
case POINTS : return 1;
default : return -1;
// Returns the number of face-varying control vertices expected for a patch of this type
inline short
PatchDescriptor::GetNumFVarControlVertices( Type type ) {
return PatchDescriptor::GetNumControlVertices(type);
// Allows ordering of patches by type
inline bool
PatchDescriptor::operator < ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const {
return (_type < other._type);
// True if the descriptors are identical
inline bool
PatchDescriptor::operator == ( PatchDescriptor const other ) const {
return _type == other._type;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv