jcowles 392e5e8bed Remove #pragma once
While this may be worth revisiting, we should first quantify the benefits and
identify the compilers that support it. Ultimately, we may never use pragma
once in favor of strictly using standard C++.
2015-05-20 09:59:18 -07:00

194 lines
6.7 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Local patch parameterization descriptor
/// Coarse mesh faces are split into sets of patches in both uniform and feature
/// adaptive modes. In order to maintain local patch parameterization, it is
/// necessary to retain some information, such as level of subdivision, face-
/// winding status... This parameterization is directly applicable to ptex textures,
/// but has to be remapped to a specific layout for uv textures.
/// Bitfield layout :
/// Field | Bits | Content
/// -----------|:----:|------------------------------------------------------
/// level | 3 | the subdivision level of the patch
/// nonquad | 1 | whether the patch is the child of a non-quad face
/// boundary | 4 | boundary edge mask encoding
/// transition | 4 | transition edge mask encoding
/// v | 10 | log2 value of u parameter at first patch corner
/// u | 10 | log2 value of v parameter at first patch corner
/// Note : the bitfield is not expanded in the struct due to differences in how
/// GPU & CPU compilers pack bit-fields and endian-ness.
struct PatchParam {
Index faceIndex:32; // Ptex face index
struct BitField {
unsigned int field:32;
/// \brief Sets the values of the bit fields
/// @param u value of the u parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param v value of the v parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param rots rotations required to reproduce CCW face-winding
/// @param depth subdivision level of the patch
/// @param nonquad true if the root face is not a quad
void Set( short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition );
/// \brief Returns the log2 value of the u parameter at the top left corner of
/// the patch
unsigned short GetU() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 22) & 0x3ff); }
/// \brief Returns the log2 value of the v parameter at the top left corner of
/// the patch
unsigned short GetV() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 12) & 0x3ff); }
/// \brief Returns the transition edge encoding for the patch.
unsigned short GetTransition() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 8) & 0xf); }
/// \brief Returns the boundary edge encoding for the patch.
unsigned short GetBoundary() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 4) & 0xf); }
/// \brief True if the parent coarse face is a non-quad
bool NonQuadRoot() const { return (field >> 3) & 0x1; }
/// \brief Returns the fratcion of normalized parametric space covered by the
/// sub-patch.
float GetParamFraction() const;
/// \brief Returns the level of subdivision of the patch
unsigned char GetDepth() const { return (unsigned char)(field & 0x7); }
/// The (u,v) pair is normalized to this sub-parametric space.
/// @param u u parameter
/// @param v v parameter
void Normalize( float & u, float & v ) const;
/// \brief Resets the values to 0
void Clear() { field = 0; }
} bitField;
/// \brief Sets the values of the bit fields
/// @param faceid ptex face index
/// @param u value of the u parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param v value of the v parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param rots rotations required to reproduce CCW face-winding
/// @param depth subdivision level of the patch
/// @param nonquad true if the root face is not a quad
void Set( Index faceid, short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad ,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition );
/// \brief Resets everything to 0
void Clear();
typedef std::vector<PatchParam> PatchParamTable;
typedef Vtr::Array<PatchParam> PatchParamArray;
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<PatchParam> ConstPatchParamArray;
inline void
PatchParam::BitField::Set( short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition ) {
field = (u << 22) |
(v << 12) |
(transition << 8) |
(boundary << 4) |
((nonquad ? 1:0) << 3) |
(nonquad ? depth+1 : depth);
inline float
PatchParam::BitField::GetParamFraction( ) const {
if (NonQuadRoot()) {
return 1.0f / float( 1 << (GetDepth()-1) );
} else {
return 1.0f / float( 1 << GetDepth() );
inline void
PatchParam::BitField::Normalize( float & u, float & v ) const {
float frac = GetParamFraction();
// top left corner
float pu = (float)GetU()*frac;
float pv = (float)GetV()*frac;
// normalize u,v coordinates
u = (u - pu) / frac,
v = (v - pv) / frac;
inline void
PatchParam::Set( Index faceid, short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition ) {
faceIndex = faceid;
inline void
PatchParam::Clear() {
faceIndex = 0;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv