Takahito Tejima 8d9ae550ff Add a HLSL version of GregoryBasis patch shader.
hlslPatchGregoryBasis.hlsl is an equivalent to glslPatchGregoryBasis.
Update dxViewer to be able to switch among bspline, gregorybasis, legacy
end capping.

also fixes a bug of GLSL legacy gregory shader which had an inconsistent
resource naming with example codes.

It looks like there's still an issue of D3D11 patchParam data fetching.
we'll come back to that bug.
2015-05-20 10:49:45 -07:00

254 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#define HS_PARTITION "fractional_odd"
#define HS_PARTITION "fractional_even"
#define HS_PARTITION "integer"
// Patches.Vertex
void vs_main_patches( in InputVertex input,
out HullVertex output )
output.position = mul(OsdModelViewMatrix(), input.position);
// Patches.HullGregoryBasis
InputPatch<HullVertex, 20> patch,
uint primitiveID : SV_PrimitiveID)
int3 patchParam = OsdGetPatchParam(OsdGetPatchIndex(primitiveID));
float4 tessLevelOuter = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 tessLevelInner = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 tessOuterLo = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 tessOuterHi = float4(0,0,0,0);
OsdGetTessLevels(patch[0], patch[5],
patch[10], patch[15],
patchParam, tessLevelOuter, tessLevelInner);
output.tessLevelOuter[0] = tessLevelOuter[0];
output.tessLevelOuter[1] = tessLevelOuter[1];
output.tessLevelOuter[2] = tessLevelOuter[2];
output.tessLevelOuter[3] = tessLevelOuter[3];
output.tessLevelInner[0] = tessLevelInner[0];
output.tessLevelInner[1] = tessLevelInner[1];
return output;
HullVertex hs_main_patches(
in InputPatch<HullVertex, 20> patch,
uint primitiveID : SV_PrimitiveID,
in uint ID : SV_OutputControlPointID )
int3 patchParam = OsdGetPatchParam(OsdGetPatchIndex(primitiveID));
HullVertex output;
output.position = float4(patch[ID], 1.0);
output.patchCoord = OsdGetPatchCoord(patchParam);
return output;
// Patches.DomainGregory
void ds_main_patches(
in OutputPatch<HullVertex, 20> patch,
in float2 uv : SV_DomainLocation,
out OutputVertex output )
float u = uv.x,
v = uv.y;
float3 p[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
p[i] = patch[i];
float3 q[16];
float U = 1-u, V=1-v;
float d11 = u+v; if(u+v==0.0f) d11 = 1.0f;
float d12 = U+v; if(U+v==0.0f) d12 = 1.0f;
float d21 = u+V; if(u+V==0.0f) d21 = 1.0f;
float d22 = U+V; if(U+V==0.0f) d22 = 1.0f;
q[ 5] = (u*p[3] + v*p[4])/d11;
q[ 6] = (U*p[9] + v*p[8])/d12;
q[ 9] = (u*p[19] + V*p[18])/d21;
q[10] = (U*p[13] + V*p[14])/d22;
q[ 0] = p[0];
q[ 1] = p[1];
q[ 2] = p[7];
q[ 3] = p[5];
q[ 4] = p[2];
q[ 7] = p[6];
q[ 8] = p[16];
q[11] = p[12];
q[12] = p[15];
q[13] = p[17];
q[14] = p[11];
q[15] = p[10];
float3 WorldPos = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 Tangent = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 BiTangent = float3(0, 0, 0);
float B[4], D[4], C[4];
float3 BUCP[4] = {float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0)},
DUCP[4] = {float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0)},
CUCP[4] = {float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0)};
float3 dUU = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 dVV = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 dUV = float3(0, 0, 0);
Univar4x4(u, B, D, C);
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
for (uint j=0; j<4; ++j) {
// reverse face front
float3 A = q[i + 4*j];
BUCP[i] += A * B[j];
DUCP[i] += A * D[j];
CUCP[i] += A * C[j];
Univar4x4(v, B, D, C);
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
WorldPos += B[i] * BUCP[i];
Tangent += B[i] * DUCP[i];
BiTangent += D[i] * BUCP[i];
dUU += B[i] * CUCP[i];
dVV += C[i] * BUCP[i];
dUV += D[i] * DUCP[i];
int level = patch[0].patchCoord.z;
BiTangent *= 3 * level;
Tangent *= 3 * level;
dUU *= 6 * level;
dVV *= 6 * level;
dUV *= 9 * level;
float3 n = cross(BiTangent, Tangent);
float3 normal = normalize(n);
float E = dot(Tangent, Tangent);
float F = dot(Tangent, BiTangent);
float G = dot(BiTangent, BiTangent);
float e = dot(normal, dUU);
float f = dot(normal, dUV);
float g = dot(normal, dVV);
float3 Nu = (f*F-e*G)/(E*G-F*F) * Tangent + (e*F-f*E)/(E*G-F*F) * BiTangent;
float3 Nv = (g*F-f*G)/(E*G-F*F) * Tangent + (f*F-g*E)/(E*G-F*F) * BiTangent;
Nu = Nu/length(n) - n * (dot(Nu,n)/pow(dot(n,n), 1.5));
Nv = Nv/length(n) - n * (dot(Nv,n)/pow(dot(n,n), 1.5));
output.Nu = Nu;
output.Nv = Nv;
float B[4], D[4];
float3 BUCP[4] = {float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0)},
DUCP[4] = {float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0), float3(0,0,0)};
Univar4x4(uv.x, B, D);
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
for (uint j=0; j<4; ++j) {
// reverse face front
float3 A = q[i + 4*j];
BUCP[i] += A * B[j];
DUCP[i] += A * D[j];
Univar4x4(uv.y, B, D);
for (uint i=0; i<4; ++i) {
WorldPos += B[i] * BUCP[i];
Tangent += B[i] * DUCP[i];
BiTangent += D[i] * BUCP[i];
int level = patch[0].patchCoord.z;
BiTangent *= 3 * level;
Tangent *= 3 * level;
float3 normal = normalize(cross(BiTangent, Tangent));
output.position = float4(WorldPos, 1.0f);
output.normal = normal;
output.tangent = BiTangent;
output.bitangent = Tangent;
output.edgeDistance = 0;
float2 UV = float2(v, u);
output.patchCoord = OsdInterpolatePatchCoord(UV, patch[0].patchCoord);
output.positionOut = mul(OsdProjectionMatrix(), output.position);