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synced 2024-12-14 04:50:05 +00:00
This is a new implementation of the stencil table construction algorithm found in protoStencil.h. In local tests with production assets, the new algorithm is ~25% faster and significantly more stable, in terms of average performance In one asset test, generating stencils for level 10 adaptive refinement of BuzzLightyear was reduced from 18s to 13s.
483 lines
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483 lines
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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#include "../far/stencilTableFactory.h"
#include "../far/stencilBuilder.h"
#include "../far/endCapGregoryBasisPatchFactory.h"
#include "../far/patchTable.h"
#include "../far/patchTableFactory.h"
#include "../far/patchMap.h"
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
int numControlVerts, Stencil & dst) {
// Control vertices contribute a single index with a weight of 1.0
for (int i=0; i<numControlVerts; ++i) {
*dst._size = 1;
*dst._indices = i;
*dst._weights = 1.0f;
// StencilTable factory
StencilTable const *
StencilTableFactory::Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
Options options) {
int maxlevel = std::min(int(options.maxLevel), refiner.GetMaxLevel());
if (maxlevel==0 and (not options.generateControlVerts)) {
StencilTable * result = new StencilTable;
result->_numControlVertices = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();
return result;
bool interpolateVarying = options.interpolationMode==INTERPOLATE_VARYING;
Internal::StencilBuilder builder(refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices(),
/*genControlVerts*/ true,
/*compactWeights*/ true);
// Interpolate stencils for each refinement level using
// TopologyRefiner::InterpolateLevel<>()
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index srcIndex(&builder, 0);
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index dstIndex(&builder,
for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
if (not interpolateVarying) {
refiner.Interpolate(level, srcIndex, dstIndex);
} else {
refiner.InterpolateVarying(level, srcIndex, dstIndex);
srcIndex = dstIndex;
dstIndex = dstIndex[refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices()];
size_t firstOffset = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();
if (not options.generateIntermediateLevels)
firstOffset = srcIndex.GetOffset();
// Copy stencils from the pool allocator into the tables
// always initialize numControlVertices (useful for torus case)
StencilTable * result =
new StencilTable(refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices(),
return result;
StencilTable const *
StencilTableFactory::Create(int numTables, StencilTable const ** tables) {
// XXXtakahito:
// This function returns NULL for empty inputs or erroneous condition.
// It's convenient for skipping varying stencils etc, however,
// other Create() API returns an empty stencil instead of NULL.
// They need to be consistent.
if ( (numTables<=0) or (not tables)) {
return NULL;
int ncvs = -1,
nstencils = 0,
nelems = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numTables; ++i) {
StencilTable const * st = tables[i];
// allow the tables could have a null entry.
if (!st) continue;
if (ncvs >= 0 and st->GetNumControlVertices() != ncvs) {
return NULL;
ncvs = st->GetNumControlVertices();
nstencils += st->GetNumStencils();
nelems += (int)st->GetControlIndices().size();
if (ncvs == -1) {
return NULL;
StencilTable * result = new StencilTable;
result->resize(nstencils, nelems);
int * sizes = &result->_sizes[0];
Index * indices = &result->_indices[0];
float * weights = &result->_weights[0];
for (int i=0; i<numTables; ++i) {
StencilTable const * st = tables[i];
if (!st) continue;
int st_nstencils = st->GetNumStencils(),
st_nelems = (int)st->_indices.size();
memcpy(sizes, &st->_sizes[0], st_nstencils*sizeof(int));
memcpy(indices, &st->_indices[0], st_nelems*sizeof(Index));
memcpy(weights, &st->_weights[0], st_nelems*sizeof(float));
sizes += st_nstencils;
indices += st_nelems;
weights += st_nelems;
result->_numControlVertices = ncvs;
// have to re-generate offsets from scratch
return result;
StencilTable const *
TopologyRefiner const &refiner,
StencilTable const * baseStencilTable,
StencilTable const * endCapStencilTable,
bool factorize) {
// factorize and append.
if (baseStencilTable == NULL or
endCapStencilTable == NULL) return NULL;
// endcap stencils have indices that are relative to the level
// (maxlevel) of subdivision. These indices need to be offset to match
// the indices from the multi-level adaptive stencil table.
// In addition: stencil table can be built with singular stencils
// (single weight of 1.0f) as place-holders for coarse mesh vertices,
// which also needs to be accounted for.
int stencilsIndexOffset = 0;
int controlVertsIndexOffset = 0;
int nBaseStencils = baseStencilTable->GetNumStencils();
int nBaseStencilsElements = (int)baseStencilTable->_indices.size();
int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();
int nverts = refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal();
if (nBaseStencils == nverts) {
// the table contain stencils for the control vertices
// <----------------- nverts ------------------>
// +---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+
// | control verts | refined verts : (max lv) | endcap points |
// +---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+
// | base stencil table | endcap stencils |
// +--------------------------------------------+-----------------+
// : ^ /
// : \_________/
// <-------------------------------->
// stencilsIndexOffset
stencilsIndexOffset = nverts - refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel).GetNumVertices();
controlVertsIndexOffset = stencilsIndexOffset;
} else if (nBaseStencils == (nverts -refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices())) {
// the table does not contain stencils for the control vertices
// <----------------- nverts ------------------>
// <------ nBaseStencils ------->
// +---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+
// | control verts | refined verts : (max lv) | endcap points |
// +---------------+----------------------------+-----------------+
// | base stencil table | endcap stencils |
// +----------------------------+-----------------+
// : ^ /
// : \_________/
// <---------------->
// stencilsIndexOffset
// <-------------------------------->
// controlVertsIndexOffset
stencilsIndexOffset = nBaseStencils - refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel).GetNumVertices();
controlVertsIndexOffset = nverts - refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel).GetNumVertices();
} else {
// these are not the stencils you are looking for.
return NULL;
// copy all endcap stencils to proto stencils, and factorize if needed.
int nEndCapStencils = endCapStencilTable->GetNumStencils();
int nEndCapStencilsElements = 0;
Internal::StencilBuilder builder(refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices(),
/*isVarying*/ false,
/*genControlVerts*/ false,
/*compactWeights*/ factorize);
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index origin(&builder, 0);
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index dst = origin;
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index srcIdx = origin;
for (int i = 0 ; i < nEndCapStencils; ++i) {
Stencil src = endCapStencilTable->GetStencil(i);
dst = origin[i];
for (int j = 0; j < src.GetSize(); ++j) {
Index index = src.GetVertexIndices()[j];
float weight = src.GetWeights()[j];
if (weight == 0.0) continue;
if (factorize) {
} else {
srcIdx = origin[index + controlVertsIndexOffset];
dst.AddWithWeight(srcIdx, weight);
nEndCapStencilsElements += builder.GetNumVertsInStencil(i);
// create new stencil table
StencilTable * result = new StencilTable;
result->_numControlVertices = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();
result->resize(nBaseStencils + nEndCapStencils,
nBaseStencilsElements + nEndCapStencilsElements);
int* sizes = &result->_sizes[0];
Index * indices = &result->_indices[0];
float * weights = &result->_weights[0];
// put base stencils first
memcpy(sizes, &baseStencilTable->_sizes[0],
memcpy(indices, &baseStencilTable->_indices[0],
memcpy(weights, &baseStencilTable->_weights[0],
sizes += nBaseStencils;
indices += nBaseStencilsElements;
weights += nBaseStencilsElements;
// endcap stencils second
for (int i = 0 ; i < nEndCapStencils; ++i) {
int size = builder.GetNumVertsInStencil(i);
int idx = builder.GetStencilOffsets()[i];
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
*indices++ = builder.GetStencilSources()[idx+j];
*weights++ = builder.GetStencilWeights()[idx+j];
*sizes++ = size;
// have to re-generate offsets from scratch
return result;
LimitStencilTable const *
LimitStencilTableFactory::Create(TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
LocationArrayVec const & locationArrays, StencilTable const * cvStencilsIn,
PatchTable const * patchTableIn) {
// Compute the total number of stencils to generate
int numStencils=0, numLimitStencils=0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)locationArrays.size(); ++i) {
numStencils += locationArrays[i].numLocations;
if (numStencils<=0) {
return 0;
bool uniform = refiner.IsUniform();
int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();
StencilTable const * cvstencils = cvStencilsIn;
if (not cvstencils) {
// Generate stencils for the control vertices - this is necessary to
// properly factorize patches with control vertices at level 0 (natural
// regular patches, such as in a torus)
// note: the control vertices of the mesh are added as single-index
// stencils of weight 1.0f
StencilTableFactory::Options options;
options.generateIntermediateLevels = uniform ? false :true;
options.generateControlVerts = true;
options.generateOffsets = true;
// PERFORMANCE: We could potentially save some mem-copies by not
// instanciating the stencil tables and work directly off the source
// data.
cvstencils = StencilTableFactory::Create(refiner, options);
} else {
// Sanity checks
if (cvstencils->GetNumStencils() != (uniform ?
refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel).GetNumVertices() :
refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal())) {
return 0;
// If a stencil table was given, use it, otherwise, create a new one
PatchTable const * patchtable = patchTableIn;
if (not patchtable) {
// XXXX (manuelk) If no patch-table was passed, we should be able to
// infer the patches fairly easily from the refiner. Once more tags
// have been added to the refiner, maybe we can remove the need for the
// patch table.
PatchTableFactory::Options options;
patchtable = PatchTableFactory::Create(refiner, options);
if (not cvStencilsIn) {
// if cvstencils is just created above, append endcap stencils
if (StencilTable const *endCapStencilTable =
patchtable->GetEndCapVertexStencilTable()) {
StencilTable const *table =
refiner, cvstencils, endCapStencilTable);
delete cvstencils;
cvstencils = table;
} else {
// Sanity checks
if (patchtable->IsFeatureAdaptive()==uniform) {
if (not cvStencilsIn) {
assert(cvstencils and cvstencils!=cvStencilsIn);
delete cvstencils;
return 0;
assert(patchtable and cvstencils);
// Create a patch-map to locate sub-patches faster
PatchMap patchmap( *patchtable );
// Generate limit stencils for locations
Internal::StencilBuilder builder(refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices(),
/*isVarying*/ false,
/*genControlVerts*/ false,
/*compactWeights*/ true);
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index origin(&builder, 0);
Internal::StencilBuilder::Index dst = origin;
float wP[20], wDs[20], wDt[20];
for (size_t i=0; i<locationArrays.size(); ++i) {
LocationArray const & array = locationArrays[i];
for (int j=0; j<array.numLocations; ++j) {
float s = array.s[j],
t = array.t[j];
PatchMap::Handle const * handle =
patchmap.FindPatch(array.ptexIdx, s, t);
if (handle) {
ConstIndexArray cvs = patchtable->GetPatchVertices(*handle);
patchtable->EvaluateBasis(*handle, s, t, wP, wDs, wDt);
StencilTable const & src = *cvstencils;
dst = origin[numLimitStencils];
for (int k = 0; k < cvs.size(); ++k) {
dst.AddWithWeight(src[cvs[k]], wP[k], wDs[k], wDt[k]);
if (not cvStencilsIn) {
delete cvstencils;
if (not patchTableIn) {
delete patchtable;
// Copy the proto-stencils into the limit stencil table
size_t firstOffset = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();
LimitStencilTable * result = new LimitStencilTable(
return result;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv