Takahito Tejima 4e807a776d Add Far::PatchTable::ComputeLocalPointValues() to compute endcap patch points.
To encapsulate endcap functions from public API, add methods to
tell the number of patch points needed (GetNumLocalPoints()) and
to compute those patch points as a result of change of basis from
the refined vertices (ComputeLocalPointValues()).

ComputeLocalPointValues takes contiguous source data of all levels
including level0 control vertices.
2015-05-29 12:41:22 -07:00

452 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/gregoryBasis.h"
#include "../far/error.h"
#include "../far/stencilTableFactory.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../vtr/stackBuffer.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
// Builds a table of local indices pairs for each vertex of the patch.
// o
// N0 |
// | ....
// | .... : Gregory patch
// o ------ o ------ o ....
// N1 V | .... M3
// | .......
// | .......
// o .......
// N2
// [...] [N2 - N3] [...]
// Each value pair is composed of 2 index values in range [0-4[ pointing
// to the 2 neighbor vertices of the vertex 'V' belonging to the Gregory patch.
// Neighbor ordering is valence CCW and must match the winding of the 1-ring
// vertices.
static void
getQuadOffsets(Vtr::internal::Level const & level, Vtr::Index fIndex,
Vtr::Index offsets[], int fvarChannel=-1) {
Far::ConstIndexArray fPoints = (fvarChannel<0) ?
level.getFaceVertices(fIndex) :
level.getFVarFaceValues(fIndex, fvarChannel);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Vtr::Index vIndex = fPoints[i];
Vtr::ConstIndexArray vFaces = level.getVertexFaces(vIndex),
vEdges = level.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
int thisFaceInVFaces = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < vFaces.size(); ++j) {
if (fIndex == vFaces[j]) {
thisFaceInVFaces = j;
assert(thisFaceInVFaces != -1);
// we have to use the number of incident edges to modulo the local index
// because there could be 2 consecutive edges in the face belonging to
// the Gregory patch.
offsets[i*2+0] = thisFaceInVFaces;
offsets[i*2+1] = (thisFaceInVFaces + 1)%vEdges.size();
GregoryBasis::ProtoBasis::GetNumElements() const {
int nelems=0;
for (int vid=0; vid<4; ++vid) {
nelems += P[vid].GetSize();
nelems += Ep[vid].GetSize();
nelems += Em[vid].GetSize();
nelems += Fp[vid].GetSize();
nelems += Fm[vid].GetSize();
return nelems;
GregoryBasis::ProtoBasis::Copy(int * sizes, Index * indices, float * weights) const {
for (int vid=0; vid<4; ++vid) {
P[vid].Copy(&sizes, &indices, &weights);
Ep[vid].Copy(&sizes, &indices, &weights);
Em[vid].Copy(&sizes, &indices, &weights);
Fp[vid].Copy(&sizes, &indices, &weights);
Fm[vid].Copy(&sizes, &indices, &weights);
GregoryBasis::ProtoBasis::Copy(GregoryBasis * dest) const {
int nelems = GetNumElements();
Copy(dest->_sizes, &dest->_indices[0], &dest->_weights[0]);
inline float csf(Index n, Index j) {
if (j%2 == 0) {
return cosf((2.0f * float(M_PI) * float(float(j-0)/2.0f))/(float(n)+3.0f));
} else {
return sinf((2.0f * float(M_PI) * float(float(j-1)/2.0f))/(float(n)+3.0f));
inline float computeCoefficient(int valence) {
// precomputed coefficient table up to valence 29
static float efTable[] = {
0, 0, 0,
0.812816f, 0.500000f, 0.363644f, 0.287514f,
0.238688f, 0.204544f, 0.179229f, 0.159657f,
0.144042f, 0.131276f, 0.120632f, 0.111614f,
0.103872f, 0.09715f, 0.0912559f, 0.0860444f,
0.0814022f, 0.0772401f, 0.0734867f, 0.0700842f,
0.0669851f, 0.0641504f, 0.0615475f, 0.0591488f,
0.0569311f, 0.0548745f, 0.0529621f
assert(valence > 0);
if (valence < 30) return efTable[valence];
float t = 2.0f * float(M_PI) / float(valence);
return 1.0f / (valence * (cosf(t) + 5.0f +
sqrtf((cosf(t) + 9) * (cosf(t) + 1)))/16.0f);
Vtr::internal::Level const & level, Index faceIndex,
int levelVertOffset, int fvarChannel) {
Vtr::ConstIndexArray facePoints = (fvarChannel<0) ?
level.getFaceVertices(faceIndex) :
level.getFVarFaceValues(faceIndex, fvarChannel);
int maxvalence = level.getMaxValence(),
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Index,40> manifoldRing((maxvalence+2)*2);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Point,16> f(maxvalence);
Vtr::internal::StackBuffer<Point,64> r(maxvalence*4);
Point e0[4], e1[4], org[4];
for (int vid=0; vid<4; ++vid) {
org[vid] = facePoints[vid];
// save for varying stencils
V[vid] = facePoints[vid];
int ringSize =
facePoints[vid], manifoldRing, fvarChannel);
int valence;
if (ringSize & 1) {
// boundary vertex
manifoldRing[ringSize] = manifoldRing[ringSize-1];
valence = -ringSize/2;
} else {
valence = ringSize/2;
int ivalence = abs(valence);
valences[vid] = valence;
Index boundaryEdgeNeighbors[2],
currentNeighbor = 0,
Point pos(facePoints[vid]);
for (int i=0; i<ivalence; ++i) {
Index im = (i+ivalence-1)%ivalence,
ip = (i+1)%ivalence;
Index idx_neighbor = (manifoldRing[2*i + 0]),
idx_diagonal = (manifoldRing[2*i + 1]),
idx_neighbor_p = (manifoldRing[2*ip + 0]),
idx_neighbor_m = (manifoldRing[2*im + 0]),
idx_diagonal_m = (manifoldRing[2*im + 1]);
bool boundaryNeighbor = (level.getVertexEdges(idx_neighbor).size() >
if (fvarChannel>=0) {
// XXXX manuelk need logic to check for boundary in fvar
boundaryNeighbor = false;
if (boundaryNeighbor) {
if (currentNeighbor<2) {
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[currentNeighbor] = idx_neighbor;
if (currentNeighbor==1) {
ibefore = zerothNeighbor = i;
} else {
if (i-ibefore==1) {
std::swap(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0], boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1]);
zerothNeighbor = i;
Point neighbor(idx_neighbor),
f[i] = (pos*float(ivalence) + (neighbor_p+neighbor)*2.0f + diagonal) / (float(ivalence)+5.0f);
P[vid] += f[i];
r[vid*maxvalence+i] = (neighbor_p-neighbor_m)/3.0f + (diagonal-diagonal_m)/6.0f;
P[vid] /= float(ivalence);
zerothNeighbors[vid] = zerothNeighbor;
if (currentNeighbor == 1) {
boundaryEdgeNeighbors[1] = boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0];
for (int i=0; i<ivalence; ++i) {
int im = (i+ivalence-1)%ivalence;
Point e = (f[i]+f[im])*0.5f;
e0[vid] += e * csf(ivalence-3, 2*i);
e1[vid] += e * csf(ivalence-3, 2*i+1);
float ef = computeCoefficient(ivalence);
e0[vid] *= ef;
e1[vid] *= ef;
if (valence<0) {
Point b0(boundaryEdgeNeighbors[0]),
if (ivalence>2) {
P[vid] = (b0 + b1 + pos*4.0f)/6.0f;
} else {
P[vid] = pos;
float k = float(float(ivalence) - 1.0f); //k is the number of faces
float c = cosf(float(M_PI)/k);
float s = sinf(float(M_PI)/k);
float gamma = -(4.0f*s)/(3.0f*k+c);
float alpha_0k = -((1.0f+2.0f*c)*sqrtf(1.0f+c))/((3.0f*k+c)*sqrtf(1.0f-c));
float beta_0 = s/(3.0f*k + c);
Point diagonal(manifoldRing[2*zerothNeighbor + 1]);
e0[vid] = (b0 - b1)/6.0f;
e1[vid] = pos*gamma + diagonal*beta_0 + (b0 + b1)*alpha_0k;
for (int x=1; x<ivalence-1; ++x) {
Index curri = ((x + zerothNeighbor)%ivalence);
float alpha = (4.0f*sinf((float(M_PI) * float(x))/k))/(3.0f*k+c),
beta = (sinf((float(M_PI) * float(x))/k) + sinf((float(M_PI) * float(x+1))/k))/(3.0f*k+c);
Index idx_neighbor = manifoldRing[2*curri + 0],
idx_diagonal = manifoldRing[2*curri + 1];
Point p_neighbor(idx_neighbor),
e1[vid] += p_neighbor*alpha + p_diagonal*beta;
e1[vid] /= 3.0f;
Index quadOffsets[8];
getQuadOffsets(level, faceIndex, quadOffsets, fvarChannel);
for (int vid=0; vid<4; ++vid) {
int n = abs(valences[vid]),
ivalence = n;
int ip = (vid+1)%4,
im = (vid+3)%4,
np = abs(valences[ip]),
nm = abs(valences[im]);
Index start = quadOffsets[vid*2+0],
prev = quadOffsets[vid*2+1],
start_m = quadOffsets[im*2],
prev_p = quadOffsets[ip*2+1];
Point Em_ip, Ep_im;
if (valences[ip]<-2) {
Index j = (np + prev_p - zerothNeighbors[ip]) % np;
Em_ip = P[ip] + e0[ip]*cosf((float(M_PI)*j)/float(np-1)) + e1[ip]*sinf((float(M_PI)*j)/float(np-1));
} else {
Em_ip = P[ip] + e0[ip]*csf(np-3,2*prev_p) + e1[ip]*csf(np-3,2*prev_p+1);
if (valences[im]<-2) {
Index j = (nm + start_m - zerothNeighbors[im]) % nm;
Ep_im = P[im] + e0[im]*cosf((float(M_PI)*j)/float(nm-1)) + e1[im]*sinf((float(M_PI)*j)/float(nm-1));
} else {
Ep_im = P[im] + e0[im]*csf(nm-3,2*start_m) + e1[im]*csf(nm-3,2*start_m+1);
if (valences[vid] < 0) {
n = (n-1)*2;
if (valences[im] < 0) {
nm = (nm-1)*2;
if (valences[ip] < 0) {
np = (np-1)*2;
Point const * rp = &r[vid*maxvalence];
if (valences[vid] > 2) {
float s1 = 3.0f - 2.0f*csf(n-3,2)-csf(np-3,2),
s2 = 2.0f*csf(n-3,2),
s3 = 3.0f -2.0f*cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/float(n)) - cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/float(nm));
Ep[vid] = P[vid] + e0[vid]*csf(n-3, 2*start) + e1[vid]*csf(n-3, 2*start +1);
Em[vid] = P[vid] + e0[vid]*csf(n-3, 2*prev ) + e1[vid]*csf(n-3, 2*prev + 1);
Fp[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(np-3,2) + Ep[vid]*s1 + Em_ip*s2 + rp[start])/3.0f;
Fm[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(nm-3,2) + Em[vid]*s3 + Ep_im*s2 - rp[prev])/3.0f;
} else if (valences[vid] < -2) {
Index jp = (ivalence + start - zerothNeighbors[vid]) % ivalence,
jm = (ivalence + prev - zerothNeighbors[vid]) % ivalence;
float s1 = 3-2*csf(n-3,2)-csf(np-3,2),
s2 = 2*csf(n-3,2),
s3 = 3.0f-2.0f*cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/n)-cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/nm);
Ep[vid] = P[vid] + e0[vid]*cosf((float(M_PI)*jp)/float(ivalence-1)) + e1[vid]*sinf((float(M_PI)*jp)/float(ivalence-1));
Em[vid] = P[vid] + e0[vid]*cosf((float(M_PI)*jm)/float(ivalence-1)) + e1[vid]*sinf((float(M_PI)*jm)/float(ivalence-1));
Fp[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(np-3,2) + Ep[vid]*s1 + Em_ip*s2 + rp[start])/3.0f;
Fm[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(nm-3,2) + Em[vid]*s3 + Ep_im*s2 - rp[prev])/3.0f;
if (valences[im]<0) {
Fp[vid] = Fm[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(np-3,2) + Ep[vid]*s1 + Em_ip*s2 + rp[start])/3.0f;
} else if (valences[ip]<0) {
s1 = 3.0f-2.0f*cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/n)-cosf(2.0f*float(M_PI)/nm);
Fm[vid] = Fp[vid] = (P[vid]*csf(nm-3,2) + Em[vid]*s1 + Ep_im*s2 - rp[prev])/3.0f;
} else if (valences[vid]==-2) {
Ep[vid] = (org[vid]*2.0f + org[ip])/3.0f;
Em[vid] = (org[vid]*2.0f + org[im])/3.0f;
Fp[vid] = Fm[vid] = (org[vid]*4.0f + org[((vid+2)%n)] + org[ip]*2.0f + org[im]*2.0f)/9.0f;
// offset stencil indices.
// These stencils are created relative to the level. Adding levelVertOffset,
// we get stencils with absolute indices
// (starts from the coarse level if the leveVertOffset includes level 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
StencilTable *
GregoryBasis::CreateStencilTable(PointsVector const &stencils) {
int nStencils = (int)stencils.size();
if (nStencils == 0) return NULL;
int nElements = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nStencils; ++i) {
nElements += stencils[i].GetSize();
// allocate destination
StencilTable *stencilTable = new StencilTable();
// XXX: do we need numControlVertices in stencilTable?
stencilTable->_numControlVertices = 0;
stencilTable->resize(nStencils, nElements);
int * sizes = &stencilTable->_sizes[0];
Index * indices = &stencilTable->_indices[0];
float * weights = &stencilTable->_weights[0];
for (int i = 0; i < nStencils; ++i) {
GregoryBasis::Point const &src = stencils[i];
int size = src.GetSize();
memcpy(indices, src.GetIndices(), size*sizeof(Index));
memcpy(weights, src.GetWeights(), size*sizeof(float));
*sizes = size;
indices += size;
weights += size;
return stencilTable;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv